=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban | ||
Zic | hi here | 11:00 |
Zic | I saw at "juju config kubernetes-worker" that an optional parameter "require-manual-upgrade" is available, if I understand correctly, this tell snaps package to not auto-upgrade in its channel, right? | 11:01 |
Zic | if yes and if I enable this, to upgrade to the next version of K8s, what I will must do? | 11:02 |
kjackal | hi Zic, you will not need to do anything to upgrade the workers incase you se the "require-manual-upgrade". Workers will just upgrade without prompting you | 12:38 |
Zic | kjackal: ah, requireè-manual-upgrade is set to true by default? | 12:49 |
Zic | thought it was to false | 12:49 |
lazyPower | Zic: its a decoupling of the operations code and the application code. teh thought is if you're riding the edge or when there's a new track release (1.7/stable) - you'll be prompted to run the upgrade action | 12:55 |
lazyPower | Zic: its a way for you to plan for potential downtime during an upgrade. | 12:55 |
Zic | lazyPower: understood, so to sum up, by default:: - Kubernetes components are auto-upgraded via snap channels, but only in minor version (as it's set on the stable/1.6, and for major upgrades like 1.7, I will need to change this channel) / - Juju's charm are manually upgraded via upgrade-charm | 13:09 |
Zic | I was a bit confused because previously, I only upgraded charms where a new version of K8s is available @CDK :) | 13:10 |
lazyPower | :) you'll be able to get patch releases this way in a more streamlined manner | 13:19 |
Zic | lazyPower: so the default behaviour is cool :D I was afraid all was automatic (not the charm's part, as kjackal told me yesterday, but the major release of K8s also) | 13:59 |
Zic | lazyPower: as Kubernetes releases are not "synced" with charm revision, do you stick some "minimum required version" of K8s/charms? like if I let a cluster a long way without human intervention, it will regularly upgrade K8s but not the operational code, can it screw something up? | 14:01 |
lazyPower | Zic: we only test with the latest 2 revisions of kubernetes. so right now our charms support 1.5 and 1.6 respectively | 14:01 |
lazyPower | Zic: its basically a six month support cycle since k8s releases quarterly | 14:01 |
Zic | ok for testing but is there any hardcoded value like "charms revision 29 cannot exceed Kubernetes 1.5.3"? | 14:02 |
Zic | (6 month is large anyway, it's just curiosity) | 14:02 |
lazyPower | we dont have any logic like that in teh charms today, no | 14:02 |
Zic | ok, and last question : if I run through an upgrade process from Kubernetes 1.5.3 with charm revission 12=master, 14=worker, does it will directly jump to 1.6.2? | 14:04 |
Zic | (or just 1.6.1, then snap will perform the 1.6.2 upgrade by itself) | 14:08 |
lazyPower | it'll go to 1.6.2 | 14:20 |
lazyPower | thats whats in the stable channel today | 14:21 |
Zic | (hmm, I lied when I said it was my last question... I'm testing upgrading to the latest charm revision our testing cluster, I run correctly through the upgrade-charm kubernetes-worker, but when I did the "juju config kubernetes-worker channel=1.6/stable" just after the upgrade-charm was finished, I got a "blocked Needs manual upgrade, run the upgrade action", so I re-runed the upgrade-charm but I just got a | 14:22 |
Zic | "Error: already running latest charm "cs:~containers/kubernetes-worker-23"") | 14:22 |
lazyPower | Zic: juju run-action kubernetes-worker/# upgrade | 14:23 |
Zic | ok | 14:23 |
Zic | is it normal? it's the testing cluster, all default values from CDK | 14:24 |
Zic | (I think it's because juju config kubernetes-[master|worker] channel switch from stable to 1.6/stable, and it's considering I'm changing of release, right?) | 14:32 |
skay_ | mojo question. I upgraded to yakkity. removed old mojo and installed the snap version. should it make a mojo group? there is no mojo group | 14:36 |
skay_ | I don't know if that will be a problem yet. I can't get past trying to create a new project | 14:49 |
