=== maclin1 is now known as maclin | ||
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duflu | Trevinho, are you on the east side of the island? | 07:20 |
Trevinho | duflu: nope, center... | 07:20 |
Trevinho | duflu: ubud | 07:20 |
Trevinho | well a little east tho | 07:20 |
Trevinho | duflu: why? | 07:20 |
duflu | Trevinho, just heard an Australian was murdered in his villa there | 07:21 |
Trevinho | oh | 07:21 |
duflu | So, always be careful, I guess | 07:21 |
Trevinho | Ah, sanur... Well yeah I know south areas are a little more dangerous | 07:22 |
Trevinho | here is considered safe, but well... | 07:22 |
duflu | Also, happy Tuesday, Trevinho | 07:23 |
duflu | For some | 07:23 |
Trevinho | hehe, happy Tue to you too duflu | 07:24 |
duflu | Hmm, although Launchpad is having one of its timeout times | 07:25 |
Laney | morning | 08:01 |
willcooke | morning all | 08:06 |
oSoMoN | good morning | 08:06 |
didrocks | hey desktopers | 08:06 |
duflu | Morning didrocks, oSoMoN, willcooke, Laney | 08:17 |
oSoMoN | good afternoon duflu | 08:18 |
andyrock | morning | 09:03 |
Trevinho | morning didrocks, oSoMoN, willcooke and Laney | 09:04 |
Trevinho | and andyrock :) | 09:06 |
allison | hi all :) | 09:06 |
Trevinho | hi allison | 09:06 |
allison | back from paradise? | 09:06 |
Trevinho | Laney: are you going to review the theme changes or someone else will? :) | 09:06 |
duflu | Hi allison | 09:12 |
Laney | Trevinho: you requested some specific reviewers... | 09:12 |
* Laney nods allison | 09:13 | |
duflu | Does anyone know the status of i386? Is that going away still? | 09:13 |
Laney | where in the world are you? | 09:13 |
duflu | netcologne.de it would seem | 09:17 |
Trevinho | Laney: yeah, cause they asked for that, but... Not sure who can finally approve. | 09:18 |
Laney | Trevinho: Ken can ;-) | 09:35 |
Laney | (any core-dev) | 09:35 |
Trevinho | ok, ok | 09:37 |
Laney | :not rules are confusing | 09:37 |
* Laney has been bitten by those in the past | 09:37 | |
Trevinho | well, sometimes it's the only way to avoid a rule to apply tho | 09:37 |
Trevinho | and at least are explicit | 09:37 |
Laney | if possible I like to provide another rule that overrides the style in the case you want to not apply to | 09:38 |
Laney | anyways | 09:39 |
Laney | I'll review if they want me to | 09:39 |
Trevinho | Laney: if you've better options, sure... | 09:39 |
Trevinho | Laney: but for the :not(.unity-csd) i'd prefer to keep them as they're more explicit to me | 09:39 |
Trevinho | adwaita is also full of :not's | 09:40 |
Laney | you're cleverer than me so it's probably right :P | 09:41 |
Laney | I kept making rules apply in the wrong cases when trying to use not | 09:41 |
Trevinho | I'm not really... So really, if you have suggestions, please do. | 09:42 |
Trevinho | I also prefer not to reapeat the same definitions tho | 09:42 |
Laney | it was usually - find the thing you're overriding with this rule, and add a more explicit selector so that the :not-ed thing still takes that one | 09:43 |
Laney | we can probably try your thing | 09:44 |
Trevinho | Laney: the :not(headerbar) around are all based on adwaita, so i'm quite confident with them | 09:45 |
Trevinho | the other not's I've added are :not(.unity-csd) and :not(.toolbar-mode) which are unity-only classes. | 09:46 |
Trevinho | The only thing i don't like in the result is that I can't theme properly the SSD shadows, but it's a lack of gnome itself | 09:46 |
duflu | Trevinho, and I had dreams of proper 3D shadows that merge properly... no more | 09:52 |
Trevinho | duflu: like? | 09:53 |
duflu | Trevinho, like nothing you've seen before... almost. Like proper shadow merging for adjacent windows (not just windows and the panel) | 09:53 |
duflu | That dream was already shattered by Unity8 | 09:53 |
Trevinho | ah... Right | 09:53 |
Trevinho | duflu: yeah... and CSD of course doesn't help for that. | 09:54 |
duflu | Trevinho, yeah which is why I kept pushing the Gnome guys for years: "You can have CSD so long as you remove shadows" | 09:54 |
duflu | Anyway, Gnome wins | 09:54 |
