=== KaeltenAway is now known as Kaelten | ||
nacc | cyphermox: smoser: doing the open-iscsi merge, how much do you want to keep in d/changelog from the tests churn? | 00:07 |
nacc | there's ... a lot :) | 00:07 |
cyphermox | nacc: if the tests in general are a delta, i would just mention the test, not each individual change to it | 00:54 |
nacc | cyphermox: yeah, i'm trying to consolidate it | 00:55 |
nacc | cyphermox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24539999/ is still pretty verbose, but it does encapsulate i think what the tests are doing and why they are quirky | 00:55 |
nacc | cyphermox: i'm happy to trim it all the way down to just "add Ubuntu autopkgtests" but then developers have to go down into the history to see all that was added | 00:55 |
nacc | cyphermox: let me know if you'd like it changed, i'm running the tests now locally after the merge, if they pass i'm ready to upload | 01:06 |
nacc | cyphermox: smoser: why is 2 seconds used as the delay in test-open-iscsi::test_daemon? | 02:22 |
nacc | that test failed on my lappy, but logging into the kvm instance, iscsid is running | 02:22 |
nacc | test_tgt_boot also failed, but i'm guessing it's because of: | 02:23 |
nacc | qemu-system-x86_64: /build/qemu-GnDgkf/qemu-2.8+dfsg/target-i386/kvm.c:1805: kvm_put_msrs: Assertion `ret == cpu->kvm_msr_buf->nmsrs' failed | 02:23 |
nacc | will debug both tmrw | 02:24 |
chatter29 | hey guys | 03:45 |
chatter29 | allah is doing | 03:45 |
chatter29 | sun is not doing allah is doing | 03:46 |
chatter29 | to accept Islam say that i bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad peace be upon him is his slave and messenger | 03:46 |
cpaelzer | good morning | 05:33 |
cpaelzer | nacc: yeah today is fine for the merges, get in touch with me when you are around | 05:39 |
cpaelzer | nacc: looking at the calendar I guess we start with some shared meetings anyway | 05:39 |
lordievader | Good morning | 07:46 |
TafThorne | Good morning. | 08:04 |
cpaelzer | hi lordievader and TafThorne | 08:09 |
TafThorne | I have done a poor job of getting through SRU testing on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/logrotate/+bug/1630516 but I will try and push forward with it either at lunchtime (in about 3 hours time) or at the end of the day (9 hours time). I have got the linux container stuff installed and ready to roll at least. It will all be good practise for me. | 08:12 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1630516 in One Hundred Papercuts "Logrotate doesn't clean old system logs, allowing them to fill the disk" [Critical,Triaged] | 08:12 |
cpaelzer | Thanks TafThorne, I was almost about to ask | 08:12 |
cpaelzer | but not for a poor job , really you are well within the average still and actually beating it on several metrics | 08:13 |
TafThorne | Please do bug me about it. | 08:13 |
cpaelzer | so heads up | 08:13 |
TafThorne | I'll add myself a task in outlook to remind me too. | 08:13 |
lordievader | Hey TafThorne, cpaelzer | 08:14 |
LarsErikP | hello! anyone maintaining here the ubuntu cloud archive ppa? or know where I can find them? : | 10:59 |
LarsErikP | ^ wow those words came out in a weird order.... | 10:59 |
cpaelzer | LarsErikP: I still know who you want to ping | 11:03 |
cpaelzer | jamespage: beisner_: coreycb: ^^ | 11:03 |
cpaelzer | LarsErikP: but just in case may I try to help in any way? | 11:03 |
cpaelzer | we can still give up if it is really that UCA ppa special | 11:03 |
cpaelzer | also that way the others will find what things are about when they read the backlog | 11:04 |
LarsErikP | cpaelzer: thanks! just a simple question really. Do you know when neutron 9.3.0 will be available in the newton/xenial uca ppa? | 11:05 |
cpaelzer | LarsErikP: and about where to find them, just go https://launchpad.net/cloud-archive in case no one is around | 11:05 |
cpaelzer | LarsErikP: that I must admit I don't know, but back to my former statement now those who know can answer you anytime later they come by | 11:06 |
LarsErikP | great :) thanks! specifically I need it because of this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1570122 | 11:06 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1570122 in neutron "ipv6 prefix delegated subnets are not accessable external of the router they are attached." [High,Fix released] | 11:06 |
cpaelzer | LarsErikP: for your last question on that bug the bug should get a different bug task | 11:08 |
cpaelzer | LarsErikP: it currently is against upstream neurton only | 11:09 |
cpaelzer | LarsErikP: I added the tasks there for you | 11:11 |
LarsErikP | ooh | 11:11 |
LarsErikP | Thanks! :D | 11:11 |
ezethnesthrown | I'm currently creating a Samba + LDAP server. But right now I can't access my server at all. What are the things that I should checklist? Or could you guide me to some forum for the same problem or something? | 12:25 |