skay_ | when I try to create a new mojo project, the snap barfs on calling mojo-project-new https://paste.ubuntu.com/24543200/ | 14:49 |
skay_ | I've got /snap/bin in my path | 14:50 |
skay_ | mthaddon: are you around for a mojo question? see above | 14:52 |
mthaddon | looking | 14:53 |
mthaddon | skay_: this looks to be a problem with the snap - looks like it's not exposing a number of binaries it should be (including mojo-project-new) | 14:54 |
mthaddon | skay_: can I be annoying and ask you to file a bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/mojo/+filebug | 14:55 |
skay_ | mthaddon: hah, you beat me to it | 14:55 |
skay_ | will do. | 14:55 |
mthaddon | thx | 14:55 |
skay_ | lp:1689574 | 14:58 |
skay_ | mthaddon: btw, apt update is complaining about the ppa | 15:00 |
skay_ | I don't know if that's me or not. I can file a bug if it turns out not to be me. Update is complaining about a missing Release file | 15:01 |
skay_ | and packages | 15:01 |
skay_ | (I'm pretty sure it must be me) | 15:02 |
skay_ | derp I meant zesty | 15:04 |
skay_ | obv I need more coffee | 15:05 |
skay_ | workday jetlag | 15:05 |
mthaddon | skay_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mojo/+bug/1684342 | 15:05 |
mup | Bug #1684342: No PPA release for zesty <canonical-bootstack> <mojo:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1684342> | 15:05 |
skay_ | mthaddon: I'd like to use the snap, but could use the yakkity distro until the snap bug is fixed. | 15:06 |
mthaddon | ack | 15:06 |
Zic | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ht22ReBjno "The illustrated Children's Guide to Kubernetes" -> very nice intro for customer's presentation :D | 15:25 |
Budgie^Smore | o/ juju world | 17:05 |
lazyPower | heyo Budgie^Smore | 17:05 |
lazyPower | Zic: thats a fantastic story by teh deis peeps | 17:06 |
Budgie^Smore | hows the world today? | 17:06 |
lazyPower | Budgie^Smore: its still spinning :) | 17:06 |
lazyPower | captain kubie is my favorite ;D | 17:06 |
Budgie^Smore | ?? | 17:07 |
lazyPower | the owl in the illustrated guide to kubernetes | 17:08 |
lazyPower | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ht22ReBjno | 17:08 |
Budgie^Smore | I think I have watched this before | 17:10 |
lazyPower | i would think so, its been around a little over a year :D | 17:10 |
Budgie^Smore | OK now I am sure of ;-) | 17:10 |
lazyPower | and it got wildly popular at the last kubecon event | 17:10 |
lazyPower | the one pre-berlin | 17:10 |
* Budgie^Smore rarely gets to to go cons :-/ | 17:11 | |
lazyPower | We need to get you outta the office Budgie^Smore | 17:12 |
lazyPower | also i haven't seen marco around so I'm pretty sure you're just buried under his conf schedule. I'll keep it on my todo list until i've confirmed you've gotten a response | 17:12 |
Budgie^Smore | how about getting me into the "office" instead ;-) | 17:14 |
Budgie^Smore | the CRE role is still showing as being in open status | 17:15 |
lazyPower | thats not something i have any insight into | 17:27 |
kwmonroe | lazyPower: it's my quarterly duty to thank you for charmbox. i docker pull that sucker every couple months, and it's always solid. thanks! | 19:03 |
lazyPower | <3 | 19:03 |
tychicus | is there an equivalent of —config use-floating-ip=true and —config network=UUID when deploying bundles? | 19:27 |
tychicus | I'm guessing that it has something to do with spaces, but I haven't quite wrapped my head around spaces yet | 19:27 |
hml | tychicus: you can set those values on a per model basis if you’d like | 19:28 |
tychicus | ok, just found juju model-config | 19:28 |
tychicus | hml: thanks | 19:31 |
tychicus | working now | 19:31 |
hml | tychicus: :-) | 19:32 |
h00pz | wondering if Billy Olsen is connected ? Don’t know his handle | 23:38 |
blahdeblah | h00pz: wolsen probably a good bet. :-) | 23:38 |
h00pz | Thanks, I assumed wrong on the first name and looked for B | 23:39 |
h00pz | also who do I complain to about the retarded length of the nova-cloud-controller. ncc would be wayyyyyyy nicer | 23:42 |
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