nacc | pilatus421: it's a disconnect between apache and php | 00:03 |
nacc | pilatus421: iirc, it's `a2enmod php7` | 00:03 |
nacc | pilatus421: for the explanation, LP: #1621463 | 00:03 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1621463 in php7.0 (Ubuntu) "Inconsistent naming of PHP7 apache module" [Medium,Confirmed] | 00:03 |
zzero1_ | I have a mini ubuntu cd with the latest lts and it hangs on the nic-firmware download part in the installation x86 | 00:04 |
Bashing-om | !info php7.0 xenial | 00:04 |
ubottu | php7.0 (source: php7.0): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 7.0.15-0ubuntu0.16.04.4 (xenial), package size 1 kB, installed size 9 kB | 00:04 |
nacc | pilatus421: i'd need to see more output (possibly from /var/log/dpkg.log) to konw why dpkg didn't like you reinstalling it | 00:04 |
pilatus421 | nacc hold on ill get that log file | 00:05 |
nacc | pilatus421: thanks | 00:05 |
zzero1_ | nacc how can I do that ? | 00:05 |
nacc | zzero1_: do what? | 00:05 |
pilatus421 | 2017-05-01 21:01:02 startup packages configure 2017-05-01 21:01:18 startup archives unpack 2017-05-01 21:01:20 install linux-image-4.4.0-77-generic:amd64 <none> 4.4.0-77.98 2017-05-01 21:01:20 status half-installed linux-image-4.4.0-77-generic:amd64 4.4.0-77.98 2017-05-01 21:01:25 status unpacked li | 00:06 |
zzero1_ | upload the log | 00:06 |
nacc | pilatus421: use a pastebin please | 00:06 |
pilatus421 | sorry forgot | 00:06 |
zzero1_ | its a text install | 00:06 |
nacc | zzero1_: i didn't direct my request to yhou | 00:06 |
zzero1_ | sorry | 00:06 |
zzero1_ | :tired: | 00:06 |
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pilatus421 | | 00:07 |
nacc | pilatus421: hrm, php is not mentioned there | 00:07 |
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nacc | pilatus421: might be at the bottom of the file | 00:08 |
nacc | pilatus421: rather than the top (based upon the timestamps) | 00:08 |
pilatus421 | trying to figure out how to copy all text in nano | 00:08 |
nacc | !pastebinit | pilatus421 | 00:08 |
ubottu | pilatus421: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b | 00:08 |
nacc | pilatus421: it's probably a huge file at this point | 00:08 |
nacc | pilatus421: so rather than the whole thing do something like `tail -n 100 /var/log/dpk.log | pastebinit` | 00:09 |
pilatus421 | | 00:10 |
nacc | pilatus421: can you run `sudo apt install libapache2-mod-php7.0` and pastebin the output | 00:11 |
nacc | pilatus421: note, also, it's preferred to use the metapackages (libapache2-mod-php in this case) | 00:11 |
nacc | pilatus421: that way when you upgrade to 18.04 you'll automatically migrate to 7.1/7.2 (whatever we end up at) | 00:12 |
nacc | pilatus421: otherwise, you can end up with unsupported packages | 00:12 |
pilatus421 | so you want me to run sudo apt install libapache2-mod-php | 00:13 |
nacc | pilatus421: yeah, that's what i'd do, but you can also do php7.0 in this case, since that's what you've been doing :) | 00:13 |
nacc | pilatus421: you'll just want the metapackages installed for your own sanity | 00:13 |
pilatus421 | how do you pastebinit the results? | 00:14 |
pilatus421 | now to this pastebinit never used it | 00:14 |
pilatus421 | *new | 00:14 |
hfp | Hi, my network is very buggy on 16.10: I have to switch it off and on a few times when waking up from sleep before it is actually connected. Is there a file I can delete to reset my network settings? I also have two icons in the taskbar when connected to WiFi: | 00:16 |
hfp | I am using a ThinkPad X230 if that makes any difference | 00:16 |
joachin | why don't you try to install the latest 17.04? | 00:16 |
pilatus421 | nacc: | 00:17 |
hfp | I tried and it was too buggy: the windows were half transparent, the network didn't work well | 00:17 |
hfp | joachin: ^ | 00:17 |
joachin | did you install the update? | 00:17 |
hfp | I tried the update, then I wiped and installed from scratch; restoring my deja-vu backup from 16.10. | 00:18 |
hfp | So I rolled back to 16.10 | 00:18 |
joachin | did you try "sudo apt autoremove" ? | 00:18 |
hfp | 16.10 didn't use to have those network problems either btw | 00:18 |
hfp | Yes I did autoremove, it's only older kernels | 00:19 |
nacc | pilatus421: and with 7.0 (sorry, just trying to figure out what exactly is going on). Tbh, your simplest fix might be to `sudo apt purge libapache2-mod-php7.0 libapache2-mod-php` and then `sudo apt install` them again. That will remove the config, so don't do that if you wnat to keep it | 00:19 |
pilatus421 | nacc: dont care for the config. I will run the commands and I will let you know. | 00:20 |
joachin | ^ | 00:20 |
pilatus421 | nacc: holy shit : `a2enmod php7.0` Considering conflict php5 for php7.0: Module php7.0 already enabled | 00:23 |
pilatus421 | nacc: how we are getting somewhere | 00:23 |
nacc | pilatus421: are you using ondrej's ppa? | 00:24 |
pilatus421 | nacc: no idea... how do you check ppa in CLI again? | 00:24 |
selsper_ | hi i think i installed kde plasma, i did a restart | 00:24 |
selsper_ | and i am not sure how to switch desktop | 00:25 |
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joachin | on above setting of the lightdm you can swith to kde | 00:26 |
nacc | pilatus421: `apt policy libapache2-mod-php7.0` ? | 00:26 |
joachin | | 00:26 |
selsper_ | ty | 00:26 |
joachin | the right configuration of user you can select kde or unity | 00:27 |
selsper_ | i wonder | 00:27 |
selsper_ | maybe i didnt install it correctly | 00:27 |
pilatus421 | nacc: | 00:27 |
joachin | how do you installed kde? | 00:27 |
nacc | pilatus421: ok, you're not | 00:27 |
nacc | pilatus421: just checking, the php5 thing worried me, as there's no php5 in 16.04+ | 00:28 |
nacc | pilatus421: but that might be something else | 00:28 |
pilatus421 | nacc: PHP is now working | 00:28 |
nacc | pilatus421: cool | 00:28 |
pilatus421 | nacc: do you have any idea what the hell went wrong? | 00:28 |
joachin | nice | 00:29 |
nacc | pilatus421: no, unfortunately i don't ... it's possible that the reinstall path doesn't work (although i've tested it in the past) | 00:29 |
pilatus421 | nacc: you know anything about ruTorrent? still getting a JS error.., I thought it might have had something to do with PHP not working. | 00:31 |
nacc | pilatus421: nope, i don't | 00:32 |
nacc | pilatus421: i just happen to be a php person for ubuntu :) | 00:32 |
selsper_ | trying to install kde using a guide, on the last step I got this error message | 00:33 |
selsper_ | | 00:33 |
=== selsper_ is now known as Druid- | ||
Druid- | I'm wondering if anybody can tell what's wrong? | 00:34 |
Druid- | this is the command i put in terminal to get this | 00:35 |
Druid- | sudo ppa-purge ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports | 00:35 |
pilatus421 | nacc: well nacc thanks a ton for all of your help. Glad you were on to help :-) Sucks when I am the only person that even knows what linux is, can't call a friend for help. | 00:35 |
nacc | pilatus421: np, glad to help | 00:38 |
pilatus421 | nacc: have a good night! | 00:38 |
nacc | pilatus421: you as well | 00:39 |
Druid- | What command to I need to put into terminal to install a package, for example: libappstream4 (>= 0.10.2) | 00:42 |
nacc | Druid-: sudo apt install libappstream4 | 00:43 |
Druid- | ty | 00:43 |
SilentGnome | sudo apt install libappstream4 | 00:43 |
nacc | Druid-: but it would appear that's a dependency line from `apt show`, so why are you installing it manually? | 00:43 |
SilentGnome | ^ | 00:44 |
Bashing-om | !info libappstream4 xenial | Druid- | 00:44 |
ubottu | Druid-: Package libappstream4 does not exist in xenial | 00:44 |
Druid- | I don't know | 00:44 |
Bashing-om | !info libappstream4 xenial-backports | Druid- | 00:44 |
ubottu | Druid-: libappstream4 (source: appstream): Library to access AppStream services. In component main, is optional. Version 0.10.6-1~ubuntu16.04.2 (xenial-backports), package size 96 kB, installed size 312 kB | 00:44 |
Druid- | What's a more effiecent way to do things? | 00:44 |
nacc | Druid-: install the thing needing the dependency | 00:45 |
nacc | Druid-: what are you trying to install? | 00:45 |
SilentGnome | what he said^ | 00:45 |
Druid- | | 00:45 |
Druid- | I followed the guide, step by step | 00:46 |
SilentGnome | sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports | 00:47 |
Druid- | ive already done that | 00:47 |
SilentGnome | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 00:47 |
SilentGnome | and last but not least | 00:48 |
SilentGnome | sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 00:48 |
Druid- | lmao, r u just copying the guide to me? -.^ | 00:48 |
Qiangong2 | I updated to 17.04 today from 16.04 and now my WiFi is not working. I use a rtl8192cu chip in my netis wf2123 usb wireless adapter to connect to the internet. WiFi worked out of the box in 16.04, but not in 17.04. lsmod shows the device. Any Help? | 00:48 |
SilentGnome | what errors do you get when you do it that way? | 00:49 |
Druid- | | 00:49 |
Qiangong2 | no errors, it just will not connect to any wireless network. It detects them though | 00:49 |
nacc | Druid-: that's the output from ppa-purge | 00:49 |
nacc | Druid-: not from installing kubuntu-desktop | 00:50 |
Druid- | owk, so | 00:50 |
Druid- | am i retarded? | 00:50 |
Druid- | im not getting something here | 00:50 |
compdoc | cant you just install libappstream4 ? | 00:51 |
Druid- | ffs | 00:52 |
SilentGnome | Druid- are you using Ubuntu 16.04? | 00:52 |
SilentGnome | sorry, I missed that part from the earlier convo | 00:53 |
nacc | Druid-: you need a ppa to install that version of kde | 00:53 |
nacc | Druid-: so i'm not sure why you purged the ppa | 00:53 |
nacc | Druid-: or do you mean you installed the newer kde and now you want to go back? | 00:54 |
SilentGnome | nacc: posted the command to add the ppa earlier, he said he's done it already | 00:54 |
nacc | SilentGnome: ack, i think we need a better idea of what Druid- is actually trying to do | 00:54 |
nacc | Druid-: and note, saying "i'm following that guide" is insufficient | 00:54 |
nacc | Druid-: because that guide has *two* parts | 00:54 |
SilentGnome | Druid-: which version of Ubuntu are you using? I'm about to test to see if I get the same errors | 00:55 |
Kyoku | anyone know why I would be forced to logout of desktop after enabling ufw? | 00:57 |
Druid- | SilentGnome: 16.04 | 00:57 |
SilentGnome | alright, it'll take me a little while but I'll post what I get | 00:58 |
Druid- | ty | 00:58 |
Druid- | im jst making a coffee, brb | 00:58 |
nacc | Druid-: which part of the guide are you trying to follow? | 00:58 |
Druid- | umm let me see | 00:58 |
Druid- | lmfao | 00:59 |
Druid- | i cant believe I didn't see that earlier | 00:59 |
nacc | Druid-: right ... so basically, it seems like, you installed a ppa and then immediately tried to purge it | 00:59 |
Druid- | yeah | 01:00 |
Druid- | I am still a noob, it would seem | 01:00 |
SilentGnome | everyone is | 01:00 |
Druid- | learning by doing, I guess | 01:00 |
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RawR1337 | Hey, I haven't even installed Ubuntu yet. Can't get more nooby than that. | 01:01 |
SilentGnome | lol | 01:01 |
RawR1337 | Just gonna chill in the channel and soak up some information for a bit. | 01:01 |
ceramic_mug | just got the gnome flavor of 17.04 | 01:01 |
ceramic_mug | very nice | 01:01 |
Druid- | i think I'm gnna stick to figurin out ubuntu 16.04 for the time being | 01:02 |
SilentGnome | to each his own | 01:03 |
Druid- | going to reboot | 01:04 |
FGOS | Hi, I am trying to figure out why my minecraft sound isn't working. I am running 1.11.2 vanilla on ubuntu 14.04. I have tried restarting my computer. All of my drivers are up to date. Volume is turned up in both minecraft and the computer | 01:05 |
FGOS | I went to #minecrafthelp originally, but they told me about here since they mainly do PC minecraft support | 01:05 |
Qiangong2 | SilentGnome: any ideas about why the wifi isn't working? | 01:06 |
thgilfodrol | FGOS: make sure the game's client log doesn't indicate any audio errors, esp. at startup | 01:07 |
SilentGnome | what was the wireless chipset again? | 01:10 |
Qiangong2 | rtl8192cu | 01:11 |
selsper | lmfao | 01:11 |
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Druid- | Ohh it works now | 01:11 |
Druid- | Switched to kde, and it wasn't loading | 01:12 |
Druid- | but it loaded now | 01:12 |
Druid- | ;p | 01:12 |
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Qiangong2 | Could it have been broken in the code change? | 01:13 |
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Druid- | nope | 01:13 |
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FGOS | thgilfodrol I got the error message SoundSystem did not load after 30 seconds | 01:15 |
SilentGnome | Qiangong2: have you tried this guide yet? | 01:15 |
Qiangong2 | yes, it says there is a conflicting driver installed, even after the blacklisting | 01:16 |
FGOS | thgilforol then switching to no sound -> silent mode | 01:17 |
SilentGnome | Qiangong2: still here? | 01:24 |
SilentGnome | was doing some research, sorry about that | 01:24 |
Druid- | i got it working btw | 01:25 |
Druid- | :) | 01:25 |
SilentGnome | good to hear. getting things working is one of the most satisfying parts of using Linux to me | 01:26 |
Druid- | same | 01:26 |
Druid- | looking forward to getting runescape working, 3-4 weeks later I am still un-sure how to proceed :P | 01:26 |
SilentGnome | haven't tried it yet. I'll take a look | 01:27 |
Druid- | mmmm | 01:28 |
SilentGnome | Druid-: just need the runescape client? | 01:33 |
Jaebum | hey idk if anyone has any experiance with steam on 17.04 i get a bad interjer error when i run steam | 01:33 |
Druid- | Yeah | 01:33 |
Jaebum | this is just my first launch | 01:33 |
Druid- | thing is, when I boot the client it's just a black screen | 01:33 |
Druid- | i figured driver issues | 01:33 |
Druid- | but idk | 01:33 |
SilentGnome | which one are you using? | 01:33 |
Druid- | drivers? | 01:34 |
SilentGnome | client | 01:34 |
Druid- | umm | 01:34 |
Druid- | idk how to define that, but; the one from the runescape homepage | 01:34 |
erro_r73 | hello | 01:36 |
SilentGnome | try this one instead, seems to have good reviews and more stable than the rest. at least from what I've seen | 01:36 |
Druid- | ty couldnt find it | 01:37 |
Jaebum | any news on whether ubuntu gnome users can transition smoothly when it becomes the main de | 01:37 |
SilentGnome | yw, hopefully that'll solve the issue | 01:37 |
bazhang | Jaebum, is this regarding unity | 01:38 |
bazhang | Jaebum, thats not for at least a year from now | 01:38 |
Druid- | shall check it out, ty | 01:38 |
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Jaebum | bazhang: yeah i know im just transition away from windows to ubuntu gnome i was just hoping once i get everything setup that i can keep upto date without losing things | 01:40 |
bazhang | Jaebum, try asking again in around ten months | 01:40 |
Druid- | doesnt even open D: | 01:40 |
Jaebum | okay | 01:40 |
Jaebum | sounds good | 01:40 |
bazhang | Jaebum, 18.04 <--- | 01:40 |
SilentGnome | off to bed everyone. here's hoping all your troubles are fun | 01:43 |
Druid- | gn | 01:43 |
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nacc | Jaebum: if you use ubuntu gnome, i expect you won't notice any difference at all | 01:43 |
plaguenet | jello | 01:49 |
compdoc | we dont allow food references in here :/ | 01:49 |
plaguenet | i heard linux mint tea is good | 01:49 |
plaguenet | lol puns | 01:50 |
bazhang | plaguenet, take the chatter elsewhere please | 01:51 |
plaguenet | bazhang: understood wont happen again | 01:51 |
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jeffreylevesque | does installing openssl install libssl-dev? | 02:18 |
nacc | jeffreylevesque: no | 02:19 |
nacc | jeffreylevesque: easily verifiable with either -s to apt or apt show openssl, though | 02:19 |
nacc | jeffreylevesque: libssl-dev is for when you need to build someting locally that needs to link against libssl | 02:19 |
jeffreylevesque | i'm using pip scrypt, and if i remember correctly, it needed libssl-dev | 02:20 |
jeffreylevesque | but, now i'm adding openssl | 02:20 |
jeffreylevesque | so, i was wondering if i could get rid of libssl-dev | 02:20 |
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jiangzc_ | exit | 02:37 |
jiangzc_ | quit | 02:38 |
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herpderphurr | Hello. I'm trying to create a container with lxc-create, and I notice that it has an option (-f) to pass in a config file. I passed in a config file where a user and group ID mapping is set, but the mapping lines are commented out in the resulting container's config file. Did I misunderstand how to use -f? | 02:59 |
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Guest55533 | hola gente buenas noches. Consulta, acabo de comprar un ax370 gaming 5 con un ryzen 1700 eh intentado instalar los kernel 4.10 y nada solo fallos o pantalla en negro y volver a kernel original alguna idea? | 03:05 |
juanonymous | question, how do i configure this one? | 03:05 |
juanonymous | bind: Address already in use | 03:05 |
juanonymous | channel_setup_fwd_listener_tcpip: cannot listen to port: 22 | 03:05 |
juanonymous | Could not request local forwarding. | 03:05 |
herpderphurr | juanonymous: Are you doing SSH local port forwarding? I'm guessing you should use a different port for forwarding. The port you're using is probably being used by the ssh server on the machine you're connecting from. | 03:10 |
juanonymous | but i can do that to my previous ubuntu version | 03:11 |
juanonymous | 14.04 | 03:11 |
juanonymous | sudo ssh -D 22 user@host | 03:11 |
juanonymous | something like that | 03:11 |
herpderphurr | I'm guessing you didn't have the ssh server installed before. You can check if it's installed by running `apt-cache policy openssh-server` | 03:16 |
scorpion | Hello! Does any one who has experience with amd drivers in ubuntu have a second? I could use some help installing the proprietary drivers for an Radeon HD 7570 | 03:22 |
scorpion | I end up rebooting to a black screen every time and end up having to reinstall OS completely because I can't recover X | 03:23 |
acer | did you try | 03:23 |
acer | select to start from pci | 03:23 |
acer | ? | 03:23 |
scorpion | grub starts ubuntu | 03:24 |
scorpion | and I end up at a black login screen | 03:24 |
scorpion | from which I can login | 03:24 |
acer | hum | 03:24 |
scorpion | and execute terminal commands | 03:24 |
scorpion | And I try to purge fglrx | 03:24 |
scorpion | then reboot | 03:24 |
scorpion | x still fails to start | 03:24 |
acer | startx | 03:24 |
scorpion | tried that | 03:24 |
acer | hum... | 03:25 |
scorpion | after all that I end up reinstalling OS from cd and repeating. | 03:25 |
scorpion | And breaking X again | 03:25 |
scorpion | rinse repeat fail. | 03:25 |
acer | and this after install card drivers? | 03:25 |
scorpion | yes | 03:25 |
scorpion | installation completes nicely | 03:25 |
scorpion | no errors | 03:25 |
acer | try see on card forum | 03:26 |
scorpion | run aticonfig --initial | 03:26 |
acer | some issue like | 03:26 |
scorpion | after installing drivers | 03:26 |
scorpion | then sudo reboot | 03:26 |
scorpion | to a black screen | 03:26 |
acer | dmesg lspci or stuff like? | 03:27 |
nacc | scorpion: what version of ubuntu? | 03:27 |
scorpion | makes me feel like an idiot, one reason I don't like linux is what works for one person fucks up another persons computer | 03:27 |
nacc | !ohmy | scorpion | 03:27 |
ubottu | scorpion: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see | 03:27 |
nacc | !nomodeset | scorpion | 03:27 |
ubottu | scorpion: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See on how to use this parameter | 03:27 |
scorpion | lspci returns relevant card information | 03:27 |
scorpion | no errors | 03:27 |
scorpion | Radeon HD 7570 | 03:27 |
scorpion | Turk | 03:27 |
nacc | scorpion: what version of ubuntu? | 03:28 |
scorpion | its a 1 gig ddr5 version of the card | 03:28 |
scorpion | 14.04 | 03:28 |
Bashing-om | scorpion: What release ? As AMD has changed the support structure 16.04+ . | 03:28 |
scorpion | thats the most current version I can run fglrx on? right? | 03:28 |
scorpion | hmm. One moment. I check | 03:28 |
scorpion | 14.04.5 | 03:29 |
Bashing-om | scorpion: Most current FGLRX is 14.04.1 ... the .1 is relevant ! | 03:29 |
scorpion | so i need a different os then lol | 03:29 |
scorpion | can you point me in the direction of the release I should be using? | 03:30 |
Bashing-om | scorpion: No, a different OS ( linux) will make no difference . ya want the release with the supported kernel . | 03:31 |
scorpion | oops sorry I meant kernel | 03:31 |
Bashing-om | scorpion: . Ya want the 14.04.1 release . | 03:33 |
scorpion | ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso | 03:33 |
scorpion | will that do ? | 03:33 |
scorpion | I have the iso downloading now, It will be done in 3 minutes, I'll burn and install and try again. | 03:34 |
Bashing-om | scorpion: Yeah .. lessen ya on a Mac or other than AMD Intel . | 03:34 |
scorpion | Core 2 Quad q9450 | 03:35 |
scorpion | Radon HD 7570 1 gig DDR5 | 03:35 |
scorpion | msi motherboard | 03:35 |
YankDownUnder | Mac bashing? Whoa...whoa...(scribbles notes)... :) | 03:36 |
Bashing-om | scorpion: You should be in good shape to install . but why FGLRX as radeon works well with that card . | 03:36 |
scorpion | Well my main aim is to test out steam and some older windows games through wine, and when I looked up the card on the AMD website it said the best driver fglrx | 03:38 |
scorpion | Though this particular card only has 1 driver PERIOD that works with it, because it is am OEM card | 03:38 |
Bashing-om | YankDownUnder: Is it not 16.04 that also supports Mac with the standard desktop install ? Like No Mac experience here ! | 03:38 |
scorpion | On Windows that is* | 03:38 |
scorpion | Dell partnered with Radeon to make this card and on windows the only driver that works 100 percent is one released by dell | 03:39 |
YankDownUnder | Bashing-om, :) All is good...16.04(plus) appears to be fine and dandy on what I've experienced...that being said, if someone doesn't really know what they're doing, well...nuff said... :) | 03:39 |
scorpion | I was assuming i would get the highest 3d performance with fglrx | 03:39 |
Bashing-om | scorpion: yeah, gamming ya should be the better with the proprietary driver ( FGLRX ) . | 03:40 |
scorpion | and since this card is not the fastest to begin with | 03:40 |
scorpion | It would seem that my best chance to get some playable framerates would be with fglrx but its been a nightmare so fare, hopefully just due to my ignorance about the kernel version | 03:41 |
scorpion | iso is burning as we speak | 03:41 |
scorpion | is there a benchmark that shows how my card performs with different drivers like fglrx or the radeon driver? | 03:42 |
scorpion | I've googled my butt off and the internet is sparse in general on information about the ddr5 version of HD 7570 | 03:43 |
scorpion | DISC is done burning, installing 14.04.1 now | 03:44 |
scorpion | i have another question if any one has a moment | 03:45 |
scorpion | which distro or kernel version should I be using to get the best support for Ryzen? | 03:46 |
scorpion | I have a 1700x cpu and asrock fatality motherboard that I'm trying to select a distro for | 03:47 |
lotuspsychje | scorpion: first try to update your system to latest | 03:47 |
lotuspsychje | scorpion: if your installing 14.04 update to .5 | 03:47 |
scorpion | for the ryzen system release version doesn't matter as much, I just would want something that would let the hardware work to its full potential | 03:48 |
scorpion | and is stable | 03:48 |
Bashing-om | scorpion: For the Ryzen I would be trying 17.10 ( daily image ). Ya want the latest you can get your hands on , | 03:49 |
scorpion | I also have an rx 480 to pair with the 1700x | 03:49 |
scorpion | and I have NO clue about current state of drivers for that | 03:49 |
lotuspsychje | !amd | scorpion | 03:49 |
ubottu | scorpion: Open driver for AMD cards: amdgpu (cards >= GCN1.2 aka GCN 3rd gen), radeon (older cards). Closed drivers: amdgpu-pro (>= GCN1.2) fglrx (older cards, unsupported by AMD in 16.04+). For info on GCN levels, see . For fglrx info, see | 03:49 |
ChaiTRex | scorpion: As with all pretty new hardware, you want the latest kernel. For example, before 4.10, Linux didn't support hyperthreading in Ryzen ( There's almost surely work left to be done, so later kernels are better. | 03:51 |
Bashing-om | scorpion: Pairing driver support in AMD from what I am aware of is skimpy at best . | 03:51 |
scorpion | I am trying to use the ryzen machine for content creation with kdenlive and IOMMU pci passthrough to windows for gaming and screencapping | 03:54 |
scorpion | i was hoping to passthrough the rx 480 to windows | 03:55 |
scorpion | on a VM | 03:55 |
ChaiTRex | scorpion: Sounds like a nice setup if you can get it working. | 03:56 |
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scorpion | i am completing the installation of ubuntu on the Core 2 Quad HD 7570 machine... I will try to run the fglrx install as soon as I reach the desktop | 03:57 |
scorpion | Yes it would be, unfortunately nothing is ever that easy with linux lol | 03:57 |
gonegoagae | can someone help me with tru fax? | 03:58 |
gonegoagae | tru fax | 03:58 |
scorpion | You would think that this old core 2 quad hardware drivers would just be built into the latest version of ubuntu and you'd be good to go | 04:00 |
xjoni | hi | 04:02 |
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xjoni | i want create a usb booteable with linux from linux | 04:03 |
plaguenet | hello | 04:03 |
scorpion | xjoni Yes, it would seem like a simple thing, right? lol | 04:04 |
plaguenet | xjoni: do you have a linux os in mind? | 04:04 |
scorpion | something like the terminal command dd maybe helpful to you | 04:04 |
scorpion | to write an iso image to USB | 04:04 |
xxxx | ask!:: hi, how can i configure my magic keyboard from mac to ubuntu?? | 04:05 |
lotuspsychje | !usb | xjoni | 04:06 |
ubottu | xjoni: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 04:06 |
xjoni | is the same for other distros? i want install other distro | 04:06 |
scorpion | xjoni, if you are using ubuntu already, you can use the Ubuntu startup disk creator | 04:07 |
scorpion | it is the simplest way to accomplish what you want to do if you already have ubuntu installed | 04:08 |
xjoni | these | 04:08 |
xjoni | ? | 04:08 |
blackangelpr | xjoni, yes that but i did not have luck either one day trying opensuse XD | 04:09 |
xjoni | hehe, i want make booteable manjaro deepin | 04:10 |
blackangelpr | xjoni, there is a spanish language channel #Ubuntu-es got it | 04:11 |
xjoni | ty | 04:11 |
blackangelpr | xjoni, no problem | 04:11 |
davidomanfredo | 06:10 davidomanfredo: Anyone here familiar with connecting iPhone mobile device to Linux? Rather via 'native' Linux or vm or wine??? | 04:15 |
blackangelpr | davidomanfredo, good luck :)0 | 04:18 |
john28 | :) | 04:24 |
scorpion | | 04:31 |
scorpion | This is the exact steps im following to install fglrx | 04:31 |
scorpion | so if it fails again, you guys already know what process im following | 04:31 |
Ben64 | scorpion: which part | 04:31 |
scorpion | i started at the section that says Before you start | 04:32 |
Ben64 | well theres a bunch of different methods on that page | 04:32 |
Ben64 | and with a quick glance, none of them look supported here | 04:32 |
scorpion | sudo apt-get install cdbs dh-make dkms execstack dh-modaliases linux-headers-generic libqtgui4 xserver-xorg-dev-lts-trusty | 04:32 |
scorpion | started with that command | 04:32 |
scorpion | then | 04:33 |
scorpion | sudo apt-get install lib32gcc1 | 04:33 |
scorpion | then | 04:33 |
scorpion | mkdir catalyst15.12 && cd catalyst15.12 | 04:33 |
scorpion | wget --referer='' | 04:33 |
scorpion | unzip | 04:33 |
scorpion | cd fglrx-15.302/ | 04:33 |
Ben64 | yep, not supported | 04:33 |
scorpion | chmod a+x | 04:33 |
scorpion | sudo ./ --buildpkg Ubuntu/trusty | 04:33 |
scorpion | sudo dpkg -i fglrx*.deb | 04:33 |
Ben64 | stop spamming | 04:33 |
scorpion | sorry. | 04:33 |
scorpion | Was just trying to show you the process I was following | 04:34 |
Ben64 | good luck with that, but you won't get help with that method here | 04:34 |
scorpion | I don't need good luck I'd like help lol | 04:34 |
Ben64 | then install fglrx from the ubuntu repositories | 04:34 |
scorpion | using this method I have no issue getting the driver to make and install | 04:35 |
scorpion | I was apparently installing onto the wrong kernel though so it wouldn't work | 04:36 |
scorpion | i was trying this method to install onto 16.04 which was my error | 04:36 |
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scorpion | what is the command to see what driver my graphics card is using? I do believe I have finally achieved success | 04:51 |
scorpion | lscpi just lists the card | 04:52 |
scorpion | is there some flag I can attach to see the driver? | 04:52 |
_t3th3r | lshw -c video | 04:52 |
_t3th3r | Try that | 04:52 |
_t3th3r | | 04:56 |
_t3th3r | scorpion: | 04:57 |
s0lar1s | Hi, I'm having a DNS issue on Ubuntu and was wondering if anyone could help me. Intermittently, when I go to certain websites it gives me a "DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN" error. I've already tried adding Google public DNS servers to the connection and flushing the DNS cache. I'm not seeing any suggested fixes other than those two things. Any ideas? | 04:59 |
scorpion | I succeeded in installing the fglrx driver on 14.04.1 Thanks for your help :] | 05:04 |
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chientran | someone using plank in ubuntu gnome 17.04? | 06:22 |
kavitha | hi | 06:23 |
kavitha | if any process is killed who is responsible to restart in linux os | 06:23 |
selckin | its parent | 06:24 |
kavitha | i am working in the openstack... i am killing one process, name is l3-agent.. | 06:28 |
kavitha | it is not having child processes.. it's parent is systemd | 06:28 |
kavitha | then system d has to restart the process right? | 06:29 |
ducasse | kavitha: if systemd has been told to restart it when it exits, then yes. depends on the service. | 06:34 |
