nsnzero | morning all | 06:57 |
nsnzero | / leave | 07:15 |
theblazehen | Morning | 07:18 |
Kilos | morning everyone and inetpro | 08:46 |
nsnzero | evening all | 17:44 |
Kilos | hi nsnzero | 17:44 |
nsnzero | hey there Kilos - welcome back | 17:44 |
Kilos | ty | 17:44 |
Kilos | i been here all day | 17:44 |
nsnzero | how are you keeping ? | 17:45 |
Kilos | ok ty still going | 17:45 |
Kilos | hoping and wishing cellc with upgrade their tower her soon | 17:45 |
nsnzero | you weren't online for some time now - hence the welcome back | 17:45 |
Kilos | s/with/will | 17:46 |
Kilos | no man i was here yesterday | 17:46 |
nsnzero | i hope so too - its quiet without you | 17:46 |
Kilos | oh i was at hospital till about 8pm | 17:46 |
nsnzero | i just pop in now and then myself | 17:47 |
nsnzero | did the check up go well ? | 17:47 |
Kilos | i sleep lots as well | 17:47 |
Kilos | just got meds, first available doc appointment in july only | 17:47 |
Kilos | taking meds like eating smarties now | 17:48 |
nsnzero | without the chocolate centre thou !!! | 17:49 |
Kilos | yeah man what a pity | 17:52 |
nsnzero | i need to take some meds as well today - feeling abit sick | 17:55 |
superfly | o/ | 18:12 |
nsnzero | hi superfly | 18:15 |
Kilos | hi superfly | 18:15 |
chesedo | hi superfly nsnzero Kilos | 18:18 |
Kilos | hi chesedo | 18:18 |
* chesedo just remembered it is mini meeting day | 18:18 | |
nsnzero | evening chesedo | 18:18 |
chesedo | i wrote exam today and forfot about it | 18:20 |
chesedo | will see if blaze remembered for the news | 18:20 |
* theblazehen has. Just gimme a couple min | 18:21 | |
chesedo | theblazehen: you have nine :P | 18:21 |
chesedo | Maaz: start meeting about Ubuntu Mini Meeting - 10 May 2017 | 18:30 |
* Maaz gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles | 18:30 | |
chesedo | Hi all and welcome to another mini meeting | 18:30 |
chesedo | feel free to introduce yourselves to maaz using 'Maaz: I am <first, last name>' | 18:30 |
chesedo | Maaz: topic Latest and Greatest News | 18:31 |
Maaz | Current Topic: Latest and Greatest News | 18:31 |
theblazehen | Maaz I am Jeandre Le Roux | 18:31 |
Maaz | theblazehen: Righto | 18:31 |
chesedo | off to the blazen | 18:31 |
theblazehen | Alright, so Intel kinda screwed things up, http://www.pcworld.com/article/3195246/security/how-to-check-for-the-intel-active-management-exploit-that-lets-hackers-take-over-your-pc.html | 18:31 |
* chesedo almost though he was too quick | 18:31 | |
theblazehen | And https://blog.invisiblethings.org/papers/2015/x86_harmful.pdf is a great read as a general concept | 18:32 |
theblazehen | https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/03/31/researchers_steal_data_from_shared_cache_of_two_cloud_vms/ is rather interesting | 18:32 |
theblazehen | https://blog.docker.com/2017/04/introducing-the-moby-project/ https://techcrunch.com/2017/05/02/red-hat-launches-openshift-io-an-online-ide-for-building-container-based-applications/ some docker stuff | 18:32 |
theblazehen | Bootstrapping an OS on a computer with no OS | 18:33 |
theblazehen | https://worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/18295/how-would-we-compile-our-code-if-all-our-binaries-disappeared is another good read | 18:34 |
theblazehen | https://github.com/dbcli/mycli Is cool for mysql | 18:34 |
theblazehen | https://github.com/ankane/pghero Seems nice, haven't used it yet | 18:34 |
theblazehen | https://crate.io/a/benchmarking-complex-query-performance-cratedb-postgresql/ | 18:34 |
theblazehen | http://dbeaver.jkiss.org/ Is a really nice GUI for multiple databases, even nosql | 18:35 |
theblazehen | https://engineering.riotgames.com/news/running-online-services-riot-part-i more docker stuff | 18:35 |
theblazehen | http://all-things-andy-gavin.com/2011/02/02/making-crash-bandicoot-part-1/ Really cool tricks needed | 18:35 |
theblazehen | http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/DaveBaggett/20131031/203788/My_Hardest_Bug_Ever.php Sometimes you expect hardware to "just work" | 18:35 |
* chesedo has heard about dBeaver before | 18:36 | |
theblazehen | http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/194772/dirty_game_development_tricks.php http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/249475/More_dirty_coding_tricks_from_game_developers.php | 18:36 |
theblazehen | Fun to read, especially like the "Thank you for playing Wing Commander" | 18:36 |
theblazehen | That's about it then | 18:36 |
chesedo | wow ty theblazehen | 18:37 |
chesedo | Maaz: topic Local Job Openings and Help Wanted | 18:37 |
Maaz | Current Topic: Local Job Openings and Help Wanted | 18:37 |
chesedo | - Certified Scrum Master (JHB) -> http://obsidian.co.za/careers | 18:37 |
chesedo | - Open Source Hadoop Consultant (JHB) -> http://obsidian.co.za/careers | 18:37 |
chesedo | - Senior Linux Administrator / Linux Architect (Jhb) -> http://www.lsd.co.za/senior-linux-administrator--linux-archi | 18:37 |
chesedo | - Senior JAVA Developer with Middleware Experience (Jhb) -> http://www.lsd.co.za/senior-java-developer-with-middleware-ex | 18:37 |
chesedo | - Java Middleware Magician (Jhb) -> http://www.lsd.co.za/java-middleware-magician | 18:37 |
chesedo | Maaz: topic Education Project | 18:37 |
Maaz | Current Topic: Education Project | 18:37 |
chesedo | Like i mentioned last, i am in exams so cannot check out the software considered here currently | 18:38 |
chesedo | and thats all | 18:38 |
chesedo | thank you all for joining | 18:38 |
chesedo | and thanks again theblazehen for the news | 18:39 |
chesedo | Maaz: end meeting | 18:39 |
Maaz | Meeting Ended | 18:39 |
Maaz | Minutes available at json: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2017-05-10-18-30-42.json :: txt: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2017-05-10-18-30-42.txt :: html: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2017-05-10-18-30-42.html | 18:39 |
paddatrapper | Sorry I couldn't make the meeting. Frantically trying to study for a test tomorrow | 21:52 |
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