
=== Dave___ is now known as Dae
=== Dae is now known as Dave
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.07:56
davmor2Morning all08:04
diploMorning all08:06
directhexxenial is totally broken and i can't find anyone else talking about it :|08:53
foobarrydefine broken08:53
lubotu3LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.08:54
directhexfoobarry: libsecret slash gnome-keyring doesn't work at all, as of about a week ago. so apps which integrate with it take ages to start up, and all saved credentials are inaccessible08:54
davmor2directhex: is there a bug for it08:55
directhexdavmor2: not that i can find!08:55
davmor2then no one will be working on it ;)08:55
davmor2directhex: can you give me examples and I'll have a play for you see if I can reproduce it08:55
directhexcan someone else sanity-check? install libsecret-tools and try running `secret-tool search pony pony`08:55
diploI've got to say I haven't had any issues but have now updated to zesty08:56
diploCan try on Zesty to also see if it's an issue ?08:56
ali1234directhex: produces no output for me on 16.0408:56
directhexali1234: immediately?08:56
ali1234but my computer is really fast so that might not mean much :)08:57
directhexok, that's the correct behaviour08:57
directhexbut it's broken for me on my laptop *and* desktop, including after a reformat08:57
davmor2directhex: so could be something local to you, do you have any ppa's installed at all?08:57
ali1234my install is really old08:57
ali1234also i haven't reboot it for like a month so might not be using fully up to date libs08:57
directhexehm... flatpak ppa, mono/chrome/slack repos08:58
ali1234i have the chrome ppa but not the others08:58
ali1234can you strace it or something to see why it hangs?08:59
davmor2directhex: did you install any flat packs as I understand it that can pull in the full gnome stack and might be causing issues unless they fixed that08:59
directhexdavmor2: i've tried uninstalling flatpak, which hasn't changed anything09:01
directhexali1234: it's a timeout on dbus activation of org.freedesktop.secrets09:01
davmor2directhex: no it won't the install it pulls in is separate to the package :)09:02
directhexdavmor2: it's a clean reinstalled laptop, i hadn't gotten around to installing any flatpak apps.09:02
davmor2directhex: then that might be fine then let me fire it up and have a look for you09:03
JamesTaitGood morning all! Happy Monday, and happy Iris Day! 😃  ðŸŒ·09:11
* JamesTait wonders if anyone will notice the continuation of the weekend's railway theme.09:12
directhexdon't talk to me about bloody railways, it took me 6 hours to get to london & back to vote09:22
zmoylan-piused the railway on saturday and sunday from dublin... it was jammers both days which is odd for a weekend...09:24
diplodirecthex: Going to sign up to postal vote next time then ?09:26
directhexmmm, i might be in the US next time, and it's rather more convenient to vote in boston than london09:27
zmoylan-pihow long would the postal vote to get to uk?09:28
zmoylan-pijust you hear stories about american postal system been slow...09:29
JamesTaitDon't worry, directhex, HS2 will be here soon and will solve all your troubles. 😉09:29
zmoylan-pihs2 will expand the commuter belt how far? :-)09:30
MooDoohowdy all09:31
zmoylan-pishhh, you'll alert monday to your presence!!09:31
MooDooalready bit me in the ass09:32
zmoylan-pidoesn't mean it won't come back to try and finish the job...09:32
MooDoothink i'll be fine :)09:38
directhexHS2 doesn't run from banbury to wembley09:39
* zmoylan-pi starts betting pool... hit by asteroid/eaten by sharks/attacked by badgers... :-P09:39
davmor2directhex: paste.ubuntu.com/2453606510:15
davmor2no issues here10:15
directhexso....... wtf?10:15
directhexhow many gnome-keyring-daemon instances do you have running?10:16
davmor2directhex: 110:17
directhexi just killed 2 zombie instances, and now secret-tool runs10:17
directhexbut *why*?10:18
davmor2maybe it was linked to a zombie one initially10:18
