
inetprogood evening07:03
theblazehenHi inetpro, all07:19
thatgraemeguymorning peoples08:35
Kiloshi thatgraemeguy inetpro chesedo MaNL paddatrapper smile and everyone else08:36
chesedohi inetpro thatgraemeguy  thatgraemeguy Kilos08:50
theblazehenhi Kilos , thatgraemeguy , chesedo08:50
Kiloshi theblazehen 08:50
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
Kiloscan someone tell me how to solve this problem please https://bin.snyman.info/mmm4nruw09:33
Kilosno energy to reinstall09:33
Kilosi have cleaned out the archives and tried upgrading again but prob stays09:34
Kilosno rush09:34
chesedohi theblazehen09:37
theblazehenKilos: Do you have a ` in your /etc/default/grub?09:39
Kilosi go see09:40
Kilosyou mean like this09:42
KilosGRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`09:42
Kilosor just a loose one somewhere09:43
Kilosi can paste it09:43
Kilos-i need a nap. wbb09:56
theblazehenKilos: Yeah, you have a loose one on line 24, just before the vbeinfo, replace it with a '10:17
Kilos--maybe i should copy the grub file from my desktop to here hey theblazehen 10:50
Kilos--feeling a bit weak atm , maybe tomorrow10:50
theblazehenKilos: Should be fine if you just change that one character10:50
Kilos--whereis it10:51
Kilos--what line about10:51
Kilos--if i run update-grub i get10:58
Kilos--miles@T410ssd:~$ sudo update-grub                                                                                                                            10:58
Kilos--/usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig: 35: /etc/default/grub: Syntax error: EOF in backquote substitution 10:58
Kilos--what is a backquote10:59
theblazehenKilos--:  It's the `11:00
Kilos--i see about 6 of them11:00
Kilos--not one loose one anywhere11:00
Kilos--i have one old eye remember11:01
=== Kilos-- is now known as Kilos
theblazehenKilos--:  run a "sudo sed -i 24d /etc/default/grub"11:27
Kilossorry for the bad connection guys11:42
andrewlsdKilos-: Line 12 is wrong: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0"12:28
andrewlsdshould be12:29
andrewlsdshould be:12:29
andrewlsdGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0"12:29
Kilosaha ty andrewlsd 12:29
andrewlsdotherwise there is an extra " (quotation mark) in the line12:29
andrewlsdIt is possible that you meant line 12 to be12:30
andrewlsdand Line 13 to be 12:30
andrewlsdGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0"12:30
andrewlsdso that you could uncomment (#) line 12 and comment out line 13 if you wanted to.12:31
andrewlsdthat's one you can copy-paste12:32
andrewlsdI just updated your one12:32
andrewlsdso that line 12 and line 13 are corrected.12:32
Kilosty andy12:33
andrewlsdHi peeps, just a reminder for the greybeards, that there is a GLUG birthday celebration this evening13:03
andrewlsd20 years old :-)13:05
andrewlsdthere will be a video stream for those (like me) who would like to be there but are geographically challenged.13:05
Kilosthank you andrew all good again13:32
smilehi Kilos- :)14:42
Kilos-hi smile 14:42
smileinternet acting up again?14:42
Kilos-very bad14:43
Kilos-frustrating actually14:43
smilesad to hear14:43
Kilos-they will fix it sooner or later i spose14:43
smileprobably :P14:44
Kilos-out on a farm with may be 50 peeps in a large area so not a priority14:45
Kilos-all the providers have 2g towers in this area14:45
smilegreat service. :P14:45
Kilos-that word doesnt exisct here anymore14:46
smilewhat, "great" or "service"? :P 14:46
smileor put "no" in front of "service"14:46
smileI'm going to prepare dinner :)14:47
smileTalk to you later14:47
smileI don't follow you anymore, Kilos-, you keep adding characters to your nickname :P18:00
Kilos-hahaha its this sick connection18:01
Kilos-ill go sleep soon18:01
superflyhi Kilos-18:59
Kilos-hi superfly 19:00
superflyKilos-: hoe gaan dit, oom?19:00
Kilos-ok dankie en daar by julle19:01
superflyKilos-: dit gaan goed, dankie. ons begin om 'n nuwe normaal te maak19:01
Kilos-mooi, net solank julle tuis voel19:01
Kilos-home is where the heart is and you have them all with you19:02
superflyja, ons het ook ons eie huis nou19:03
superflylast night mrs_fly made a curry, and everyone felt more at home19:03
superflythese americans don't know curry. we had to hunt to find curry19:03
superflyKilos: which one are you now?19:06
Kiloswhich one what superfly ?19:06
Kilosoh 19:06
Kilosmy heart is far away and im hurting19:06
superflyKilos: you reconnected19:08
superflyKilos: what's the last thing I said?19:08
Kiloswhich one are you now?19:08
Kilosconnection bad here19:08
superflyand before that?19:08
Kilosoh my congrats with the house19:09
Kiloswell donre19:09
superfly<superfly> last night mrs_fly made a curry, and everyone felt more at home19:09
superfly<superfly> these americans don't know curry. we had to hunt to find curry19:09
superflyKilos: dankie19:09
Kiloslol yeah they call igt spicy food19:11
superflyKilos: well, here we get lots of mexican19:11
superflywhich is a different spicy19:11
Kilosso everything is chili19:11
superflyburn, more like it19:11
Kiloseating home foods will make things better ya19:12
superflymm, left over curry for lunch19:13
Kilos'make then some pap and listen19:13
superflyKilos: I have rooibos. had to order off amazon, and it's imported19:14
superflyKilos: they have no such thing as mieliemeal here19:14
paddatrappersuperfly, Kilos: you guys are making me hungry! 19:48
paddatrapper(and hi superfly) 19:48
pavlushkaahoy ZA20:20
pavlushkaand calling it a night :p20:20
superflypaddatrapper: :D20:24
paddatrappersuperfly: congrats on the new house! 20:32
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:41

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