
mwhudsoni think an upload of mine just disappeared00:20
mwhudsonhow is the keyserver doing today?00:21
* mwhudson waits impatiently for publisher to do its thing01:25
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viccuad|workHi folks. Is anybody having problems to log in into launchpad? I get a (Error ID: OOPS-5c0a8353c12bed60bbbfcfa7a93b343d). Thanks in advance12:17
cjwatsonviccuad|work: one moment12:18
cjwatsonthis is about your account specifically12:18
viccuad|workit is a newly created one (I recall having other some years ago), with which I want to access a bug. But first I should be able to log in into launchpad plainly12:19
cjwatsonYes, I'll get it fixed for you as soon as I can get some sysadmin attention12:20
cjwatson(you're running into https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1607242)12:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1607242 in Launchpad itself "Logging into a placeholder person OOPSes if email address already on another person" [Critical,Triaged]12:20
viccuad|workcjwatson: many thanks, and wow, pretty fast response. Thanks again :)12:20
cjwatson(no sysadmin on duty at the moment, so not sure exactly how long it'll take, but it'll be done today in any case; stick around and I'll tell you when it's done)12:28
viccuad|workcjwatson: many thanks. A colleague has given me the info I needed from the bug I wanted to access, I will stick around for having the account set up :)12:31
viccuad|workso, no sweat12:31
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cjwatsonviccuad: you should be able to log in now15:09
cjwatsonsorry for the delay15:09
viccuadcjwatson: many thanks! :) no problem with the delay15:12
viccuadcjwatson: follow-up question, If there's packages that have info from me (eg: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/guitarix/+changelog), is there any way to link that with my new launchpad account?15:12
viccuad(eg: other mail entries in the changelog in that last link have their email linked with their account)15:14
cjwatsonviccuad: We only linkify email addresses in text such as changelog entries for users who haven't chosen to hide their email address from other Launchpad users15:21
viccuadmakes sense15:21
cjwatsonviccuad: (which is a configuration setting on https://launchpad.net/~/+edit)15:21
viccuadI was wondering if inputting my gpg key would link those packages to me in some level15:22
cjwatsonNo, it's just by email address15:25
cjwatsonThough of course you can anyway15:25
cjwatsonBut that's more about giving that GPG key authority to do things like upload packages to your PPAs15:26
viccuadthanks for the info and for the debugging :)15:28
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vagrantci'm trying to use launchpad as an openid provider, but the initial login attempt cause some launchpad traceback that i foolishly forgot to save... and now when i try to use it again, it doesn't give me the traceback, but the remote site says "user cancelled authentication"19:00
vagrantci had assumed the initial problem was due to some javascript blockage19:00
cjwatsonthe latter error sounds like you need to go back to the relying party (i.e. the site you were actually trying to sign into) and start the login process again19:01
vagrantcwell, i try and now i get no launchpad traceback, it just goes striaght to the "canclled authentication" error19:02
cjwatsonmay be an openid handling bug in the other site19:02
cjwatsonpossibly worth clearing cookies for it19:02
cjwatson(BTW the openid provider isn't actually Launchpad - it's code extracted from Launchpad that's somewhat related to it and you may still be accessing as login.launchpad.net ...)19:03
vagrantcit's hosted on launchpad.net, but not part of the launchpad codebase?19:03
cjwatsonyeah, login.launchpad.net is confusingly actually a separate thing19:04
vagrantcwell, thanks for the suggestions ...19:05
* vagrantc rummages around firefox configuration to clear cookies19:05
cjwatsonif you manage to convince the relying party to actually initiate openid again then I'd be happy to look at any traceback you get19:05
cjwatsonthough probably tomorrow at this point since dinner is almost ready19:06
vagrantcis it https://login.launchpad.net/~vagrantc, or https://launchpad.net/~vagrantc ?19:07
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