ezethnesthrown | I'm trying to connect to the server from a Windows client | 12:25 |
hateball | connecting what? samba? | 12:26 |
hateball | http? telnet? | 12:27 |
TafThorne | Are you trying to get the Windows client to join the Samba hosted domain or are you trying to get onto the CLI of the Samba + LDAP server? | 12:28 |
ezethnesthrown | hateball: TafThorne: In order to access the directory of the Samba, I need to access the Server Machine first, correct? | 12:31 |
TafThorne | ezethnesthrown: That sounds likely. To access the filesystem which contains the configuration you would need to access the server over ssh, telnet or via physical access to the console. | 12:35 |
ezethnesthrown | TafThorne: I don't think we're on the same page. | 12:36 |
ezethnesthrown | **On Windows Client** //(SERVER_IP)/ | 12:37 |
ezethnesthrown | Accesses the server through Windows Client on Samba service in Server Machine | 12:37 |
ezethnesthrown | I can ping to and fro Windows Client and Server. But I can't access it with [[ //(SERVER_IP)/ ]] | 12:38 |
Palm_premium | @TaftThorne, how did you setup your samba share, using a graphical tool or did you edit the config file? | 12:40 |
Palm_premium | @tafThorne, and could you post your config to pastebin? | 12:40 |
Palm_premium | @tafThorne, also what Windows version are you running on the client? | 12:41 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: Is that supposed to be directed to me? | 12:41 |
Palm_premium | @ezethnesthrown, yes, my mistake | 12:43 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: Alright. Windows Client, Windows 10. Server, Ubuntu Server 16.04.2 LTS | 12:45 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: via editing the config file | 12:45 |
Ussat | is samba running ? | 12:46 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: and can you collect localy using the smbclient? | 12:46 |
Ussat | did you verify your config ? | 12:46 |
ezethnesthrown | Ussat: Samba is running. testparm returns no error] | 12:47 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: What do you mean 'collect'? | 12:47 |
Ussat | pastebin your config | 12:47 |
ezethnesthrown | http://paste.ubuntu.com/24542693/ | 12:48 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: *connect | 12:48 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: if you log in to the ubuntu server, can you connect to localhost using the smbclient | 12:48 |
Ussat | ook, well, screw that, gluck, youre useing ldap with it..... | 12:48 |
Ussat | Thats a TON more complicated than we use....we just have a real simple config | 12:49 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: In a moment | 12:50 |
rbasak | ahasenack: thank you for triaging (and testing) bug 1455818! I have some extra knowledge on that as I wrote both the bug and the fix in mysql-5.6, so I've gone one step further and marked it Invalid with a comment. | 12:50 |
ubottu | bug 1455818 in mysql-5.6 (Ubuntu) "[SRU] mysql-server-5.6.postrm fails when /usr/share/mysql-common/configure-symlinks doesn't exist" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1455818 | 12:50 |
rbasak | "I know it's not that bug because I wrote the bug" :-) | 12:50 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: what do the SMB logs say in /var/log/samba/* ? | 12:51 |
ahasenack | good deal | 12:51 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: You'r using LDAP so you might also want to check /var/log/auth for authentication errors | 12:52 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: /var/log/auth: no such file or directory | 12:53 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: /var/log/samba/log.smbd http://paste.ubuntu.com/24542715/ | 12:54 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: Well thats a pretty clear error, there is an error connecting to the LDAP service. How did you setup the LDAP authentication? | 12:58 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: I don't recall if there is any. I followed the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba-ldap.html along at https://bugs.launchpad.net/serverguide/+bug/1579209 posted by heidou | 13:00 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1579209 in Ubuntu Server Guide "Samba and LDAP is completely out of date" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 13:00 |
ahasenack | that guide :/ | 13:02 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: is the ldap service runing on the same server as the SMB service? | 13:03 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: Yes | 13:03 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: were you able to setup a SMB user with the smbldap-useradd utility? | 13:05 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: Without an error | 13:06 |