Trevinho | at least we've been able to keep the shadows our property in unity7 + CSD gnome apps... | 09:54 |
Trevinho | not to mention that all these shadows, rebuilt for every widgets aren't exactly efficient. | 09:55 |
Trevinho | They indeed look nice, but... In 7 we had a ~30px texture shared across all the windows. | 09:56 |
Trevinho | generate once at theme change and stop. | 09:56 |
duflu | 30 sounds small for HiDPI | 09:56 |
duflu | Unless GL_LINEAR... | 09:56 |
Trevinho | well yeah... It was scaled of course... it was dependent on theme and scaling | 09:57 |
duflu | I logged a bug where U7 panel uses GL_NEAREST when scaling its shadow | 09:57 |
duflu | (which is a problem for scale >= 2.0) | 09:57 |
Trevinho | mh... | 09:57 |
Trevinho | patch welcome :-D | 09:57 |
duflu | I would if I got bored enough and U7 lived that long | 09:57 |
Trevinho | panel is a bit different tho... I think it still rely on your old code, a part some adjustments. | 09:58 |
Trevinho | it won't ever die :-D | 09:58 |
duflu | \o/ Ubuntu desktop still contains duflu-code | 09:59 |
duflu | Duflu code never dies. It just smells like it | 10:00 |
duflu | Although if I recall the shadow merging logic, that's somewhat accurate | 10:01 |
duflu | I'm still impressed it looks right | 10:01 |
duflu | Alright, enough | 10:07 |
duflu | Good night | 10:07 |
Trevinho | duflu: have a good one | 10:07 |
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GunnarHj | willcooke: Hi Will, has there been any discussions yet about advanced input methods in 17.10 in the light of the fact that g-c-c does not support Fcitx? | 13:39 |
willcooke | Hi GunnarHj - not yet, but I'll add it to the list. You want to start a thread on the ML? | 13:40 |
willcooke | (desktop mailing list that is) | 13:40 |
GunnarHj | willcooke: Yeah, in that case I'll post to the list. | 13:41 |
willcooke | thanks GunnarHj | 13:41 |
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zzarr | hello! | 13:55 |
zzarr | I have an ASUS Zenpad Z300C (x86/Android) tablet, I wish to run desktop Ubuntu on it | 13:57 |
zzarr | I have downloaded the source for the kernel for it, is it possible to build an Ubuntu image and launch it using fastboot? | 13:58 |
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin | ||
* willcooke flexes | 15:29 | |
jbicha | \o | 15:29 |
* allison itches | 15:29 | |
willcooke | :) | 15:30 |
qengho | WAT? | 15:30 |
willcooke | The gang's all here! | 15:30 |
allison | attente: are you in hamilton or toronto? | 15:30 |
willcooke | #startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-05-09 | 15:30 |
meetingology | Meeting started Tue May 9 15:30:35 2017 UTC. The chair is willcooke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. | 15:30 |
meetingology | Available commands: action commands idea info link nick | 15:30 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-05-09 | Current topic: | ||
willcooke | Roll call: andyrock, dgadomski (out), jbicha, kenvandine, laney, oSoMoN, seb128, tkamppeter (out), trevinho, robert_ancell (out) | 15:30 |
andyrock | o/ | 15:30 |
oSoMoN | 🐵/ | 15:30 |
Trevinho | o/ | 15:30 |
* kenvandine waves | 15:31 | |
jbicha | o/ | 15:31 |
allison | o/ | 15:31 |
Laney | hi | 15:31 |
willcooke | Let's start with andyrock | 15:32 |
willcooke | #topic andyrock | 15:32 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-05-09 | Current topic: andyrock | ||
andyrock | hey all | 15:32 |
andyrock | so I've been working to clean up the cr+mir branches to pass them to the mir-team | 15:32 |
andyrock | so they can take the work done until know | 15:32 |
andyrock | eow | 15:32 |
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin | ||
willcooke | thanks andyrock | 15:33 |
willcooke | #topic dgadomski | 15:33 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-05-09 | Current topic: dgadomski | ||
willcooke | At a sprint | 15:33 |
willcooke | #topic jbicha | 15:33 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-05-09 | Current topic: jbicha | ||
jbicha | gnome-terminal 3.24 with pcre2 commits reverted to postpone the pcre2 MIR | 15:33 |
