bluesabre | evening all | 00:03 |
bluesabre | While I'd rather not fork a fairly new package, I'm not opposed to trying to get -pa-plugin up to indicator-sound in usefulness | 00:04 |
bluesabre | ... and then probably do some things better | 00:04 |
david__ | Hi xubuntu-dev, I'm here to discuss on the permissions on the use of the xubuntu word and trademark as far as advertising xubuntu in YouTube video/commercials, print ads, stickers... (I actually asked for the trademark permission for Canonical, however the form is only for Ubuntu.) I was actually escorted here to Xubuntu community contacts. | 01:26 |
david__ | described in the email I have received from Canonical Legal "...With respect to XUBUNTU, you will need to contact the Xubuntu community directly to discuss your proposed use. You can find their contact details on the following website:" | 01:26 |
Unit193 | bluesabre: Why would one fork it? Why not just give andrzejr a free patch...? There's not even a bug requesting it yet, and as far as the mic, Xfce Bug 12097. | 05:37 |
ubottu | bug 12097 in General "Please add Microphone control" [Enhancement,New] | 05:37 |
Unit193 | ("If you can produce a patch I will gladly review it and push it to git.") | 05:37 |
bluesabre | Unit193: I was thinking it was kinda in a different direction from indicator-sound, but should probably review again | 10:48 |
Spass | flocculant: I'm starting the application testcases from testing tracker now and I have very minor issues with first one (Catfish), should I just write it in the comment section on the tracker, here or to you directly? | 13:35 |
Spass | I'm asking because maybe there's no reason to call them "issues", maybe just testcases are slightly outdated | 13:42 |
Spass | bug 1689842 | 15:19 |
ubottu | Error: Launchpad bug 1689842 could not be found | 15:19 |
Spass | question - should I edit my bug report to something different than Private? | 15:20 |
flocculant | Spass: as I said yesterday - the testcases are well out of date - report bug on manual testcase project via the link I gave you - if it's not a testcase bug then I can deal with it | 16:09 |
flocculant | chances are that anything you find is in fact a testcase bug | 16:09 |
Spass | flocculant: thanks, when I'm not sure about things, I'm just writing info in a comment section, I will let you know when I'm done testing, some are completed already, maybe something will be useful for you guys | 16:22 |
flocculant | everything's useful there :) | 16:24 |
Spass | Xubuntu 17.10 is using very old xfce4-power-manager version, I have 3 issues related to it on my laptop right now | 17:43 |
Spass | "Zarro Boogs found." lol | 17:54 |
Spass | Power Manager is a mess on my laptop :/ done testing for today, I added some comments on the tracker, biab | 18:53 |
flocculant | Spass: yea - pretty sure plan is to make sure things are ported to gtk3 - I'm using 1.6.0+git version from | 20:29 |
flocculant | bluesabre: what are our plans for updating things like that in standard Xubuntu this cycle? akxwi-dave and I are planning to ramp up package testing | 20:31 |
flocculant | consequently - testcases need looking at - don't really want to be doing that too often in the cycle :) | 20:31 |
knome | basically any updates shouldn't affect testcases as the GTK3 replacements should be identical (eg. no new features) | 20:32 |
flocculant | well ... are they though? | 20:32 |
knome | and i guess the idea is to push to main repositories when something is stable and all of its dependencies are satisfiable from the main repositories | 20:32 |
knome | in the majority of cases, yes they are | 20:32 |
knome | and it feels unlikely that the minority is affecting testcases either - as it's not something major that's changed | 20:33 |
flocculant | luckily for you notifications isn't tested ;) | 20:37 |
knome | i didn't say nothing changes | 20:37 |
knome | but any changes to features are very much frowned upon on xfce already :P | 20:37 |
flocculant | Spass: I've edited the power result - you'd put Xfce bug numbers in the critical fails - they have to be Launchpad ones I'm afraid | 20:38 |
flocculant | knome: really? notification is the same now as it's always been? ochosi will be upset that all the changes there haven't been noticed ;) | 20:40 |
knome | i didn't say that either | 20:40 |
knome | and this comment was meant for the GTK migration anyway, not "always" | 20:41 |
flocculant | my issue is whether we're going to have to keep changing testcases through the cycle | 20:41 |