smoser | nacc, i'm not familiar with that test at all. i agree it doesn't look right. | 13:06 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: something is baffeling me, you could connect localy to SMB using an ldap account? Can your windows machine connect to the ldap port? | 13:06 |
FilipNortic | oen of my server disks just got remouted as read only cause of journal coruption | 13:08 |
FilipNortic | one | 13:08 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: I can't connect locally with the account I created with smbldap-useradd utility. I'm sorry, 'ldap port'? | 13:08 |
FilipNortic | there is only log and temp files on that disk but what can i do to restore it? | 13:09 |
FilipNortic | EXT4-fs error (device vdb2): ext4_journal_check_start:56: Detected aborted journa | 13:10 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: In that case can you post your smb.conf to pastebin? | 13:11 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24542693/ | 13:11 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: I think i found it, check line 124 | 13:12 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: try changing that to "passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://locahlhost" | 13:13 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: I guess that's what happens when you follow blindly | 13:13 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: Correction "passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://localhost" | 13:14 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: That probably solved another problem | 13:15 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: I have had security aware customers that followed guides by digital ocean, I found out because they wwere still using the default password :P | 13:15 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: after restarting samba try connecting localy and then from the remote client | 13:15 |
s7rawman_ | hey all. I've got myself throughly confused. I've got a Ubuntu server running, 16.04.2 LTS. On this server I have 4 hdd, two I know to be mounted for sure, but a third should be mounted. This drive should up as mounted when I run lsblk. If a drive isn't mounted shouldn't I be unable to read the data off it(which I'm able to do). Here's the pastebin from the lsblk -o NAME, FSTYPE, SIZE, MOUNTPOINT, LABEL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24542745/ | 13:17 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: Connection to failed | 13:17 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: could you check slapd is running and try to telnet to localhost port 636 | 13:19 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: slapd is up and running. telnet: could not resolve No address associated with hostname | 13:21 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: try "telnet localhost 636" | 13:22 |
ezethnesthrown | Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused | 13:22 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused | 13:23 |
Palm_premium | can you check if there is a firewall running? | 13:23 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: see if there is an init script for the firewall and temprarily stop it and try to connect again. | 13:23 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: That should be [[ /etc/init.d/ufw ]] right? Connection refused again | 13:26 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: sudo ufw disable | 13:27 |
ezethnesthrown | palm | 13:27 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: Connection refused | 13:27 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: could your run "iptables -nL" and check if there are still rules being listed? | 13:28 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: Everything's empty | 13:29 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: could cou check with "netstat -tupan" that slapd is actually listening on port 636, also take note if it is ip4, ip6, or both | 13:29 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: I'm not really sure how to read it so here http://paste.ubuntu.com/24542903/ | 13:32 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: So, it's listening on port 389? | 13:33 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: it seems ldap is listening on port 389 instead. Could you try "telnet localhost 389" | 13:33 |