kavitha | how one can check systemd has been told to restart or not? | 06:35 |
ducasse | kavitha: examine the unit file | 06:36 |
kavitha | ok..thank you.. | 06:36 |
ducasse | kavitha: see the systemd.service man page, and look for the file <servicename>.service | 06:36 |
ducasse | !systemd | kavitha alse see this | 06:37 |
ubottu | kavitha alse see this: systemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see For a guide to basic service management with systemd, see | 06:37 |
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kavitha | @ducasse inside systemd so many files are there.. what file i have to check exactly? | 06:42 |
sobersabre | hi. I have terminal fonts rendering problem. | 06:43 |
ducasse | kavitha: i just told you, look for <servicename>.service | 06:43 |
ducasse | sobersabre: which terminal? | 06:43 |
kavitha | yeah i saw that restart on failure is there.. | 06:44 |
sobersabre | ducasse: all of them. this is XFCE terminal | 06:47 |
sobersabre | the same happens in tilix, gnome-terminal, and basically others. | 06:47 |
sobersabre | I am using bash-it prompt decorations, at some point after migrating to 16.10 all this went astray. | 06:48 |
sobersabre | It's not a killer, but it is a visual annoyance. | 06:48 |
sobersabre | ducasse: I tried multiple fonts. | 06:48 |
sobersabre | it's not font specific and not terminal emulator specific. | 06:48 |
kavitha | @ducasse i have one more doubt... | 06:49 |
ducasse | sobersabre: all of those terminals are vte based, though | 06:49 |
kavitha | if any service is having child process, if i kill the any child of that service... that child is not coming up..what is the reason.. | 06:50 |
sobersabre | ducasse: I know, so any remediations exist? | 06:50 |
ducasse | kavitha: entirely depends on the parent process in question | 06:51 |
kavitha | i did not get what exactly you are saying.. | 06:51 |
ducasse | sobersabre: iirc, i read about a 'fix' for certain fonts with vte-based terms, a short script snippet you should source in /etc/profile.d... | 06:52 |
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ducasse | kavitha: it depends on the service - it does whatever it is set up to do | 06:53 |
kavitha | ducasse: where they set this up... | 06:54 |
sobersabre | ducasse: thanks, I'll specifically google for vte bug. thanks! | 06:54 |
ducasse | sobersabre: give me a sec, i think i have that snippet somewhere (i'm a packrat) | 06:55 |
kavitha | ducasse: consider the example of mysqld... could you pls explain? | 06:55 |
ducasse | kavitha: i'm not certain i can be much more specific. say you have service 'foo', and 'foo' has the child process 'bar'. if 'bar' dies, it is up to 'foo' to handle that. | 06:58 |
ducasse | sobersabre: i've saved no note with this, but try | 06:59 |
ducasse | sobersabre: i _think_ that's it | 06:59 |
kavitha | ducasse: if that bar is not coming up means what? | 07:00 |
kavitha | ducasse: foo has not been told to rastart? | 07:00 |
CoderEurope | So canonical is changing to an IPO - if you wana talk about it - I suggest #ubuntu-offtopic (NickServ reg'd users) 🖕🏽😂 #SFW | 07:01 |
jewels | Hi there. I am having some troubles while with my NVIDIA GPU 920M. This is the report that I got when I execute the command suggested in the graphics section in the Ubuntu wiki: | 07:01 |
ducasse | kavitha: it means either foo is doing something wrong, or it was never setup to restart bar. | 07:01 |
kavitha | ducasse: ok ducasse.. thank you so much.. | 07:02 |
jewels | In NVIDIA Settings my two monitors are not recognized at all. I have an external monitor and the laptop monitor. I see the screen but I am not able to go from one screen to the other with my mouse. | 07:02 |
ducasse | CoderEurope: or #ubuntu-discuss :) | 07:03 |
Ajay_ | Hi All | 07:08 |
Ajay_ | i am having prolem with my app running on ubuntu | 07:09 |
Ajay_ | its not responding to connection request | 07:09 |
Ajay_ | | 07:09 |
Ajay_ | above is stack overflow link for same issue with detail | 07:09 |
Ajay_ | can anyone please help me to resolve/debug the problem i am facing | 07:09 |
Ben64 | Ajay_: try it from another computer | 07:11 |
oerheks | Ajay_, 10.223.186.x and 10.223.197.x is unusual | 07:11 |
ivan | either you have a firewall on your ubuntu blocking 80 or your windows doesn't know how to route packets to your ubuntu machine | 07:13 |
ducasse | am i misreading that netstat output or is it only listening on ipv6? | 07:13 |
Ben64 | ducasse: it can show that and be listening on both | 07:13 |
ivan | oh heh very good catch | 07:13 |
ivan | interesting | 07:14 |
Ajay_ | @Ben6 @oerheks...i tried from another system as well but facing same issue | 07:14 |
ducasse | Ben64: interesting. | 07:14 |
Ben64 | for example, on my system it shows only ipv6 | 07:14 |
Ben64 | but definitely listening on ipv4 as well | 07:14 |
Ajay_ | @Ben64...yes its listening on ipv4 as well but its not responding for connection | 07:21 |
Ben64 | but if it is from ubuntu then it is | 07:21 |
merge | hoi | 07:35 |
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pushpak | I am not able to read/write data to a partition i have created .I can't copy and paste data from Home to that partition | 07:50 |
roobi | pushpak, did you create the partition with sudo? | 07:51 |
roobi | pushpak, just poking to see if its a permissions issue | 07:51 |
pushpak | i created partition with gparted | 07:51 |
pushpak | using live cd | 07:51 |
pushpak | yes its a permission issue | 07:52 |
pushpak | plz provide commands to change permissions | 07:52 |
roobi | chown it | 07:52 |
pushpak | plz provide commands to change permissions...i am new to linux sir | 07:52 |
roobi | $ chown root /path/to/your/partition -R | 07:53 |
ducasse | pushpak: where is it mounted? | 07:53 |
roobi | $ chown user:group /path/to/your/partition -R | 07:53 |
pushpak | how to find the path? | 07:53 |
obert | play with permissions is evil | 07:54 |
pushpak | Sir, i have formatted the disk and now the permissions have automatically changed to "me" | 07:54 |
roobi | pushpak, place the output of your $ sudo /etc/fstab | 07:54 |
pushpak | output is:command not found | 07:55 |
roobi | run just $ fstab | 07:55 |
roobi | tak eout the $ sign | 07:55 |
roobi | just type: sudo fstab | 07:55 |
pushpak | Owner:me group:pushpak other:none are the permissions correct? | 07:56 |
pushpak | roobi: command not found | 07:56 |
pushpak | Owner:me group:pushpak other:none are the permissions correct? | 07:56 |
roobi | pushpak, what version of ubuntu? | 07:56 |
pushpak | 16.04 | 07:56 |
pushpak | roobi: Owner:me group:pushpak other:none are the permissions correct? | 07:57 |
roobi | no | 07:57 |
roobi | owner should be root | 07:57 |
roobi | open up gparted | 07:57 |
roobi | did you create an ext volume or ntfs? | 07:57 |
pushpak | roobi: if the owner is root i wont be able to copy and paste data!! | 07:58 |
pushpak | roobi: ext4 | 07:58 |
roobi | what is the directory path of your partition? | 07:58 |
ducasse | pushpak: type 'df | pastebinit' and give us the url | 07:58 |
roobi | aka where is it mounted? | 07:58 |
pushpak | wait | 07:58 |
roobi | ducasse, man I forgot about that sexiness | 07:59 |
pushpak | mounted at /mnt/sda4 | 07:59 |
pushpak | mounted at /mnt/sda4 | 07:59 |
roobi | assuming you are logged in under user pushpack | 07:59 |
pushpak | yes | 07:59 |
roobi | chown pushpack /mnt/sda4 -R | 07:59 |
pushpak | chown pushpack /mnt/sda4 -R what will it do sir? | 08:00 |
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ducasse | roobi: if you do not know what you are doing, please do not give confusing advice | 08:00 |
roobi | it will "change owner" to "pushpack" of File Descriptor /mnt/sda4 "recursively" | 08:00 |
roobi | ducasse, theres a million ways to view a file system | 08:01 |
roobi | ducasse, if you dont know that... then relax with your propriety | 08:01 |
roobi | pushpak, sudo chown pushpack /mnt/sda4 -R | 08:01 |
ducasse | pushpak: please don't listen to him, he has no idea what he's doing. | 08:01 |
CoderEurope | crumbs | 08:01 |
ducasse | roobi: none of your commands so far make any sense | 08:02 |
pushpak | roobi: The new permissions are as folloes-->Owner:me group:pushpak other:none | 08:02 |
roobi | ducasse, what are you talking about. if its a permissions issue... he needs to assign the UID of his user to the partition. Which is currently set to the UID of the user of the live cd | 08:03 |
roobi | ducasse, please refer to | 08:03 |
pushpak | roobi: The new permissions are as folloes-->Owner:me group:pushpak other:none | 08:03 |
roobi | ducasse, also refer to | 08:04 |
roobi | pushpak, | 08:04 |
ducasse | roobi: i know how chown works. what does 'sudo fstab' do, exactly? | 08:05 |
* ducasse walks away | 08:05 | |
roobi | fstab is a configuration file that contains information of all the partitions and storage devices in your computer. The file is located under /etc, so the full path to this file is /etc/fstab. /etc/fstab contains information of where your partitions and storage devices should be mounted and how. | 08:05 |
roobi | ducasse, learn linux please | 08:05 |
roobi | Stands for "File System Table" | 08:05 |
* roobi drops mic | 08:06 | |
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roobi | but newer versions with LVM using gparted like 16.04 doesn't come with fstab installed | 08:06 |
roobi | fstab and df are extremely similar | 08:06 |
ducasse | 'sudo fstab' attempts to run it, which isn't likely to do much. | 08:06 |
roobi | so you suggested a similar way to view the file system table | 08:06 |
MustaKrakish | df -h | 08:07 |
pushpak | i am not able to understand i want to send some screenshots how can i send sir? | 08:07 |
ducasse | !paste | pushpak | 08:07 |
MustaKrakish | fstab is used to store information about partitions and where they are mounted on boot | 08:07 |
ubottu | pushpak: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 08:07 |
roobi | ducasse, I guess you can cat it. phew... man you were so more right than I. | 08:08 |
roobi | ducasse, ill bow down to your grandness now | 08:08 |
MustaKrakish | less /etc/fstab | 08:08 |
roobi | why vi it and write strange characters | 08:08 |
pushpak | | 08:09 |
pushpak | plz see | 08:09 |
pushpak | | 08:09 |
MustaKrakish | pushpak, | 08:09 |
pushpak | link---> | 08:10 |
ducasse | pushpak: change group access to create and delete | 08:10 |
roobi | pushpak, open terminal | 08:10 |
k_sze[work] | Can I use apport to debug my own programs? | 08:10 |
pushpak | ok sir opened | 08:10 |
k_sze[work] | I mean using apport to record and view core dumps. | 08:11 |
pushpak | roobi: what after | 08:11 |
roobi | and type: sudo chown -R pushpack:pushpack /mnt/sda4 | 08:11 |
roobi | then type: ls -al /mnt | 08:12 |
roobi | and paste that output to and share the link | 08:12 |
ducasse | 'pushpak:pushpak' | 08:12 |
roobi | and type: sudo chown -R pushpak:pushpak /mnt/sda4 | 08:13 |
pushpak | | 08:13 |
pushpak | | 08:13 |
roobi | try copy and pasting | 08:14 |
roobi | or moving a file to it now | 08:14 |
roobi | or in terminal: mkdir /mnt/sda4/testdirectory | 08:14 |
roobi | if it succeeds then you are good | 08:14 |
pushpak | yaa its working but i all i wanted to say was is the permission owner:me group:me Others:None Correct?? | 08:15 |
pushpak | *group:pushpak | 08:15 |
roobi | Yes. | 08:16 |
pushpak | but ducasse was saying that owner should be root! | 08:17 |
ducasse | no, i wasn't. and that took 25 minutes. | 08:17 |
pushpak | so are the permission correct na | 08:18 |
roobi | Yes. | 08:18 |
pushpak | are you sure it wont cause me any security issue? | 08:18 |
roobi | You'll be fine. | 08:19 |
pushpak | Thank Bro :> | 08:19 |
pushpak | also hexchat in synaptic manager is of 800Kb while in Software centre it is of 69Mb why? | 08:20 |
pushpak | roobi:why hexchat in synaptic manager is of 800Kb while in Software centre it is of 69Mb why? | 08:21 |
roobi | pushpak, i suggest installing the one in synaptic. ver 2.12.4-2 | 08:21 |
roobi | pushpak, one includes all of its dependencies | 08:21 |
pushpak | whats the issue with the ubuntu software one? | 08:22 |
roobi | pushpak, which should already be loaded onto your ubuntu install | 08:22 |
pushpak | roobi:which distro do you use? | 08:22 |
roobi | i just moved to 17.04 | 08:23 |
pushpak | ohh | 08:23 |
pushpak | roobi:which version of wine should i install? | 08:23 |
pushpak | also give me the commands to install it | 08:23 |
ksk | Hey. I am trying LXD and would like to know why everything in an CT image is owned by uid 100000 - could you guide me to anything about that maybe? thanks! | 08:24 |
roobi | pushpak, : sudo apt-get update | 08:24 |
roobi | pushpak, : sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wine/wine-builds | 08:25 |
roobi | pushpak, : sudo apt-get update | 08:25 |
roobi | pushpak, sudo apt install wine-stable | 08:26 |
ducasse | !ppa | pushpak | 08:26 |
ubottu | pushpak: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 08:26 |
pushpak | sudo apt install wine-stable is it with the other commands you have stated or a separate one? | 08:27 |
roobi | this order: (1) sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wine/wine-builds (2) sudo apt-get update (3) sudo apt install wine-stable | 08:28 |
roobi | Thats if you want Wine2.0-stable | 08:28 |
pushpak | will this install the latest version of wine or stable version of wine? | 08:29 |
roobi | Otherwise sudo apt-get install wine1.6 | 08:29 |
pushpak | will this install the latest version of wine or stable version of wine? | 08:29 |
roobi | Which is the stable version of wine recognized by synaptic/canonical | 08:29 |
banjo | Hello, in 17.04 I have my ethernet nterface that just dies randomly. It's virtual box. How can I debug this? I'm having trouble googling this. It's currently stuck in the state where it can't communicate to anything local or wan. | 08:30 |
roobi | banjo, whats the network type assigned to that interface from within VirtualBox Settings? (NAT, Network NAT, Bridged)? | 08:31 |
banjo | roobi: bridged | 08:32 |
banjo | Name is Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller, Adapter Type is Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop | 08:32 |
ducasse | banjo: what's the host? anything in dmesg? | 08:32 |
banjo | It dies randomly once or twice a week and gets stuck that way until I restart | 08:33 |
roobi | <ducasse> banjo: what's the host? anything in dmesg? | 08:34 |
banjo | @ducasse yes | 08:34 |
banjo | i'm trying to paste it somewhere one moment | 08:35 |
banjo | roobi ducasse | 08:36 |
latino31 | im having issues with sound ubuntu 17.04 | 08:37 |
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ducasse | banjo: and the host is? | 08:38 |
banjo | ducasse: sorry what do you mean by host? | 08:38 |
banjo | oh Windows | 08:38 |
banjo | Windows 10 | 08:38 |
banjo | Windows 10 Host, Ubuntu 17.04 Guest | 08:39 |
jluc | hello | 08:39 |
jluc | sur chromium je vois plein de pub putassière sur un site sans pubs | 08:39 |
jluc | s | 08:39 |
jluc | et chromium a du mal à restaurer sa session authentifiée google | 08:40 |
jluc | et certains trucs rament un peu au démarrage de l'ordi | 08:41 |
ducasse | banjo: i'd really like to see more of dmesg from exactly when this occurs, if you have that. from this little snippet it _looks_ like a problem with the vbox drivers, but... | 08:41 |
ducasse | !fr | jluc | 08:41 |
ubottu | jluc: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 08:41 |
jluc | ah zut oui j'avais pas fait gaffe | 08:41 |
k_sze[work] | ffs | 08:41 |
banjo | ducasse that's it :( the lines before that are setting up cifs | 08:41 |
k_sze[work] | Sometimes I hate Ubuntu. | 08:41 |
jluc | oups | 08:41 |
banjo | I will post it | 08:41 |
k_sze[work] | Especially apport | 08:41 |
ducasse | banjo: you might want to try #vbox, they're probably better at debugging this | 08:42 |
banjo | thanks ducasse I will bug them | 08:43 |
banjo | here is the full one ducasse | 08:44 |
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latino31 | i think im missing a file with pulse getting this error and i have having sound issues.. | 08:44 |
latino31 | but synaptic says some of the packages are installed | 08:44 |
latino31 | ubuntu 17.04 | 08:44 |
ducasse | banjo: there are a couple of regulars here who do know vbox well, but not right now. either try #vbox or try again later. | 08:47 |
banjo | ducasse: I am, thanks for your help. | 08:48 |
ducasse | banjo: np, good luck at least. | 08:48 |
ducasse | latino31: does 'pgrep pulseaudio' return anything? | 08:51 |
latino31 | ducasse, 7506 | 08:56 |
latino31 | ducasse, this error im getting seems to be a common errors others are getting from a google search | 08:57 |
jushur | banjo: you have synfloding protection triggering. either turn it of. or fix the guest so it stops doing it. | 08:58 |
banjo | jushur: wow thanks. I don't know what that is but seems like an easy way to figure it out | 08:59 |
jushur | banjo: could be a bug in the vbox driver i guess. | 09:01 |
banjo | jushur: I'll look into it but at least I have direction now. Maybe someone is synflooding me too... never know. | 09:02 |
banjo | Thanks! | 09:02 |
jushur | banjo: dont vbox have more then one net card driver? as in you can test with a different one. | 09:02 |
banjo | jushur I can try that but it happens about once or twice a week | 09:02 |
ducasse | latino31: try 'sudo apt install --reinstall pulseaudio' to make sure it is properly installed | 09:02 |
banjo | so hard to test | 09:02 |
ducasse | banjo: try searching the vbox bugtracker | 09:02 |
latino31 | thanks ducasse | 09:03 |
negev | hi, what could cause high kswapd cpu usage without any swapspace being used? vm.swappiness = 0 | 09:03 |
ducasse | latino31: after that finishes, log out and in again to see if there are any changes. | 09:04 |
k_sze[work] | So I have disabled apport and set kernel.core_pattern=core, but I still don't get any core file generated. | 09:05 |
ducasse | negev: vm.swappiness being 0 does not mean swap will never be used, does 'free -m' report any swap in use? | 09:07 |
negev | ducasse: no, none used | 09:07 |
bazhang | k_sze[work], where's the bug you have filed against apport | 09:07 |
k_sze[work] | bazhang: I haven't filed any bug. From the looks of things, this should be a solved problem. Many people say they can get plain old core files by disabling apport and then setting kernel.core_pattern appropriately. I'm guessing something is step is still missing. | 09:08 |
bazhang | k_sze[work], that sounds like you are on the right track | 09:09 |
latino31 | ducasse, i did that and im not getting sound.. | 09:09 |
k_sze[work] | So I'm just wondering if anybody has an idea of what I may have missed. | 09:10 |
pushpak | ubuntu says system program problem detected....what to it serious? | 09:10 |
ducasse | latino31: ok. is the right device selected etc? | 09:11 |
k_sze[work] | I disabled apport by renaming /etc/init/apport.conf to /etc/init/apport.conf.disabled, and I put a new kernel.core_pattern value in /etc/sysctl.conf. | 09:11 |
pushpak | ubuntu says system program problem detected....what to do? | 09:11 |
k_sze[work] | The directory where the core file is supposed to exists and is writable by me. | 09:11 |
k_sze[work] | And I have already rebooted before trying to generate a core file. | 09:12 |
jushur | pushpak: need details to be able to answer. | 09:12 |
ducasse | pushpak: which ubuntu version is this? | 09:12 |
k_sze[work] | My `ulimits -c` is also unlimited. | 09:13 |
k_sze[work] | *ulimit | 09:14 |
pushpak | my ubuntu version is 16.04.02 | 09:14 |
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pushpak | ubuntu says system program problem detected....what to do? | 09:21 |
pushpak | my ubuntu version is 16.04.02 | 09:21 |
latino31 | ducasse, where is the device selection at again lol | 09:23 |
ducasse | latino31: to get a better overview of your sound settings, install and run 'pavucontrol' | 09:26 |
pc21 | uep | 09:28 |
pc21 | com anam? | 09:28 |
ducasse | !es | pc21 | 09:28 |
ubottu | pc21: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 09:28 |
latino31 | ducasse, something is wrong it wont connect to pulseaudo | 09:29 |
pc21 | how are you? | 09:29 |
ducasse | latino31: exactly which ubuntu is this? | 09:29 |
latino31 | 17.04 | 09:29 |
pc21 | you are silly | 09:30 |
ducasse | pc21: do you have an ubuntu support question? | 09:30 |
pc21 | no, i'm only here to fuck you | 09:31 |
pc21 | mutherfucker | 09:31 |
ducasse | oh, goodie. a kid who has gotten his hands on a computer. | 09:32 |
pc21 | yea | 09:32 |
bazhang | lets get back to support please | 09:32 |
ducasse | latino31: where do you get that message? | 09:34 |
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latino31 | that erro message earlier ducasse was in syslog | 09:36 |
latino31 | and also i dont see any device in play sound through | 09:37 |
latino31 | ducasse,, | 09:37 |
latino31 | i dont see a .pulse folder like they describe | 09:38 |
latino31 | in the home directory | 09:38 |
ducasse | latino31: can you open pavucontrol, or does that give an error? | 09:38 |
latino31 | ducasse, it gives an error | 09:39 |
ducasse | latino31: that says...? | 09:39 |
ducasse | latino31: can you pastebin output of 'aplay -l'? | 09:41 |
latino31 | ducasse, connection to pulse audio failed | 09:41 |
latino31 | and that defualt message | 09:41 |
latino31 | ducasse, | 09:42 |
latino31 | ducasse, apparently this is some sort of bug | 09:45 |
ducasse | latino31: does 'aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Right.wav' work? | 09:46 |
latino31 | ducasse, weird yes it does | 09:49 |
latino31 | but youtube does not | 09:49 |
blip- | hi, installed xubuntu 16.04 recently on laptop. Brightness control works, but occasionally (especially after going to standby and resuming), it doesn't anymore (not keyboard keys nor slider in software) | 09:49 |
blip- | What are the things I can restart short of restarting the OS completely ? | 09:49 |
ducasse | latino31: ok, so alsa works, but pulseaudio is having none of it... | 09:49 |
blip- | (restarting xfce4-power-manager didn'\t help) | 09:49 |
ducasse | blip-: try restarting x | 09:50 |
ducasse | latino31: try 'start-pulseaudio-x11' | 09:53 |
latino31 | ducasse, connection refused | 09:55 |
YankDownUnder | blip-, If you're using XFce4, then "lightdm" is the "login UI" - you can always put yourself at tty1 and restart lightdm - which will restart the desktop session - so it's not "restarting the system" per se...but close enough... | 09:56 |
ducasse | latino31: ok. i suspect you have some dbus/pulseaudio interaction bug, but i don't know either of those well enough. you can try #pulseaudio | 09:57 |
latino31 | thanks | 09:57 |
blip- | YankDownUnder, thanks, unfortunately not enough. I'll reboot and try to identify what exactly causes the issue | 10:01 |
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skratchez | hello | 10:13 |
skratchez | i have a super newbie question if anyone's here, or maybe someone could recommend another channel for that | 10:15 |
EriC^^ | !ask | skratchez | 10:15 |
ubottu | skratchez: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 10:15 |
pos | Anyone else find that Ext2Fsd isn't working on Windows 10? Any other suggestions on how to read from an ext4 part from Windows? | 10:16 |
skratchez | sorry, are there any known issues that prevent a perfectly good usb bootloader from running on a windows machine or any troubleshooting guides | 10:17 |
EriC^^ | skratchez: the usb has a live iso? you've tested it on another machine? | 10:18 |
YankDownUnder | "Legacy" boot options in BIOS...? | 10:18 |
skratchez | errr, i can verify it from the ubuntu hash, and i'm using rufus to make it | 10:18 |
EriC^^ | skratchez: try a different usb port, check the bios for fastboot and disable it, if legacy then set it first in the boot order or try a run-time boot options menu and choose it, try disabling secureboot if uefi | 10:20 |
skratchez | it's set first in boot order, and i've tried this with a smaller install with an arch cd. additionally this exact thumb drive will boot to windows recovery from this exact port (formatted and installed ubuntu on it now ofc) | 10:21 |
latino31 | ducasse, maybe this will help | 10:21 |
ducasse | latino31: i can't improve on that, find out what it is. | 10:23 |
skratchez | tried the most conservative options on current rufus install (not a linux expert by far but on other machines i have no problem making a boot drive/disc and running from there) | 10:23 |
EriC^^ | skratchez: what happens when you choose to boot it from a run-time menu? | 10:25 |
skratchez | how do you mean? | 10:28 |
EriC^^ | skratchez: like when you boot you can press f9 in hp laptops and get a boot options menu and choose exclusively what to boot | 10:29 |
skratchez | yeah, it gets ignored, same with a disc | 10:29 |
skratchez | no regard | 10:29 |
EriC^^ | what's it say? | 10:29 |
EriC^^ | errors etc? | 10:29 |
skratchez | no, big windows logo in 1.nothing seconds | 10:30 |
* YankDownUnder wonders if the /boot partition on the USB is actually set to boot | 10:30 | |
skratchez | well yeah, but i'm relying on the most current version of rufus with the most conservative options set to make this | 10:31 |
skratchez | tried it a few different ways and no go | 10:31 |
skratchez | if there's a better alternative to that for a bootloader, by all means | 10:31 |
EriC^^ | try linuxlive usb creator | 10:31 |
skratchez | okay | 10:31 |
skratchez | will do, thanks | 10:32 |
SimonNL | skratchez: anything else attached usb beside the device you want to boot from ? | 10:32 |
skratchez | my logitech mouse most of the time | 10:32 |
skratchez | wireless dongle | 10:32 |
EriC^^ | skratchez: do try a different usb port as well, it might be working on and off or something | 10:33 |
SimonNL | nah I meant an external HDD device or such | 10:33 |
skratchez | no | 10:33 |
swensson | Anyone know how to create a "open vpn" so other users can users (loaded from a DB or something) can use my vpn? | 10:33 |
YankDownUnder | That'd not have much to do with "boot" ...I still think there might be something "overlooked" in the BIOS...I like to check twice/thrice or more...paranoia... | 10:33 |
skratchez | yeah i'll pop it in another port next time just to see | 10:33 |
SimonNL | skratchez: or a SD card. | 10:33 |
skratchez | no, just a blank for a microSD adapter (sometimes) but again the windows fixer boots like a champ to give me repair options and c: prompt | 10:34 |
skratchez | with or without the main drive in | 10:35 |
skratchez | i've been asking advice all over for this pitiful series of unfortunate decisions but i'm going to try linuxlive now and get back to y'all if it's a go or no go | 10:36 |
skratchez | really want to give props to whoever designed the UI on linux live | 10:41 |
skratchez | the GTA font and alpha channel is a nice touch | 10:41 |
skratchez | linuxlive can't even see the .iso wtf? | 10:48 |
EriC^^ | skratchez: you can't browse for it? | 10:49 |
skratchez | it can't | 10:49 |
EriC^^ | it migt not recognize it as the release but it'll still write it | 10:49 |
skratchez | it's looking for *.iso and seeing nothing | 10:49 |
EriC^^ | try pressing on "all types" | 10:50 |
skratchez | and *.whatever a linux distro might be but nothing | 10:50 |
skratchez | the dropmenu says ISO / IMG /ZIP (*.iso;*.img;*.zip...... and when i click it i get no more options than that | 10:50 |
skratchez | maybe it needs to be run as admin, idk | 10:51 |
EriC^^ | are you sure it's there? can you see it in the filemanager? | 10:51 |
skratchez | yeah | 10:51 |
YankDownUnder | skratchez, Does it actually have the extension of ".ISO"? Just asking... | 10:52 |
EriC^^ | maybe it's case sensitive? | 10:52 |
skratchez | that is actually a good question because it shows as a virtual clone drive file, but yeah also has a .iso extension | 10:52 |
skratchez | and i have windows set to show extensions | 10:53 |
YankDownUnder | Strange that...never experienced that bit before...UNLESS the .ISO is flagged as "system file/read only" - ya never know... | 10:54 |
skratchez | yeah, i've had issues with windows permissions and this disk is definitely doing something spooky (can not reset windows, can not create a repair disk, can not create a system restore point... but will continue to run) | 10:55 |
YankDownUnder | skratchez, Er...have you done a low level file system check on the Windows drive? (in a cmd prompt, do: chkdsk c: /f ==> when the system reboots, it will force a check on the integrity of the disk...) | 10:57 |
skratchez | yeah that's one of the many things that fail on this thing | 10:57 |
YankDownUnder | skratchez, Ooooo...not good...not there a means by which to remove the drive and check it on another workstation - OR - do you have a WindowsPE boot - like a CD or a USB? | 10:58 |
skratchez | memtest.exe, you name it, this beast has failed it but it's been running since the bush administration | 10:58 |
skratchez | and i have replaced the memory :P | 10:59 |
YankDownUnder | Bush had an administration? Wow...far out...musta flipped the channel and bypassed that one... ;) | 10:59 |
skratchez | yeah i got this laptop and nothing for now, tomorrow is a new day though so | 10:59 |
YankDownUnder | Yersh - tomorrow always brings fresh new insights | 11:00 |
Sparrow__ | Have you guys heard or used Hirens recovery disk | 11:01 |
skratchez | it's a gateway nv59, special discount at wurst buy back in the day because they mislabeled early i5 processors as i3 | 11:01 |
bazhang | Sparrow__, not for ubuntu | 11:01 |
skratchez | *ack* | 11:01 |
Sparrow__ | Handy to have in your toolbox | 11:01 |
YankDownUnder | Hirens 9.9! Yay! The best of the best! Yay! | 11:01 |
bazhang | skratchez, is linux live a windows tool for writing usb | 11:01 |
oerheks | Sparrow__, yes, but Ultimate Boot cd is my favorite | 11:01 |
Sparrow__ | bazhang, Thought he had a windows box there | 11:02 |
skratchez | yes | 11:02 |
bazhang | skratchez, why ask about using a windows tool here | 11:02 |
skratchez | i can almost make out cow spots on the the clicky parts | 11:02 |
YankDownUnder | I used to have to service those monstrosities...egads... | 11:03 |
skratchez | i'm not? i want a linux usb/disc to fix this thing | 11:03 |
YankDownUnder | MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE RANCH... | 11:03 |
bazhang | skratchez, you are asking about linux live or not | 11:03 |
