[13:11] morning [13:11] Good morning [13:12] <_stink_> hello [13:31] morn [13:35] morning [14:09] man, google maps is just crazy these days. I poking at the map and looking around and got https://www.google.com/maps/@42.7387971,-83.3802471,36a,35y,175.15h,78.89t/data=!3m1!1e3 [14:09] which is kind of crazy that there's a like a little model of my exit and street like that [14:10] <_stink_> i like the creepy ghost car at bottom left [14:11] little model? [14:12] jrwren: does it not show up to you in 3d mode and a view setup down sashabaw? [14:12] jrwren: to me it looks like those little models of a city folks would build with trains and such [14:13] oh yeah, look at that. [14:13] very cool. [14:15] the mouse UI is very weird. somehow I can change altitude, but I dont' know what is doing it. [14:15] omg, now I'm underground. [14:15] ctrl-move with mouse will rotate and do altitude [14:16] i think my laptop is too slow for htis. [14:16] heh, yea even my macpro has to think on it a few seconds sometimes [14:17] its not unusable, but noticibly less smooth in safari than in chrome. [14:18] What are we doing now? [14:19] lol, i have no idea what road I took, but somehow I followed a road to its end, turned and then ended up in pontiac. [14:21] brousch__: I was just making others get involved in my 3d exploring in google maps around my house. [14:21] brousch__: check out https://www.google.com/maps/@42.7384158,-83.3801874,38a,35y,175.15h,78.89t/data=!3m1!1e3 [14:21] brousch__: and give it a few to load [14:21] Sashabaw @ Dixie... sheesh, i lived near there for a copule years, I had no idea all those lakes were back there. [14:21] wow, high res [14:21] yea, it's a very lake heavy place [14:22] brousch__: yea, it's crazy to kind of play around like walking through a model train city or something [14:22] i also didn't recognize telegrph @ dixie from the air. I should have. I spent tons of time in that area as a kid [14:22] I was poking at it the other day as part of looking for photography locations [14:22] jrwren: I'm guessing it's a bit different :) [14:23] jrwren: when we moved into this house some 10yrs ago most of sashabaw was an empty road on google maps even though there was tons of strip maps down the road length [14:23] Heh, suddenly all of my CPUs are pegged and my fan is screaming [14:23] brousch__: yea, it's not light on the compute power for sure [14:25] hah this one is cool with the water tower on the left https://www.google.com/maps/@42.7389741,-83.3800719,35a,35y,175.15h,78.89t/data=!3m1!1e3 [14:30] Downtown is pretty neat [14:30] It slowly loads better pictures for the buildings [14:32] This looks a lot like a Dreamcast game. :) [14:32] cmaloney: lol [14:33] https://www.google.com/maps/@42.7372678,-83.3884275,26a,35y,317.58h,78.53t/data=!3m1!1e3 [14:34] cmaloney: lmao that's my new neighbors! [14:34] Really? [14:34] Ye gods, their back yard is "interesting" [14:35] heh, no but that's funny [14:36] https://www.mapd.com/ [14:36] this seems neat [14:43] The ship one is interesting. I zoomed to Muskegon [14:49] rick_h: oh!!! "a little model town" I get it now. [14:50] jrwren: yea https://goo.gl/lfFImF [15:04] like tilt-shift [15:12] yea [15:12] but with computer rendered sat images which is crazy