
_stink_any analysis writeups?03:16
cmaloneyHaven't seen one yet03:23
cmaloneybut I think it's akin to grabbing ankles and making love to your buttocks03:23
cmaloneythey patched it pretty quickly though03:23
cmaloneymug tonight13:34
cmaloneytopic: the dark web13:34
cmaloneyYou'll need to add more than that. :)14:43
cmaloneyMan, I hope you all never have to deal witht eh govt. for unemplyment14:44
ZimdaleI've heard it's terrible14:44
cmaloneyThey don't quite understand severance payments, and apparently I was "randomly selected" for an audit.14:44
cmaloneyWel, most of it isn't bad14:44
cmaloneybut when you're not an hourly wage worker in an automotive factory it tends to get weird for you.14:45
cmaloneyAlso, the amount of information they ask for as routine is mind-blowing14:47
cmaloneySeriously, they askk for your SSN, address, phone #, DOB, and Driver's license14:47
ZimdaleAt least they don't ask for your bank statements14:53
cmaloneyThey already have them. :)15:03
shakes808or your first born15:37
rick_hcmaloney: ugh15:38
cmaloneyYeah, I get to prove that I'm not a felon16:17
cmaloneyno pressure. :)16:17
cmaloney(since their system isn't terribly clear)16:17
greg-gshouldn't they already know that? :(16:18
cmaloneyWelcome to "your web site isn't geared for that"16:19
cmaloneyas far as they know I received money in October16:20
cmaloneywhich, as you know, whenever you're receiving money from the government they expect that they're the sole supplier of money to you16:21
cmaloneyno "go get rich" on that sweet sweet taxpayer dime16:21
greg-gI heard that's a thing, yeah, people are queens or something16:22
cmaloneySo now I get to try to convince someone who couldn't care less that I'm not trying to pull one over.16:25
cmaloney"Influenster is a social media marketing platform where brands connect with influential consumers who love to share opinions with their social networks"17:57
cmaloneyI'm not sure how you can write that sentence without needing a shower afterward17:58
cmaloneyeither because you feel dirty or because ... well...17:58
greg-gcmaloney: I hate that idea. I hate that word "influencers". I hate that company and their founders most likely.18:48
jrwrengreg-g: you don't sound influential. :p18:48
greg-gI get annoyed with my sister who is a Nerium, uh, pusher18:50
greg-gMLM bullshit18:50
shakes808https://goo.gl/pXl1c5  <-- made me laugh and shake my head18:50
jrwreni had to look it up. http://www.lazymanandmoney.com/nerium-scam/18:57
greg-gjrwren: I'd love to share that on facebook but I know it would cause unneeded angst in my immediate family, something I don't need more of :)19:05
cmaloneygreg-g: ++19:49
cmaloneyhello world21:37
cmaloneyhttps://plus.google.com/b/109767935477156086705/events/c875fuca898agkkbcf9dcl31hc4 <- streaming the MUG meeting now23:02

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