bazhang | YankDownUnder, stop the excessive chatter please | 11:03 |
YankDownUnder | I just realised something, too, skratchez - you COULD get an "older version" of Ubuntu - like old...and burn that ISO and make a boot CD... | 11:04 |
skratchez | i'm asking about using anything, i am not familiar with different boot options | 11:04 |
skratchez | yeah, i have a bunch of blank cds, or i could go to the store tomorrow/today and get a rw dvd and just put a new windows .iso on | 11:04 |
skratchez | there is just something so frustrating about this box | 11:05 |
bazhang | skratchez, so this is completely about getting a windows iso to usb | 11:05 |
skratchez | no | 11:05 |
skratchez | i'm ready to bail on windows (at least temporarily just to use this as a web browser, plex server) | 11:06 |
YankDownUnder | Getting a linux ISO to a USB (or CD/DVD) on a Gateway (shivers) | 11:06 |
skratchez | that or throw it in nearest ravine | 11:06 |
pushpak | wine icons are not appearing in the ubuntu dash | 11:06 |
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pushpak | wine icons are not appearing in the ubuntu dash | 11:06 |
pushpak | help plx | 11:06 |
Sparrow__ | Ask in wine | 11:06 |
pushpak | Sparrow: i ignored ur statement :) | 11:07 |
skratchez | yeah i know, but jankies this thing might be haunted, i might need to chek with the groundskeeper | 11:07 |
Sparrow__ | For help with wine you need to ask in #wine if you like it or nt | 11:08 |
YankDownUnder | skratchez, Rest yer brain, tomorrow new things will come. Be well. Night y'all. | 11:08 |
skratchez | thank | 11:09 |
EriC^^ | skratchez: is it uefi or legacy? | 11:09 |
Sparrow__ | Try the earliest live ubuntu we made.. 606 maybe | 11:09 |
pushpak | Sparrow: it is showing you have been kicked out of this channel W*F | 11:09 |
mikhael_k33hl | I created a parition and encrypted it with Luks, can I install Ubuntu normally with it? Also my efi partition is on /dev/sdb, my ubuntu is on /dev/sda, will that be okay? | 11:10 |
Sparrow__ | Ive Op'd up and kicked myself before too. | 11:10 |
funabashi | Hi guys, i have a slow machine does this output from top command looks bad ? | 11:10 |
Ben64 | funabashi: no | 11:11 |
pushpak | so what should i do now? | 11:11 |
oerheks | 15 days up ... yes, no recent kernel update | 11:11 |
ikevin | funabashi, your machin use swap | 11:11 |
skratchez | legacy | 11:12 |
funabashi | ikevin: should it use swap ? | 11:12 |
ikevin | funabashi, you just have 1Gb of ram? | 11:13 |
skratchez | so @EriC^^ what does legacy imply? | 11:14 |
EriC^^ | skratchez: it means it's not a secureboot issue or bad uefi implementation | 11:15 |
EriC^^ | so that's good | 11:15 |
skratchez | ah | 11:16 |
EriC^^ | skratchez: for legacy to boot, all the bios needs is a valid partition table on the device, plus some bios want to see a boot flag on one of the partitions | 11:16 |
skratchez | i had hoped rufus did this automagically | 11:17 |
EriC^^ | and it'll boot whatever is in the bootloader location in the mbr, whether grub or windows etc it wont mind | 11:17 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 11:17 |
skratchez | eh, i'm gonna sleep on it with this pos all half disassembled | 11:19 |
skratchez | thanks for the advice, ttyl | 11:19 |
EriC^^ | ok, np | 11:20 |
mikhael_k33hl | I can't set the efi partition as the /boot/efi mount point | 11:21 |
Sparrow__ | skratchez, what part of the world are you in | 11:21 |
skratchez | pacific northwest | 11:22 |
Sparrow__ | I am in calif, do you not have better hardware around | 11:22 |
EriC^^ | skratchez: my money's on usb port screwing up sometimes | 11:22 |
EriC^^ | it's happened with me as well, perfectly fine usb, sometimes it wouldn't boot ubuntu i'd use the usb port next to it and it'd boot, other times it would just work | 11:23 |
skratchez | i might give that a chance inasec but that same port will load win recovery, and yeah i've read a bunch of stories where that happens like you said. worth a shot | 11:23 |
EriC^^ | it's very likely in this case, unless rufus is forgetting to put the boot flag or something | 11:25 |
EriC^^ | the bios can't tell what you're booting anyways, it's just going to run whatever is in that mbr, if grub isn't put there right you should at least have gotten some error | 11:27 |
NoxOnly | HOla | 11:37 |
NoxOnly | hola | 11:40 |
slime-monster | | 11:41 |
chientran | i recommend use ubuntu gnome 17.04 rather of 16.04 LTS | 11:41 |
chientran | in ubuntu gnome 16.04, all of my extensions disappear when i boot into os | 11:42 |
chientran | now this issue never exist in 17.04 | 11:42 |
mikhael_k33hl | Is it possible to point /boot/efi to the efi partition during gui installation? | 11:43 |
hex` | r | 11:45 |
maffh | I am trying to learn about processes in Ubuntu. When a process in the swap space, is it possible that the operating system run such a process? Or do you have to wait till there is enough space available on the ram? | 11:45 |
Sparrow__ | mikhael_k33hl, At the bottom of the partitioner you have boot selection installation? | 11:45 |
mikhael_k33hl | Sparrow__: yeah I do | 11:46 |
mikhael_k33hl | Sparrow__: It says here /dev/dm-0 | 11:46 |
maozhen | hello | 11:47 |
Sparrow__ | Im still waking up.. but that does not look right | 11:47 |
maozhen | waking up | 11:47 |
maozhen | up up up | 11:47 |
maozhen | jack and jone go up up up the hill | 11:47 |
maozhen | and big dog bill | 11:47 |
maozhen | <-- | 11:48 |
maozhen | --> | 11:48 |
maozhen | exit | 11:48 |
maozhen | quit | 11:48 |
mikhael_k33hl | Sparrow__: should I point it to the efi partition that windows created? | 11:48 |
Sparrow__ | I dont do efi any more so wait for a good answer.. | 11:50 |
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skratchez | So I moved the thumb drive to a different port | 12:00 |
skratchez | And pulled the offending disk as well, Ubuntu is propagating | 12:01 |
Sparrow__ | Yea | 12:02 |
Sparrow__ | !find gconftool | 12:03 |
ubottu | Found: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 108 others)§ion=all | 12:03 |
skratchez | Phone posting now as it reboots | 12:03 |
skratchez | Woo | 12:03 |
=== anonymous is now known as Guest62881 | ||
mati_ | Hi , I want to install a driver for my cpu (intel skylake), and properity drivers for my nvidia grx960, but when I'm doin' it from addidtional driver my whole desktop stuck. I wrote this yesterday but I was not able to run system that time. | 12:20 |
mati_ | I've just finish install os right now | 12:21 |
hateball | mati_: is this on... 17.04 or what? | 12:21 |
mati_ | hateball: 17.04 | 12:22 |
hateball | mati_: that uses... nvidia 375? | 12:22 |
mati_ | hateball: Yeap I tried to install this one. | 12:23 |
hateball | mati_: did you install both intel microcode and nvidia binary at the same time? | 12:23 |
Guest62881 | hi | 12:23 |
mati_ | hateball: No I didn't, I always install intel as a first driver than nvidia(with reboot) | 12:23 |
hateball | mati_: right, so intel worked fine then I take it | 12:24 |
hateball | mati_: while not offical, you could try install 378 from the not-official-but-official-PPA | 12:26 |
hateball | mati_: to do so, run this in a terminal: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa && sudo apt update && sudo apt install nvidia-378 | 12:26 |
mati_ | hateball: Ok, I will try this. | 12:26 |
hateball | mati_: there is also 381 which is beta driver | 12:27 |
hateball | (I use that and it works fine for me) | 12:27 |
mati_ | hateball: I read that earlier. but is it normal that download speed is so low 20-100b/s? | 12:28 |
mati_ | hateball: I will be in couple min, I need to reboot os | 12:29 |
davidj | Alright, alright. I give in! My gtx 1080 now works with proprietary drivers, so I'm 100% ubuntu again. ;) | 12:31 |
rud0lf | hooray \o/ | 12:31 |
rud0lf | long live ubuntu | 12:31 |
mati_ | davidj: gz :D hateball: Again after install intel drivers, os stuck when write in terminal reboot | 12:32 |
davidj | Sidenote: I swapped to gnome3 preemptively, it works relatively okay out of the box. | 12:32 |
davidj | @mati_ yeah, I can't stomach latency. | 12:32 |
davidj | "2fps desktop?! !@#$. Reverting to macos" :p | 12:32 |
hateball | mati_: but you can power it off and it boots up properly again? | 12:32 |
hateball | mati_: so it is just rebooting that fails? | 12:33 |
davidj | @mati_ oh! It's a current issue? Hm. Can you get to a shell? | 12:33 |
hateball | nouveau has plenty of quirks that could prevent a proper shutdown, which is why you'll want to get the nvidia blob asap | 12:34 |
hateball | for 9xx series and up I should say. nouveau does work well for some cards | 12:34 |
davidj | Nouveau is 'good enough' for me, and honestly even with the gtx 1080 was more than sufficient. There were some bugs on wayland, but otherwise all is well now. (Jumped to fedora temporarily when ubuntu was treating me like garbage) | 12:35 |
mati__ | hateball: aha, I didn't know that, thx for this info | 12:35 |
hateball | mati__: so, any luck getting 378 or 381 from ppa? | 12:36 |
mati__ | hateball: not yet, I'm waiting to downlaod this driver from repo | 12:37 |
mati_ | hateball: I hope it will be finally ok | 12:39 |
multifractal | I have this 'displaylink' USB hub at work. It used to work fine with my setup, but since clean installing fresh 16.04, I haven't been able to get it working again. Instlled driver with .run file but when I connect it, the screen just goes black with a single line of text at the top about /dev/something and a long number... | 12:40 |
multifractal | And becomes unresponsive, have to switch off with power button. | 12:41 |
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davidj | Doh. | 12:43 |
mati_ | hateball: Ok, I've just intalled Nvidia-378 now there is any option to test it? | 12:43 |
davidj | @mati_ "Let's do it live!" | 12:43 |
davidj | @mati_ There might be a more sane way of doing it, but I've never found one. | 12:44 |
hateball | mati_: test what? | 12:44 |
deemo | what kind of scripts are files *.d ? | 12:44 |
davidj | @mati_ Just remember the hotkeys for another shell when you reboot. ctrl-shift 1 iirc. | 12:44 |
mati_ | hateball: test nvidia driver is it works? | 12:44 |
jewels | Hi. I am trying to install the NVIDIA driver for my GeForce 920M. At the moment, when I am not able to use dual monitors because NVIDIA settings doesn't recognize them. Here there is the result of the command for graphics troubleshooting ( | 12:44 |
hateball | mati_: if you have a GUI session then it appears it works :p | 12:44 |
jewels | Someone can help me please? | 12:44 |
jewels | What's wrong with my configuration? | 12:45 |
mati_ | hateball: aaa, ok :D | 12:45 |
hateball | mati_: well you can run "lspci -k" and look at the VGA section, see that it lists nvidia as the used module | 12:45 |
jewels | I have installed the driver using the GUI. | 12:45 |
mati_ | hateball: thanks a llot | 12:45 |
hateball | mati_: and i suppose you can just try a reboot and see if it still hangs | 12:45 |
deemo | hmm hotkeys for different run levels? I am trying to exit into a lower run level from Linux Windows. | 12:45 |
deemo | basically I want exit linux windows into run level 1. Is there an easy way to do this? | 12:47 |
mati_ | hateball: yay, it's works :D | 12:47 |
davidj | @mati_ wooo! :) | 12:47 |
hateball | mati_: :) | 12:47 |
davidj | @deemo Do you mean windows 'wsl', or ubuntu as a virtual machine? | 12:47 |
hateball | deemo: init 1 ? | 12:47 |
davidj | @mati_ The hotkeys to get to a shell are ctrl-alt-f1 (through f6). ctrl-alt-f7 to get back to your main one. (just for reference) | 12:48 |
davidj | Might be preaching to the choir though, given you solved your graphics issue so easily :p | 12:48 |
deemo | I mean to window manager which is run at level 5, or perhaps level 3. | 12:48 |
deemo | I am not using Linux Live | 12:49 |
mati_ | davidj: thanks :) I know it but on novea dirvers I can not run terminal with this hotkeys .. hateball: thanks for help :) | 12:49 |
deemo | wsl is a what acronym? | 12:49 |
davidj | @deemo You might want to try the hotkeys I just mentioned | 12:49 |
jewels | Any ideas? Nobody can help me? | 12:49 |
davidj | @deemo That is, ctrl-alt-f1 (through f6). f7 to get back to your wm. | 12:49 |
davidj | @deemo is a good read on the topic. | 12:49 |
deemo | interesting | 12:50 |
davidj | @deemo I should note, not an expert on the topic. | 12:51 |
davidj | Guess you could just swap out of your wm (ctrl-alt-f1) and then type in init 3. :p | 12:52 |
davidj | @deemo re: wsl — 'windows subsystem for linux'. Basically, ubuntu shell on windows 10. Rather nice with few caveats. | 12:58 |
mati_ | hey guys, did u have a dleyna-renderer-service error? | 12:59 |
davidj | @mati_ I've never seen it, pastebin? | 12:59 |
thinkt4n_ | can anyone tell me why the canonical xenial community aws ami launches with /var/lib/dpkg locked? | 12:59 |
=== thinkt4n_ is now known as thinkt4nk | ||
mati_ | davidj: I don't know where I can find a this error info | 13:00 |
s7rawman_ | hey all. I've got myself throughly confused. I've got a Ubuntu server running, 16.04.2 LTS. On this server I have 4 hdd, two I know to be mounted to be sure, but a third should be mounted, but doesn't should up as mounted when I run lsblk. If a drive isn't mounted shouldn't I be unable to read the data off it. Here's the pastebin from the lsblk -o NAME, FSTYPE, SIZE, MOUNTPOINT, LABEL | 13:02 |
mati_ | davidj: | 13:03 |
davidj | @thinkt4nk Sounds like apt-get is already running, perhaps? | 13:03 |
s7rawman_ | | 13:03 |
thinkt4nk | ps doesn't list it | 13:03 |
davidj | @thinkt4nk (No idea re: solution besides killing off the process that's already using it) | 13:03 |
davidj | Interesting. | 13:03 |
thinkt4nk | yeah | 13:04 |
thinkt4nk | I wonder if unattended upgrades runs on boot and errors and orphans the lock? | 13:04 |
davidj | @thinkt4nk Computers. Anything could happen. Anything under lsof for /var/lib/dpkg ? | 13:04 |
davidj | lsof | grep /var/lib/dpkg //not assuming you haven't tried, just confirming | 13:05 |
thinkt4nk | I actually hadn't but I just did and nothing | 13:05 |
thinkt4nk | was a good idea though | 13:05 |
davidj | Welp! I'm all out of ideas. :p | 13:05 |
davidj | I'd reboot it, personally. | 13:06 |
thinkt4nk | davidj thanks man | 13:06 |
thinkt4nk | If I don't delete the lock it'll be there on reboot | 13:06 |
mikeymop | I was playing a movie on my laptop through a C-HDMI dongle yesterdya | 13:09 |
mikeymop | and I noticed if I unplug the dongle without switching my audio back to the speakers I will lose sound | 13:09 |
mikeymop | Its still outputting, but it gets stuck on a source that isn't available. Can anyone recommend how I can diagnose this so I can make a bugreport? | 13:09 |
davidj | @mikeymop Wondering if it's a feature! :) | 13:10 |
=== thinkt4n_ is now known as thinkt4nk | ||
davidj | wb @thinkt4nk | 13:11 |
davidj | Any luck? | 13:11 |
* mikeymop pouts in corner at davidj | 13:12 | |
thinkt4nk | not yet. I'm hoping that I can reproduce after clearing lock and rebooting a couple of times, so that I can try disabling unattended-upgrades and confirm that it doesn't produce the same behavior | 13:12 |
thinkt4nk | my only hope right now | 13:12 |
MustaKrakish | is Obi Wan | 13:13 |
thinkt4nk | we use saltstack to manage this infrastructure so I can't have random instances launching and failing provision | 13:13 |
thinkt4nk | ^ | 13:13 |
davidj | @mikeymop I only jest, but besides alerting the user to swap their outputs, it's probably kind of useful. | 13:13 |
mikeymop | davidj: as am i :) | 13:14 |
mikeymop | im not sure if I should start with pulseaudio, as even if I click it back to speakers it wont produce sound until i reboot | 13:14 |
mikeymop | if I plug the adapter back, it doubles my hdmi output so then I have hdmi/displayport out 1 and 2 | 13:15 |
mikeymop | do you know if xrandr handles the outputs? | 13:15 |
* davidj doesn't. | 13:18 | |
davidj | But if you find out, let me know. | 13:18 |
mikhael_k33hl | I have a pre-existing efi partition in /dev/sdb for Windows, now I'm trying to install Ubuntu alongside Windows, I created a 500 parition and mounted /boot, but it gives me the error "The attempt to mount a file system with type vfat in SCSI1 (0,0,0), partition #1 (sda) at /boot/efi failed. | 13:25 |
gogeta | mikhael_k33hl, umm probly becouse it should not be fat | 13:26 |
mikhael_k33hl | gogeta: I'm trying to moutn it to /boot with filesystem ext4 | 13:26 |
mikhael_k33hl | gogeta: Should I set the install bootloader on /dev/sdb1 (the efi partition created by windows)? | 13:27 |
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gogeta | mikhael_k33hl, di you set the boot flage | 13:28 |
gogeta | did | 13:28 |
mikhael_k33hl | gogeta: what do you mean boot flags? | 13:28 |
gogeta | mikhael_k33hl, it need to be flagged at boot if your manulay partning | 13:29 |
gogeta | as | 13:29 |
mikhael_k33hl | gogeta: My laptop came with WIndows pre-installed, so it already has an efi partition in sdb/sdb1, I"m trying to install Ubuntu in /sdb/sda | 13:29 |
mikhael_k33hl | gogeta: Should I install the bootloader in /sda or should I point it to /sdb/sdb1? | 13:29 |
gogeta | mikhael_k33hl, in gparted you have flag options check boot | 13:29 |
EriC^^ | mikhael_k33hl: do you want ubuntu to be a standalone install? (it can work if you remove the hdd and put it on another pc by itself) | 13:30 |
mikhael_k33hl | EriC^^: Nope, I want it installed alongside windows | 13:30 |
EriC^^ | mikhael_k33hl: ok, so if you remove the windows hdd, it won't boot anymore fyi | 13:30 |
mikhael_k33hl | gogeta: I created a parition encrypted it with Luks then created lvm paritions on it | 13:30 |
BluesKaj | Hi folks | 13:30 |
EriC^^ | you're cool with that? | 13:30 |
mikhael_k33hl | EriC^^: No, I want to still be able to boot to Windows | 13:30 |
EriC^^ | mikhael_k33hl: no i mean ubuntu won't boot anymore | 13:31 |
mikhael_k33hl | EriC^^: So where should I install the bootloader? | 13:32 |
gogeta | mikhael_k33hl, your eft partation need to be flagged as bootable | 13:32 |
gogeta | efi | 13:32 |
EriC^^ | mikhael_k33hl: in the efi partition of windows, if you're ok with what i mentioned | 13:32 |
EriC^^ | gogeta: nah | 13:32 |
mikhael_k33hl | gogeta: hmm Didn't windows already did that | 13:32 |
mikhael_k33hl | EriC^^: So if I install the bootloader in the efi partition of Windows, will I still be able to dual boot? | 13:33 |
EriC^^ | mikhael_k33hl: yeah | 13:33 |
gogeta | mikhael_k33hl, yes grun handels that | 13:33 |
gogeta | grub | 13:33 |
mikhael_k33hl | EriC^^: do I need a separate /boot partition? | 13:34 |
gogeta | mikhael_k33hl, you only need the efi boot partation | 13:34 |
EriC^^ | mikhael_k33hl: no, you don't | 13:34 |
mikeymop | mikhael_k33hl: you dont mount the efi partition, just leave it and install like it doesn't exist | 13:35 |
pc_ | why does my screen brightness increase everytime i suspend the laptop and enter again? | 13:36 |
mikhael_k33hl | the efi partition WIndows create is only 200m, is that okay? | 13:36 |
gogeta | mikhael_k33hl, as long as you dont let to many kernrls build up | 13:36 |
mikhael_k33hl | so below there is this Device for boot loader installation: where should I point it? to /dev/sda or /dev/sdb1(efi parition created by Windows)? | 13:37 |
EriC^^ | mikhael_k33hl: yeah that's more than enough | 13:37 |
EriC^^ | mikhael_k33hl: /dev/sdb | 13:37 |
mikhael_k33hl | EriC^^: /dev/sdb? that's the windows partition | 13:38 |
EriC^^ | mikhael_k33hl: that's the windows disk | 13:38 |
mikhael_k33hl | EriC^^: yeah, should I point it to /dev/sdb? or /dev/sdb1(the specific efi partition)? | 13:39 |
EriC^^ | no just /dev/sdb | 13:39 |
gogeta | umm whats on sda | 13:39 |
EriC^^ | mikhael_k33hl: just make sure you're booted in uefi mode | 13:40 |
pynki | probably the install usb gogeta | 13:40 |
gogeta | thats odd | 13:40 |
EriC^^ | mikhael_k33hl: ls -l /sys/firmware/efi in a terminal should show you what mode you're booted in | 13:40 |
mikhael_k33hl | EriC^^: yeah, that commands displays a lot of stuff | 13:40 |
zzarr | hello! | 13:40 |
EriC^^ | ok, you're all good then | 13:40 |
mikecmpbll | when i try to switch user and use `systemctl --user` to control a user service in systemd, i get "Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory" | 13:41 |
mikecmpbll | if i ssh in as the deploy user, i can use systemctl --user, but if i `sudo su` to switch to root, and `su deploy` to switch back to deploy, i get the error | 13:42 |
jh_ | hello | 13:42 |
zzarr | is it possible to build an image of a desktop Ubuntu for a Android tablet with the help of mkbootimg and the kernel source? | 13:42 |
zzarr | I have an ASUS Zenpad Z300C (P023) | 13:43 |
mikecmpbll | any ideas how i can achieve this so i can control the service from a script running as root? | 13:43 |
zzarr | I have the kernel source (from ASUS page) | 13:44 |
captainfixerpc14 | G'morning - is this complicated? | 13:49 |
captainfixerpc14 | OpenJDK Client VM warning: You have loaded library /tmp/ which might have disabled stack guard. The VM will try to fix the stack guard now. | 13:49 |
captainfixerpc14 | It's highly recommended that you fix the library with 'execstack -c <libfile>', or link it with '-z noexecstack'. | 13:49 |
acresearch | hello people. what is the difference between ubuntu server and debian server? (neither has a desktop environment) and both sort of are the same under the hood (except for the update on some appilcation)... is my understanding correct? | 13:50 |
pynki | acresearch, no. the same is not correct | 13:52 |
acresearch | pynki: oh | 13:52 |
acresearch | pynki: so what are the differences (in general) | 13:52 |
pynki | acresearch, the software you install come from different places/people | 13:53 |
pynki | like pizza, kinda the same everywhere... | 13:54 |
acresearch | pynki: yeh i get that, but in term of performance, i mean i have a server and i have ubuntu on it, but there are many different options including debian, i chose ubuntu becuase i know ubuntu, why would someone choose debian or another distro in a server environment | 13:54 |
Sparrow__ | speed | 13:55 |
pynki | ideology | 13:55 |
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pynki | the firefox name is trademarked... you wont find it in debian | 13:56 |
pynki | just to give an example | 13:56 |
ducasse | acresearch: personal preference, which ecosystem they know better | 13:56 |
ducasse | just to give another | 13:56 |
acresearch | ducasse: hmmm | 13:56 |
pynki | ubuntu server brings a lot of stuff you wont need. a headless debian install is way "cleaner" in my eyes | 13:57 |
acresearch | pynki: oh | 13:58 |
BluesKaj | well, most users don't do headless | 13:58 |
acresearch | but it still has this issue with su and sudo and you cannot install propriety software correct? | 13:58 |
marcarrelus | Hi, VLC 2.2.4 should have by default a HEVC decoder, right? I'm trying to play a h265 video but VLC just results in a black screen. I used ppa:strukturag/libde265 in the past, but it seems that there is no support anymore for later releases (I'm on zesty). | 13:58 |
captainfixerpc14 | acresearch, Debian has root account enabled by default, but can be configured to use sudo | 13:59 |
pynki | acresearch, you can install whatever you want on a debian system. they will not bring packets for software that is non-free of any kind | 13:59 |
acresearch | pynki: i see | 14:00 |
acresearch | i think i undertsand now :-) | 14:00 |
Sparrow__ | !su | 14:00 |
ubottu | sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: | 14:00 |
Sparrow__ | That was for my own benefit guys | 14:01 |
ducasse | marcarrelus: vlc plays h265 just fine here on 17.04, i've not done anything other than installing it afaicr | 14:01 |
marcarrelus | aha, Gnome videos can decode it. iirc this uses gstreamer under the hood, so I guess there the plugins are correctly installed. | 14:01 |
marcarrelus | perhaps there is something special about the stream. It is related to a video course, so I wouldn't be surprised about it. Thanks :) | 14:02 |
BluesKaj | marcarrelus, make sure you have libde265-0 installed | 14:03 |
Alby_Fox | If I wanted to change the default behavior of the alt+tab function in the default wm of ubuntu 16.04 is there a straightforward path to doing so? | 14:03 |
pynki | is there a reason to keep the ~/Desktop folder in a fluxbox install? | 14:03 |
Georgies | Hello. For some reason I cannot apt-get update now on my Ubuntu Server yakkety | 14:04 |
marcarrelus | BluesKaj: already installed, but thanks. I can continue with gnome videos, so no problem anymore :) | 14:04 |
Georgies | is my issue | 14:05 |
Georgies | I believe it's 16.10 | 14:06 |
ducasse | pynki: i can't think of any, i nuked mine ages ago with no ill effects so far :) | 14:06 |
* pynki nukes Desktop folders | 14:07 | |
ducasse | pynki: if you want to execute .desktop files and/or get the xdg autostart stuff, check out 'dex' | 14:08 |
ducasse | (rofi is also good for running .desktop stuff) | 14:09 |
LampLovin | just joined the channel, but how does rofi compare to alfred for macos? | 14:09 |
ducasse | LampLovin: rofi is a pretty bare-bones launcher, but very extensible | 14:10 |
LampLovin | so it's more on par with spotlight? i know, lots of mac references, but that's what i'm used to | 14:10 |
pynki | ducasse, no need of fancy stuff. just a desktop to put a terminator window with a specific layout as "background" and i am fine... | 14:10 |
mikhael_k33hl | I've installed Ubuntu on an encrypted partition (LUKS/LVM2), is there any other things I need to configure after the GUI installation? or is everything gets taken care of? | 14:11 |
pynki | ducasse, and a, in my case shft+space, keycombo to get the menu ;) | 14:12 |
ducasse | LampLovin: don't have a mac, so no clue really. | 14:12 |
pynki | mikhael_k33hl, the standard encryption from the installer? | 14:13 |
ducasse | pynki: rofi is my menu :) | 14:13 |
mikhael_k33hl | pynki: Nope I did it via terminal cryptsetuyp | 14:13 |
LampLovin | ducasse: no problem, thanks | 14:13 |
Georgies | Can someone help my issue out/ | 14:15 |
ducasse | LampLovin: it's just a simple way to run commands, .desktop files, open ssh connections or select windows by default, but you can make it do a lot more with scripts | 14:15 |
Georgies | is my issue | 14:15 |
ducasse | Georgies: has this been happening for long? | 14:15 |
Georgies | No | 14:15 |
Georgies | Just happened this morning | 14:15 |
Georgies | When I woke up I noticed it | 14:16 |
Georgies | Yesterday it worked fine | 14:16 |
Georgies | Could it just be my dns servers? | 14:16 |
pynki | Georgies, can ping the ip? | 14:16 |
pynki | sure you can, sorry, gettin a 404.. | 14:17 |
Georgies | PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=16.1 ms | 14:17 |
Georgies | So yes | 14:17 |
Georgies | Hmm | 14:17 |
pynki | and the release fiel is there :/ | 14:18 |
pynki | apt-get clean @Georgies | 14:18 |
pynki | thatchanges anything? | 14:18 |
Georgies | Let me try it | 14:18 |
Georgies | Changed nothing | 14:19 |
Georgies | :( | 14:19 |
Georgies | I did apt-get update after | 14:19 |
ducasse | Georgies: it looks a lot like a temporary error, i've seen similar things before | 14:19 |
pynki | Gerogies, where are you located? | 14:19 |
Georgies | EU | 14:19 |
pynki | i have these issues here in china alot | 14:19 |
Georgies | Oh. I see | 14:20 |
pynki | free EU or some like UK? | 14:20 |
pynki | as soon as they start tampering with conenctions.... | 14:20 |
Georgies | Oh you mean the government is trying to tamper with my connection? | 14:21 |
Georgies | That's unlikely since its UK based | 14:21 |
Georgies | I wouldn't see why the UK would do that | 14:21 |
compdoc | how would you know? | 14:21 |
Georgies | True | 14:22 |
Georgies | But they are communists | 14:22 |
Georgies | :> | 14:22 |
ikonia | they would have to have a pretty good reason to do so | 14:22 |
Georgies | aren't* | 14:22 |
marcarrelus | ah, shame you guys are leaving :p | 14:22 |
Georgies | Well we just host game servers | 14:22 |
Georgies | so. | 14:22 |
ikonia | the UK has to have a certain level of approval to interact with someones internet, which is logged and recorded | 14:22 |
Georgies | Again, we do game servers | 14:22 |
Georgies | Minecraft at that | 14:22 |
Georgies | I doubt the UK is interested in a Minecraft Network | 14:23 |
Georgies | Just sayn | 14:23 |
marcarrelus | national security is very important | 14:23 |
Georgies | xD | 14:23 |
marcarrelus | terrorists organizing themself through minecraft are a known issue | 14:23 |
Georgies | Totes agree with that, forgot Minecraft is a matter of National Security | 14:23 |
mikhael_k33hl | EriC^^: got an error saying Grub failed to install at /target/ | 14:23 |
xplora1a | Georgies, can you get to with a browser? | 14:23 |
Georgies | You guy's are funny | 14:23 |
Georgies | Yes | 14:23 |
Georgies | On my local pc | 14:24 |
Georgies | Let me try curl | 14:24 |
sansay | ##pagespeed | 14:24 |
sansay | sorry about that | 14:24 |
Georgies | Great, curl isnt installed since it's a minimal server install | 14:24 |
Georgies | wget <3 | 14:24 |
Georgies | interesting | 14:25 |
Georgies | My host machine is altering it | 14:25 |
Georgies | Sorry for your time | 14:25 |
Georgies | I figured it out | 14:25 |
Georgies | <_> | 14:25 |
Georgies | lolz | 14:25 |
looq | hello | 14:26 |
xplora1a | Georgies, what was the problem? | 14:27 |
sansay | hey guys, after compiling a binary from source how to i install it into nginx system? | 14:31 |
sansay | ubuntu system** | 14:31 |
ikonia | install it into ? | 14:31 |
ikonia | nginx is a web server..... | 14:31 |
pynki | what do you mean with "install into" | 14:32 |
marcarrelus | sansay: start with telling which kind of binary? is it a web service? | 14:32 |
sansay | okay so i compiled nginx from source, and did make install | 14:32 |
sansay | when i type "nginx" in the command line it says you can install nginx using the following command | 14:33 |
sansay | The program 'nginx' can be found in the following packages: * nginx-core | 14:33 |
marcarrelus | is there a specific reason that you would want to compile it from source? | 14:33 |
pynki | ln -s /where/ever/it/is/installed/to/nginx /bin/nginx | 14:33 |
sansay | ya i need to add pagespeed module to it | 14:33 |
sansay | ah | 14:34 |
sansay | any idea how to figure out where it installed | 14:34 |