ezethnesthrown | Connected | 13:33 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: Conencted | 13:33 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: Awesome | 13:33 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: Let me check the smb config, one moment | 13:35 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: Could you check what the current errors are in the samba logs when trying to connect? | 13:39 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: I looked up some examples and the backend config should be okay | 13:39 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24542939/ | 13:42 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: check the reply on this post https://lists.samba.org/archive/samba/2016-February/197834.html | 13:43 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: Checking | 13:44 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: command 'net getdomainsid' returns error | 14:03 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: I added the 'ldapsam:trusted = yes \n ldapsam:editposix = yes'. | 14:05 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: smbclient still cannot connect. Same error. NT_STATUS_CANT_ACCESS_DOMAIN_INFO | 14:07 |
Palm_premium | ezethnesthrown: Did you also set the olcloglevel in the slapd config? It should start logging details to the /var/log/syslog. | 14:12 |
nacc | cpaelzer: ack, i'm online now | 14:14 |
nacc | smoser: ok, agreed :) | 14:15 |
nacc | smoser: new question, why in your ubuntu16 upload did you change the networking configuration? | 14:25 |
nacc | smoser: it doesn't seem to be mentioned in the changelog | 14:25 |
cpaelzer | nacc: good morning | 14:26 |
cpaelzer | nacc: good morning | 14:26 |
cpaelzer | nacc: how about the half hour before IRC meeting? | 14:26 |
cpaelzer | nacc: there we can discuss anything on the merges as needed | 14:27 |
cpaelzer | nacc: in case you found the time to look at them more deeply | 14:27 |
cpaelzer | nacc: otherwise just merge them but feel free to review/comment afterwards still | 14:27 |
cpaelzer | nacc: as I said an ubuntu2 / next-merge is always possible | 14:27 |
cpaelzer | nacc: to some degree I want to upload before I go to bed today as I'm sprinting the rest of the week | 14:27 |
cpaelzer | nacc: too much open tasks aren't good | 14:28 |
smoser | nacc, more context | 14:30 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_premium: What should I look in '/var/log/syslog'? | 14:32 |
ezethnesthrown | look for* | 14:32 |
nacc | cpaelzer: ack, right after this meeting? | 14:36 |
nacc | smoser: one sec, will pastebin | 14:36 |
nacc | smoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24543155/ | 14:37 |
cpaelzer | nacc: yeah right after the meeting | 14:37 |
nacc | smoser: -> | 14:37 |
nacc | smoser: default kvm networking (user) will be | 14:37 |
nacc | smoser: unless you also change how xkvm gets invoked i think | 14:38 |
nacc | smoser: oh i see it's supppoed to override the kvm invocation | 14:42 |
Palm_pre1ium | ezethnesthrown: You can just use tail -f on the log and try connecting to the smb share, you should see a bunch of entries appear from the slapd daemon | 14:52 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_pre1ium: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24543240/ | 14:57 |
Palm_pre1ium | ezethnesthrown: According to google that is username/password incorrect message | 15:01 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_pre1ium: It shows that when I restart smbd daemon | 15:02 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_pre1ium: Something wrong with samba configuration? | 15:02 |
Palm_pre1ium | ezethnesthrown: ezethnesthrown I think something might have gone wrong with setting up your ldap scheme | 15:05 |
Palm_pre1ium | ezethnesthrown: When you try to connect to smb there are no new log entries appearing? | 15:05 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_pre1ium: No | 15:05 |
Palm_pre1ium | ezethnesthrown: this is getting a bit out of my league, either the samba or SLAPD logs should tell you what is going on. Since the SLAPD logging is not showing anything I'd suggest cranking up the logging for the samba service. | 15:15 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_pre1ium: Is 10 a good idea? | 15:16 |
Palm_pre1ium | ezethnesthrown: what is the default setting? 3? | 15:18 |
Palm_pre1ium | ezethnesthrown: I would increment by 1 or 2 | 15:18 |
ezethnesthrown | Default is 1. | 15:18 |
Palm_pre1ium | ezethnesthrown: documentation stats above level 3 is debug information so id recommend starting with level 3 | 15:19 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_pre1ium: Cranked up to 8. Doesn't seem to change much from 3 | 15:23 |
cpaelzer | nacc: just stay in the HO after this | 15:27 |
nacc | cpaelzer: +1 | 15:27 |
Palm_pre1ium | ezethnesthrown: But does it tell us more about the problem? | 15:35 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_pre1ium: No | 15:36 |