jbicha | Enabled build tests for mutter, clutter (needed for MIRs) | 15:34 |
jbicha | Enabled autopkgtest for gnome-settings-daemon as a workaround for https://bugzilla.gnome.org/782170 | 15:34 |
ubot5 | Gnome bug 782170 in color "color: build test requires compiled schemas" [Normal,New] | 15:34 |
jbicha | GunnarHJ did initial Ubuntu Docs merge for GNOME transition. I sponsored and helped move it along. | 15:34 |
jbicha | Re-implemented a basic Amazon webapp using Epiphany (LP: #1688627) and filed its MIR. Security is not thrilled with maintaining webkit2gtk so I think this depends on how badly we need this feature. | 15:34 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1688627 in webapps-applications (Ubuntu Artful) "Amazon web app needs an implemetation that does not require webbrowser app" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1688627 | 15:34 |
jbicha | Started https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JeremyBicha/CoreDevApplication Endorsements appreciated! | 15:34 |
jbicha | EOF | 15:34 |
willcooke | desktoppers: please help with Core Dev application ^ | 15:34 |
willcooke | thanks jbicha | 15:34 |
willcooke | #topic kenvandine | 15:34 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-05-09 | Current topic: kenvandine | ||
kenvandine | * Setup xenial, yakkety and zesty VMs for testing | 15:34 |
kenvandine | * Installed artful in a VM | 15:34 |
kenvandine | * Updated chrome-gnome-shell to latest upstream and uploaded SRUs for supported series | 15:34 |
kenvandine | * Looking at snapping some GNOME apps | 15:34 |
kenvandine | * Backported a network-manager-applet fix to 1.4 and 1.2. Still need to test it. | 15:34 |
kenvandine | * MIR status, still waiting on security reviews for mozjs38 and gjs | 15:34 |
kenvandine | EOF | 15:35 |
willcooke | thanks kenvandine | 15:35 |
willcooke | #topic Laney | 15:35 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-05-09 | Current topic: Laney | ||
allison | lol | 15:36 |
allison | no smoking! | 15:36 |
Laney | • Helped to arrange travel for GUADEC for me and the others | 15:36 |
Laney | • Reviewed clutter-1.0 for jb_icha & uploaded to exp | 15:36 |
Laney | • Finished updating gnome-software packaging for meson/exp | 15:36 |
Laney | ∘ Pushed some build fixes upstream | 15:36 |
Laney | • Started to test gnome-software with PK properly, filed / worked on some fixes | 15:36 |
Laney | • Worked on reimplementaion of Amazon launcher to remove webapps stuff | 15:36 |
Laney | • New glib 2.35.1 | 15:36 |
Laney | • Reviewed U8 removals from x_nox | 15:36 |
Laney | 🚭 | 15:36 |
willcooke | :) | 15:36 |
willcooke | thanks Laney | 15:36 |
willcooke | #topic oSoMoN | 15:36 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-05-09 | Current topic: oSoMoN | ||
oSoMoN | • updated chromium stable to 58.0.3029.96, security team pushed to security and updates pockets for all supported series (trusty, xenial, yakkety, zesty) | 15:37 |
oSoMoN | • updated chromium beta to 59.0.3071.36 in PPA | 15:37 |
oSoMoN | • updated chromium dev to 60.0.3088.3 in PPA (fails to build on yakkety arm64, gcc OOM, but not to be worried about since yakkety will be EOL before Cr 60 is released) | 15:37 |
oSoMoN | • looked into desktop file translations for chromium and figured out what needs to happen to update the template and the translations, hope to implement in the near future (prerequisite for bug #1668730) | 15:37 |
ubot5 | bug 1668730 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "Tweak .desktop Actions for more consistency" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1668730 | 15:37 |
oSoMoN | • trying to wrap my head around libreoffice packaging (both ubuntu packages and snap), reached out to r_icotz and to security team | 15:37 |
oSoMoN | EOF | 15:37 |
willcooke | thanks oSoMoN | 15:37 |
willcooke | #topic tkamppeter | 15:38 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-05-09 | Current topic: tkamppeter | ||
willcooke | - OpenPrinting Summit 2017: Virtual/phone meeting on Tue - Thu. Outcomes and plans: | 15:38 |