ikonia | sansay: you compiled it - you should know where you put it | 14:34 |
pynki | apt-get install locate && updatedb && locate nginx | 14:34 |
ikonia | it really sounds like you shouldn't be doing this | 14:34 |
ikonia | no, that won't work | 14:34 |
ikonia | it will only work if you've put it in the search path locations | 14:34 |
sansay | ah i see | 14:34 |
sansay | so it would be in the folder where it was compiled? in objs ? | 14:35 |
ikonia | sansay: depends on how you compiled it | 14:35 |
ikonia | sansay: have you actually looked if you can make the module you want work with the ubuntu install ? | 14:35 |
marcarrelus | sansay: just as a side-note. Apache can be much more convenient when plugins are needed. No need for manually compiling | 14:35 |
sansay | | 14:36 |
sansay | just from the official source seems thats how they do it | 14:36 |
=== czesmir_ is now known as czesmir | ||
ikonia | sansay: it really sounds as if this isn't something you should be doing with your current understanding | 14:36 |
Sparrow__ | sansay, You know that nginx 1.10 ? is in our repos | 14:36 |
marcarrelus | Sparrow__, I guess he specifically wants this plugin. | 14:37 |
ikonia | sansay: I think the build options don't contain the modes he wants | 14:37 |
sansay | ya i need pagespeed, otherwise i would install from the package manager | 14:37 |
sansay | is compiling from source that complicated that i shouldnt even bother? | 14:38 |
ioria | sansay, you can add that module also building the official ubuntu source : | 14:38 |
ikonia | sansay: I'd certainly question it with your current understanding | 14:38 |
sansay | after i run make install is there a way to undo that? | 14:40 |
ikonia | some packages have make uninstall | 14:40 |
tezogmix | which version of ubuntu would you think would run ok for firefox browsing with some html5 (e.g. youtube) on an 32-bit intel core duo 1gb ram laptop? | 14:40 |
ikonia | tezogmix: xubuntu or lubuntu | 14:40 |
sansay | ah ty, this one does not | 14:41 |
pynki | maybe this way is better than | 14:41 |
Sparrow__ | tezogmix, 32 Bit... really | 14:41 |
pynki | @sansay | 14:41 |
sansay | thanks, im following that now | 14:41 |
sansay | do you know what will happen with the current rogue nginx install? | 14:42 |
pynki | it will idle until next reinstall | 14:42 |
sansay | kk | 14:42 |
pynki | perhaps catch some dust | 14:42 |
tezogmix | thanks ikonia , will either run alright from a 16gb usb drive for the above purpose with the max 4gb persistence enabled? like from the pendrivelinux/UUI? currently, the laptop only has 40gb hdd and has windows 7 on it. | 14:42 |
sansay | lol maybe ill wipe the server and start over after | 14:42 |
ioria | God knows | 14:42 |
sansay | once i figure out how to get this setup proper | 14:42 |
ikonia | tezogmix: I personally don't like running from pendrives, so I'd give you an personal opinion rather than what you want | 14:43 |
Sparrow__ | ikonia, Do you know when we are losing 32 bit support. Soon I think. | 14:44 |
ikonia | Sparrow__: I don't to be honest, | 14:45 |
tezogmix | understand ikonia , wasn't using it to run any other software/downloading... Sparrow__ is that for all versions of ubuntu? rumored eta? Some of the LTS looks to be for a few more years. | 14:45 |
pynki | Sparrow__, a LTS has 4 or 5 years support? then he is good until at least 2020 | 14:45 |
ikonia | tezogmix: the fact that it needs to run from ram and swap out the file system on the USB is not a method I like, I like it even less on lower spec machines | 14:46 |
Sparrow__ | ikonia, I agree, pendrive AND persistence sounds like a way to kill some flash drives | 14:46 |
Southern_Gentlem | ??? | 14:46 |
Southern_Gentlem | Sparrow__, only when the persistence fills up then you have to wipe the drive and start over | 14:47 |
Sparrow__ | At least three Linux distros have already quit releasing 32-bit versions, and Ubuntu seems to be standing in line to do the same. Is the end at hand for 32-bit mainstream distros? | 14:47 |
Southern_Gentlem | Sparrow__, i have flash drives with persistance that have been running for years | 14:48 |
nacc | Sparrow__: yes | 14:48 |
tezogmix | ikonia, i was trying linux mint mate just from a few days back with a similar usb setup... and was curious to see if xbunutu/lubuntu would run slightly differently (possibly, a little more smoother?) you make a good point nevertheless on reasons, didn't consider the drawbacks on even lower spec'd machines. | 14:48 |
ioria | Sparrow__, here they say "With Ubuntu 18.10 support for 32-bit PCs will disappear completely" | 14:48 |
ikonia | tezogmix: it will be ball park the same | 14:48 |
tezogmix | i see ikonia ... | 14:48 |
dar123 | hey guyz, one of my applications is sending out emails as root <no-reply@domain>. How can i get it rid of root | 14:48 |
ikonia | tezogmix: keep in mind thats a personal opinion though | 14:48 |
ikonia | dar123: config the application | 14:48 |
tezogmix | no doubt, appreciate the insight ikonia ... | 14:48 |
dar123 | tried multiple things on my posfix/ | 14:49 |
pynki | 18.04 will give us time until '22. who knows if we are not already have 128 bit until then... | 14:49 |
ikonia | dar123: thats the MTA - you configure the from address/reply address in the application normally | 14:49 |
tezogmix | i read that tails version 3.0 is stopping 32bit support. | 14:49 |
tezogmix | so it's interesting to hear what Sparrow__ said re: 32bit phase-outs... | 14:49 |
ligy | hi | 14:50 |
Sparrow__ | | 14:50 |
ligy | anyone? | 14:50 |
pynki | hi | 14:51 |
tezogmix | from july 2016, wonder if we have any newer update news on that Sparrow__ (thanks for that link) | 14:51 |
ligy | hi | 14:51 |
Sparrow__ | and the biggie.. Google Chrome is to drop support for all 32-bit Linux distros from March, 2016 | 14:51 |
tezogmix | oh yeah? | 14:51 |
nacc | seems odd to say "is to drop" for something > year ago | 14:51 |
frozenrouter | well, we are getting towards the point where most 32-bit only machines cannot reasonably run the software provided in your average desktop distro, so it will probably not cause much disturbance. | 14:51 |
Sparrow__ | Old article for reference | 14:51 |
pynki | thats one of the things you should compile by yopurself | 14:51 |
tezogmix | well chrome i remember stopped vista windows support much earlier than their windows EOL.... | 14:51 |
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ioria | nacc, good point | 14:51 |
nacc | beyond hardware limitation itself, there's no reason to run 32-bit anymore afaict | 14:52 |
estranger | when did they stop making 32bit x86? 12-15 years ago? | 14:52 |
dar123 | ikonia: On the application i could only set the email no-reply@domain. | 14:52 |
Sparrow__ | They drop 32 bit support and no one noticed | 14:52 |
akik | frozenrouter: how many apps do you have that require 3 gigs of ram per process? | 14:52 |
sansay | interesting enough, that article says to edit the rules, but in the rules they are telling me to edit do not exist lol | 14:53 |
pynki | nacc - oracle java on systems with less that 4gb ram would be one reason | 14:53 |
frozenrouter | not so much memory for me, as the computational limits of the cpu are the problem | 14:53 |
nacc | pynki: oracle java is not an ubuntu package :) | 14:53 |
hateball | akik: any given modern game easily hogs that much. or a browser :) | 14:53 |
tezogmix | interestingly, i think a lot of people are still running FF32-bit on 64bit systems no? | 14:53 |
ikonia | dar123: then it's not sending that information to the mail server | 14:53 |
estranger | 32gb heaps w/ g1gc baby | 14:53 |
nacc | tezogmix: applications can stay 32-bit, if they want (afaict) | 14:53 |
wadie | Hi fellows, I need help removing DRM from an ebook on Ubuntu..any ideas ? | 14:54 |
nacc | wadie: afaict, that's illegal to do normally | 14:54 |
frozenrouter | Even my current computer, with a fairly recent 64-bit cpu and 6gb of ram is using less than 2gb of ram, just below it's normal workload | 14:54 |
nacc | wadie: so is not ontopic for this channel | 14:54 |
wadie | nacc I wanna read the ebook on multiple devices..nothing illegal about that | 14:55 |
tezogmix | | 14:55 |
tezogmix | ^^ to 64bit FF | 14:56 |
frozenrouter | akik: What i have found is that the 32-bit only cpu's I have used recently are heavily constrained by the cpu rather than the memory for normal applications | 14:56 |
tezogmix | Firefox 2017 Strategy & Roadmap (correct title to mozilla wiki link above) | 14:56 |
akik | frozenrouter: to me 32-bit vs 64-bit question is of no value. we used 32-bit for a long time, we'll use 64-bit for a long time | 14:57 |
pynki | hmm 2018/8 the installer is aware of 64bit... | 14:57 |
frozenrouter | Have ubuntu started providing 64-bit firefox by default for compatable releases? I remember having trouble getting hold of 64-bit firefox a while ago. | 14:57 |
tezogmix | Q2 will also see the release of our first 64-bit aware installer that helps users of Windows 64-bit systems get 64-bit Firefox. Finally, Web Extensions in Firefox will reach reasonable parity with Chrome. | 14:57 |
tezogmix | i wonder how our FF-plugins are going to play with this.... | 14:58 |
nacc | wadie: removing drm is illegal. most ebooks tha come with drm say that on the frontpiece | 14:58 |
pynki | nacc, and if they say "green is now blue" - is it? | 14:59 |
nacc | pynki: no idea what you're talking about? | 14:59 |
frozenrouter | akik: makes sense, since we will take a long time to commonly saturate the memory limits of 64 bit, besides, in my normal use of a system, the cpu becomes a limit for most tasks even before i am using 4gb of ram, and that is on a fairly power 64 bit cpu. | 14:59 |
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pynki | nacc, the y can print what ever on a ebook. if his local laws allow him to do it then he can do it - besides that he can do it and live with the consquences. that its not allow to discuss here, totally understandable | 15:00 |
nacc | pynki: right, so why did you point that out to me? to be offtopic about offtopic matters? | 15:01 |
wadie | nacc no, but just so you know how to handle such questions next time. I didn't ask for a legal advice :) | 15:02 |
akik | frozenrouter: what some people don't know is that you can have more than 4 gigs of memory on a x86 system. it just limits the per process memory usage | 15:02 |
wadie | anyway I got it..thanks | 15:02 |
nacc | !guidelines | wadie | 15:02 |
ubottu | wadie: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at | 15:02 |
nacc | wadie: if you would like to assert you live somewhere where removing DRM is not illegal (which you haven't), then you can do that | 15:03 |
frozenrouter | akik: I remember reading about that, but have never seen it in action on a 32bit processor, where I have never been able to install more than 4gb of memory into the system and have it recognised. I have seen this with 32 bit applications on 64-bit systems | 15:04 |
frozenrouter | I am forgetting to account for swap however | 15:04 |
pynki | where do the guidelines say that its not allowed to talk about - maybe - illegal things? | 15:06 |
sansay | does anyone know how i can see what is the default configuration params passed to the nginx packaged install? | 15:06 |
sansay | is | 15:06 |
frozenrouter | akik: Is there a relatively simple way for me to set that up on one of my 32-bit processor systems, it seems like an interesting concept to observe at low levels. | 15:07 |
akik | frozenrouter: well do you have a system that supports more than 4 gigs of ram? | 15:08 |
akik | frozenrouter: just use a i386 ubuntu iso and see what happens | 15:08 |
frozenrouter | if the fact that those systems have x86-64 processors will not affect it, I will do that when I can leave a system installing, thanks! :) | 15:10 |
akik | frozenrouter: back in time, there were different kernels for red hat (bigmem, hugemem) | 15:10 |
akik | frozenrouter: they're backwards compatible | 15:10 |
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Zied9 | 2 | 15:13 |
scorpion | any one around? | 15:22 |
scorpion | I got a question | 15:22 |
nacc | !ask | scorpion | 15:22 |
ubottu | scorpion: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 15:22 |
Seveas | scorpion: no, we're all out getting drunk :) | 15:22 |
kantlivelong | .bang | 15:22 |
scorpion | how do I know ahead of time if a distro is going to be compatable with fglrx prop driver? | 15:23 |
kantlivelong | .bang | 15:23 |
nacc | kantlivelong: please stop | 15:23 |
scorpion | other than 14.04.1 Ubuntu | 15:23 |
scorpion | I don't know any | 15:23 |
kantlivelong | wha? | 15:23 |
scorpion | i wanna install prop AMD drivers | 15:23 |
kantlivelong | wat am i doing? | 15:23 |
scorpion | fglrx | 15:23 |
Seveas | scorpion: all versions of ubuntu can use that. | 15:23 |
nacc | kantlivelong: you are typing '.bang' | 15:23 |
scorpion | and EVERY distro i use fails | 15:23 |
kantlivelong | oh lol | 15:23 |
nacc | Seveas: not true, fglrx is gone | 15:23 |
kantlivelong | weird | 15:23 |
scorpion | except for ubuntu 14.04.1 | 15:23 |
scorpion | I end up with a black login screen | 15:24 |
jackhum | in ubuntu if i close spotify , i think it should still continue playing music because it is in sound indicator as a service . why is this not happening | 15:24 |
scorpion | level 1 | 15:24 |
kantlivelong | not sure why its going to this channel | 15:24 |
scorpion | run | 15:24 |
ash_workz | where is the recommended place for aliases? It's not .bashrc anymore right? I thought maybe it was bash_profile, but I saw online something like bash_aliases ? | 15:24 |
jackhum | i have 2 music app , when i close those they stop playing music | 15:24 |
Seveas | nacc: oh. TIL. I'm out of date :) | 15:24 |
kantlivelong | nacc: thx for letting me know | 15:24 |
scorpion | Definately NOT every distro is compatable with fglrx | 15:24 |
scorpion | unless you know of a better driver to use with my ancient HD 7570 | 15:24 |
Seveas | jackhum: no, the indicator doesn't keep the music going. It just indicates that there's music being played | 15:24 |
nacc | scorpion: look in the logs for why it failed with the newer HWE kernel? | 15:24 |
nacc | scorpion: nothing wrong with using 14.04.1, btw | 15:25 |
nacc | scorpion: if you have old hardware | 15:25 |
Seveas | ash_workz: .bashrc works just fine. | 15:25 |
scorpion | i remember why it fails | 15:25 |
scorpion | it said it was unable to open /dev/ttyo | 15:25 |
scorpion | in my xorg log file | 15:25 |
ash_workz | Seveas: I thought that wasn't recommended for one reason or another | 15:25 |
nacc | ash_workz: not recommended by whom? | 15:25 |
nacc | scorpion: 14.04.1 is supported as long as 14.04.5 is | 15:26 |
Seveas | ash_workz: if anyone ever recommended that, I'd argue they're wrong :) | 15:26 |
ash_workz | nacc: I thought I read that in the docs somewhere | 15:26 |
nacc | scorpion: *but* note to not confuse hwe level vs. distro level | 15:26 |
jackhum | Seveas, okay , but can i do something so that i can kill music app , and it keeps running in sound indicator panel instead of showing it in my dock | 15:26 |
Seveas | jackhum: no. | 15:26 |
ash_workz | clearly I'm wrong | 15:26 |
ash_workz | glad I checked though | 15:26 |
scorpion | If I try to install fglrx on a brand new install of 17.04, i reboot to a black login screen | 15:26 |
nacc | scorpion: fglrx doesn't exist anymore | 15:26 |
nacc | scorpion: it makes no sense to install it on 17.04 | 15:26 |
Seveas | ash_workz: you can make your dotfiles as complicated as you want. My setup for instance is fairly complicated :) | 15:27 |
jackhum | Seveas, i think this was there in earlier version . i dont want to see applications at launcher | 15:27 |
nacc | scorpion: there is only amdgpu and then amdgpu-pro, iirc | 15:27 |
scorpion | How do I get propietary drivers on newer kernel? | 15:27 |
scorpion | I have a Radeon HD 7570 | 15:27 |
scorpion | ddr5 1gig | 15:27 |
tgm4883 | scorpion: generally you don't need them, they are either supported by Radeon or AMDGPU | 15:27 |
ioria | scorpion, sy, how can you install fglrx on zesty ? | 15:27 |
nacc | scorpion: you don't. | 15:27 |
scorpion | I was only able to install fglrx on 14.04.1 | 15:28 |
Seveas | nacc: is amdgpu foss or proprietary? Or where can I read more about this? :) | 15:28 |
nacc | Seveas: amdgpu is open, in the kernel | 15:28 |
nacc | Seveas: i believe amdgpu-pro is the proprietary equiv. but i'm no tsure | 15:28 |
nacc | scorpion: yes, you can only install it on 14.04 | 15:28 |
nacc | scorpion: if you want fglrx stay on 14.04 | 15:28 |
tgm4883 | amdgpu-pro is the proprietary one, although I think it just adds some features not generally needed for 3d acceleration | 15:29 |
scorpion | does the Radeon Driver provide better performance than fglrx? | 15:29 |
nacc | scorpion: if your hardware is working, there is no reason to use 14.04.5 v. 14.04.1 afaict | 15:29 |
tgm4883 | scorpion: being the FGLRX doesn't exist anymore, yes? | 15:29 |
Seveas | scorpion: did you see ? | 15:29 |
nacc | scorpion: seems unlikely | 15:29 |
scorpion | fglrx does exist lol | 15:29 |
nacc | scorpion: no, it doesn't, not on 16.04+ | 15:30 |
scorpion | i guess its just not being developed any more | 15:30 |
nacc | scorpion: it exists *for* 14.04 | 15:30 |
scorpion | is the open source driver gonna be able to provide any 3d performance for my card? | 15:30 |
scorpion | sorry to ask so many questions but its not often i find people that know what they are talking about lol | 15:31 |
nacc | scorpion: depends on the card. I believe older hardware is less well supported, but i'm not sure | 15:31 |
ioria | scorpion, yes | 15:31 |
Seveas | scorpion: best way to find that out is to try it and see | 15:31 |
ioria | scorpion, | 15:31 |
scorpion | i only have a 8800 GT, an 8800 GTX , and an AMD HD 7570 ddr5 | 15:32 |
scorpion | so I don't have many choices for video card to make a light steam gaming pc | 15:32 |
Seveas | according to what I find with google, the amdgpu-pro driver (proprietary replacement for fglrx) supports the 7570 | 15:32 |
Seveas | and the 8800 | 15:32 |
Seveas | | 15:32 |
scorpion | oh wait I have nvidia 610 as well muahah | 15:33 |
scorpion | gt 610 | 15:33 |
ioria | scorpion, ah | 15:33 |
Xtreme | hello, Got a odd and challenging question. Kinda betting you guys never faced this one before. | 15:33 |
scorpion | i have an ati x800 aswell | 15:33 |
scorpion | whats up Xtreme? | 15:34 |
Xtreme | I want to set up two login passwords for my user account. No, not "wither one or another", but both. Like 2fa but with password | 15:34 |
scorpion | hmmmmmmmm | 15:34 |
Seveas | Xtreme: I have in fact implemented such a thing the other day.... | 15:34 |
Xtreme | Like, you login with password a, then it asks again, where you have to enter password b. | 15:34 |
scorpion | giving your best friend access to your porn collection? | 15:34 |
plshelps | need help to setup my keyboard after user remove, apreciatcha! | 15:34 |
Seveas | Xtreme: so, you lost your bet :) | 15:34 |
ChaiTRex | scorpion: No, both are required to log in, not either. | 15:34 |
Xtreme | scorpion, exactly the opposite. | 15:34 |
scorpion | what are you trying to do because I bet there is a better solution you haven't thought of yet Xtreme | 15:35 |
pynki | Xtreme: easy. just reimplement "login" | 15:35 |
Xtreme | scorpion, its a + b | 15:35 |
Xtreme | Seveas, i am happy and sad. | 15:35 |
Xtreme | How you did that? | 15:35 |
Seveas | pam magic | 15:35 |
Xtreme | pynki, explain please | 15:35 |
Seveas | Xtreme: have you ever played with pam configurations? | 15:36 |
scorpion | you guys should check out Jitsi | 15:36 |
Xtreme | Seveas, yeah. | 15:36 |
Xtreme | Implemented 2fa with the same. but google authenticator. | 15:36 |
ChaiTRex | Jitsi was ugly last time I saw it. | 15:36 |
scorpion | it lets you give a small url to people that you can goto to share your screen, whiteboard, and skype like functionalitym, with NO LOGINS | 15:36 |
Xtreme | was tinkering it a bit so it only asks for few things and not for others. | 15:36 |
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scorpion | jitsi is amazing now | 15:37 |
Seveas | Xtreme: good. Then I'll just say pam_extrausers :) have a required on pam_unix and (for select users on pam_extrausers) | 15:37 |
scorpion | and being able to put it on your own webserver, or even host with your linux box, is freaking awesome | 15:37 |
riidom | how can I figure out where evince is installed, please? I need to point another application towards it | 15:37 |
scorpion | jitsi did alot of bug fixes and stablization over the last year | 15:37 |
s_kilk | I've got this weird issue that's started in the last few days (16.04), the gnome keyring doesn't unlock on login anymore. Meaning ssh, chromium etc, will prompt for keyring unlock on first use. Anyone any idea why that would be? | 15:37 |
Xtreme | Seveas, thank you. Looking into it. | 15:38 |
Seveas | Xtreme: I'll leave the problem of how to populate /var/lib/extrausers/ as an exercise for the reader... | 15:38 |
ChaiTRex | riidom: Run `which evince` | 15:38 |
pynki | Xtreme, this should be the source code for user login - just add your needs | 15:38 |
scorpion | okay guys. power users, whats your partition scheme for installing?? which directories do you give their own partition on the HDD and how big? | 15:38 |
Xtreme | But just to make sure we both understood each other correctly. we are talking about a + b and not a or b. | 15:38 |
riidom | ty ChaiTRex | 15:38 |
Xtreme | pynki, taking a look at it as well. | 15:38 |
Seveas | pynki: that's entirely unnecessary. pam lets you do this without any code modifications. | 15:38 |
ChaiTRex | scorpion: One big partition and a small one for swap. | 15:38 |
scorpion | really? | 15:39 |
scorpion | no /boot no /tmp | 15:39 |
tgm4883 | scorpion: don't poll the channel | 15:39 |
ChaiTRex | scorpion: That way, there's no worries about filling one of many up and having to resize. | 15:39 |
Seveas | !poll | 15:39 |
scorpion | what about /var | 15:39 |
ChaiTRex | scorpion: I have /tmp in RAM. | 15:39 |
tgm4883 | scorpion: one / one SWAP | 15:39 |
scorpion | ohhhh I was wondering how to do that | 15:39 |
Seveas | scorpion: there is no such thing as an optimal partition scheme. Depends on the use case. | 15:39 |
scorpion | i heard about that | 15:39 |
ChaiTRex | scorpion: Ahh, yes, for UEFI, I have /boot/efi or something on a separate partition. | 15:39 |
ioria | scorpion, have you already tried that HD 7570 on zesty ? | 15:39 |
scorpion | sorry to poll, but NO one i've ever met in real life uses linux so when I find you guys im going to ask questions | 15:40 |
Seveas | e.g. I have everything except /boot as encrypted lvm. But on most of my servers I don't. | 15:40 |
ChaiTRex | scorpion: If you have a lot of RAM, `tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,nosuid,nodev,mode=1777 0 0` in /etc/fstab | 15:40 |
Xtreme | Seveas, I hope the answer to my question is yes. Now if i understood extrausers correctly, the steps are. | 15:40 |
ChaiTRex | scorpion: Then, boot to single user mode, erase everything in /tmp (don't delete /tmp itself, though). | 15:40 |
scorpion | does that mean that ALL temp files in the whole system get funneled through that ram disk? | 15:40 |
Xtreme | 1: create /var/lib/extrausers/passwd and /var/lib/extrausers/shadow and copy set up second password there. | 15:41 |
ChaiTRex | scorpion: No, most things don't use /tmp. Like browser caches are in ~/.cache. | 15:41 |
Xtreme | 2: modify my pam.d/x file and set it up as another authenticator parameter | 15:41 |
Xtreme | right? | 15:41 |
Seveas | correct | 15:41 |
ChaiTRex | scorpion: /tmp isn't used all that much these days. | 15:41 |
scorpion | okay then maybe what I'm thinking of is maybe making a partition on my ssd that acts as a buffer for my spinny hd | 15:42 |
mikecmpbll | how can i start a user service (systemd) as root? | 15:42 |
scorpion | would that offer any performanfce benifit? | 15:42 |
Seveas | I'd do something like: auth required ; auth [success=ok, default=ignore] use_uid uid > 1000; auth required | 15:42 |
ChaiTRex | mikecmpbll: Usually `sudo service whatever start` | 15:42 |
Seveas | Xtreme: that way the extra passowrd only applies to 'normal' users and you have root as an escape hatch if you screw up :) | 15:42 |
ChaiTRex | scorpion: Yes, if the caching is done well. I'm not sure how to set that up, though. | 15:43 |
mikecmpbll | ChaiTRex : says not found. i can use `systemctl --user ...` as the user, but when i `sudo su` to root, i can't interact with it | 15:43 |
Xtreme | But that you will do in common auth | 15:43 |
ChaiTRex | mikecmpbll: Sorry, not sure then. | 15:44 |
Xtreme | which sudo will also inherit. | 15:44 |
Seveas | Xtreme: depends on where you want this. Could be in common-auth, could be in sshd... | 15:44 |
Xtreme | so maybe, i should do that for mdm & login | 15:44 |
Seveas | I generally only care about sshd when I do this kind of config | 15:44 |
mikecmpbll | if i try sudo su - deploy -c 'systemctl --user ...' i get "Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory" | 15:45 |
Xtreme | btw, i think my root login is disabled. How can i be 100% sure about it? | 15:45 |
Seveas | try logging in as root :) | 15:45 |
Xtreme | lol | 15:45 |
scorpion | man it seems like left 4 dead 2 stutters no matter whether I play it on my 16 core Ryzen 1700x or my 4 core q9450 core 2 quad | 15:45 |
scorpion | whether i use rx 480 or this crappy hd 7570. stutters on literally every os and hardware I have | 15:46 |
ChaiTRex | Xtreme: sudo cat /etc/shadow, see if the `root` line starts with `root:!` | 15:46 |
akik | mikecmpbll: maybe compare the "env" when the user service works and when it doesn't (sudo su - user) | 15:47 |
Xtreme | ChaiTRex, yes there is. and Yes, its not disabled.. Will removing that line disable login completely? | 15:47 |
mikecmpbll | akik : good idea, thanks i'll check that out | 15:47 |
ChaiTRex | Xtreme: Do not remove that line. The system depends on it. | 15:47 |
Xtreme | LOL. good i asked | 15:47 |
Xtreme | :D | 15:47 |
ChaiTRex | Xtreme: The ! means it's disabled. | 15:48 |
Xtreme | scorpion, isnt that 8 core cpu? | 15:48 |
ChaiTRex | Xtreme: According to `man passwd`. | 15:48 |
ChaiTRex | Xtreme: See the `-l` option there. | 15:48 |
Xtreme | aah okay. so yes, it has that line, but it doesnt have ! | 15:48 |
ChaiTRex | Xtreme: Without the !, the account is enabled. | 15:49 |
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Xtreme | okay. so adding ! first. | 15:49 |
Seveas | Xtreme: does it look like this: root:$6$U42VdWnf$u499wMz4...... | 15:49 |
ChaiTRex | Xtreme: You can use `sudo passwd -l root` to lock it. | 15:49 |
Seveas | don't manually edit the file please | 15:49 |
ChaiTRex | Xtreme: Don't edit /etc/shadow directly. | 15:49 |
Seveas | too easy to make mistake :) | 15:50 |
ChaiTRex | Xtreme: If you screw up, it can screw things up. | 15:50 |
Xtreme | okay :) Thanks. I used the passwd -l | 15:50 |
undil | hiiiy | 15:50 |
ChaiTRex | Xtreme: Is there now a !? | 15:50 |
Xtreme | Seveas, yes it was that way first. ChaiTRex Yup, now it has ! | 15:51 |
ChaiTRex | Xtreme: OK, you're good now :) | 15:51 |
tgm4883 | scorpion: I don't recall stuttering issues when I was playing that on my older boxes. I recall having many issues on 16.04 with my RX480 (which I got rid of) so you might try 17.04 with it now | 15:51 |
Xtreme | and i like the "This option disables a password by changing it to a value which matches no possible encrypted value" part. | 15:51 |
tgm4883 | or you could just stop buying AMD | 15:51 |
Xtreme | interesting | 15:51 |
Xtreme | tgm4883, AMD is not BAD. | 15:52 |
scorpion | @tgm4883 What driver were you using for the rx 480 | 15:52 |
Seveas | merely evil | 15:52 |
tgm4883 | scorpion: I tried both AMDGPU and AMDGPU-PRO | 15:52 |
scorpion | AMD at least makes an attempt to be part of the linux and open source community | 15:52 |
tgm4883 | Xtreme: in theory, no they aren't. | 15:53 |
scorpion | nvidia doesn't care for us at all | 15:53 |
Xtreme | I have around 12 AMD FX8 systems. and they beat the other Intel systems any given time. (got around 16 intel systems) | 15:53 |
=== zwischenzug2 is now known as zwischenzug | ||
scorpion | im gonna atleast support the company that is trying to give us other options besides microsoft and being slaves to our own hardware and software | 15:53 |
tgm4883 | This seems very off topic for this channel, if only there was a channel for offtopic discussion... | 15:53 |
scorpion | unless nvidia provides a nessecary feature, I try to buy amd to support what they are doing for us | 15:54 |
pynki | scorpion, like cuda? | 15:54 |
pynki | some s**t needs it :/ | 15:54 |
Xtreme | Seveas, okay. Can you please point me towards the right way in populating /var/lib/extrausers/passwd and /var/lib/extrausers/shadow for my user only? | 15:54 |
scorpion | Im happy just to see activity on the channel regardless of off topic or not... Man people just wanna talk, its okay | 15:54 |
treaki | hi | 15:55 |
scorpion | yes like cuda, but you don't always need cuda for everything | 15:55 |
treaki | does anybody has access to | 15:55 |
tgm4883 | !ot | scorpion no, there's a reason for it | 15:55 |
ubottu | scorpion no, there's a reason for it: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 15:55 |
pynki | Xtreme, better to create a dummy/test user for rthat | 15:55 |
treaki | i have lost mine just one moment ago | 15:55 |
treaki | and i need an iso | 15:55 |
treaki | is there a mirror? | 15:55 |
mikecmpbll | akik : great suggestion, was XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000 env var that made it work with su | 15:55 |
tgm4883 | treaki: what do you mean you lost access? It works here? | 15:55 |
scorpion | oh okay I get it. I do come here for support, but sometimes just seeing channel activity makes me more likely to speak up and ask for support | 15:55 |
pynki | treaki, link works fine | 15:56 |
scorpion | If the channels dead and no one talks im likely to try somewhere else | 15:56 |
treaki | my browser isnt able to load any page under that domain | 15:56 |
tgm4883 | scorpion: then you don't understand how support channels work | 15:56 |
tgm4883 | treaki: can you resolve that domain to an IP address? | 15:56 |
scorpion | i do, but dead channels usually stay dead... | 15:56 |
pynki | treaki, bottorrent | 15:56 |
pynki | bit | 15:56 |
