=== rangerpbzzzz is now known as rangerpb | ||
blackboxsw | thanks for the review smoser , i updated the description and added inline comments to https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/323819 | 16:22 |
smoser | blackboxsw, ok. i'll grab that. was erhe a bug for that / | 16:26 |
blackboxsw | smoser: oops forgot to link it (or name the branch properly so that was autolinked | 16:29 |
blackboxsw | tying that there now | 16:29 |
blackboxsw | https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1687485 | 16:30 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1687485 in cloud-init "sysconfig route object reference removed class attribute" [Medium,In progress] | 16:30 |
blackboxsw | done | 16:30 |
blackboxsw | smoser: do you know with launchpad git can we specify something like --fixes lp:bugnum when commiting like bzr did? | 16:31 |
nacc | blackboxsw: no it's not part of git itself | 16:31 |
nacc | blackboxsw: so you'd need to LP: # in the d/chagnelog | 16:31 |
nacc | blackboxsw: (I think that's all bzr did?) | 16:31 |
blackboxsw | nacc I recall w/ bzr being able to --fixes lp:<num> and merge proposals auto-linked. But yeah I was wonding if launchpad did some commit parsing or other 'magic' shortcuts for bug linking. Ok I'll use LP# in commit messages. (which was a requirement that forgot for cloud-init anyway) | 16:33 |
* blackboxsw changes my description and adds a commit message. thx nacc | 16:33 | |
nacc | blackboxsw: yeah, so LP sees that for sure (in d/changelog). It also will link the bugs to a MP, I think. | 16:34 |
nacc | I forget if that's automatic or not | 16:34 |
nacc | blackboxsw: were you referring to the git ommit message or the d/changelog? | 16:34 |
blackboxsw | nacc I was referring to the git commit message | 16:36 |
blackboxsw | if we add git commit message containing LP:# will launchpad auto link? | 16:37 |
nacc | blackboxsw: I *think* it might | 16:38 |
nacc | blackboxsw: smoser would know for sure | 16:38 |
smoser | nacc, yeah, bzr had much more specific metadata. --fixes actually put a named field separate from the commit message that had that data. | 16:38 |
smoser | blackboxsw, if you push a branch for review that has | 16:38 |
smoser | LP: #XXXXX | 16:38 |
nacc | smoser: right, it was more tightly integrated | 16:38 |
smoser | in the commit message (i think restricted to beginning of line) | 16:39 |
smoser | then it will link it | 16:39 |
smoser | it being launchpad | 16:39 |
smoser | and cloud-init's tools for genrating changelogs will read that out | 16:39 |
smoser | so yeah, if you're fixing a bug, as the last line in the commit message use LP: #XXXXX | 16:39 |
smoser | blackboxsw, i'm running an integration test on the freebsd branch right now. if that passes, i'll move to yours. | 16:40 |
* smoser is using this new fangled gnome thing | 16:40 | |
smoser | without any notifications that someone said my name in an irc window on a nother desktop, /me is likely to be slower to respond to irc | 16:40 |
nacc | smoser: :) probablly there is a gnome-shell thing for that | 16:42 |
blackboxsw | ahh gnome shell :( | 16:47 |
nacc | i think that's what it's called, right? | 16:47 |
nacc | tbh, ive been running gnome ubuntu for a while, because i disliked unity :) | 16:48 |
smoser | rharper, https://code.launchpad.net/~raharper/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/314539 | 17:33 |
smoser | that could use a look .. seems to have gotten lost | 17:33 |
smoser | nacc, what is gnome ubuntu ? | 17:34 |
smoser | gnome 3 , right? | 17:34 |
nacc | i think so | 17:35 |
rharper | smoser: boo; yes, that should land | 18:03 |
* blackboxsw is walking through SRU bugs from the top http://pad.lv/1682160 | 18:38 | |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1682160 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Yakkety) "update-grub-legacy-ec2 fails if no /etc/fstab causing install or upgrade fail" [Medium,Confirmed] | 18:38 |
blackboxsw | xenial only at the moment | 18:38 |
smoser | gaughen, launch me an amazon instance please. | 19:07 |
blackboxsw | smoser: to confirm, on xenial SRU we will walk through all the xenial cases today even though yakkety & zesty haven't been updloaded yet as seen it https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init. We'll await steve's upload and go through Y & Z then right | 19:12 |
* blackboxsw moves on to https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1685810 verfication now | 19:12 | |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1685810 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Zesty) "nova-lxd needs to read 'product_name' in environment, not 'platform'" [Medium,Confirmed] | 19:12 |
rharper | smoser: I need to rebase that ntp fix | 19:22 |
=== rangerpb is now known as rangerpbzzzz |
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