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teward | hggdh: bdmurray: can one or both of you break up the argument taking place on the discussion thread about the bug guide rewrites? And maybe forcibly silence the thread for a few days? | 19:13 |
teward | this is going on several-weeks of arguments | 19:13 |
teward | and i'm starting to get annoyed at it (but don't want to unsub from the list) | 19:13 |
flocculant | teward: ... I was filtering a person to trash - but then I see the posts in replies | 19:16 |
teward | flocculant: and herein lies why i'm pinging both a CC member *and* the bug master | 19:16 |
flocculant | :) | 19:24 |
teward | one because bdmurray can make a "Leave the guide alone for now" decision, and hggdh because this is a continuing ongoing issue that needs intervention | 19:26 |
flocculant | yea I know | 19:29 |
flocculant | I'm all for making wiki pages more useful - but castrating them isn't imo useful | 19:29 |
flocculant | some of those bug pages I look at and facepalm tbh - and I've looked at them for years :) | 19:30 |
flocculant | I think the idea is a good one - implementation is key :D | 19:31 |
teward | just gonna say this, wxl said what was on all our minds, not me. I have no part in stating that about Alberto. | 19:55 |
teward | stating what was stated* | 19:55 |
teward | (though he's pretty accurate with his reply) | 19:55 |
wxl | i tried to be fair | 19:55 |
wxl | but honest | 19:55 |
flocculant | reads fine wxl :) | 19:55 |
teward | wxl: indeed. i meant the last paragraph. | 19:56 |
teward | s/meant/was referring to/ | 19:56 |
wxl | yeah | 19:56 |
wxl | i wasn't trying to say "get out" | 19:56 |
wxl | but more like "the grass is always greener on the other side" | 19:56 |
teward | ^ | 19:56 |
wxl | i just hope he gets it | 19:57 |
flocculant | indeed | 19:57 |
wxl | i've been trying to keep my mouth shut but that last one | 19:57 |
wxl | ugh | 19:57 |
wxl | "i'm gonna save ubuntu singlehandedly by totally ripping out this wiki page" | 19:57 |
wxl | give me a break | 19:57 |
wxl | </rant> | 19:57 |
bdmurray | I thought somebody mentioned bringing him up to the CC in #ubuntu-devel yesterday. | 19:58 |
flocculant | it was always going to go wrong when wwII invoked | 19:58 |
teward | bdmurray: IIRC he's already at the CC level | 19:58 |
wxl | that is true and it did happen, bdmurray | 19:58 |
teward | i've poked hggdh previously | 19:58 |
teward | it's on the verge of me asking it to be escalated again | 19:58 |
teward | regardless, we need the argument squished | 19:58 |
teward | i'm tired of reading it. | 19:58 |
teward | and I bet everyone else is too | 19:58 |
flocculant | ... | 19:58 |
wxl | gsilvapt mentioned something to them (twice) and i provided a rather long analysis including measuring his actions against the CoC | 19:58 |
wxl | the CC often doesn't move very quickly | 19:59 |
wxl | that's actually a good thing | 19:59 |
wxl | but in this case, we deal with the irritation in the meanwhile | 19:59 |
wxl | i don't think it would be a bad thing if more people pinged the cc about it | 20:00 |
flocculant | consider yourself pinged then | 20:01 |
wxl | s/yourself/them/ ? | 20:01 |
bdmurray | I think the process is to send them an email | 20:01 |
wxl | yes that | 20:01 |
flocculant | I thought you were CC ? | 20:01 |
wxl | not i | 20:01 |
wxl | i'm lococouncil (not for long) and membership board | 20:02 |
wxl | i've applied but no one wanted me :'''( | 20:02 |
flocculant | oh - got that wrong then | 20:02 |
wxl | (just kidding) | 20:02 |
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