treaki | thats an idea... | 15:56 |
treaki | but i heared people got blamed by law (or how to say it in english) for using it | 15:57 |
akik | mikecmpbll: nice! | 15:57 |
DArqueBishop | scorpion: this channel is active enough with support requests that offtopic chatter causes problems. | 15:57 |
scorpion | you have to registor to join #ubuntu-offtopic? | 15:57 |
tgm4883 | scorpion: there's a difference between dead channels and quiet channels. The difference is usually the number next to "Users/Members/etc". In this case, I have trouble seeing a channel with 1900+ people as dead | 15:57 |
pynki | treaki | 15:58 |
scorpion | your right lol. | 15:58 |
scorpion | I have to agree with you there | 15:58 |
treaki | ah, wget is working | 15:58 |
tgm4883 | treaki: you'd need to back that up with some sort of info. I don't see why that would get "blamed by law" | 15:58 |
treaki | but i get only 300kbps where i should get 1,6 M | 15:58 |
treaki | ah | 15:59 |
treaki | now it is working | 15:59 |
pynki | treaki, try this one - should be quite near | 15:59 |
treaki | lookes like my browser dosent liket that urls while it was able to open google and so on | 15:59 |
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pynki | and rtwh works grat normally | 15:59 |
treaki | now i am at 1,5 M..which is ok | 16:00 |
treaki | browsers are just to complex to understand, i should use wget everytime in the future | 16:00 |
treaki | i guess it was such a ipv4/v6 handover problem that i had just yesterday or something else | 16:00 |
treaki | wget is now using v4 and i dont have any native v6 | 16:00 |
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treaki | i guess my browser thought it could be a good idea to use v6 and it failed... | 16:01 |
treaki | or maybe i have to much addblocking addons installed | 16:01 |
nKf | hi all. I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 and want to add an application to mime list (.config/mimeapps.list). But it doesn't work for desktop files that are in .local/share/applications. Select "open as" in nautilus also doesn't show the application, but the scope is able to find it. any ideas? | 16:02 |
treaki | i hate such problems where you dont can find out what was the root of it | 16:02 |
yochay | hello? | 16:02 |
treaki | any idea how to investigate that? | 16:02 |
treaki | hi yochay | 16:02 |
yochay | hi | 16:02 |
scorpion | im having a hard time getting a handle on the finer points of trouble shooting linux. When something goes wrong in windows, 99 percent of the time I can track it down and fix it. When something breaks on my linux box and leaves me stuck with no GUI on a command line with no way to undo what i broke i feel so stupid... | 16:02 |
treaki | and strangest thing, after browser restart, problem gone... | 16:02 |
scorpion | I don't like when my os makes me feel stupid | 16:02 |
Seveas | scorpion: I don't need an os for that :) | 16:03 |
nacc | scorpion: beyond installing an unsupported package, what else have you done that 'broke' things? | 16:03 |
treaki | scorpion, with me its completely the oposite, if something fails in linux, ill use my bash and find out whats the problem infact | 16:03 |
treaki | (with tail and grep ant all them) | 16:04 |
scorpion | I want to trust me | 16:04 |
treaki | but on windows i am dammed to reinstall it | 16:04 |
ChaiTRex | scorpion: There are tools to diagnose whatever, it's just learning that they exist and getting some practice with them. | 16:04 |
scorpion | but when you only an intermediate user looking at the blinking black screen with no gui its a bit scary lol | 16:04 |
nacc | primarily (IMO) it's reading logs and understanding them | 16:04 |
treaki | but i think this problem could happen as well in windows if you just copy my firefox with the 100 addons or so over to there | 16:04 |
scorpion | I have some decent CLI skills on linux | 16:04 |
nacc | scorpion: you don't need a GUI to do anything then :) | 16:04 |
nacc | scorpion: just login and find logs | 16:04 |
treaki | scorpion, just ssh into your machine from another one | 16:04 |
scorpion | I can move around, copy files, do some basic compiling, | 16:04 |
scorpion | but as SOON as i start getting errors my whole life is over | 16:05 |
nacc | scorpion: oh that's more "basic CLI skills" | 16:05 |
scorpion | For example | 16:05 |
treaki | i have used my computer a cupple of days before rebooting with a frozen screen do to broken grafic hardware;) | 16:05 |
treaki | have a look at some basic unix tutorial | 16:05 |
treaki | i have started back then with this one | 16:05 |
treaki | | 16:06 |
scorpion | I tried to compile the quake 3 engine on the raspberry pi, it failed because it was looking for a dependant file in a certain place, that the developers of Raspbian had moved around, and if i had any clue what I was doing I would've been able fix that | 16:06 |
treaki | its in german language, but i think you can just look up all the topics there to get a basic understanding of how to use the commandline | 16:06 |
scorpion | literally only one file stopping me from compiling but I don't know how to include it | 16:06 |
treaki | and if you once got used to it, you want miss it anymore and are installing cycwin on any windows you need to use for your job ;) | 16:06 |
Giora | Hey is it possible to install gnome3 on ubuntu without compiz? | 16:07 |
scorpion | And trying to google a solution wont work with this particular problem. | 16:07 |
zootopia2 | hi there .. | 16:07 |
EriC^^ | Giora: yes | 16:07 |
treaki | scorpion, and whats the error message of that copy procces | 16:07 |
treaki | and which software are you using to copy it? | 16:07 |
Malsasa_ | zootopia2, hello. | 16:07 |
ChaiTRex | scorpion: Maybe the C or C++ channels for that sort of thing (specifying where a file is). | 16:07 |
treaki | we can try to investigate if you like till my ubuntu is downloaded and installed... | 16:07 |
zootopia2 | I need help .. | 16:08 |
scorpion | | 16:08 |
nacc | scorpion: there are better channels than this one for programming related help | 16:08 |
treaki | zootopia2, dont ask to ask, just ask | 16:08 |
ChaiTRex | treaki: I think WSL is giving Cygwin a run for its money. | 16:08 |
scorpion | I posted my issue here, and NO ONE. Literally no one replied. | 16:08 |
scorpion | not here, on that link I mean. | 16:08 |
zootopia2 | I move my home partition. | 16:08 |
zootopia2 | and now get this in dmesg | 16:08 |
zootopia2 | cgroup: new mount options do not match the existing superblock, will be ignored | 16:08 |
ChaiTRex | scorpion: Yeah, most people here won't know, so they won't answer. | 16:09 |
nacc | scorpion: not really an ubuntu issue if raspi forums are empty | 16:09 |
scorpion | treaki, check the link I posted | 16:09 |
treaki | ChaiTRex, i hate win10, and on my workplace there is still windows 7, and cygwin runs portable from a stick | 16:09 |
ChaiTRex | scorpion: For example, I wouldn't know since I'm not proficient with C or C++>. | 16:09 |
nacc | scorpion: the error is mssing libraries | 16:09 |
EriC^^ | zootopia2: show "sudo blkid" and "cat /etc/fstab" | 16:09 |
punkboy | who french ? | 16:09 |
EriC^^ | !paste | zootopia2 | 16:09 |
ubottu | zootopia2: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 16:09 |
treaki | of cause its not perfect, but its open source, so ill keep using it ;) | 16:09 |
scorpion | yes a missing library | 16:09 |
ChaiTRex | treaki: Ahh, good point. | 16:09 |
Giora | scorpion: use any utility to find that file and pass -I<Path to folder> to gcc | 16:09 |
nacc | zootopia2: tht's not an error, it can be ignored | 16:09 |
punkboy | hi | 16:09 |
nacc | scorpion: many missing libraries | 16:09 |
nacc | scorpion: so isntall the missing libraries | 16:09 |
treaki | ah i missed that because of it startet with raspi ;) | 16:09 |
scorpion | i see hundreds of people with quake 3 on their pi and when I go to compile iu get that | 16:09 |
treaki | your hollipi scorpion ? | 16:10 |
nacc | scorpion: did you install all the needed dependnecies? | 16:10 |
zootopia2 | I changed fstab .. | 16:10 |
scorpion | But heres the thing, I was following a tutorial using a fresh install of raspbian, it should've had all nessecary libraries | 16:10 |
pynki | scorpion, see the pm | 16:10 |
zootopia2 | sda2: LABEL="home" UUID="d5de582c-e29b-4479-a34d-be364458117c" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="00085e45-02" | 16:10 |
treaki | why compiling it the in the first place, isnt there a package in raspian with that engine? | 16:10 |
scorpion | Yes I am Hollipl | 16:11 |
zootopia2 | I didn't change the PARTUUID ? | 16:11 |
scorpion | i made that post | 16:11 |
nacc | scorpion: um, there's no reason for all the libraries to beinstalled, and i don't know what tutorial you followed | 16:11 |
akik | scorpion: did you make a web search for your problem? | 16:11 |
treaki | | 16:11 |
nacc | zootopia2: wht is your actual issue? | 16:11 |
treaki | there, should be there on raspbian to | 16:11 |
treaki | page isnt loading but they have anytime less instead of more | 16:12 |
tgm4883 | I usually recommend a reinstall when I see "I've tried 15 different tutorials" | 16:12 |
nacc | tgm4883: +1 | 16:12 |
zootopia2 | i get a delay on boot and a complaint from dmsg: 'cgroup: new mount options do not match the existing superblock, will be ignored' | 16:12 |
nacc | zootopia2: the latter is unrelated | 16:12 |
scorpion | | 16:12 |
treaki | 504 Gateway Time-out | 16:12 |
nacc | zootopia2: and was probably there before | 16:12 |
nacc | scorpion: please don't paste videos without context | 16:12 |
scorpion | This is the quake3 tutorial i followed | 16:12 |
scorpion | sorry nacc | 16:13 |
tgm4883 | scorpion: sorry, your post cracks me up. There's no way to "I'm following the process precisely" when you "tried 15 different tutorials" | 16:13 |
zootopia2 | nacc: Well maybe I didn't notice before, a watch pot :) | 16:16 |
zootopia2 | 'watched pot' takes ages to boil .. | 16:17 |
nacc | zootopia2: yeah, so the delay -- if you change your fstab back, does it go away? | 16:17 |
ChaiTRex | zootopia2: One time I watched a pot, and the metal didn't start boiling until next week. | 16:17 |
zootopia2 | I tried replacing the UUID with /dev/sda2 .. no effect .. it's to do with cgroups ... | 16:18 |
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nacc | zootopia2: what version of ubuntu? | 16:19 |
zootopia2 | 16.04 | 16:20 |
nacc | zootopia2: run `systemd-analyze blame` and pastebin the output | 16:20 |
zootopia2 | From dmsg .. | 16:22 |
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zootopia2 | 69.307608] audit .. 77.285423] cgroup .. 80.579117] IPv6 .. | 16:22 |
zootopia2 | Does that mean cgroup spent 3 seconds running ? | 16:23 |
nacc | zootopia2: please don't elide lines, it's impossible to know what those lines said | 16:25 |
nacc | zootopia2: just run the command i asked for | 16:26 |
zootopia2 | ok .. thanks for the responce ... | 16:26 |
zootopia2 | bye ... | 16:26 |
nacc | lol | 16:26 |
Xtreme | Seveas, stuck with /var/lib/extrausers | 16:40 |
Xtreme | Anyone else? | 16:46 |
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StormofBytes | Ey ey Ubuntu folks, say does anybody here use the lemur of system76. I woudl like to buy it but I heard the battery life is arround 5 hours | 16:47 |
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nicomachus | StormofBytes: not really a question for this channel. Try ##linux or ##hardware | 16:52 |
nacc | StormofBytes: i would also think system76 would document it (or maybe phoronix or something)? | 16:53 |
sorinello | Hello. Did anybody had issues with resolving local hostnames on 17.04 ? resolv.conf is nameserver, internet resolving works, but not the LAN. Any idea what could be the issue ? | 16:55 |
compdoc | never seen the address used before | 16:56 |
nacc | compdoc: it's systemd-resolved, iirc | 16:57 |
nacc | compdoc: the new default | 16:57 |
sorinello | compdoc, yeah, I have set NetworkManager to, but resolv.conf is still | 16:57 |
nacc | sorinello: do you have a LAN nameserver? | 16:58 |
sorinello | nacc, yes, it's on my router. | 16:58 |
sorinello | if I change resolv.conf to everything works OK. Local and internet | 16:59 |
nacc | sorinello: you need to probably edit /etc/systemd/resolved.conf | 17:00 |
sorinello | nacc, yeah, instead of DNS= I've put DNS= .. and after a reboot no resolving works whatsoever | 17:00 |
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tgm4883 | sorinello: setting NM to would mean that resolv.conf still has the .53 address, that is correct | 17:02 |
sorinello | tgm4883, yes, that is correct. But seems wrong :) | 17:02 |
crepi3 | Good Day 2 all :) can somebody help me with an Problem on a RaspberryPi3 with running Ubuntu Mate on it ? | 17:02 |
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sebastien_ | hi im new | 17:02 |
sebastien_ | installed on a rasbery pi 3 | 17:02 |
sebastien_ | :) | 17:02 |
tgm4883 | sorinello: it only seems wrong if you know enough to look in resolv.conf | 17:03 |
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sorinello | tgm4883, what do you propose ? | 17:03 |
sebastien_ | \ | 17:04 |
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tgm4883 | sorinello: well for starters, making sure you're up to date. is not the right address | 17:05 |
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tgm4883 | Should be | 17:05 |
sorinello | tgm4883, nameserver | 17:06 |
sorinello | tgm4883, my bad, thpo. It is nameserver | 17:06 |
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tgm4883 | sorinello: can you resolve local FQDN? | 17:07 |
sorinello | tgm4883, no, just internet ones. | 17:08 |
tgm4883 | sorinello: you connected to any VPNs? | 17:08 |
sorinello | tgm4883, if I tell dig to use @, it resolves local addresses. No, not connected to any VPN's, no wireless, only cable, simple static setup | 17:08 |
tgm4883 | sorinello: what's the output of "nmcli device show | grep IP4.DNS" | 17:09 |
sobersabre | hi | 17:11 |
sobersabre | ducasse: I have applied. | 17:12 |
sobersabre | and that script you sent me to source is already sourced on my machine | 17:12 |
sobersabre | I have noticed that the issue is only showing if I'm enabling virtualenv | 17:12 |
sobersabre | i.e. if the character "circled e" is present. | 17:12 |
Seveas | Xtreme: sorry, had to feed the offspring. Did you get anywhere? | 17:13 |
sobersabre | ducasse: thanks for links, but it doesn't help. | 17:13 |
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sorinello | tgm4883, IP4.DNS[1]: | 17:13 |
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tgm4883 | sorinello: looks good. Running out of ideas here. Do you have ipv6 enabled? | 17:14 |
sorinello | tgm4883, no, I have the interface put on Ignore for ipv6 | 17:14 |
tgm4883 | sorinello: hmm, that all seems like it should be working then | 17:15 |
tgm4883 | sorinello: is just a dumb router? | 17:15 |
tgm4883 | sorinello: just wondering if you can see DNS logs on it | 17:15 |
nacc | sorinello: note also (sorry was afk) you cn run `systemd-resolve` with options to see what it's doing | 17:16 |
sqll | what is the problem? | 17:16 |
StormofBytes | bit late, but thanks Nicomachus and nacc | 17:16 |
sorinello | tgm4883, nacc yes, one of the hosts (windows machine is resolved after 20 seconds of waiting) .. other linux hosts do not resolv at all | 17:19 |
sorinello | tgm4883, nacc : --- Information acquired via protocol LLMNR/IPv4 in 157.3ms. | 17:19 |
sorinello | -- Data is authenticated: no | 17:19 |
sorinello | tgm4883, nacc other hostnames resolve call failed: All attempts to contact name servers or networks failed | 17:20 |
ioria | sorinello, watch -n 1 nslookup | 17:20 |
sorinello | ioria, works, Internet works, only local hostnames fail | 17:21 |
sorinello | ioria, server can't find balcora: SERVFAIL | 17:22 |
ioria | sorinello, what's in /etc/resolv.conf ? | 17:22 |
sorinello | ioria, nameserver | 17:22 |
sorinello | ioria, if it help, pinging the host from windows cmd works instantly | 17:23 |
jushur | sorinello: that should be i belive | 17:23 |
ioria | sorinello, resolv.conf will be overwritten so you can try a sudo sh -c "echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf" | 17:23 |
sorinello | ioria, I know. But this does not solve the issue | 17:23 |
nacc | jushur: no, not with systemd-resolved | 17:24 |
sorinello | at the next reboot the resolv.conf is overwritten | 17:24 |
ioria | sorinello, ok, but it works ? | 17:24 |
nacc | sorinello: so in your current configuration, network names, work, but LAN names don't? | 17:24 |
sorinello | ioria, not all local hostnames | 17:24 |
nacc | sorinello: can you paostebin the output of `sytemd-resolve <hostname>` in both cases? | 17:24 |
sorinello | nacc, exactly, lan names don't resolve | 17:25 |
sorinello | nacc, yes, just a second | 17:25 |
revanthbs | clear | 17:25 |
sorinello | nacc, ioria | 17:26 |
jushur | sorinello: why are your dns server ? your router is bad configured? | 17:27 |
sorinello | jushur, no, my router is fine. router is | 17:27 |
sorinello | and everything is ok | 17:27 |
jushur | sorinello: no all is not fine? you dns ip is bad? | 17:27 |
tgm4883 | jushur: no it's not | 17:27 |
jushur | sorinello: sudgesting your router is having a bad dns server ip set | 17:28 |
nacc | jushur: please stop, you are incorrect in your assumption | 17:28 |
tgm4883 | jushur: his IP is correct. Please read up on systemd and dnsmasq | 17:28 |
akik | is the the address for systemd-resolve or dnsmasq? before the dnsmasq process held | 17:28 |
nacc | akik: systemd-resolved | 17:28 |
tgm4883 | akik: is correct for systemd | 17:28 |
sorinello | I don't know where to hunt this further | 17:29 |
AtSchool | What's the best prom to vm something on linux | 17:30 |
ioria | sorinello, i think no harm trying the first fix : | 17:30 |
sorinello | ioria, ok, trying now. | 17:30 |
sorinello | ioria, brb, I have to reboot | 17:32 |
ioria | ok | 17:32 |
nacc | AtSchool: can you rephrase? | 17:32 |
sorinello | ioria, same result :( | 17:33 |
ioria | sorinello, that's bad | 17:34 |
jushur | sorinello: systemd-resolve --status | 17:34 |
jushur | sorinello: what ip dns servers do you get at the end there | 17:34 |
A1Recon | where should i paste images? | 17:35 |
A1Recon | i need some help with my Ubuntu installation' | 17:35 |
sorinello | ioria, jushur | 17:36 |
ioria | sorinello, can you ping the local ip machines ? | 17:38 |
jushur | sorinello: your output missing DNS Servers: and DNS Domain: | 17:38 |
bigl0af | anyone seen this on 16.04 when trying to do 'systemctl enable multipath-tools'? | 17:39 |
bigl0af | Failed to execute operation: Too many levels of symbolic links | 17:39 |
deemo | how do I use binary ? | 17:39 |
nacc | sorinello: is wlan0 your actual interface? (connected to LAN)? | 17:40 |
sorinello | ioria, yes, I can ping them, and I get a response. One of them is actually the router. | 17:40 |
sorinello | sorry, I did not pasted ALL the output. just a sec | 17:40 |
nacc | sorinello: it's missing a few important bits (compared to mine), Current Scope is unset and no DNS servers listed (as jushur mentioned) | 17:40 |
sorinello | nacc, jushur | 17:41 |
al2o3-cr | deemo: chmod +x; ./ | 17:41 |
deemo | oh, its the permission. >:| | 17:42 |
deemo | >:-( | 17:42 |
al2o3-cr | deemo: it makes it executable | 17:42 |
ioria | sorinello, your /etc/hosts is correct ? i mean, well formatted | 17:43 |
jushur | sorinello: dns domain is not a ip number | 17:44 |
nacc | jushur: good catch, that's weird | 17:44 |
nacc | jushur: sounds like a misadvertising DHCP server, maybe? | 17:44 |
deemo | al203-cr: unexecutable because it was binary only readable. I could have checked this. >:-( | 17:45 |
jushur | nacc: yes, or added entries in networkmanager options i supose could make that happen to. | 17:46 |
nacc | jushur: right | 17:49 |
jushur | sorinello: you have domainname set somewhere, to wich is wrong. should be a "name" of some kind. like localdomain | 18:01 |
sorinello | jushur, from NetworkManager UI, I have put on DNS Servers and Search Domains | 18:03 |
jushur | sorinello: only do that to dns not domains | 18:06 |
jushur | sorinello: only dns server, that is | 18:07 |
nacc | sorinello: ah, so user error :) | 18:08 |
nacc | sorinello: your DNS server is not your domain name | 18:09 |
jushur | sorinello: when you hold your mouse pointer over the field where you write in the setting you see a tooltip popup. read it. and you will understand why your computer cannot find other computers | 18:09 |
sorinello | jushur, just done that, DNS Domain is now not listed at all (I left the field blank in NetworkManager), but still the same problem | 18:09 |
nacc | sorinello: does systemd-resolve --status still say it's the domain name (it might need a reload or restart() | 18:09 |
sorinello | nacc, no, I don't have a Domain Name at all now | 18:09 |
sorinello | I'll try a reboot, brb | 18:10 |
sorinello | nacc, jushur : | 18:13 |
sorinello | same :( | 18:13 |
jushur | sorinello: and your router is set up so it will serve internal ips by computername.domainname requests? | 18:15 |
jushur | sorinello: like you set a domainname on the routers LAN/WIFI interface and then use that on your local computers to. | 18:17 |
sorinello | jushur, I will have to debug my dnsmasq (running openwrt) | 18:17 |
jushur | sorinello: should be somewhere in the dhpcd config for your lan in openwrt | 18:18 |
jushur | sorinello: dhcpd* sorry made a typo | 18:19 |
snjdfj | QUESTION! | 18:23 |
snjdfj | How do I install SoftEther VPN host on 16.04? | 18:23 |
tomreyn | snjdfj: unsupported / not in ubuntu, check with the developers. | 18:26 |
snjdfj | ... | 18:26 |
snjdfj | What's the suggested way for installing compiled applications on ubuntu? | 18:27 |
tomreyn | you don't, unless they're packaged ;) | 18:27 |
snjdfj | ,,,' | 18:28 |
tgm4883 | snjdfj: is it a single binary file? | 18:28 |
snjdfj | That doesn't answer my question | 18:28 |
tgm4883 | snjdfj: if it is, you can stick it in ~/bin | 18:28 |
snjdfj | tgm4883: Looks like it might not be. | 18:28 |
snjdfj | That's the issue. | 18:28 |
snjdfj | I'd rather not package it mysql | 18:28 |
snjdfj | myself* | 18:28 |
tgm4883 | snjdfj: you'd need to look at the install docs for the application | 18:28 |
snjdfj | No third party PPA's exist? | 18:29 |
tgm4883 | snjdfj: third party PPAs for what? | 18:29 |
nacc | !ppa | snjdfj: you would need to search for them yourself | 18:29 |
ubottu | snjdfj: you would need to search for them yourself: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 18:29 |
snjdfj | blegh | 18:30 |
snjdfj | I guess I'll just use OpenVPN instead of L2TP | 18:30 |
jushur | snjdfj: | 18:30 |
snjdfj | FreeRADIUS is too painful to work with to be worth it for L2TP | 18:30 |
tgm4883 | snjdfj: not really sure what you're expecting here | 18:30 |
snjdfj | Just hoping I could do it painlessly | 18:31 |
snjdfj | Outside of Windows VPN's can be pretty painful IMO | 18:31 |
tgm4883 | FreeRADIUS isn't painful IMO | 18:31 |
tgm4883 | I've had zero issues with openvpn in the past | 18:32 |
tgm4883 | setting up both the server and the client | 18:32 |
snjdfj | My goal is native intigration | 18:32 |
snjdfj | Hence not using OpenVPN | 18:32 |
tgm4883 | define "Native Integretion" | 18:33 |
snjdfj | It's already part of the OS | 18:33 |
snjdfj | OpenVPN requires extra software on the client, L2TP doesn't | 18:33 |
ferd | Does anyone know about Panda Wireless/Ralink support on 17.04? My wireless adapters don't seem to be working on a fresh install | 18:33 |
tgm4883 | snjdfj: installing packages from the archive makes it not native? | 18:34 |
ducasse | snjdfj: part of which os? | 18:34 |
snjdfj | tgm4883: wat | 18:34 |
DArqueBishop | Uh. Ubuntu has OpenVPN binaries available. I'm not sure how much more "part of the OS" you can get. | 18:34 |
snjdfj | ducasse: OSX, Windows, Linux, *BSD | 18:34 |
tgm4883 | snjdfj: You install packages from the archive and it works.... | 18:34 |
daverGS | Hey, anyone here have some time to help me figure out some graphics issues with 16.04 LTS and a GTX 1060 :) | 18:34 |
snjdfj | [11:33] <snjdfj> OpenVPN requires extra software on the client, L2TP doesn't | 18:35 |
snjdfj | Platforms outside of Linux do exist. | 18:35 |
nacc | snjdfj: there are two different statements you are making, it seems like. One is wehther openvpn is part of Ubuntu (it is). The other is about having to install a package or not. | 18:35 |
tgm4883 | snjdfj: ok, you have fun then... | 18:35 |
nacc | snjdfj: you're in the ubuntu channel! | 18:35 |
snjdfj | yes I know. | 18:35 |
snjdfj | I'm mentioning the reason I wanted L2TP is native integration | 18:35 |
* tgm4883 doesn't spoonfeed users | 18:35 | |
snjdfj | I don't need to get a external program. | 18:35 |
* snjdfj doesn't need spoonfeeding | 18:35 | |
snjdfj | I'm trying to avoid the painful parts of setting up a VPN | 18:35 |
DArqueBishop | Realizing this is kind of offtopic, I'd like to point out that in my career I've never worked anywhere that didn't use a third-party package for VPN access. | 18:36 |
snjdfj | Little tidbit not mentioned in many documents is OpenVPN's server wont generate certs on 16.04 due to a missing config | 18:36 |
snjdfj | DArqueBishop: my goal is to not have to setup more software on more devices. | 18:37 |
daverGS | Has anyone had any luck getting graphics switching properly on 16.04 with a GTX 10 series? | 18:37 |
A1Recon | I want to reinstall Ubuntu 16.04 on my PC which was dual-booted with Win10/Ubuntu16.04. UEFI is enabled. I am using a LiveUSB and I am currently in the menu where "i have to select the partition where Ubuntu has to be installed". And I have to select the location for bootloader. I have a few screenshots, can someone check if everything is correct? | 18:38 |
snjdfj | daverGS: last time I checked, graphics switching is pretty broken in Linux, at least with the nvidia / intel hybrid setup in laptops. Can't comment on desktops | 18:38 |
A1Recon | If someone wants to help me regarding my problem, do mention/ping me. | 18:38 |
daverGS | snjdfj: I'm currently on a laptop and boy am I seeing some weird stuff :( | 18:38 |
snjdfj | daverGS: I wish you mutch luck. | 18:38 |
* snjdfj slowly backs away | 18:39 | |
ducasse | !pm | A1Recon | 18:39 |
ubottu | A1Recon: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. | 18:39 |
daverGS | snjdfj: I don't blame you for hiding, I've spent 10+ hours trying to get this p and running | 18:39 |
snjdfj | Realistically though in the future I suggest you avoid dual GPU laptop's for Linux. I'm assuming you can use bumblebee | 18:39 |
ycyclist | So, I had two video cards, just one actually running X I thought, and everything was fine. Then somebody needed the one I wasn't using, so I took it out, and now my mouse doesn't work in X. It works in the bios menu, but when Ubuntu boots, the mouse arrow is not present. | 18:39 |
tomreyn | A1Recon: i suggest that you discuss how you would like to do the partitionming now and that you just post the link to the screenshot. | 18:39 |
snjdfj | daverGS: | 18:39 |
snjdfj | I presume you're after this. | 18:39 |
A1Recon | I have been using Ubuntu for 4 years now and yes Nvidia/Intel GPU switching is messed up. | 18:39 |
tgm4883 | daverGS: this is a new install? | 18:40 |
snjdfj | daverGS: my best suggestion is to disable one of the two GPU's | 18:40 |
ycyclist | So how do I get X to recognize my house? | 18:40 |
snjdfj | :/ | 18:40 |
daverGS | Yeah fresh laptop, I'm using bumblebee to handle disabling of the nvidia GPU for the power benefits, and Prime for the actual GPU selection | 18:40 |
* snjdfj hugs daverGS | 18:40 | |
pavlos | daverGS: this may help, read the comments ... | 18:40 |
daverGS | But the laptop only boots like 1/5 times, and only when Nvidia Persistence Daemon fails on startup | 18:40 |
snjdfj | you're in for a world of pain, broken software, and nightmares. | 18:40 |
daverGS | Not to mention the external monitor issues | 18:41 |
snjdfj | daverGS: You can do what most do and just disable the nvidia GPU | 18:41 |
tgm4883 | daverGS: I wonder if it's worth trying 17.04, there were some improvments with hybrid graphics. I haven't really used it since 14.04 days but I had a AMD card anyway | 18:41 |
snjdfj | You can usually do it in the BIOS / UEFI | 18:41 |
daverGS | snjdfj: My only concern with that is whether external monitor support is in, I've heard there are problems with that | 18:41 |
daverGS | Although that might only be in the dual GPU scenario | 18:42 |
daverGS | if it thinks it's Intel-only, it might behave | 18:42 |
snjdfj | daverGS: depends if you have a muxer internally | 18:42 |
tomreyn | afaik all of what you just discussed works fine with the open source driver stack | 18:42 |
daverGS | but I'd ideally like to have the 1060 for when I'm booting windows | 18:42 |
snjdfj | daverGS: depending on wether or not you have a muxer your external monitor will be connected to one of the two GPU's | 18:43 |
snjdfj | if you have a muxer you get into the fun world of who gets to control the port. | 18:43 |
tgm4883 | daverGS: can you still use vgaswitcheroo to disable the nvidia card in Linux? | 18:43 |
daverGS | tgm4883: I haven't tried! so far I've only tried various Prime/bumblebee configs | 18:44 |
snjdfj | I'm just going to be lazy and use PiVPN | 18:44 |
tgm4883 | daverGS: IIRC I believe I did that previously to conserve power. If you're just looking at using the intel card in linux might be worth looking at | 18:44 |
snjdfj | daverGS: Nvidia support under linux can be very finicy | 18:45 |
snjdfj | Intel iGPU support is amazing though | 18:45 |
snjdfj | I also suggest you get powertop | 18:45 |
daverGS | I think my ideal scenario is Intel-only in Linux, but full graphics switching still working in windows | 18:46 |
snjdfj | that's possible | 18:46 |
daverGS | I've been testing with powertop to check if the nvidia GPU is powered down in Intel mode | 18:46 |
daverGS | I want to get the most out of this 94WHr battery | 18:46 |
snjdfj | daverGS: | 18:46 |
snjdfj | I can't really help you since my laptop is iGPU only, but hopefully that helps | 18:47 |
daverGS | I'll take a look, thanks! | 18:47 |
snjdfj | Your GPU will be disabled in Linux but when you boot Windows the Nvidia GPU will be online with the igPU | 18:47 |