knome | my answer it's very unlikely that this would happen | 20:41 |
knome | ís | 20:41 |
knome | eh, +is | 20:41 |
Spass | flocculant: thanks, I didn't want to duplicate what was already on Bugzilla, and I read "Bugs are tracked in Xfce Bugzilla." on xfce4-power-manager LP page | 20:41 |
flocculant | ok - but the question was for bluesabre :D | 20:41 |
knome | flocculant, i acknowledge... but i'm sure he'll be giving a similar answer which you'll have to wait for a while | 20:42 |
knome | but feel free to do so ;) | 20:42 |
flocculant | Spass: yea - but we have to put LP numbers on the trackers - otherwise it looks rather odd - it had linked to bug 12317 | 20:43 |
ubottu | bug 12310 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #12317 Very MINOR issue with Rhythmbox in Hoary" [Low,Fix released] | 20:43 |
flocculant | and the other was a Soundblaster one :) | 20:43 |
knome | soundblaster ftw | 20:43 |
Spass | too bad I can't submit 'Failed' without any bug number | 20:43 |
flocculant | knome: indeed | 20:44 |
flocculant | Spass: yea I know, but it stops bizarre failures of testcases :) | 20:44 |
Spass | that's why I left 'Running' on Catfish and light-locker and I added some comments | 20:45 |
knome | i guess we could file a bug saying "the required bugs aren't tracked on LP" and use that if only bugzilla bugs appear... | 20:45 |
Spass | in fact they're finished with small issues | 20:45 |
flocculant | Spass: because we're such a small team - it's fine for the time being to pass them and make comments - we do read those | 20:46 |
Spass | flocculant: ok, so I 'll change them to passed, was worrying my comments won't be noticed :) | 20:46 |
knome | well they're not passed... | 20:47 |
flocculant | knome: and also - because the testcases need to be 'this button' and not 'this switch' or whatever - changes do need to be made - otherwise we get spurious things commented | 20:48 |
flocculant | so - we do need to know if there are planned changes from gtk2 to gtk3 if we're doing package testing | 20:49 |
knome | flocculant, right... that's a good point but i hope we do not have too many widgets changing :) | 20:49 |
Spass | knome: but they're not 'Running' any more and I can't mark them as 'Failed' without a bug #, and I wasn't sure my minor issues/comments deserve a bug report | 20:49 |
knome | flocculant, one thing we could do is to list widgets that are going to be deprecated (or in other words, need replacing) already | 20:49 |
flocculant | Spass: for the moment please don't worry yourself about that - what I'm after here is testing the testcases against the packages | 20:49 |
flocculant | just do what I say for now | 20:50 |
knome | Spass, rather leave them "running" than mark "passed" | 20:50 |
flocculant | Spass: please ignore anyone but me here | 20:51 |
Spass | is there a fourth option? like 'Undecided' :P | 20:51 |
flocculant | at the moment this isn't about testing packages | 20:52 |
flocculant | we need the testcases checked | 20:52 |
knome | Spass, no... just keep them "running" please | 20:52 |
Spass | I'm just planning to finish all the testcases this week, and hopefully some of my comments will help, but I guess I know everything what I'll write there already | 20:52 |
flocculant | that's all I'm interested in currently | 20:52 |
flocculant | Spass: I need bug reports on whether the testcase is correct | 20:53 |
flocculant | that is what we need | 20:53 |
Spass | to that point only Catfish testcase needs to be updated I think, it seems there was a slightly interface change | 20:56 |
Spass | and Thunar with "Wastebasket/Rubbish Bin", unless that's what it's called on en_GB (I'm using en_US on 17.10 I think...) | 20:58 |
Spass | minor things | 20:58 |
flocculant | things like that we can't really do much about | 20:59 |
flocculant | it's usually rubbish bin here | 20:59 |
flocculant | except for in places plugin and on desktop etc | 21:00 |
flocculant | anyway - I'm done for the night | 21:00 |
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2 | ||
bluesabre | evening all | 21:40 |
knome | hello bluesabre | 21:40 |
bluesabre | flocculant: GTK+3 ports, application updates, possibly pulseaudio-plugin to replace indicator-sound... or being prepared to replace indicators in general | 21:41 |
bluesabre | Regarding the ports, they should get a good look because a lot of gtk2 xfce is deprecated and has to be replaced with all new everything | 21:46 |
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