[08:39] o/ [08:59] \o [09:01] morning [09:05] Morning [09:32] mooorning o/ [10:00] heyz [10:00] goedz mornaingz [10:20] x) [10:20] how is it going mate? [10:31] fine [10:31] playing some minetest [10:45] you're having the day off? [14:09] hi Ubuntu-Tn , cc elacheche nzoueidi [14:10] Hello there ! What's up ! [14:21] Hey folks! [16:07] Hello guys \o/ [19:48] hello [19:49] who are here , i have a question . [20:18] GueSou: only one? [20:19] Hello everyone :) [20:32] after i typed the commande at whit his parametres ,where i can see the result [20:58] comment interdire à un utilisateur d'utiliser la commande cron [20:58] ? [21:05] GueSou, limiter son accés en la mettant dans le sodu [21:05] et mettre les droits appropriés! [21:18] what aboute this solution echo "bob" >> /etc/cron.deny [21:43] GueSou: Check this https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-restrict-at-cron-command-to-authorized-users/ [21:43] [ Linux / UNIX Restrict at / cron Usage To Authorized Users – nixCraft ] - https://www.cyberciti.biz [21:46] soo ;qui a un lien ou je peut trouver des documentation sur les fichier de journalisations ? [21:48] what kind of documentation you're lookinfor ?