A1Recon | Just in case someone wants to look at the screenshots... Here they are Should there be something about the UEFI option? Where should i install the bootloader? | 18:47 |
daverGS | as a fun fact, when I'm in Intel-only mode, lspci freezes my entire machine :/ | 18:47 |
ycyclist | Still trying to find something on my disappearing mouse. | 18:47 |
A1Recon | Ping/Mention me, if anyone wants to help. | 18:47 |
snjdfj | A1Recon: 1. Those aren't screenshots, 2. use gummiboot | 18:48 |
ycyclist | Funny how searching for X windows these days yields you Windows. | 18:48 |
daverGS | pretty sure that's just related to the total mess that is the switchable graphics setup | 18:48 |
snjdfj | ycyclist: wayland is the future. | 18:48 |
snjdfj | It's fun watching a Xeon churn out certs | 18:49 |
b_p | does anybody know how linux kernel checks the address validity? I mean, how can a page-fault be differentiated from a seg-fault? | 18:49 |
snjdfj | b_p: not Ubuntu related but | 18:49 |
snjdfj | | 18:49 |
snjdfj | | 18:50 |
snjdfj | A PageFault IIRC is an actual interupt | 18:50 |
b_p | thanks a lot snjdfj, can you suggest me a more appropriated channel? | 18:50 |
snjdfj | SegFault is something handled by your compiler / C lib | 18:50 |
snjdfj | b_p: #osdev, #linux | 18:50 |
ducasse | A1Recon: if sda2 is your efi partition (looks like it), that is where the bootloader goes. do you get anything from 'ls /sys/firmware/efi' in a terminal? | 18:51 |
tomreyn | A1Recon: from these screenshots its not clear what your goal is | 18:51 |
daverGS | snjdfj: do you think that simply disabling nvidia in the grub cmdline would work? | 18:53 |
daverGS | for disabling the nvidia gpu | 18:53 |
A1Recon | tomreyn, want to reinstall Ubuntu 16.04 on my PC which was dual-booted with Win10/Ubuntu16.04. UEFI is enabled. I am using a LiveUSB and I am currently in the menu where "i have to select the partition where Ubuntu has to be installed". And I have to select the location for bootloader. I have a few screenshots, can someone check if everything is correct? < I posted this a few moments ago | 18:53 |
b_p | thanks, i have thought that there was something like an hardware check even for the SegFault | 18:53 |
snjdfj | daverGS: I couldn't tell you | 18:53 |
nacc | b_p: no, you are confusing two 'fault' terms | 18:53 |
ducasse | A1Recon: do you get anything from 'ls /sys/firmware/efi' in a terminal? | 18:53 |
snjdfj | Last time I touched Nvidia and Linux it was a mess. | 18:53 |
nacc | b_p: completely unrelated to each other | 18:53 |
snjdfj | I'm now AMD | 18:53 |
daverGS | such is my life :) | 18:54 |
snjdfj | I'm also using Windows 7 right now. | 18:54 |
snjdfj | :> | 18:54 |
A1Recon | ducasse, no such file or directory | 18:54 |
=== tanuki_ is now known as tanuki | ||
tomreyn | A1Recon: i read it. but it's not clear whether you intend to keep the dual-boot configuration (you say it "was" dual-boot) or whether you mean to replace windows and its partitions. and whether you'd be okay with repartitioning etc. | 18:55 |
ducasse | A1Recon: then you are not booted in uefi mode, which windows is very likely installed in. | 18:56 |
=== wlp1s1 is now known as RangeError | ||
=== RangeError is now known as iczero | ||
b_p | nacc: so the SegFault is totally a software-check, only the kernel checks it? and if it isn't blocked and the related 'phisical content' doesn't exists? what happens? | 18:57 |
=== iczero is now known as `j | ||
A1Recon | tomreyn, i intend to keep the dual-boot config but install over the ubuntu currently installed in /dev/sda5 | 18:57 |
Sparrow__ | !find anbox | 18:57 |
ubottu | Found: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 108 others)§ion=all | 18:57 |
=== `j is now known as wlp1s1 | ||
ducasse | Sparrow__: that does not search snaps | 18:57 |
Sparrow__ | What are snaps? | 18:59 |
daverGS | alright time to go back to square one, purging all nvidia drivers! | 18:59 |
ducasse | !snappy | Sparrow__ | 18:59 |
A1Recon | ducasse, did you see the boot menu pic? in that Jetflash is the name of my LiveUSB. But for some reason it shows 2. One UEFi and the other non-UEFI. I chose the non-UEFI one to boot from. Should I have chosen the UEFI one? The LiveUSB was made on Win10 using | 18:59 |
ubottu | Sparrow__: Ubuntu Core is a rendition of Ubuntu with transactional updates using "snappy". For discussion and support, please visit #snappy and see | 18:59 |
ducasse | A1Recon: you should have chosen the uefi one, yes | 18:59 |
ducasse | Sparrow__: in short, packaging format. 'anbox' is in a snap. | 19:00 |
Sparrow__ | tx | 19:00 |
ducasse | Sparrow__: try 'snap find anbox' in a shell | 19:01 |
A1Recon | okay ducasse | 19:01 |
=== jamie_2 is now known as jamie_1 | ||
ducasse | A1Recon: then you choose sda2 for the bootloader | 19:01 |
A1Recon | ducasse i also have a boot info summary file... if you want to take a look at it. | 19:01 |
A1Recon | So UEFI Jetflash and then sda2 for bootloader. got it | 19:02 |
A1Recon | ducasse do you want me to paste the bis file somewhere? | 19:02 |
ducasse | A1Recon: which windows version is on this machine? | 19:03 |
daverGS | oh man that's crazy | 19:03 |
A1Recon | Windows 10. ducasse | 19:03 |
daverGS | I can't even run `ls` on /etc/X11 without freezing my computer | 19:04 |
A1Recon | on /dev/sda4 i think | 19:04 |
ducasse | A1Recon: ok, then i don't need to see that file. just boot in uefi mode, put the bootloader on sda2 and you should be fine :) | 19:04 |
tmerr | Hello! I am looking at the ifupdown source package on Ubuntu 12.04 and see a shell script in the debian directory, named ifupdown.upstart.if-up. Where would this be installed? | 19:04 |
A1Recon | ducasse Thanks bru! :) :) | 19:05 |
ducasse | A1Recon: np :) | 19:05 |
nacc | tmerr: you know 12.04 is eol, right? | 19:05 |
tmerr | yes i'm aware :) | 19:06 |
tmerr | but if anyone knows off the top of their head it would be a huge help | 19:06 |
eelstrebor | i'm unable to set the regulatory domain - from what i've found iw reg set US is suppose to set the regulatory domain but iwm reg get still shows the country as 00 | 19:08 |
ioria | tmerr, should be in the ifupdown pkg, but it's not there | 19:09 |
eelstrebor | i even tried setting the COUNTRY environment variable to US in /etc/environment but it still doesn't change the domain | 19:09 |
=== nocturnally is now known as Carl_Sagan_ | ||
ducasse | eelstrebor: set it in /etc/default/crda | 19:10 |
ducasse | eelstrebor: (use the country code) | 19:10 |
Seveas | tmerr: that file goes into /etc/network/if-up.d | 19:11 |
Seveas | now be a good citizen and upgrade the obsolete box :-) | 19:11 |
user605 | Long story short, my secondary drive (ext4) is mounted, but I can't see any of the data on it. Gparted looked like this... Any idea why I can't see the data? | 19:11 |
eelstrebor | ducasse, i tried that also | 19:12 |
Dexxter | Hi, how do i increase the LVM root partition sda5 that exist inside sda1 that is both 10GB i resized the virtual disk to 30GB. Still I dont understand why I cannot increase the size of the partition. Anyone? | 19:12 |
ducasse | eelstrebor: odd, that's all i had to do | 19:13 |
ducasse | user605: why did you not create a partition? | 19:13 |
Seveas | user605: how are you trying to look at the data? | 19:13 |
pavlos | user605: the line under partition should be be /dev/sdb1 | 19:14 |
user605 | ducasse, I am trying to recover after windows hammed up the disk. | 19:14 |
user605 | Seveas, just by navigating to it with file explorer. | 19:14 |
Seveas | user605: ok, can you run these commands and pastebin the result: mount; sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb | 19:15 |
user605 | Seveas, I see that it is missing a mount point. | 19:15 |
Seveas | user605: it might be. That screenshot doesn't say much, but those commands will give us information to dig furhter. | 19:16 |
user605 | Seveas, okay. one second. | 19:16 |
user605 | Seveas, exactly as shown "mount; sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb" ? | 19:17 |
Seveas | yeah | 19:17 |
Dexxter | LVM sucks | 19:18 |
Dexxter | been struggling for hours | 19:18 |
user605 | Seveas, | 19:18 |
Seveas | user605: that's only the fdisk bit, I need the mount output too :) | 19:19 |
onomatopiea | How do you share a folder over the network with ubuntu. Should I be securing htat? | 19:19 |
ducasse | onomatopiea: share to what kind of client? | 19:20 |
onomatopiea | ducasse: It would be a windows one | 19:20 |
onomatopiea | ducasse: It's a bit odd. There's an LDAP server all windows users authenticate against | 19:20 |
user605 | Seveas, My mistake.... :) | 19:20 |
ducasse | onomatopiea: then samba, in which case please don't ask me :) | 19:20 |
onomatopiea | But the linux machines have no central authentication. It's all just local users | 19:21 |
sorinello | jushur, are you still around ? so resoling will work only if those clients use DHCP ? or if I set static addresses should be enough ? | 19:21 |
onomatopiea | ducasse: Unauthenticatd samba though I imagine.. | 19:21 |
A1Recon | ducasse It didn't work. I am being taken to grub terminal when I chose "UEFI: Jetflash 16GB". A bit of a backstory > Last night i was running my ubuntu 16.04 and playing around with blueman and hciconfig to get a bluetooth speaker to work properly. Then suddenly POOF!. Abrupt shut down. I thought my system must have overheated but nope. It wasn't, it didn't feel hot enough near the fans. I powered on the Laptop again and what greeted me was the | 19:21 |
A1Recon | grub terminal. So I thought I would reinstall Ubuntu anyway since I had been facing some odd small problems with it. I googled and came across this PPA named yannubuntu/boot-recovery which could fix the boot. It also could generate a Boot Info summary file which would help to see if there were any problems. So I generated the boot-recovery by logging in using a 16.04 LiveUSB created on on the Win10. And tried installing Ubuntu over the | 19:21 |
A1Recon | previous install on /dev/sda5/ and here we are. | 19:21 |
Seveas | autra: according to that output, /dev/sdb is not mounted. sudo mount /dev/sdb /mnt | 19:22 |
Seveas | err. | 19:22 |
Seveas | user605: according to that output, /dev/sdb is not mounted. sudo mount /dev/sdb /mnt | 19:22 |
jushur | sorinello: all computers/devices needs to use the same localdomain name, and the router need to be configured to handle that kind of resolving. | 19:22 |
Seveas | then browse to /mnt in your file explorer thing | 19:22 |
Seveas | user605: I'm guessing you browsed to /dev/sdb before. That's entirely pointless as you might have guessed by now :-) | 19:23 |
blip- | hi, upon every login i get a a window saying an internal error has occurred. Looking at details shows Xorg is supposedly crashing. The only side-effect seems to be that my laptop's brightness control stops working directly after logging in | 19:23 |
blip- | any thoughts? | 19:23 |
A1Recon | ducasse so now my plan is to log into Win10 again.... check if the Ubuntu16.04 ISO was okay or not. Use Etcher or Rufus to recreate the LiveUSB and try again. | 19:24 |
user605 | Seveas, I can see the drive, it is mounted, but the data isn't there. | 19:24 |
user605 | Even though gparted states "used". | 19:24 |
Seveas | user605: did you run the mount command? | 19:24 |
ducasse | A1Recon: try that. when booting from the usb there should also be a 'check medium for errors option' | 19:24 |
user605 | Seveas, yes.... nothing has changed. Can still see the drive, nothing on it. | 19:25 |
Seveas | user605: ok, time for the next commands: mount; sudo ls -la /mnt | 19:25 |
A1Recon | ducasse will you be here for the next 2-3 hours? | 19:26 |
user605 | Seveas, OH! wait. from commandline I went to /mnt did a ls.... I see a lost+found folder! | 19:26 |
user605 | bash: cd: lost+found/: Permission denied | 19:27 |
ducasse | A1Recon: actually, i'm just about to log off. nearly bedtime here. i'm sure someone can help you, though. | 19:27 |
A1Recon | okay then... | 19:27 |
A1Recon | thanks | 19:27 |
A1Recon | its 1Am here anyway | 19:27 |
Seveas | user605: if all you see is a lost+found, then there is no data on the disk. | 19:27 |
Seveas | user605: last resort: sudo find /mnt/lost+found | 19:28 |
Seveas | if that has any files, your disk was corrupt and fsck managed to rescue the contents of some files. If that finds nothing, the disk is empty. | 19:28 |
user605 | Seveas, I can see my files in there tho.... sudo ls lost+found/#44040193 | 19:29 |
user605 | There are 4 # dirs. | 19:29 |
Seveas | ok, then fsck did rescue some things... | 19:29 |
Seveas | now it's up to you to find out what's what :) | 19:29 |
blip- | how can I restore X11/Xorg packages and settings to install-state ? | 19:30 |
user605 | Seveas, can I just copy those folder over to the mounted drive? | 19:30 |
Seveas | user605: they're on the mounted drive | 19:31 |
user605 | Seveas, okay... mv them? | 19:31 |
daverGS | snjdfj: just noticed that the hosted files for the 'disable discrete gpu' are gone :( | 19:31 |
kunji | blip-: Theoretically by purging and the reinstalling them, though I wouldn't like having to do that on my system. | 19:31 |
kunji | *then | 19:31 |
ycyclist | Anyway, my Ubuntu which was working, now doesn't have a mouse in X. Is there a way to reconfigure X to get it back? | 19:33 |
blip- | kunji, does apt-get install --reinstall suffice? or remove --purge needed then install | 19:33 |
ycyclist | I had an extra video card in the beast, and when I pulled it out for someone else to use, the house stopped appearing in the desktop. | 19:33 |
Seveas | user605: sudo mv /mnt/lost+found/* /mnt | 19:33 |
ycyclist | When I boot to bios, the mouse appears there, but not in the Ubuntu desktop. | 19:34 |
Seveas | user605: and for easier looking at them, sudo chown them to your login | 19:34 |
ycyclist | And of course I cannot get to system settings to fix it. | 19:34 |
ducasse | blip-: you'd need the purge | 19:34 |
blip- | thanks | 19:34 |
user605 | Seveas, mv: cannot stat '/mnt/lost+found/*': No such file or directory | 19:35 |
kunji | blip-: I think reinstall would leave configuration files? But I'm not certain of that. I'm also not sure if the ones when installing necessarily match those of a default install. | 19:35 |
blip- | im gonna do that to all *xorg* packages i see in installed | 19:35 |
Seveas | user605: ah yeah, because you can't access it. sudo -i to get a root shell and then just mv instead of sudo mv :) | 19:35 |
blip- | i can't even find /etc/X11/xorg.conf... i gues things have changed a lot over the years lol | 19:35 |
kunji | blip-: Why do you need to do this? | 19:35 |
ducasse | ycyclist: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg'? guessing here. | 19:35 |
ycyclist | Ok. Thanks...trying in a second | 19:36 |
kunji | ducasse: Maybe would also be better for blip-'s case? | 19:36 |
blip- | kunji, upon login Ubuntu shows an error window saying Xorg crashed (even though everything looks fine). After that brightness control stops working. problem just started yesterday | 19:36 |
ducasse | blip-: xorg.conf is not there by default, x does auto-configure now. | 19:36 |
ycyclist | xorg is not installed. | 19:36 |
ducasse | kunji: i doubt it would reconfigure everythhing that is relevant, but worth a shot. | 19:37 |
kunji | blip-: Update recently? Maybe you can find just which package is causing this | 19:37 |
user605 | Seveas, GOT THEM! Thank you, appreciate your time. Going to play around.... may be back if I blow it up. lol | 19:37 |
ducasse | ycyclist: try with xserver-xorg instead | 19:38 |
sorinello | jushur, go it to work, but when I ping, it resolves only after 10 seconds, and the results don't seem to be cached | 19:38 |
ycyclist | Ok | 19:38 |
kunji | blip-: Maybe check the contents of /var/log/apt/history.log | 19:38 |
user605 | Seveas, can that lost+found dir be deleted now? | 19:39 |
ycyclist | I got this: /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: xserver-xorg is not installed | 19:39 |
scorpion | hey guys i tried to install kde plasma on ubuntu 14.04 by running sudo apt-get install kde-standard | 19:40 |
PleaseHelpMe | it seems Ubuntu's ability to move around thousands of files is much less than windows. Several times "files" has crashed on me and the operation wsa cancelled halfway through. | 19:40 |
scorpion | and when i reboot into kde i get only a background with my shortcuts and no KDE | 19:40 |
Seveas | user605: no, you'll want to keep it. It's where fsck will put files that are recovered | 19:40 |
chris9 | hey there, anyone know anything about installing printer drivers for a bizhub c3350? | 19:40 |
=== Carl_Sagan_ is now known as JeSus_ | ||
PleaseHelpMe | I have a older with 10,000 images. Is there something I'm missing in trying to cut and paste the first 2,500 out? Ubuntu doesn't seem to like that, while windows would manage it after a loading bar filled | 19:40 |
PleaseHelpMe | folder* | 19:40 |
scorpion | any ideas what went wrong for me?? | 19:40 |
Seveas | chris9: is that one of those canon monstrosities? | 19:40 |
slashdotever | hi iam frustrated about not beeing able to install libboost1.5-dev how is this possible. tried every option i googled | 19:41 |
chris9 | Seveas: yeah. printer scanner copier stapler | 19:41 |
Seveas | chris9: ah no, konica minolta. Sorry, never used those. | 19:41 |
slashdotever | iam trying to install alien which depends on libboost | 19:41 |
chris9 | seveas: well, I'm having a driver issue, maybe you could help? | 19:42 |
slashdotever | i have been away from linux for some years but didnt expect this difficulty on installing a package | 19:42 |
scorpion | how do I properly add kde plasma to ubuntu 14.04 | 19:42 |
Seveas | slashdotever: ubuntu has a newer libboost than that | 19:42 |
ducasse | scorpion: plasma was not available for 14.04 iirc, did you add a ppa? | 19:42 |
chris9 | basically, I install the drivers, and it tells me a filter is missing. no other info | 19:43 |
blip- | kunji, ducasse: being the idiot I am, while trying to purge xserver/xorg packages - it needed to remove xubuntu-core and xubuntu-desktop. I removed those manually (non-purge). Now I can't reinsall them, broken packages :/ | 19:43 |
scorpion | no i ran sudo apt-get install kde-standard | 19:43 |
scorpion | after running sudo apt-cache search plasma | 19:43 |
slashdotever | iam trying sudo apt-get -f install yum-utils alien | 19:44 |
ycyclist | Okay, I installed that, ,then did the command and my mouse is now back. Thank you. | 19:44 |
slashdotever | | 19:45 |
slashdotever | this where problem starts | 19:45 |
Seveas | slashdotever: which ubuntu version, and which ppa's did you add? | 19:45 |
Seveas | this looks a bit on the old side | 19:46 |
slashdotever | ubuntu@ubuntu-VirtualBox:~$ cat /etc/issue | 19:46 |
slashdotever | Ubuntu 15.04 \n \l | 19:46 |
ducasse | slashdotever: that's eol | 19:46 |
Seveas | yeah, that ain't supported. | 19:46 |
slashdotever | how can i upgrade it? | 19:46 |
Seveas | reinstall will be quicker. but you can try sudo do-release-upgrade a few times for 4 upgrades :) | 19:47 |
scorpion | well somehow, i ran apt-get purge kde-standard, rebooted, kde plasma booted up, i logged in and the plasma desktop appeared >>>>> WTF | 19:47 |
blip- | kunji, ducasse : nvm, got things fixed. rebooting | 19:47 |
kunji | blip-: That's what I was afraid of.... T.T | 19:47 |
ducasse | slashdotever: you'd need to upgrade at least twice, just reinstall if you can | 19:47 |
slashdotever | ok thanks | 19:47 |
kunji | blip-: Ah, I didn't keep up with the chat, that's good news | 19:48 |
daverGS | does anyone know how I can tell Ubuntu to use my iGPU for the HDMI port? | 19:48 |
jushur | sorinello: u read that? | 19:49 |
kunji | daverGS: I don't, but specifying the gpu and possibly cpu/computer model may help someone else give a good answer. | 19:49 |
daverGS | It's a Gigabyte Aero 14wv7, which has a GTX 1060 and an i-7700HQ | 19:50 |
sorinello | jushur, yes, I was reading that page | 19:50 |
kunji | daverGS: Maybe it needs Bumblebee or whatever it is called for that? | 19:51 |
nigletos | yo | 19:52 |
scorpion | i spent 20 bucks on a motherboard, 20 bucks on an ssd, 25 bucks on a radeon HD 7570 and 15 bucks on a q9450 and installed ubuntu and i'm pulling 120 fps on left 4 dead 2 | 19:52 |
scorpion | sweetness :] | 19:52 |
kunji | daverGS: | 19:52 |
daverGS | kunji: ideal case is using iGPU only, I want the nvidia gpu disabled when in linux | 19:53 |
scorpion | why? | 19:53 |
scorpion | o.0 | 19:53 |
nigletos | how everyone doing | 19:53 |
kunji | daverGS: But be aware that getting that working is not a topic I know anything about, so I won't be help if things break. As far as I'm aware Bumblebee should allow for that. | 19:53 |
ycyclist | Say anybody know what's going on here:??Temporary failure resolving '' | 19:53 |
daverGS | what's in your /etc/resolv.conf | 19:54 |
scorpion | hmm actually its more like 150 fps... this ain't bad at all lol | 19:54 |
ycyclist | My network connections appear to be alright. | 19:54 |
ycyclist | The browser can get anything anywhere. | 19:55 |
ycyclist | I just in fact went to from my browser. | 19:55 |
Seveas | ycyclist: so try another apt-get update :) | 19:57 |
ycyclist | Looks like there is an infinite loop in the apache directory that gives | 19:57 |
ycyclist | That from my browser. | 19:58 |
kunji | daverGS: Installation for Ubuntu here: But maybe you don't even need Bumblebee, when talking about power they mention some modules, reading on: So maybe you can use this vga_switcheroo directly or this bbswitch module. | 19:58 |
User602 | Seveas, So both drives are identical hardware. One is NTFS and the other is ext4. I noticed the size differs 978G to 917G, is at attributed to the file system type? | 19:59 |
kunji | daverGS: Ah, here we go: | 19:59 |
ChaiTRex | ycyclist: That's because Ubuntu is recursive. | 19:59 |
Seveas | ycyclist: that doesn't cause dns problems though. | 19:59 |
Seveas | User602: depends on where you look at the size, but yes, that may very well be. | 19:59 |
kunji | daverGS: Open source drivers only for that one though | 20:00 |
Seveas | User602: though I do find a 60gb difference somewhat excessive. How do you look at the size? | 20:00 |
User602 | Seveas, just doing as df -h. In gparted they seem off too though with diff numbers. | 20:00 |
scorpion | is there a reason why i can't sudo apt-get install inix on kubuntu 14.04? | 20:01 |
ycyclist | Seveas: Perhaps so, but it is looking for something that is not visible from the browser. After apt-get update I get the same error. | 20:01 |
nacc | !info inix trusty | scorpion | 20:01 |
ubottu | scorpion: Package inix does not exist in trusty | 20:02 |
nacc | scorpion: no such package in ubuntu at all | 20:02 |
kunji | scorpion: What is inix even.....? | 20:02 |
User602 | Seveas, 978.09GB to 931.51GB in gparted. | 20:02 |
pavlos | ycyclist: can you add nameserver to your resolv.conf and try again? | 20:03 |
akik | User602: i think that different comes from the default 5% allocation for root user. you can find the value with tune2fs | 20:04 |
ycyclist | Did it. Same problem. | 20:04 |
User602 | akik, even though these are just secondary data drives, not containing os? | 20:05 |
akik | User602: sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sdXn | grep "Reserved block count" | 20:05 |
akik | User602: yes it's for ext4 like that | 20:05 |
akik | User602: you can change it to 0% if you want | 20:06 |
ycyclist | The internet says akik is not an abbreviation, but another spelling for quartz. | 20:07 |
User602 | akik, what is the benefits of leaving as is? | 20:07 |
akik | User602: well, only root can write to the disk when you reach the limit | 20:07 |
akik | User602: you can change it to 0 with "sudo tune2fs -m 0 /dev/sdXn" | 20:08 |
pavlos | ycyclist: is your ip static or dhcp? | 20:09 |
User602 | akik, I'll leave it. Thank you. | 20:09 |
ycyclist | dhcp inside a large and security sensitive organization which tortures people to death for mentioning their name. | 20:09 |
User602 | akik, FYI... sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sdc | grep "Reserved block count just returned ">" | 20:10 |
ycyclist | That being said, the end of the resolv.conf is a search on their dns. | 20:10 |
pavlos | ycyclist: move the at the top of the file and test with, ping -c2 | 20:11 |
akik | User602: you need to add " to the end | 20:11 |
Aven | anyone here try using Apple's magic mouse on linux? | 20:11 |
akik | User602: and it's by file system, not the whole disk | 20:11 |
kunji | The actual hardware in drives changes sometimes, I wouldn't have guessed by so much though..... Even just recently I bought 8 WD Gold 10 TB drives, their physical design is different for about half of them.... makes me slightly nervous wondering if there was something wrong that made them change. Their data sizes are all the same though, but I know that isn't guaranteed, that is why it is recommended to leave some space at the end of drives being used for ra | 20:11 |
ycyclist | Ok. | 20:11 |
dharma | hi i was here the other day trying to get help mounting a usb drive on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, i know it's not supported anymore but i need to get some data off this PC urgently and i can't remember the exact commands to do it | 20:12 |
User602 | akik, Reserved block count: 12209532 | 20:12 |
ycyclist | The ping just blocks | 20:12 |
ycyclist | 100% packet loss | 20:12 |
akik | User602: you need to multiply that with the block size. then you get the total size but i gather you don't want to change it? | 20:12 |
kunji | Ah, it was reserved after? It's pointless on a data drive, but the system drive it can be important on, for cases when the drive is full. | 20:12 |
Aven | /j #linux | 20:13 |
Aven | oops | 20:13 |
dharma | when i booted this just now, i got an error message "no such file" "dev/sdb1" ... i just also did "sudo fdisk -l" and it's showing sda1, sda2, sda3 | 20:13 |
User602 | akik, yeah... just want to see the diff between the two file system types. | 20:13 |
Furai | Hmmm, weird thing, I've upgraded today my ubuntu from 16.04 to 17.04 and I'm using dark theme everywhere, but all the firefox instances have white title bar (the one at the very top of the window) and I can't change it to dark. No idea what's going on as all other windwos have dark title bar. Anyone knows what could be the cause? (Using Gnome as my DE.) | 20:13 |
dharma | the flash drive is usb0 under media in the file tree | 20:13 |
User602 | guess I can't tho.... since the other is NTFS | 20:13 |
dharma | usb0 shows as mounted, but the flash drive itself is actually not mounted.. i forget the commands but i remember months ago i had to do something special so that the actual named flash drive (not the generic "usb0") would *mount* | 20:14 |
Furai | Firefox was installed from the package provided on Mozilla's website. | 20:14 |
User602 | akik, Am I doing work for little gain by moving the data off NTFS to ext4? | 20:14 |
dharma | is there anyone that might know how to do that? | 20:14 |
pavlos | ycyclist: try, sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup -vv eth0 (adjust the eth0 | 20:14 |
akik | User602: you need to grep for "Block size" then | 20:14 |
akik | User602: ubuntu handles both just fine | 20:15 |
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dharma | i also have a mounted truecrypt drive on here so that may be what one of these things refers to | 20:15 |
sorinello | jushur, I found the problem ! | 20:15 |
lavinho | how to close hotmail account ? | 20:15 |
ycyclist | There is no eth0 | 20:15 |
User602 | akik thanks. | 20:16 |
sorinello | jushur, it seems that the performance of Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR) withing systemd-resolve SUCKS big time. I disablet that crap, so local hostnames are resolved using DNS, not this crappy protocol. And it all workd flawlessly now | 20:16 |
dharma | when i do "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/usb0" it tells me this message: "mount: /dev/sdb1 already mounted or /media/usb0 busy | 20:16 |
dharma | " "mount: according to mtab, /dev/sdb1 is already mounted on /media/usb0 | 20:16 |
dharma | " | 20:16 |
akik | User602: and windows handles ext3/4 with either ext2fsd or | 20:16 |
pavlos | ycyclist: sure, it could be enpXsY (hence the adjust comment | 20:16 |
ycyclist | It is, but that is not recognized as an interface. | 20:17 |
ycyclist | unknown interface enpXsY | 20:17 |
ycyclist | Even though ifconfig shows it as one. | 20:18 |
pavlos | ycyclist: can you paste, ip addr | 20:18 |
kunji | pavlos: What's up with the enp... style interface names anyway? | 20:18 |
ycyclist | I'd better now. | 20:18 |
ycyclist | not | 20:18 |
akik | kunji: it's systemd's predictable interface naming | 20:18 |
ycyclist | Sorry I'd better just ask internally. It's probably some security artifact. | 20:19 |
dharma | ok so the usb0 is under sdb1 | 20:19 |
ycyclist | Thank you. | 20:19 |
dharma | does that help? | 20:19 |
pavlos | ycyclist: I dont what to know your network, just the interface ... it could be enp2s0 or something like that | 20:19 |
kunji | akik: They should all be enp...? Because on my other system one nic is like that and the other is quite different. | 20:19 |
pavlos | want | 20:19 |
dharma | the drive is called like "2016new" or whatever... for example... so i need to know how to mount it | 20:19 |
ycyclist | It is something like that. | 20:19 |
pavlos | ycyclist: so use the ifdown and ifup with that interface | 20:20 |
akik | kunji: all should be what? use ifconfig -a to see them | 20:20 |
ycyclist | Yes, I do and it fails with the message I gave. | 20:20 |
ChaiTRex | kunji: No, the names are based on how they're connected to your system. | 20:20 |
akik | kunji: or ip link show | 20:20 |
dharma | when i did sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/2016new it says: "mount: mount point /media/2016new does not exist | 20:20 |
dharma | " | 20:20 |
dharma | how do i make a mount point? is that what i need to do? | 20:21 |
ChaiTRex | kunji: If two are connected in different manners, you can get quite different names. | 20:21 |
ChaiTRex | dharma: Create that directory. | 20:21 |
ChaiTRex | dharma: sudo mkdir /media/2016new | 20:21 |
dharma | ok | 20:21 |
akik | kunji: i very much like the previous naming which you can get by adding net.ifnames=0 kernel parameter | 20:21 |