TwistedLucidityJamesTait: A bit of controversy about HS2 around here, the viaduct is going to be HEE-OOJ.10:34
TwistedLucidityNot sure if genuine concern or just a bunch of entitle NIMBYs10:35
zmoylan-pii'm sure they all have degrees in architecture...10:36
foobarryhow do i disable intel AMT via the ctrl-p menu?11:14
TwistedLucidityA hammer11:28
TwistedLucidityUsually it's hidden the BIOS/UEFI gubbines you get at boot11:28
TwistedLucidityWhat's a "Ctrl-P" menu?11:28
TwistedLucidityWhat I wonder is, how will I install the firmware update to my T430 without needing Windows.11:29
zmoylan-piwrap cpu in tin foil, put in microwave on high for 2 minutes.  put smoking mess in barrel of wet concrete. drop over side of boat...11:29
foobarryctrl-p gets you into the INTEL(R) AMT CONFIGURATION menu11:59
foobarryno clear ooption to disable11:59
foobarryjust "Manageability feature selection" enable/disable11:59
zmoylan-piwho knew having a backdoor into something would turn out to be a bad thing?!11:59
foobarryi've been worried about it for years12:01
foobarryi like ipmi on servers12:01
foobarryi don't like MAT onlaptops that even respond on the main IP address when they are asleep12:02
foobarryi think i have now disabled it12:27
diddledanok folks, foobarry just set the challenge. first person to hack them wins the internet! :-p12:32
diddledannote: I do not condone hacking. you must comply with the laws of your jurisdiction.12:33
zmoylan-piand this time no one hacks sony! \o/12:52
foobarryhack who?12:53
foobarrythe reg article shows that the AMT have 1) passsword bypass 2) priv escalation vuln.12:53
foobarry3) pwntown12:53
SuperMattthat's a horrid combination of bugs13:03
diddledanwell the bugs can be paraphrased as 1) give everyone access. 2) make everyone admin. hmm, that sounds like Win9x era computing13:25
diddledanand WinXP13:25
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: Yes, bypass the password by sending nothing13:48
TwistedLucidityI can't check now, but I really did think it was BIOS/UEFI setting to turn it on/off.13:48
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: When does one do ctrl-p? During boot?13:49
=== layke is now known as Guest41781
foobarryTwistedLucidity: yes14:34
foobarryhammer it as soon as you start boot14:34
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: OK, I'll give that a go.14:34
foobarrythe bios setting only hides the ctrl-p option!14:34
diddledanwell that's a new one: IRCCloud system message: We're migrating your user account to a different server to balance the system. Your account will be offline briefly before reconnecting automatically. We apologise for the disruption.16:55
diddledanit didn't reconnect automatically16:55
diddledanwhy are they not using live migration?!16:56
diddledanseriously, each customer should be a separate container on their farm which will allow the system to automatically rebalance itself without interruption or manual intervention16:57
* brobostigon is back from work.17:36
foobarrylistening to UUPC . i have a 12.04 machine for special cases because it has a working java + browser setup that works for various IBM/Dell servers19:35
diddledanI somewhat concerned that the top secret us spaceship requires hazmat teams to recover it: https://assets.cdn.spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/08225604/170507-O-F3227-001-678x438.jpg23:06
diddledanfrom here: https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/05/08/photos-sundays-return-of-x-37b-after-718-days-in-space/23:06
zmoylan-piprobably uses toxic fuel...23:12
zmoylan-pii seem to remember one of the best fuels is carcinogenic23:12
diddledanI think it's more likely that it wasn't in orbit of earth the past 700 days but actually went to visit some aliens elsewhere in the solarsystem23:20
diddledanthey've obviously placed some really powerful weapons or something that is hazardous23:21
diddledanit looks like they have a geiger counter23:21
diddledanprobably isn't a standard counter for normal radiation but detecting exotic matter23:22

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