
John[Lisbeth]I am in xubuntu and I have accidentally deleted my volume applet and I can't for the life of me figure out where to get the applet back02:05
John[Lisbeth]NVm it was hidden inside the applet "unity indicators" which I tried to get rid of because I didn't want the mail icon02:06
brkkykhey everyone02:11
Unit193david__: Howdy.  Did you by chance see https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Xubuntu-contacts?04:16
david__Hi Unit193, wish to contact the community in re: the permission of the use of xubuntu wordmark and trademark (logo/s) for use for YouTube videos/commercials, print ads, and stickers. I was escorted here to contact the community on this matter by Canonical legal. (And yes, I subscribed in the xubuntu devel mailing list).04:19
david__The email said something like this: "With respect to XUBUNTU, you will need to contact the Xubuntu community directly to discuss your proposed use.  You can find their contact details on the following website: https://xubuntu.org/"04:20
Unit193The list I linked to is the "Contacts" list, which the website admin and project leads are on.  Right, I saw your message earlier.04:21
david__ah okay in the contacts list04:21
david__I subscribed to xubuntu devel mailing list04:21
david__is this the right one?04:22
david__the other one referred to user support04:22
Unit193For your specific request, the contacts list seems the most appropriate.  For most stuff that's not support, the development list which you subscribed to is accurate.04:23
david__Sent my mail to the development mailing list. (sent the request via email: xubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com).04:25
david__As for the contacts list04:26
david__not sure on this. Is this the one? "Xubuntu-contacts Private Archives Authentication"04:26
Unit193Well, you already sent to -devel, so that'll do.  No need to send to both.04:27
david__ah thanks!04:28
david__I was about to send this same message to the xubuntu-contacts@lists.ubuntu.com supposedly04:28
david__but thanks!04:28
DenwerHellocan i use scaner in xubuntu?13:52
Denwermy model is hp scanjet 240013:53
drcDenwer: Yes, once can use scanners with Xubuntu. I'd start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Scanners13:56
ivan_hi guys, i am running the installer as we speak but it already lets me talk to you guy14:34
ivan_i am still quite uncertain about this whole nvidea problem. I managed to install with acpi=off, nolapic and nomodset but dont know how this will further develop. Is there a way to fix it? Or is booting this way everytime fine?14:36
ivan_Furthermore i am not able to change my resolution to the optimized setting directly. How to do this manually?14:37
sugardrunkhello, when connecting to a server/shell which has a screen open via ssh from a local sreen sesison... how do I for example, detach or create a screen tab on the remote side?16:00
sugardrunkmore like common linux question, but using xubuntu and xfce4-terminal 0.6.316:00
tyrogHey everyone. Is anyone using this PPA? https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/xfce4-gtk3?field.series_filter=zesty - How stable are the GTK3 packages from that PPA? Thanks16:06
tyrogAnd what is the current development status of Xfce port to GTK3?16:06
flocculantwell I would tell you but ...16:12
monadAhhh, could anyone help me get WiFi working on my Dell Latitude E5420? Uses a Dell Wireless 1501 mini-card (have Win7 drivers, if that helps). I also have a USB WiFi dongle with another common Broadcom chip. My issue is that NDISwrapper & associated WiFi drivers don't seem to work on the new kernel. ?21:04
monad(I'm currently on Ethernet. I've been trying some steps I found on the Ubuntu forums, but thus far, everything fails with kernel incompatibility messages. I can't even get ndiswrapper to install without errors.)21:06
monadAm I SOL? I feel like I'm asking a question which surely has already been answered, but I have yet to find any solution. Most people just seem to be using Ethernet or rolling back to the earlier kernel... Are those the only options? Thanks in advance for any help.21:09
=== monad is now known as ProphetZarquon
ProphetZarquonchanged nick21:16
ProphetZarquonWelcome Zhongtiaol21:16
Zhongtiao1I installed a clean copy of 17.04 today from 14.04 and now my wireless usb adapter will not connect. it shows networks, but it will not connect to any. The chip is a realtek 8192cu and the adapter is the Netis wf212321:18
Zhongtiao1does anyone have any ideas as to why?21:19
Zhongtiao1or fixes?21:19
ProphetZarquonI can't get my WiFi to work at all. I even tried plugging in a USB WiFi dongle with a very common Realtek chip & that doesn't work either.21:20
ProphetZarquonSo far as I've been able to determine, kernel for 14.04.4 doesn't work with WiFi yet.21:21
Zhongtiao1but it recognizes networks21:21
ProphetZarquonMine doesn't. There seem to be some driver issues with the new kernel (not just WiFi either).21:23
Zhongtiao1darn. okay :(21:23
ProphetZarquonThese pages seemed related to the issue.  I'm quite confident your issue is also related to the same issue of the drivers not being compatible with the new kernel (or vice versa, actually).21:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1514243 in ndiswrapper (Ubuntu) "ndiswrapper-dkms 1.59-2: ndiswrapper kernel module failed to build [error: implicit declaration of function ‘__vmalloc’ ]" [Undecided,Fix released]21:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1391407 in b43-fwcutter (Ubuntu) "package firmware-b43-installer 1:018-2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 4" [Undecided,New]21:24
ProphetZarquonThat last one says Solved, but the solution failed for me: Wouldn't compile.21:25
ProphetZarquonI'm going to try a whole other distro at this point. I'm sick of Ubuntu-descended issues after every update.21:26
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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