kunji | akik: I know how to see them, I'm just saying they aren't both that format. ChaiTRex, they're both on the motherboard.... should be connected the same way?? One is an atheros chip marketed as Killer Networking yadda yadda and the other is an Intel, the Intel is enp... | 20:22 |
akik | kunji: both ethernet? | 20:22 |
kunji | akik: Yeah | 20:22 |
ChaiTRex | kunji: Is one WiFi? | 20:22 |
ChaiTRex | kunji: Oh, never mind. | 20:23 |
pavlos | ycyclist: example: if your interface is enp2s0 and you say, sudo ifdown enp2s0, it reports unknown interface? | 20:23 |
kunji | ChaiTRex, akik: board is Gigabyte X370 K7 | 20:23 |
ycyclist | pavlos: Exactly | 20:23 |
dharma | ChaiTRex: so it made the 2016new directory under media but it's still now showing as mounted and i'm not able to write to the flash drive | 20:23 |
akik | kunji: i don't know what you'd like to do/do you see a problem with the naming? | 20:24 |
ycyclist | well, almost. it says unknown interface enp0s25 actually | 20:24 |
kunji | akik: Just curious really. | 20:24 |
dharma | i did mount /dev/sdb1 /media/2016new but it had already told me /dev/sdb1 was "no such file" upon booting | 20:24 |
ycyclist | Which is pretty weird since that is the interface stated in the ifconfig report. | 20:24 |
ChaiTRex | kunji: Here's the naming scheme: | 20:25 |
dharma | oh it's showing "usb0" and also "2016new" in my "file systems" under sdb1 now... what does that mean? yet 2016new isn't mounted or writeable | 20:25 |
ChaiTRex | kunji: You can use it to see why the devices are named differently. | 20:25 |
ChaiTRex | dharma: Run `mount` and see where it's mounted. | 20:26 |
akik | dharma: use "sudo blkid" to see your block devices | 20:26 |
texla | Ubuntu 16.04.2 Unity what is the proper name for the files icon | 20:26 |
pavlos | ycyclist: grep enp0s25 dmesg ... any errors like link not ready | 20:26 |
ycyclist | Rebooting to try again after... | 20:26 |
ycyclist | Will look when it comes up. | 20:26 |
dharma | /dev/sdb1: LABEL="2016NEW" UUID="3AA1-2DBC" TYPE="vfat" | 20:26 |
belgianguy | Stability has much improved over 2 days for, or it's a lucky streak, only activated the AMD bytecode and set the BIOS time to the correct time | 20:27 |
dharma | i can't find what i need under the mount command... still looking... and my friend is rushing me out the door now so i may not be able to finish this :/ | 20:27 |
sebsebseb | hi | 20:27 |
belgianguy | I haven't had a hangup since | 20:27 |
pavlos | kunji: there is a new network naming with 16.04 and up | 20:27 |
belgianguy | thanks faugusztin and others :) | 20:27 |
dharma | if i don't do it now i can try to come here earlier another day so i ahve more time | 20:27 |
akik | dharma: probably "sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/2016new" did you create the mount point? | 20:27 |
dharma | i don't know | 20:28 |
dharma | i created the file 2016new under media just now | 20:28 |
ycyclist | It appears to end ready and working. | 20:28 |
ChaiTRex | dharma: File or directory? | 20:28 |
dharma | folder | 20:28 |
ycyclist | Plus the net works completely from the browser. | 20:28 |
dharma | i guess directory | 20:28 |
ChaiTRex | dharma: Oh, good. It has to be a directory to work. | 20:28 |
kunji | pavlos: ...? I thought systemd was doing it? That is an arch system with the weird name on one NIC, I'll keep this naming documentation open and see if it makes sense at work tomorrow when I can get the exact name again. | 20:29 |
ycyclist | [ 7.450948] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): enp0s25: link becomes ready | 20:29 |
ChaiTRex | dharma: Folder and directory are the same thing. | 20:29 |
dharma | i guess i have to try next time | 20:29 |
dharma | ok | 20:29 |
pavlos | ycyclist: remove the from your resolv.conf and check again | 20:29 |
akik | kunji: just for info, the naming is not so predictable always | 20:29 |
ycyclist | Ok., | 20:29 |
dharma | my friend is making me leave sorry... thanks... i will try next time =/ | 20:29 |
ycyclist | Oh, the reboot removed it already. I forgot it does that. | 20:30 |
ycyclist | Same as /tmp. Clears on boot | 20:30 |
kunji | akik: Hmm? Would it make a difference if the driver is working properly or not, I'm not sure if I've actually gotten that NIC to work. | 20:30 |
texla | Ubuntu 16.04.2 Unity what is the proper name for the files icon | 20:31 |
ycyclist | BTW the needed command is dmesg | grep enp0s25. | 20:31 |
akik | kunji: it's not a matter of functionality, just naming | 20:31 |
ycyclist | The other is bad syntax. | 20:31 |
pavlos | ycyclist: my mistake | 20:31 |
ChaiTRex | texla: What do you mean by the files icon? The file drawer that, when clicked, shows your home folder files? | 20:32 |
ycyclist | Thank you for your support in this matter. | 20:32 |
kunji | akik: Yeah, I didn't think it would. Oh wait, maybe this one, Embedded network interface em... | 20:32 |
pavlos | ycyclist: np | 20:32 |
texla | ChaiTRex, yes | 20:32 |
akik | kunji: can you paste the names in | 20:33 |
ChaiTRex | texla: The Nautilus icon (Nautilus is the name of the file browser): | 20:33 |
Sparrow__ | texla, user share icons folder is mine | 20:33 |
kunji | akik: Nope, because I can't remember them exactly, I could tomorrow if you want, but it isn't that important. | 20:33 |
akik | kunji: ok | 20:33 |
pavlos | kunji: the new naming a bit of a pain, wait till you see the wifi names ... | 20:34 |
kunji | pavlos: lol, no wifi on that machine ^_^, and network-manager handles the laptop so I don't care :P | 20:34 |
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kunji | wlp1s0 not so bad | 20:35 |
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adac | Guys i installed nagstamon, but when I start it I get the following error: | 20:43 |
adac | | 20:43 |
adac | any ideas? | 20:43 |
ksk | adac: I dont know nagstamon, but maybe add the command you are issuing to the paste? in general it seems to me like some version incorecness? like you have the module, but not the function you need in it? (from a python point of view) | 20:45 |
artscience | I have a fresh install of ubuntustudio 16.04.1 and the default network settings can't connect to a wired line. I've gone through the forums and see a lot of threads over the years complaining about the same issue, but none of them seem to resolve into a repeatable solution. Can anyone help? | 20:45 |
artscience | for some reason unknown to me, eth0 is renamed as eno1 by ubuntu | 20:46 |
ksk | artscience: welcome to 2015 or so ;) | 20:47 |
ksk | thats perfectly normal. | 20:47 |
ksk | its just another name, but works as before. | 20:47 |
artscience | except that it doesn't work lol | 20:47 |
ksk | "does not work" "can not coneect" | 20:48 |
adac | ksk, actually the command is simply "nagstamon" | 20:48 |
ksk | what does that acually mean? nopaste your cofig, mii-tool command, ip a s eno1, ip r s | 20:48 |
ksk | adac: are you running it on a server maybe?^^ | 20:48 |
adac | ksk, locally :) | 20:49 |
adac | maybe I'm missing a package? | 20:49 |
adac | I just got a new notebook and proting everything | 20:49 |
adac | *porting | 20:49 |
mixxit | hey | 20:49 |
ksk | if it is installed via ubuntu official repos, that should not happen. maybe there is a -gui or something package for it? | 20:49 |
mixxit | where do i put my startup scripts | 20:49 |
mixxit | i need to adjust some xinput settings | 20:49 |
adac | ksk, hmm no I don't think there is a separate GUI | 20:50 |
mixxit | nm found it :-) | 20:51 |
artscience | ksk: for the record I've tried the following based on advice from forums to no avail; set IPv6 method to ignore, edited /etc/network/interfaces to add the lines auto eth0 [new line] iface eth0 inet dhcp, also tried the same thing with eno1 instead of eth0 | 20:53 |
tomreyn | artscience: was there any error message before you made those modifications? | 20:55 |
artscience | ksk: it's also worth noting that I'm running this alongside windows 10 on UEFI, ubuntu is on a new hard drive not shared with an NTFS partition | 20:55 |
artscience | tomreyn: yes, in that it never made a network connection | 20:55 |
tomreyn | artscience: 'it' being the little icon on the desktop panel where you configure your network interfaces? | 20:56 |
tomreyn | how did you check whether there was a network connection? | 20:56 |
artscience | tomreyn: yes... | 20:57 |
* Atlante MY ASS IS ITCHING!! quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: hue bac shogberg Seveas _Trullo gausus lolmac mati ayan Relicka returnthis yofel TheVacuousTruth herb Gazyrlezon ericnoan Swant rax- tolecnal Oatmeal beaver tarzeau DeMiNe0 Joschii ddufresne evert planigan erikj pelle2 Iriez zenix` Nd-969-M kspencer codebam ProtocolNetworks TijG ycarene Kingsy Noskcaj hreinnbeck blazeme8 Trefex Modestia daveomcd paalgyula tamaros ses1984 jugo themill lu_tze | 20:57 | |
* Atlante MY ASS IS ITCHING!! quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: dem0 L3gacy xamindar SunTsu thekingofbandit nulbert[m] omnigoat Stinky-Feet xet7 rOss^64 amiloxa roobi Taylor kode54 Kazuto slashdotever bitch shiznix Dreyk chl_ steven mc_fail u0_a123 robairt Ad1Tech Ampelbein Diamondcite sdx23 Some_Person PowerSprayer themill trism NyanPasu ycarene NDPTAL85 pedrovian t2mkn mglad kolbasz blueLime V7 Qasker shuduo tanis physpi TijG Pici tapanik conley ivyyy | 20:57 | |
tomreyn | artscience: alright, i'm just trying to understand better | 20:57 |
* Stepha MY ASS IS ITCHING!! quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: nemesit|znc vas_tappendage kallesbar davisten mikecmpbll chamunks Br|aN causative rvgate sloucher saige ouroumov_ xar- eraggo vila Gorith Bad_Dream blackflow kloeri fsi-mtakahas JackH BlackDex MrRobot7_ ransom_ubu Telendrith matt8109 bittyx Dan_au JC_SoCal stub CrazyEddy phunyguy Kingsy redrabbit Doow altendky sven^ mooshoe[m] u aladeen rideh dStruct tukruic jgama daverGS lukasdboer_ D | 20:57 | |
* Lesley MY ASS IS ITCHING!! quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: bleepy ouroumov_ hatiac pavlos Fleet tanay quintopia Iriez f10 belgianguy madwizard Myrtti_ turfrex krphop r_rios herb jasonheh Druid- effectnet manacit_ DLange alexandre9099 Randy gravyv menschan[m] slashd mantono rypervenche chrisml mths_ TheVacuousTruth chl_ wafflejock Domhack kloeri mpking Giant81 rohanrhu_ leion gpolitis tekk musician_pro ZeaperGT gesker axisys Anja_ paven frobw | 20:57 | |
* Lesley MY ASS IS ITCHING!! quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: BuildTheRobots nacc maxxik_ dimi34ka confluence conley Flannel Emperor_Earth mz` wgma00 Almoxarife imsurit Lukewh L0cust[m] invariant1729 MrPants Diemuzi PaulW2U SCHAPiE RyanKnack woodjrx DLange Frickelpit mlhess sarcastico Karunamon klaas Qommand0r raztafari VoidWhisperer JonathanD dvdmuckle manitu killtheliterate Andreas33 effectnet kirkland Bryanstein ssarah deanman davimore soee | 20:57 | |
artscience | tomreyn: if it helps to know, I'm an electrical not a complete amateur with computers, but I'm not a networking expert either, or enough of a unix power user to solve this myself...apparently | 20:58 |
tomreyn | artscience: okay so you know what a cross check is, thats useful already | 20:59 |
mixxit | sorry guys one more question :-) | 21:00 |
* Vikky MY ASS IS ITCHING!! quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: pmn milkshoes Mart computer2000 anders_ pinnerup scde[m] AndrewMC ndk noah TijG Lkydiruw DF3D2 jamesd georgeowell TheOrangeOne #ubunt karlthane kiltzman TippinTaco hackel __Yiota sz0 mgottschlag pizzaops panina komugi ksk dzragon m0ltar statusfailed krizoek shakalaka hhee zzarr Whiskey MrGeneral smiths[m] pchoo Wizek__ saintromuald compdoc jk^^ konrados Tin_man wook_ epopt kirb matt8109 Noskcaj | 21:00 | |
* Vikky MY ASS IS ITCHING!! quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: rubick jathan chachasmooth vas_tappendage raub Emmanuel_Chanel rkantos Jikai joeytwiddle_ CharlesMu decoder wlp1s1 GJdan davisten lborda trevorj jonsson elichai2 nwe mikey cadeskywalker dude42_ natan64 bunchies dinoocch ramana__ JC_SoCal AaronMT L3gacy elky rory Jonii SebastianFlyte Shibe jrolland-home sz0 Doow georgeowell vadviktor causative erikj mda1 WinstonSmith autra Henster[m] Dartellum yanome Ke | 21:00 | |
* Vikky MY ASS IS ITCHING!! quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: Ballzak MrRooks kristbaum_ Jettis schahermacher Moscherkobold_ sicsscam yanome wannabej Anonymes mikeymop LazyAngel dimi34ka solid_liq permalac sipior_ mlhess redrabbit blazeme8 NegativeFlare freakyy ash_wo Jordan_U am0nrahx ReScO chindy Dynamiiic db` bitblit madmouser1 Paavi blkadder rkantos Tzunami raztafari blackroot NemesisD Boreeas_ mbwe zizou kalen_not-here Zerant luny lsyoyom nopf chu MrRobot7_ | 21:00 | |
mixxit | how do i get the nicer login screen from ubuntu on ubuntu mate? | 21:00 |
compdoc | which one is the nicer one? | 21:00 |
tomreyn | artscience: whats your network interface chipset? can you report what's in the [ ... ] parantheses in the output of: lspci -nn | grep Ethernet | 21:01 |
mixxit | | 21:01 |
mixxit | like that | 21:01 |
hhee | guys, does ubuntu unity DE will be available after 2021 as separate package in new distros? | 21:01 |
mixxit | instead of this | 21:01 |
tapanik | i love ubuntu 16.04, but bluetooth connection sometimes tun off (automagic) | 21:01 |
tapanik | logitech speakers bluetooth | 21:02 |
ChaiTRex | That's because Bluetooth is the work of Satan. | 21:02 |
tapanik | i agree | 21:02 |
mixxit | thor | 21:02 |
mixxit | not satan :-) | 21:02 |
tomreyn | artscience: still around? | 21:02 |
artscience | tomreyn: yeah it's Intel Ethernet Connection I217-V | 21:02 |
Whiskey | D | 21:03 |
artscience | tomreyn: more generally I'm using an ASUS Z87-Pro motherboard | 21:03 |
tomreyn | artscience: hmm that's not what it says in those parenthesis though | 21:03 |
artscience | tomreyn: V edition | 21:03 |
tomreyn | artscience: can you run the above command and report the 8 numbers / characters it reports there? | 21:04 |
tapanik | bluetooth sucks, i dont use for smartphone file transfer | 21:04 |
artscience | tomreyn: oh yeah sorry, 8086:153b | 21:04 |
artscience | tomreyn: rev05 | 21:05 |
tomreyn | artscience: thanks. and this is which ubuntu release? | 21:05 |
brandor5 | hello everyone: I'm looking for a mirror of 16.04.1 for ppc64el... how would I find that? | 21:05 |
brandor5 | I've found but how do I locate the 16.04.1 specific archive? | 21:05 |
artscience | tomreyn: ubuntustudio 16.04.1 | 21:05 |
tomreyn | artscience: alright. 16.04.2 is current, maybe that would have worked out of the box. | 21:06 |
tomreyn | artscience: let me check whether there are known issues with this chipset you have | 21:06 |
artscience | tomreyn: but 16.04.1 is LTS, so it should in theory have the best support | 21:07 |
artscience | tomreyn: ok thanks | 21:07 |
tomreyn | artscience: 16.04.2 is the second "point release" of 16.04 LTS. you would automatically get it when installing security / bug fix updates on your 16.04 LTS installation. | 21:09 |
tomreyn | artscience: this NIC should be fine, it's generally well supported. it's not clear what the issue is there. i would therefore recommend that you just undo all the manual configurations you made, and try again, and capture log file outputs to get a better idea of what exactly does not work. | 21:10 |
artscience | tomreyn: I installed from DVD and the iso is 16.04.1, at no point did it have a working network and presumably that update wasn't available from the iso | 21:10 |
tomreyn | artscience: correct, i'm aware updating is difficult without network connectivity .;) | 21:11 |
tomreyn | log files are stored in /var/log - the one interesting to you there will be primarily /var/log/syslog and the output generated by the 'dmesg -T' command. | 21:13 |
tomreyn | artscience: ^ | 21:13 |
pavlos | artscience: can you paste, dmesg | grep e1000 | 21:13 |
tomreyn | pavlos: he has no network connectivity | 21:13 |
pavlos | oops | 21:13 |
akik | artscience: have you changed your network cable? | 21:14 |
artscience | tomreyn: ok I removed the added lines to etc/.network/interfaces, changed ipv6 to auto DHCP only, and removed the additional google DNS servers | 21:15 |
tomreyn | artscience: if you have a different network interface in this computer or one you could connect to it via usb (or bluetooth) or as a pci-e card, this would also be worth a try. | 21:15 |
artscience | tomreyn: afte3r doing that it suddenly connected | 21:15 |
tomreyn | artscience: whoops | 21:15 |
artscience | tomreyn: any idea why it would? | 21:16 |
tomreyn | artscience: in fact you should not need to have a /etc/network/interfaces file at all. | 21:16 |
akik | isn't the loopback defined in interfaces? | 21:16 |
tomreyn | artscience: i could not tell why it works now when it did not work initially. my understanding is that it should ahve worked from the very start | 21:16 |
tomreyn | akik: it will be defined automatically | 21:17 |
artscience | tomreyn: hm, well it came with the installation and it has two lines for some loopback that I don't quite understand; line 1: auto lo; line 2: iface lo inet loopback | 21:17 |
tomreyn | artscience: well those are not needed, but also wont hurt | 21:18 |
tomreyn | artscience: be sure to install the pending updates now you can. it'll be smoe hundred megabytes, i guess | 21:18 |
artscience | tomreyn: right, and I'm unfamiliar with the processes for automatic configuration | 21:19 |
artscience | tomreyn: but these is what many people in the forums described, making changes, reverting back, and it suddenly working, hence why I said no repeatable solutions | 21:20 |
tomreyn | artscience: of... network interfaces? you can always switch back to manual configuration if you prefer to. but a single typo there can break network connectivity, so maybe the autoimatic one is actually better. | 21:20 |
User602 | Shouldn't the lost+found dir on secondary drives me hidden? | 21:21 |
artscience | tomreyn: I'm guessing whatever the auto-config processes are doing, there is something keeping it from properly running a conditional that only works after you've forced it to fail said conditional by making changes, shrug | 21:21 |
tomreyn | artscience: i really don't know, could only speculate at this point. | 21:22 |
artscience | tomreyn: I'm talking about the underlying code, as there is clearly a bug, not pebcak error | 21:22 |
ChaiTRex | User602: It's not even hidden on the main drive. | 21:22 |
ChaiTRex | User602: Generally, only files that start with a dot are hidden. | 21:23 |
artscience | tomreyn: there has been some speculation on the forums that it is related to windows 10 dual boot, not sure how that would play into it though | 21:23 |
tomreyn | artscience: if there is a bug, maybe those pending updates you have there already fix it | 21:23 |
tomreyn | hmm, me neither | 21:23 |
stranglerfish | hey I'm having trouble figuring out how to update my graphics driver on ubuntu | 21:23 |
artscience | tomreyn: hopefully, thanks for the help | 21:24 |
tomreyn | stranglerfish: which driver is it? | 21:24 |
tomreyn | artscience: welcome | 21:24 |
stranglerfish | I tried grabbing this: | 21:24 |
artscience | tomreyn: always feel unsatisfied though when at the end of it all I didn't learn anything, haha | 21:24 |
stranglerfish | but when I go to install it in the software center, I click "install", it indicates the press, and then just does nothing | 21:24 |
User602 | ChaiTRex, my os drive doesn't even have lost+found | 21:25 |
tomreyn | artscience: you can always sift through those logs you still have, maybe you'll spot something. | 21:26 |
ChaiTRex | User602: My / partition has it. | 21:26 |
tomreyn | stranglerfish: which ubuntu release is this? | 21:26 |
stranglerfish | 16.04 | 21:26 |
ChaiTRex | User602: Not sure the exact reason it's created. | 21:26 |
stranglerfish | not sure if I should upgrade, and how to do so without affecting my files / settings | 21:26 |
tomreyn | stranglerfish: how does the page you pointed to suggest to install on this ubuntu release? | 21:26 |
User602 | ChaiTRex, typcially on format or fsck. | 21:27 |
stranglerfish | well it says for 16.10 but I figured it would cover previous versions too? | 21:27 |
stranglerfish | I did the whole signature key thing | 21:27 |
YankDownUnder | "lost+found" ==> | 21:28 |
pavlos | User602: ChaiTRex: fsck creates and uses the lost+found dir | 21:29 |
User602 | ChaiTRex, you are correct.... I see one in / too. | 21:29 |
tomreyn | stranglerfish: so, you could read the paragraph "Running the Update Tool on older versions of Fedora* and Ubuntu*" - including the part about "may not work as expected. ... we cannot support". | 21:29 |
tomreyn | stranglerfish: either way, these driver installations are not supported here. | 21:29 |
User602 | pavlos, yah.... my OCD doesn't wanna see it though when browsing drives. lol | 21:30 |
pavlos | User602: I think you can hide it if you use a file browser (nautilus, etc | 21:30 |
ChaiTRex | YankDownUnder, pavlos: Thanks. | 21:30 |
tomreyn | stranglerfish: if you want newer driver stacks on ubuntu, you can choose between upgrading ubuntu and using PPAs which provide newer drivers. but before you do, you should be sure this is going to change things for the better / is worth the effort / be sure you know why you want to upgrade the drivers. | 21:31 |
ChaiTRex | Luckily, mine is empty :) | 21:31 |
pavlos | User602: | 21:31 |
latino31 | anyone else having sound card issue in for instance the sound card being "busy" and not working for a period of time? | 21:31 |
User602 | you guys ever noticed the copy dialog box won't come back up when you're doing a large copy and focus on another window? | 21:31 |
stranglerfish | I'm just hoping for better performance with the few video games I have | 21:32 |
tomreyn | stranglerfish: is it a current CPU/CPU? | 21:33 |
tomreyn | *CPU/GPU | 21:33 |
stranglerfish | Uhh, It's a lenovo laptop I bought about 2 years ago | 21:33 |
stranglerfish | flex-2 or some such | 21:33 |
Ben64 | stranglerfish: you should start by upgrading to 17.04 | 21:33 |
stranglerfish | Can I do that without affecting my files and such? | 21:34 |
tomreyn | stranglerfish: then better performance is unlikely. you might get a higher opengl version supported, but this doesn't automagically translate into better performance. | 21:34 |
Ben64 | oh wait, i misread | 21:34 |
Ben64 | thought you said you were on 16.10 | 21:34 |
stranglerfish | nope, 16.04 | 21:34 |
Ben64 | ok disregard that then :D | 21:34 |
stranglerfish | so would it be better to upgrade ubuntu and take newer stack or just use the driver update that's available for 16.04? | 21:35 |
Ben64 | stranglerfish: does your computer only have intel gpu? or does it also have amd or nvidia | 21:35 |
stranglerfish | just intel I believe | 21:35 |
stranglerfish | it's just an integrated card | 21:35 |
Ben64 | what you could do is use the hwe to get a newer kernel and try that | 21:35 |
stranglerfish | i can pastebin lspci -v if you like | 21:35 |
stranglerfish | hwe? | 21:35 |
artscience | tomreyn: ok, so I spoke too soon, I thought it connected because the network settings gave me that pop-up notification, but actually it established an ipv6 address when I re-enabled it, but it still hasn't established an ipv4 address, and for all intents and purposes I can't connect to anything through firefox or update through apt-get | 21:36 |
Ben64 | lemme find the package name for you... | 21:36 |
nh2 | how I downgrade the firefox package back to 52 via apt? I want exactly the version I had just before the dist-upgrade | 21:36 |
ChaiTRex | !hwe | 21:36 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see | 21:36 |
sebsebseb | stranglerfish: uhmm for intel cards you shoudn't really need to install your own driver or as such | 21:36 |
sebsebseb | stranglerfish: even for gaming | 21:36 |
artscience | tomreyn: the delay is because I thought I might sort it out without bothering you again, but I haven't | 21:36 |
blackangelpr | Ben64, | 21:36 |
sebsebseb | stranglerfish: since Intel as support in the kerenl etc | 21:36 |
stranglerfish | ah ok. so i guess my laptop is just not up to par for the games | 21:36 |
sebsebseb | stranglerfish: which games ? | 21:36 |
Ben64 | blackangelpr: not that | 21:36 |
ChaiTRex | stranglerfish: HWE is basically a way for 16.04 LTS to use 16.10's kernel. Later, it will give it 17.04's kernel. And so on. | 21:36 |
tomreyn | stranglerfish: here's a PPA which provides updated drivers: | 21:36 |
sebsebseb | stranglerfish: for certain games a Nividia or AMD/ATI card would be better, but Intel should be fine enough for most people | 21:36 |
stranglerfish | well, i mainly use my other laptop with windows for gaming but it's older than this one. but for example, outlast (1) | 21:36 |
Ben64 | !info linux-generic-hwe-16.04-edge xenial | stranglerfish | 21:37 |
ubottu | stranglerfish: linux-generic-hwe-16.04-edge (source: linux-meta-hwe-edge): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 1 kB, installed size 9 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf; arm64; ppc64el; s390x) | 21:37 |
stranglerfish | what do i do with that tomreyn? | 21:37 |
sebsebseb | stranglerfish: a later kernel might have a bit more intel graphics card sure, so this suggestin they are giving yuou might be worth a shot but you could just upgrade to 17.04 anyway | 21:37 |
Ben64 | except 16.04 is supported until 2021 | 21:38 |
sebsebseb | stranglerfish: might as well upgrade to 17.04, 16.10 runs out of support at end of july anyway | 21:38 |
Ben64 | 17.04 is supported until january 2018 | 21:38 |
stranglerfish | ok, how can I go about doing that. I wouldn't have to reinstall the OS right, I can just upgrade current? | 21:38 |
sebsebseb | Ben64: yeah but stranglerfish put they were on 16.10 I think | 21:38 |
Ben64 | no, he's on 16.04 | 21:38 |
Ben64 | i made the same mistake | 21:38 |
stranglerfish | ^ | 21:38 |
tomreyn | stranglerfish: i said you basically have two options if you want to upgrade the drivers. upgrade ubuntu or install newer drivers from a PPA. this is the latter option. | 21:38 |
latino31 | whats going on with 17.04 and sound cards | 21:38 |
sebsebseb | stranglerfish: if your on 16.04 maybe don't upgrade then, and try to just install later kernel yourself, like someone was suggesting | 21:38 |
sebsebseb | stranglerfish: but on the other hand the interestng stuff happens first in the non lts releases :d | 21:39 |
Ben64 | stranglerfish: yeah, just installing linux-generic-hwe-16.04-edge will give you the kernel from 17.04 | 21:39 |
stranglerfish | i'm a tad lost | 21:39 |
tomreyn | stranglerfish: so actually installing a newer kernel image is another option. personally i would not expect it to make much of a difference, but you can try. | 21:40 |
Bashing-om | !hwe | stranglerfish | 21:40 |
ubottu | stranglerfish: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see | 21:40 |
stranglerfish | k so i did the ~ubuntu-x-swat/~archive thing | 21:41 |
Ben64 | welp i tried | 21:41 |
stranglerfish | what else was there? lots of different people suggesting things and I can't | 21:41 |
stranglerfish | follow along :P | 21:41 |
sebsebseb | stranglerfish: simple you can try this hwe thing on 16.04, or just upgrade to 17.04 through 16.10 | 21:41 |
sebsebseb | stranglerfish: but then you woudl be on non long term support release | 21:41 |
sebsebseb | stranglerfish: or you could be like, oh well I got another lap top for gaming anyway, and which games were causing issues and which issues? | 21:42 |
stranglerfish | If I upgraded to 17.04, would it make something like my Unity3d installation stop working? | 21:42 |
sebsebseb | stranglerfish: unity3d as in the games engine ? | 21:43 |
stranglerfish | yes | 21:43 |
sebsebseb | that should still work | 21:43 |
stranglerfish | tbh i care more about development on this laptop | 21:43 |
stranglerfish | someone mentioned opengl though | 21:43 |
sebsebseb | stranglerfish: i can't gaurranteee that it will work, but it should work | 21:43 |
tomreyn | artscience: can you open a terminal window and run this: ping6 -c3 | 21:43 |
stranglerfish | fudge it, i'm just gonna leave this be | 21:43 |
stranglerfish | i have another laptop to run games on | 21:43 |
tomreyn | artscience: then tell me roughly what it reports | 21:43 |
sebsebseb | stranglerfish: well this hwe suggestin won't hurt it seems | 21:43 |
sebsebseb | stranglerfish: its a way to get a later kernel | 21:43 |
sebsebseb | for a lts | 21:44 |
stranglerfish | k, what do I do with that again? | 21:44 |
sebsebseb | not done it myself, but looks ilke something that could be worth a shot | 21:44 |
sebsebseb | hwe people guide them ? :D | 21:44 |
stranglerfish | honestly this is all just cause i tried running outlast on this laptop for like 10 minutes at my bfs and it was a lot lower fps than the other laptop | 21:44 |
latino31 | you guys got some issues with sounds cards hello | 21:45 |
sebsebseb | stranglerfish: they said what to do above though | 21:45 |
sebsebseb | latino31: what sound issues? you got ? | 21:46 |
pavlos | stranglerfish: | 21:47 |
artscience | tomreyn: unknown host | 21:47 |
ycyclist | How do I upgrade ubuntu to use python3 by default? Is it even possible? Is it even sane? | 21:48 |
User602 | Anyone know a trick to display the copy dialog box when it won't come back? Can't seem to find a solution. | 21:49 |
pavlos | User602: I think alt+tab rotates the windows | 21:49 |
User602 | pavlos, yeah... tried all those.... alt+tab, ctrl+tab, alt+~ | 21:50 |
User602 | It's a bug since 12.04 | 21:51 |
YankDownUnder | "Copy dialog"? | 21:52 |
ChaiTRex | ycyclist: It would break too many things. `python3` is Python 3. | 21:52 |
ChaiTRex | ycyclist: Python 3 isn't backward compatible with Python 2. | 21:53 |
Sparrow__ | ycyclist, I thought it had 3.5 now | 21:53 |
pavlos | ycyclist: not recommended but ... you could create an alias, alias python='/usr/bin/python3' ... | 21:53 |
Sparrow__ | !find python3 | 21:53 |
ubottu | Found: idle-python3.5, libpeas-1.0-0, libpython3-all-dbg, libpython3-all-dev, libpython3-dbg, libpython3-dev, libpython3-stdlib, libpython3.5, libpython3.5-dbg, libpython3.5-dev (and 2091 others)§ion=all | 21:53 |
ycyclist | Yes. 3.5. 3.5 is still NOT backward compatible? | 21:53 |
ChaiTRex | ycyclist: Still? It's by design not backward compatible. | 21:54 |
tomreyn | artscience: ping6 -c3 2620:0:ccc::2 | 21:54 |
ycyclist | Ok. That is very helpful. Thank you. | 21:54 |