Palm_pre1ium | ezethnesthrown: you did restart/reload smb? | 15:36 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_pre1ium: Yes. I did | 15:36 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_pre1ium: A long log. http://paste.ubuntu.com/24543373/ | 15:37 |
Palm_pre1ium | ezethnesthrown Reading from line 695 the first error is on line 840 Error: Invalid credentials | 15:41 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_pre1ium: I swear that's what I did everywhere else. 'cn=admin,dn=nodomain' | 15:46 |
Palm_pre1ium | ezethnesthrown: Just reading up on Google and I found a post which stats that a password is set for slapd during the configuration step off the package, however I have not seen any credentials in your samba config. Do you remember if you entered a passowrd? | 15:47 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_pre1ium: Password for samba? | 15:47 |
Palm_pre1ium | You could try to reconfigure slapd if it was installed from the repository using "sudo dpkg-reconfigure slapd" | 15:47 |
Palm_pre1ium | ezethnesthrown: no for SLAPD, it is protected with username and password. Samba can't connect to SLAPD and therefore can try to log you on | 15:48 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_pre1ium: The only password I entered for slapd is when I was prompted during the installation | 15:49 |
Palm_pre1ium | ezethnesthrown: Thats the one you need, that will be an admin account and I expect you can create new users with that account or use that account in your samba config. | 15:52 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_pre1ium: Creating new users is not a problem | 15:53 |
Palm_pre1ium | ezethnesthrown: I need to go its the end of my shift and im going squashing :D | 15:54 |
ezethnesthrown | Palm_pre1ium: Thank you a lot for your time | 15:54 |
Palm_pre1ium | ezethnesthrown: No problem! | 15:55 |
ahasenack | Palm_premium: try "ldapwhoami -x -D cn=admin,dc=nodomain -W" and input the password you gave when you first installed the slapd package | 15:58 |
ahasenack | run that on the ldap server | 15:58 |
ezethnesthrown | ahasenack: Are you directing it to me actually? | 16:00 |
ahasenack | ops | 16:00 |
ahasenack | ezethnesthrown: yes, sorry | 16:00 |
ezethnesthrown | ahasenack: It prints out | 16:01 |
ezethnesthrown | ahasenack: dn:cn=admin,dc=nodomain | 16:01 |
ahasenack | so that's your "bind dn", and you got the password correct | 16:01 |
ezethnesthrown | ahasenack: What should I do next? | 16:04 |
ahasenack | sorry, I didn't follow your whole discussion, just saw that Palm_premium was wondering about whether your password was correct | 16:05 |
ezethnesthrown | ahasenack: Ah, it's alright. I'll probably restart all over from the beginning later | 16:06 |
greenmanspirit | Has anyone used realmd to set up sssd with active directory? It keeps telling me that packages aren't installed even though I installed them. | 17:45 |
coreycb | LarsErikP: neutron 9.3.1 is awaiting sru review. you can track it in bug 1688557 | 18:17 |
ubottu | bug 1688557 in nova (Ubuntu Yakkety) "[SRU] newton stable releases" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1688557 | 18:17 |
greenmanspirit | I figured it out, packagekit wasn't installed and it isn't set as a dependency for realmd | 18:31 |
nacc | greenmanspirit: maybe file a bug, seems important | 18:34 |
greenmanspirit | nacc, I haven't filed an ubuntu bug before, launchpad, right? | 18:38 |
nacc | yeah | 18:39 |
nacc | !bug | greenmanspirit | 18:39 |
ubottu | greenmanspirit: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. | 18:39 |
greenmanspirit | that is fantastic | 18:44 |
greenmanspirit | thanks! | 18:44 |
nacc | greenmanspirit: yw | 18:47 |
=== tanuki_ is now known as tanuki | ||
keithzg | Hmm is there any easy way to see which connections to smbd are hogging bandwidth? The central fileserver at work right now is slooowwww, and nethogs shows it's smbd being hammered, but , I can't see an easy way to drill down into that | 21:54 |
ahasenack | I don't have a samba server at hand now, but I vaguely remember an smbstatus command | 21:56 |
ahasenack | that maybe gives you port numbers, and then you can map that to the nethogs report | 21:56 |
ahasenack | ah, you will get machine ip in smbstatus definitely | 21:58 |
ahasenack | and pid of the smbd process servicing a client | 21:58 |
* ahasenack -> EOD | 21:58 | |
nacc | rbasak: fun, just a trivial `ln -s bin/usd bin/git-ubuntu` in the importer git tree just works :) | 23:13 |
nacc | dpb1: --^ | 23:13 |
nacc | will test it with the snap too after cleaning up documentation, etc. | 23:13 |
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
dpb1 | nacc: interested if it works in the snap. :) | 23:46 |
nacc | dpb1: i think it should, it's the same underlying logic (and git is in my snap) | 23:47 |
nacc | dpb1: but yeah, to test | 23:47 |
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