willcooke | o Mopria support: Mopria is based on the PCLm format, a subset of PDF (readable with PDF reader) only containing raster images of the pages, nothing to do with PCL. Got hint on were to find specs on the Summit, found the specs, some free software sample code, talked with developers of PDF filters about how to implement in cups-filters | 15:38 |
willcooke | o IPP Scanning (driverless scanning), IPP System Service (replacement for printer web admin interface): Driverless support for MF devices, subject for GSoC 2018. | 15:38 |
willcooke | o WiFi Direct Print: Printer discovery via WiFi, find out how to integrate smoothly. | 15:38 |
willcooke | o IPP 3D Printing: Reach out to LibreCAD and similar projects | 15:38 |
willcooke | o cups-browsed: Fit to new CUPS concepts: Use CUPS local (temporary) queues, use new CUPS APIs to get lists of existing print queues and printer capabilities/options from servers | 15:38 |
willcooke | - OpenPrinting Summit 2018: Most probably a physical meeting again, April 24 - 26, 2018 in Sunnyvale (probably at Apple) | 15:38 |
willcooke | - Google Summer of Code 2017: Student projects got officially announced by Google. No conflicts or issues, so there are 6 students on the print dialog and 1 student on cups-filters (print filled PDF forms). | 15:38 |
willcooke | - cups: Synced 2.2.3 from Debian | 15:38 |
willcooke | - cups-filters: Upstream-added build-time option to make cups-browsed set up driverless network printers by default, do make syncing cups-filters with Debian easier. | 15:38 |
willcooke | - Bugs. | 15:38 |
willcooke | #topic Trevinho | 15:38 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-05-09 | Current topic: Trevinho | ||
willcooke | News! | 15:38 |
willcooke | So you know Dave got done over? | 15:39 |
Trevinho | Sorry, my connection lost... | 15:39 |
willcooke | er, wrong channel, sorry :) | 15:40 |
willcooke | Trevinho, carry on | 15:40 |
Trevinho | · Fixed ubuntu themes to work in GS | 15:40 |
Trevinho | · Some snapcraft-preload fixes | 15:40 |
Trevinho | · Discussing about floating scale in GS | 15:40 |
Trevinho | /EOF | 15:40 |
willcooke | thanks Trevinho | 15:41 |
willcooke | #topic robert_ancell | 15:41 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-05-09 | Current topic: robert_ancell | ||
willcooke | - Initial work on LightDM + GNOME Shell | 15:41 |
willcooke | - SRU regression in snap titles in GNOME Software | 15:41 |
willcooke | - Complete pending SRUs | 15:41 |
willcooke | - GNOME Software bug triage | 15:41 |
willcooke | - Worked on updated design for Simple Scan with GNOME designers | 15:41 |
willcooke | - Booked for GUADEC | 15:41 |
willcooke | #topic AOB | 15:41 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2017-05-09 | Current topic: AOB | ||
willcooke | Anyone got any other news? | 15:41 |
allison | hi! | 15:41 |
allison | * went for some nice hikes | 15:41 |
allison | * spent some days in parks | 15:41 |
allison | * visited friends in toronto and family in hamilton | 15:41 |
allison | * went to new orleans | 15:41 |
allison | * had a very nice birthday | 15:41 |
allison | * am now back in köln | 15:41 |
allison | (end of month) | 15:41 |
willcooke | Yay! | 15:41 |
kenvandine | allison, sounds awesome! | 15:42 |
allison | it was. thanks :D | 15:42 |
jbicha | :) | 15:42 |
willcooke | thanks all, wrapping | 15:43 |
willcooke | #endmeeeting | 15:43 |
* Laney eyes the bot | 15:45 | |
jbicha | maybe the bot went on a smoke break? | 15:46 |
willcooke | #endmeeting | 15:46 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | requests paired with a pink killer will be given preferential treatment | ||
meetingology | Meeting ended Tue May 9 15:46:27 2017 UTC. | 15:46 |
meetingology | Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2017/ubuntu-desktop.2017-05-09-15.30.moin.txt | 15:46 |
willcooke | ?! | 15:46 |
willcooke | oh, I can't type | 15:46 |
allison | meeeeting | 16:00 |
willcooke | night all o/ | 17:40 |
oSoMoN | good evening | 18:08 |
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