tomreyn | artscience: actually just: ping6 2600:: | 21:55 |
ChaiTRex | ycyclist: Here's some information about it: | 21:55 |
artscience | tomreyn: network is unreachable for both | 21:55 |
artscience | tomreyn: just as a sanity check, let me point out network connectivity works fine when I boot to windows 10 | 21:58 |
tomreyn | artscience: what does "ip link show" say for the enp0 interface? is it 'state UP', is it 'NO_CARRIER', what'S the value behind 'mtu'? | 21:58 |
tomreyn | artscience: i rmemeber you said so, thanks for reminding me, though | 21:59 |
User602 | YankDownUnder, yes. | 22:00 |
tomreyn | artscience: i don't think you responded to my suggestion to consider alternative network interfaces to get the ubuntu online. so i assume you don't have any other hardware options there. but you could still copy some log files to disk, boot to windows and upload them from there. it seems like a lot of effort for this purpose, though. | 22:01 |
User602 | YankDownUnder, the "Show copy dialog" doesn't work either if thats what you're getting at... | 22:01 |
ycyclist | Is there a package install to make access to python be python 3 by default, without killing off all the python 2 tools? | 22:01 |
tomreyn | artscience: yet another thing you could try is whether you can get online from the installation dvd in live mode. | 22:02 |
artscience | tomreyn: eno1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 | 22:03 |
artscience | tomreyn: state UP | 22:03 |
tomreyn | artscience: so the interface is up, now look at its configuration: ip a s eno1 | 22:04 |
artscience | tomreyn: I don't have any other hardware options atm | 22:04 |
tomreyn | artscience: what does it say behind 'inet' and 'inet6'? | 22:04 |
YankDownUnder | User602, No, it wasn't really what I was getting at - each "desktop environment" or "window manager" has a specific set of tools for copy/paste - I was trying to narrow down what exactly you're talking about - per desktop/window manager or "applet" or "tool"... | 22:05 |
artscience | tomreyn: not sure what you mean by behind, but I have values for link/ether, brd, and inet6 | 22:05 |
tomreyn | artscience: is there a line starting 'inet6' which does not say ' fe80' next? | 22:07 |
User602 | YankDownUnder, The file manager which comes with 16.04. On a large copy, the status dialog box can disappear. Trying to get it back otherwise I won't know once the copy is done. | 22:07 |
artscience | tomreyn: link/ether is my hardware address of course, inet6 is the ipv6 address which starts with fe80 | 22:07 |
tomreyn | artscience: and there's only that one line starting 'inet6'? | 22:08 |
artscience | tomreyn: there isn't a line with inet, if that's what you mean | 22:09 |
YankDownUnder | User602, Sorry mate - there are several "file manglers" and desktops for 16.04...could you be slightly more specific, please? (I use WindowMaker, Gnome3, XFce4 and Enlightenment on 16.04...) | 22:09 |
tomreyn | artscience: what does this command return? ip a s eno1 | grep -c inet6 | 22:11 |
User602 | YankDownUnder, which ever the default is? | 22:12 |
artscience | tomreyn: it just returns 1 | 22:12 |
User602 | YankDownUnder, Nautilus | 22:12 |
artscience | tomreyn: because inet6 only shows up once for ip a s eno1 | 22:13 |
tomreyn | artscience: right, that's what i tried to find out, thanks. | 22:14 |
YankDownUnder | User602, Ah...fair enough...have you considered trying a different "file mangler" - like SpaceFM for instance? Or "Nemo"? Because *if* this is a persistent "bug" within the scheme of "Unity+Nautilus" - then instead of wasting the time and effort on something that's still a *bug*, you can merely use a different tool to accomplish the same task without the hassle...? SpaceFM is actually quite nifty...especially in utilising it for | 22:15 |
YankDownUnder | doing large scale file operations... | 22:15 |
tomreyn | artscience: the ipv6 address starting fe80: which was assigned to your NIC is assigned by default, it's the loopback address | 22:15 |
tomreyn | artscience: i.e. no IP addresses were assigned to your NIC using DHCP. | 22:15 |
artscience | tomreyn: ok good to know | 22:16 |
User602 | I'll take a look at those. In the short term... I'll do it from commandline. :) | 22:16 |
User602 | thanks | 22:16 |
YankDownUnder | User602, Peace, bro. | 22:16 |
tomreyn | artscience: now it's of course possible that you have a static ip configuration on windows and just haven't done this on linux. | 22:16 |
tomreyn | artscience: ... and that DHCP generally doesn't work on your network. i don't know how it's configured, so this is just a guess. | 22:16 |
tomreyn | artscience: in case you're not into DHCP: this is the protocol which allows your router to assign an ip address to your computer. | 22:18 |
tomreyn | artscience: if DHCP does not work then you will need to manually configure ip addresses on your network interface / OS. if you are convinced you (or someone else) never did this on windows, then this would rule out my hypothesis. | 22:19 |
artscience | tomreyn: I didn't manually configure a static IP, I know what DHCP is, but how it works is magic to me | 22:20 |
blkadder | DHCP gnomes. | 22:21 |
tomreyn | artscience: if you are convinced that windows receives its ip address from your router via DHCP and linux should, too, then we'll need to think of other reasons why no ip addresses are assigned to your NIC on ubuntu. | 22:21 |
Some_Person | Would I be correct in assuming that it's impossible to have both sshd on port 22 and proftpd on the same port for sftp? | 22:22 |
Viking667 | uhm..... no? | 22:22 |
Viking667 | I'm only guessing here, but if sftp is ftp over ssh, then you should be able to connect. However, I'm sometimes wrong in networking cases. | 22:23 |
Some_Person | Viking667: sftp is a completely different protocol from ftp. sshd does normally provide sftp access, but I want to use proftpd instead for that | 22:24 |
Viking667 | hm, if you're talkin about servers, then no, generally you can only have one process handling the one port. | 22:24 |
User602 | I've noticed all the files on a data drive of mine are -rwxrwxrwx what should they be? | 22:25 |
Viking667 | User602: is it a fat32/fat16 filesystem? | 22:26 |
User602 | Viking667, was on NTFS, moving now to ext4. | 22:27 |
Viking667 | User602: sorry, I'll rephrase. Is it a Windows filesystem currently? | 22:27 |
User602 | Viking667, yes. | 22:27 |
tomreyn | artscience: take a look at: sudo grep NetworkManager /var/log/syslog | 22:27 |
artscience | tomreyn: ok good news, I found a wireless usb adaptor that was used for a raspberry pi, I've plugged it in thinking if I can get the wireless going I can update like you said; however, it's not wanting to connect to the router for some reason though it has radio and recognizes the router | 22:27 |
Viking667 | That'll be one of the reasons why, I suspect. | 22:27 |
User602 | But I've also did a cp -rp, so the permissions carried over. | 22:28 |
User602 | What should I change them to after copy? | 22:28 |
YankDownUnder | Some_Person, If you're using ProFTP along with a server app running sftp, you might want to set sftp to a different port altogether...ProFTP will reject the sftp communication coming to the port (22) and vice versa...ergo...two different servers - two different ports... | 22:28 |
tomreyn | artscience: do you manage your router yourself? | 22:28 |
Viking667 | User602: are all files going to be owned by "user" or by "root"? | 22:28 |
User602 | Viking667, By me, the user. | 22:28 |
artscience | tomreyn: ok that spit out a sizable output | 22:29 |
Viking667 | Will you want other users to be able to see those files? | 22:29 |
Some_Person | YankDownUnder: The SFTP is for external customers, so really should be on the default port. It would make more sense to us to move SSH to a different port | 22:29 |
User602 | Viking667, No sir. | 22:29 |
Viking667 | then go with 0600 (-rw-------) | 22:29 |
YankDownUnder | Some_Person, Coolbeans...then you can finagle ProFTP to use something different (um...preferably something that is open, yersh?) :) | 22:29 |
Viking667 | However, there won't be any executables that'll run with that. | 22:30 |
tomreyn | artscience: look at the 'device (eno1)' lines specifically. what do those states changes to, in which order? | 22:30 |
artscience | tomreyn: looks like it keeps trying to connect then device (eno1): state change: disconnected -> prepare (reason 'none') | 22:30 |
User602 | Viking667, That's fine... its just photos and text. | 22:30 |
Viking667 | Meanwhile, I have the same display issues I had before, my computer doesn't seem to want to pick a resolution higher than 1440x900, even though in 16.04 it would happily show me 1600x900, 1600x1050, 1920x1080 and other resolutions as well. | 22:31 |
Viking667 | Now I just get the 4:3 resolutions and my own 1360x768 that I added. | 22:32 |
artscience | tomreyn: net manager state then goes to connecting, eno1 repeats, then state change: config -> ip-config (reason 'none'), state change timeout, ip-config fails, rinse repeat | 22:32 |
User602 | Viking667, a chmod -R 600 /mnt/backup ? | 22:32 |
Viking667 | I'd guess so, as long as you have the drive mounted as your user. who're the files CURRENTLY owned by? | 22:33 |
artscience | tomreyn: unfortunately doesn't seem that insightful to me, it just looks like it is attempting to connect, but fails and gives no reason why, tries to assign an IP which it obviously can't do, and just repeats until it times out | 22:33 |
User602 | Viking667, by me, the user. | 22:33 |
tomreyn | artscience: does it ever say this? "dhcp4 (eno1): activation: beginning transaction" | 22:34 |
Viking667 | User602: and there's a problem with that chmod, it doesn't take note of directories, which have to be 700 | 22:34 |
tomreyn | artscience: ...or the same with 'dhcp6' instead of 'dhcp4' | 22:35 |
User602 | Viking667, oh... well the files should be limited to just the user, what is the best way to do that? | 22:35 |
artscience | tomreyn: yes which times out after 45 seconds | 22:36 |
artscience | tomreyn: dhcp4 that is | 22:36 |
tomreyn | artscience: okay, so dhcp is not working. check how your network interface is configure don windows. | 22:36 |
tomreyn | artscience: ...and do it the same way on ubuntu. it's probably a static ip address configuration | 22:37 |
artscience | tomreyn: I removed the ethernet cable and I've gotten the wireless usb working, started updating through apt-get, this may blow over after updates | 22:39 |
tomreyn | artscience: i just got disconnected off IRC, did you see the above two lines i wrote? | 22:40 |
YankDownUnder | Viking667, Did you manage to test with the kernel boot params for the edit in grub? | 22:40 |
tomreyn | artscience: i'll just re-post in case it never ended up here: okay, so dhcp is not working. check how your network interface is configure don windows ...and do it the same way on ubuntu. it's probably a static ip address configuration | 22:41 |
artscience | tomreyn: yes I did, but you probably missed mine in which I said "I removed the ethernet cable and I've gotten the wireless usb working, started updating through apt-get, this may blow over after updates like you said" | 22:42 |
tomreyn | artscience: alright, good luck on this. at least you have a workaround. i'm afraid i have to leave now, time to sleep. | 22:43 |
artscience | tomreyn: thanks for everythng | 22:43 |
Viking667 | YankDownUnder: sorry, I missed that, what was that again? | 22:44 |
tomreyn | artscience: welcome, i hope the updates will help (but i'm not entirely convinced it's a bug, yet). | 22:44 |
Viking667 | (and, I've updated to 17.04) | 22:44 |
YankDownUnder | Viking667, The other day you were referred to use a kernel boot settings to try to force the edid (resolution)...was wondering if you got anywhere with that - or in using xrandr to "force" resolutions... | 22:45 |
tomreyn | artscience: if you'll look for someone else's assistence here, please point out that on your system running ubuntustudio 16.04.1, NIC eth0 cannot receive an IP address with DHCP. Your NIC has the following PCI device ID: 8086:153b | 22:47 |
Bashing-om | YankDownUnder: Viking667 :; Are you the poster that has 'EDID=off' as a boot parameter ? If memory serves me . | 22:47 |
YankDownUnder | Bashing-om, Spot on. | 22:47 |
Viking667 | I'm just rattling through the logs for that, I saw your pointer on xrandr, and replied to that (i.e. if the resolution's not in xrandr then I have to manually add it) | 22:52 |
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Viking667 | And as for kernel videomodes, they generally aim for 4:3 screenmodes such as 640x480 .. 1024x768 | 22:55 |
YankDownUnder | Viking667, Something I was reading this morning: ==> refer to the bit about using xrandr to set a "new mode"... | 22:56 |
Viking667 | perhaps with "xrandr --newmode "...." .... .... | 22:58 |
YankDownUnder | Viking667, Spot for thought (and experimentation?) | 22:59 |
Viking667 | I was already aware of that, but manually adding the modes doesn't seem like the "right" thing to do (I would have added them to that file I mentioned the other day, /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-custom-video.conf) | 23:03 |
Sparrow__ | Guys, I have a mint Laptop driving my big screen and I don have a res issue if I boot with the tv off while I find the remote comtrol for the tv.. | 23:04 |
YankDownUnder | Viking667, Just chucking at ya what I was reading...I've fought with graphics cards and monitors - many times before...(um...and sometimes still do) | 23:04 |
tgm4883 | Viking667: why doesn't that feel like the "right" thing to do? | 23:05 |
Sparrow__ | I'll switch out the mint for the ubuntu laptop and try it tomorrow | 23:06 |
Viking667 | tgm4883: because Xorg has previously chosen far more "valid" modes up until 16.10 which is when I finally noticed that 1920x1080 had disappeared, and so had 1600x900 | 23:08 |
yay | what's the best cleaner app for ubuntu | 23:09 |
Viking667 | In addition, Xorg can plainly pull valid modes from the monitor, as it shows them in the log. But all I get for valid modes in xrandr is stuff 1440x900 or less. | 23:09 |
YankDownUnder | Viking667, So that being said, if you boot/run 16.04, it's fine and dandy, but anything beyond 16.04 is flaky and broken? | 23:09 |
Viking667 | yay: first, what's a cleaner app? | 23:09 |
yay | like ccleaner | 23:09 |
yay | purge cache, temp files and what not | 23:09 |
YankDownUnder | yay, Joking or serious? | 23:10 |
Viking667 | I don't have 16.04 any more, as I upgraded about six weeks ago to 16.10, which is when some of this stuff started happening. | 23:10 |
yay | serious | 23:10 |
yay | why | 23:10 |
tgm4883 | yay: you need a special programs to clean that up for you? | 23:10 |
YankDownUnder | yay, Ah...well, don't need CCleaner for linux. | 23:10 |
Viking667 | yay: they're correct. | 23:10 |
YankDownUnder | Viking667, Fair enough..."uphill battle" as it were... | 23:10 |
tgm4883 | Viking667: sounds like you should be debugging the edid response if xrandr is presenting the incorrect info | 23:11 |
tgm4883 | Viking667: and honestly, i'd probably just put it in the file, one and done | 23:11 |
Viking667 | tgm4883: the edid response gives me the native 1920x1080 resolution for the monitor, and also the edid-decoding program tells me "#Not using xxxxxx ..." for several resolutions. | 23:12 |
gebbione | how do you run a command as root when sudo is not installed | 23:14 |
tgm4883 | gebbione: uh, why isn't sudo installed? | 23:14 |
oerheks | gebbione, sudo is installed, if you removed it, no go. | 23:14 |
yay | | 23:14 |
yay | just sharing for those who wanna clean up some space and it has a nice interface | 23:15 |
Viking667 | here we are: "#Not givin standard mode: 1600x1200 60.0Hz ..." for several lines of resolutions | 23:15 |
ChaiTRex | gebbione: Reboot to single-user mode. | 23:15 |
yay | built on electron | 23:15 |
gebbione | it is not installed in ubuntu:xenial docker image | 23:15 |
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
gebbione | or at least when i enter with a bash shell it says sudo command does not exist | 23:15 |
tgm4883 | gebbione: aren't you already root when you go into the docker image? | 23:15 |
gebbione | no I am user 1000 | 23:15 |
gebbione | or someting | 23:15 |
ChaiTRex | No username. Classy. | 23:16 |
tgm4883 | gebbione: that sounds all kinds of broken | 23:16 |
gebbione | well i have other problems on this container, i wanted to install telnet temporarely to test if i could connect to php-fpm | 23:17 |
gebbione | but thats another story | 23:17 |
YankDownUnder | yay, Ummmm...thanks for 24 years I never thought that my linux needed cleaning up. Wow. (sarcasm) HOWEVER, if you feel it's a great program and it puts a smile on your dial, well, then go for it, matey! | 23:18 |
gebbione | and i am doing it inside the container | 23:18 |
ChaiTRex | gebbione: nc works like telnet | 23:18 |
gebbione | not found | 23:18 |
tgm4883 | gebbione: where did you get this docker image? | 23:19 |
gebbione | FROM ubuntu:xenial | 23:19 |
gebbione | offical stuff | 23:19 |
yay | YankDownUnder, it doesn't NEED cleaning up but it can be good to clean up some space for those who need it like me..tons of logs and cache | 23:21 |
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yay | sharing is caring,eh ? | 23:21 |
nacc | yay: the reason you don't need cleaner-like tools on Linux is that often, if you have 'tons of logs', then there is a misconfiguration | 23:27 |
nacc | yay: and rather than hack a tool into place that "cleans" (really works around), it's better in Linux to figure out the root cause and fix it | 23:27 |
nacc | yay: (IMO) | 23:27 |
orkan | Question! I use the Ubuntu Gnome flavor, what will happen when it becomes the main version of Ubuntu? Will I need to download a new ISO or will everyone else use the same version I have? | 23:28 |
nacc | orkan: it probably will just work | 23:28 |
nacc | orkan: we don't actually know, since that is still a few months before the affected release even opens | 23:29 |
nacc | orkan: but the intention will be to minimize the impact, i assume | 23:29 |
orkan | alright, was waiting for some information about that but nothing surfaced, so i stopped paying attention for a while | 23:30 |
YankDownUnder | orkan, From what I've been following - when the "change" comes...we'll merely have to purge a few PPA's and that's about it, really... | 23:31 |
tgm4883 | There shouldn't be any PPAs to purge | 23:31 |
nacc | YankDownUnder: PPAs are unrelated | 23:32 |
YankDownUnder | tgm4883, the "staging" PPA's...either which, MERELY relating what I was reading about er, what, 22 minutes ago...pertaining to this particular topic... | 23:32 |
tgm4883 | YankDownUnder: what staging PPAs? A default Ubuntu Gnome install doesn't have any PPAs | 23:33 |
nacc | YankDownUnder: if you're using staging PPAs then that's your choice, but unrelate to the default DE change | 23:33 |
nacc | YankDownUnder: and what tgm4883 said re: ubuntu gnome | 23:33 |
nacc | YankDownUnder: maybe you're confusing your choices to use staging gnome with the default ubuntu gnome installation? | 23:33 |
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orkan | staging gnome? the recent changes where you can update your system more frequently for newer hardware? | 23:35 |
* nacc assumes YankDownUnder means which is purely for testing before the releases | 23:36 | |
nacc | and so, again, unrelated to released ubuntu gnome | 23:36 |
nacc | orkan: i think you can ignore it | 23:36 |
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tgm4883 | orkan: in theory, everyone will be transitioned to the gnome packages in main (as the naming will likely be kept the same). I tried looking, but I don't think the 17.10 archive is open yet | 23:37 |
nacc | tgm4883: generally open, you mean? it is | 23:38 |
tgm4883 | nacc: what's it called? | 23:38 |
nacc | tgm4883: artful | 23:38 |
nacc | !artful | 23:38 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) will be the 27th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released in October 2017. Discussion in #ubuntu+1 | 23:38 |
tgm4883 | nacc: is broken then since we're back on A? | 23:38 |
tgm4883 | !info ubuntu-gnome-desktop artful | 23:39 |
nacc | tgm4883: heh, might need an update, yeah -- i'll ask | 23:39 |
ubottu | ubuntu-gnome-desktop (source: ubuntu-gnome-meta): The Ubuntu GNOME metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.78 (artful), package size 3 kB, installed size 12 kB (Only available for amd64; armhf; arm64; i386; ppc64el) | 23:39 |
tgm4883 | still in universe it seems | 23:39 |
nacc | yeah, that will presumably change | 23:39 |
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nacc | that's just a copy-forward from 17.04 right now | 23:39 |
latino31 | hello are you guys fixing your sound issues with 17.04? | 23:39 |
tgm4883 | latino31: what sound issues? | 23:40 |
tgm4883 | nacc: yep, I was just seeing if it had changed yet | 23:40 |
latino31 | tgm4883, give me a few mins | 23:40 |
* tgm4883 doesn't have sound issues, so no? | 23:40 | |
nacc | tgm4883: filed | 23:41 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1689679 in pkg-website "artful not listed, zesty needs -updates" [Undecided,New] | 23:41 |
tgm4883 | nacc: thanks! | 23:41 |
nacc | tgm4883: np, thanks for noticing (i've only used rmadison so hadn't noticed that gap) | 23:41 |
nacc | tgm4883: but yeah, definitely open archive, we already did the PHP7.1 transition :) | 23:42 |
tgm4883 | nacc: np, I generally go to only because I can give a user a link to the results | 23:42 |
nacc | tgm4883: ack, makes sense | 23:42 |
klystron | hi i have ubuntu 15.10 installed and cannot use the ubuntu softwre centre | 23:44 |
nacc | klystron: 15.10 is eol | 23:45 |
nacc | !eol | klystron | 23:45 |
ubottu | klystron: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See | 23:45 |
bazhang | klystron, its end of life, upgrade to a supported version | 23:45 |
nacc | bazhang: jinx :) | 23:45 |
klystron | i know but dont want to update | 23:45 |
tgm4883 | klystron: well then you can't install software | 23:45 |
nacc | klystron: ... why not? | 23:45 |
nacc | klystron: you are vulnerable to security issues, and are unsupported here by making that choice | 23:46 |
bazhang | klystron, then follow the links on how to get to a supported version | 23:46 |
orkan | why wouldn't you want to update your security? | 23:46 |
klystron | hardware issues | 23:46 |
tgm4883 | that's super generic | 23:46 |
orkan | might be fixes in a newer kernel | 23:46 |
klystron | that why | 23:46 |
bazhang | klystron, it's NOT supported | 23:46 |
orkan | 15.10 is old | 23:46 |
tgm4883 | as a rebuttal, then "security issues" | 23:47 |
klystron | surly you can still load software but take the risk of securty | 23:47 |
nacc | klystron: see the /topic, for instance (as to supported versions) | 23:47 |
ChaiTRex | klystron: 14.04 is better than 15.10 now. | 23:47 |
latino31 | <mikeymop> im not sure if I should start with pulseaudio, as even if I click it back to speakers it wont produce sound until i reboot....<kunji> wish_: Have you tried rebooting yet, I sometimes have sound issue that I can't seem to fix other ways....<wish_> I am getting no sound out of the headphones but pavucontrol is showing it as playing music through the headset device. And if I talk I can see the microphone bar also reacting...<mclaren> | 23:47 |
latino31 | hey, someone mind looking at my thread? my sound isn't working:<mclaren> my sound isn't working | 23:47 |
latino31 | <mclaren> and doing aplay -l gives the output: device_list:268: no soundcards found.... | 23:47 |
nacc | klystron: no, the archive is closed, no updates, i belieeve it's moved to old-releases, etc | 23:47 |
tgm4883 | klystron: no, you cannot. The repos don't exist anymore | 23:47 |
bazhang | klystron, no | 23:48 |
nacc | latino31: please don't do that | 23:48 |
nacc | latino31: pasting chunks of irc logs | 23:48 |
klystron | that crazy | 23:48 |
nacc | latino31: unreadable | 23:48 |
latino31 | no its not | 23:48 |
latino31 | i can read | 23:48 |
ChaiTRex | klystron: If you really need to avoid 16.04 or later, go with 14.04. It's good until April 2019. | 23:48 |
nacc | klystron: why is it crazy? you installed a release with only 9 months of support and then let it languish | 23:48 |
latino31 | its different nicks talking about sound issues in like 24 hours and one thread on a ubuntu site.. | 23:49 |
klystron | i think its time i ditched ubuntu | 23:49 |
nacc | latino31: right, so if you can't state your issue in one line, then we can't help | 23:49 |
tgm4883 | klystron: go right ahead.... | 23:49 |
nacc | klystron: you are welcome to? no one is forcing you to keep ubuntu | 23:49 |
nacc | klystron: but every distribution has support timelines | 23:49 |
latino31 | nacc people are having SOUND ISSSUES | 23:50 |
latino31 | im having it | 23:50 |
orkan | kystron you just picked the wrong version that's all. you picked a rolling release instead of the long time support release 14.04 | 23:50 |
latino31 | others are HAVING IT | 23:50 |
klystron | so what do you7 do with older hardware | 23:50 |
latino31 | you understand now | 23:50 |
bazhang | latino31, give us a bug number or more details | 23:50 |
* tgm4883 wonders why some users think that "I'll use something besides ubuntu" is some sort of threat | 23:50 | |
nacc | latino31: no, 'sound issues' (no need to yell/use all caps) describes nothing | 23:50 |
ChaiTRex | orkan: It's not really a rolling release. Rolling release means you don't need to upgrade. Non-LTS requires upgrades. | 23:50 |
tgm4883 | latino31: I have no sound issues here | 23:50 |
nacc | latino31: and 'others' having it is not relevant, as just as many do not have issues (myself and tgm4883 e.g.) | 23:51 |
ChaiTRex | orkan: Arch is a rolling release ditribution, for example, but not Ubuntu. | 23:51 |
latino31 | tgm4883, well good for you...but ubuntu is not just for you and to work only for you.. | 23:51 |
orkan | in lack of better words :P | 23:51 |
orkan | i wouldn't know what to call it | 23:51 |
tgm4883 | latino31: likewise..... How about we start over. Why don't you state the issue that YOU are having | 23:51 |
latino31 | nacc, wow i did not realize the standard was for it to work for some people.. | 23:51 |
nacc | latino31: i never said that | 23:51 |
bazhang | !bug | latino31 file one | 23:52 |
ubottu | latino31 file one: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See for other ways to report bugs. | 23:52 |
nacc | latino31: i said that yelling about some people having some issue is not a way to get help | 23:52 |
latino31 | nacc i gave you proof others were having it ...but i dont want to teach you how to should have went to school | 23:52 |
nacc | latino31: please don't be rude. | 23:52 |
bazhang | latino31, thats enough | 23:52 |
nacc | latino31: you gave no evidence you all were experiencing the same issue | 23:52 |
latino31 | im just saying | 23:52 |
latino31 | those were posts in the like the last 24 hours except for the ubuntu link | 23:53 |
bazhang | latino31, file a bug, or give us one already there, or provide MANY more details | 23:53 |
tgm4883 | latino31: you linked to a [SOLVED] post, have you tried the resolution? | 23:53 |
latino31 | i guess youll figure it after 1000 people complain | 23:53 |
nacc | none of which say what release, if they upgraded or fresh installed, etc. | 23:53 |
latino31 | bazhang, i was in here last night talking about it | 23:53 |
latino31 | i can cut and past | 23:53 |
klystron | so why can you not use the repos on a later version of ubuntu with a older version? | 23:54 |
bazhang | latino31, the answere is still the same | 23:54 |
nacc | klystron: uh, that's basically upgrading | 23:54 |
Viking667 | klystron: partly because a lot of the software will have been linked against libraries that aren't in your system yet | 23:54 |
nacc | klystron: and you shouldn't mix and match them | 23:54 |
ChaiTRex | klystron: Because that would essentially be a broken way of upgrading to the later version. The software versions would be those of the newer release. You said you don't want the newer release, so don't do that. | 23:54 |
latino31 | tgm4883, which link there were two links | 23:55 |
tgm4883 | latino31: the ubuntu forum post | 23:55 |
klystron | but all new versions are 64 bit no go for a 32 bit hardware | 23:55 |
nacc | klystron: what? | 23:56 |
ChaiTRex | klystron: Ubuntu has 32-bit 16.04. | 23:56 |
Viking667 | klystron: does your CPU have 64-bit? | 23:56 |
klystron | 32 | 23:56 |
nacc | klystron: | 23:56 |
Viking667 | Is it 32-bit ONLY? | 23:56 |
ChaiTRex | klystron: Some software, like Chrome, won't be provided, but you can use Firefox just fine. | 23:56 |
Viking667 | Chromium may still be 32-bit | 23:56 |
ChaiTRex | Yeah, Chromium as wel. | 23:56 |
Viking667 | klystron: what EXACTLY is your cpu model? | 23:57 |
orkan | klystron: there are 32 bit versions, i use Ubuntu 16.04 on a old 32 bit laptop | 23:57 |
klystron | its a 7 year old laptop | 23:57 |
tgm4883 | klystron: so? | 23:57 |
tgm4883 | klystron: I was using 64-bit Ubuntu in 2008 | 23:58 |
Viking667 | I'm on a 9-year old computer, it still has a 64-bit CPU | 23:58 |
orkan | klystron: but i would just get 15.04 if you prefer the 15.10 release you got now | 23:58 |
klystron | well this cpu is 32 | 23:58 |
ChaiTRex | klystron: What does this say: lscpu | fgrep 'Model name' | 23:58 |
nacc | orkan: 15.04 is also eol | 23:58 |
tgm4883 | klystron: so install the 32-bit version of 16.04? | 23:58 |
kunji | O.o 32 bit | 23:58 |
ChaiTRex | orkan: 14.04 is the LTS (even numbers followed by .04 or so) | 23:59 |
latino31 | tgm4883, it says to disable hdmi but mine was already...there are several options for profiles any recommendations...last night i think we narrowed the situation to being the sound card is busy "sometimes" but i have almost all the same software as 16.10...i had 5 upgrades..weechaat, tor , apache2, ive having occasionally screen freezes like once a week and sound issues...both are oaccasional...16.10 was major | 23:59 |
latino31 | software changes upon the ugrade.. | 23:59 |
orkan | TIL. i thought all .04 releases were LTS | 23:59 |
kunji | orkan: Nope | 23:59 |
ChaiTRex | orkan: Yeah, it takes some getting used to :) | 23:59 |
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