kees | \o | 15:59 |
* stgraber waves | 16:00 | |
mdeslaur | \o | 16:01 |
kees | hola | 16:02 |
* kees looks for infinity | 16:02 | |
kees | slangasek: here? | 16:02 |
slangasek | hi | 16:03 |
slangasek | and infinity is under the weather, I'm not expecting to see him around today | 16:03 |
kees | k | 16:04 |
kees | #startmeeting | 16:04 |
meetingology | Meeting started Tue May 9 16:04:06 2017 UTC. The chair is kees. Information about MeetBot at | 16:04 |
meetingology | Available commands: action commands idea info link nick | 16:04 |
kees | apologies: infinity | 16:04 |
kees | action review... | 16:04 |
kees | auto-skipping infinity's items :) | 16:04 |
kees | ACTION: slangasek to investigate getting tagged ubuntu-community bugs automatically forwarded to technical-board, and if not feasible, fall back to DMB sending signed emails to list for ACL requests | 16:04 |
slangasek | carry over | 16:05 |
slangasek | we continue to fall back | 16:05 |
kees | ACTION: slangasek to follow up to snapd-glib SRU exception request | 16:05 |
slangasek | carry over :/ | 16:05 |
kees | #meetingtopic mailing list | 16:05 |
kees | see... meetingbot lies | 16:05 |
kees | i see | 16:06 |
kees | which is | 16:06 |
kees | which is fixed. | 16:06 |
kees | Aaaand, community bugs: empty | 16:06 |
kees | Any Other Business? | 16:06 |
stgraber | I don't have anything :) | 16:07 |
mdeslaur | none from me | 16:07 |
kees | next chair is mdeslaur with slangasek is backup? | 16:07 |
slangasek | sounds plausible | 16:07 |
mdeslaur | yep | 16:07 |
kees | do we need to make this meeting once a month? | 16:08 |
mdeslaur | I think that's something worth considering | 16:09 |
slangasek | I prefer the current cadence; there aren't often pressing issues for us but I don't want to exacerbate that by doubling the community's average wait time for a meeting | 16:09 |
mdeslaur | didn't we mention possibly cancelling the meeting in advance if there was nothing to discuss? | 16:09 |
kees | okay. the meetings are easy, so I don't mind the frequency, but if it becomes a burden, we can discuss it | 16:09 |
kees | mdeslaur: we did, though it wasn't obvious how that interacted with open action items. | 16:10 |
mdeslaur | ah, yeah | 16:10 |
kees | well, for this meeting, we're all done. :) | 16:10 |
kees | #endmeeting | 16:10 |
meetingology | Meeting ended Tue May 9 16:10:50 2017 UTC. | 16:10 |
meetingology | Minutes: | 16:10 |
slangasek | thanks! | 16:10 |
mdeslaur | ok. thanks kees! thanks slangasek | 16:10 |
kees | thank folks! | 16:11 |
kees | *thanks | 16:11 |
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