qswz | guys, whether you use sublime text or not, I'd be glad if you upvote https://github.com/SublimeTextIssues/Core/issues/1361, they don't care enough about linux users | 12:51 |
DJAnonimo | Hello, anyone here? | 23:07 |
wxl | yes but | 23:08 |
wxl | !ask | 23:08 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 23:08 |
wxl | \:) | 23:08 |
DJAnonimo | well I have a problem. I want to run 16 bit colordepth | 23:08 |
DJAnonimo | but when I create a config file with 16 bit color depth the OS do not boot | 23:08 |
wxl | phew that's a request i've never encountered before | 23:08 |
DJAnonimo | it boot just in recovery mode. | 23:08 |
wxl | what file? | 23:08 |
DJAnonimo | etc/X11/xorg.conf | 23:09 |
wxl | let's see a paste of it | 23:09 |
DJAnonimo | https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1238639 | 23:09 |
DJAnonimo | from here | 23:09 |
wxl | going into recovery seems strange | 23:10 |
wxl | i could expect it failing to boot x, but not going into grub recovery | 23:10 |
wxl | have you looked in the logs? | 23:10 |
DJAnonimo | I go with press ESC | 23:10 |
wxl | huh? | 23:10 |
DJAnonimo | yes with a loader | 23:11 |
DJAnonimo | with xwininfo -root | grep Depth | 23:11 |
DJAnonimo | I get 16 bit result on recovery mode | 23:11 |
wxl | let's clearly define "recovery mode" | 23:11 |
DJAnonimo | I hope its not a fake | 23:11 |
DJAnonimo | before lubuntu is booting I do ESC key | 23:11 |
DJAnonimo | and then set kernel in Recovery mode | 23:12 |
wxl | why do you do that? | 23:12 |
DJAnonimo | because it do not boot in normal mode | 23:12 |
wxl | what exactly happens? | 23:12 |
DJAnonimo | when xorg.conf is configured on 16 bit mode | 23:12 |
DJAnonimo | stops on black screen with: /dev/sda1: clean 2244728/7684096 files, bla bla bla blocks | 23:13 |
wxl | ok, that's not that it fails to boot | 23:14 |
wxl | but more likely that x fails to handle your configuration | 23:14 |
DJAnonimo | yea | 23:14 |
DJAnonimo | something like this :) | 23:14 |
wxl | you can grep for EE (error) in /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 23:14 |
DJAnonimo | the question is... why :D | 23:14 |
wxl | in fact you can get to it from the blank screen | 23:15 |
DJAnonimo | after a failure or now? | 23:15 |
wxl | CTRL-ALT-F7 | 23:15 |
wxl | sorry | 23:15 |
wxl | that's how to get back :) | 23:15 |
wxl | CTRL-ALT-F1 | 23:15 |
wxl | ugh i'm tired | 23:15 |
wxl | not F at all | 23:15 |
wxl | no i was right | 23:15 |
wxl | sorry it's like an automatic thing | 23:15 |
wxl | physical memory works, but not mental memory :) | 23:15 |
DJAnonimo | let me powerup my laptop and set to 16 bit | 23:15 |
wxl | it's MOST LIKELY a syntax error | 23:16 |
DJAnonimo | screenshot here: https://ibb.co/k3jRbQ | 23:22 |
DJAnonimo | wxl still here? | 23:25 |
wxl | that's the only example of an error? | 23:25 |
DJAnonimo | I can upload you the whole log file... | 23:25 |
DJAnonimo | thats inside Xorg.0.log | 23:25 |
wxl | that would make the most sense | 23:25 |
DJAnonimo | https://pastebin.com/QdewYXUQ | 23:27 |
wxl | ok interesting. let me see the whole of the configuration file | 23:28 |
DJAnonimo | when trying to run "X -configure" https://ibb.co/dvW6bQ | 23:37 |
wxl | still haven't seen the config file | 23:38 |
DJAnonimo | I just tried creating it... with no luck as you can see in the screen shot | 23:39 |
DJAnonimo | with just Screen section with color depth it fails... | 23:40 |
DJAnonimo | so the questio is... how to create a proper config file | 23:40 |
wxl | all you have to do is copy /etc/X11/Xorg.conf and paste it | 23:40 |
DJAnonimo | I tried with the screen section line | 23:41 |
DJAnonimo | Section "Screen" | 23:41 |
DJAnonimo | Identifier"Default Screen" | 23:41 |
DJAnonimo | Monitor"Configured Monitor" | 23:41 |
DJAnonimo | Device"Configured Video Device" | 23:41 |
DJAnonimo | DefaultDepth 16 | 23:41 |
DJAnonimo | EndSection | 23:41 |
DJAnonimo | config file is https://pastebin.com/S81vph9S | 23:42 |
DJAnonimo | wxl: any idea? | 23:47 |
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