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Oderus | hey. this has been driving me abseloutely nuts all day. I've been trying to change the shutdown/reboot/logout buttons on the Application Menui've changed a lot of icons over and deleted the icon cache many times and i still cannot find it. any ideas???? | 01:47 |
valorie | Oderus: you might ask in #plasma during euro-work hours | 02:10 |
Oderus | valorie: ty | 02:23 |
ahoneybun | Oderus: maybe try /usr/share/icons/breeze | 02:38 |
ahoneybun | that's what the breeze icons are | 02:38 |
Oderus | ahoneybun: ok ty | 02:39 |
user|50775 | can anyone help me | 02:50 |
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Osirus126 | nickserv | 05:26 |
Osirus126 | opse | 05:26 |
Osirus126 | lol | 05:26 |
hateball | hmmm, why is 16.10 still offered on http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/ ? | 05:41 |
hateball | I know it's not EOL just yet but... | 05:41 |
oerheks | hateball, no clue why, but it is supported, so it is nice you can | 05:58 |
oerheks | good thing is 64 bit is standard | 05:58 |
oerheks | * selected | 05:58 |
hateball | well sure | 05:58 |
hateball | just... seen enough people needing !eolupgrade | 05:58 |
hateball | seems bad to promote it :p | 05:58 |
oerheks | hmm there is something changed, i noticed, one does not need to use eolupgrade path ?? | 05:59 |
oerheks | even from EOL versions one can update, i mean | 05:59 |
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lordievader | Good morning. | 06:26 |
acheronuk | hateball: add a note that it will reach EOL in July | 06:52 |
acheronuk | *added | 06:52 |
hateball | acheronuk: neat :) | 06:53 |
cesroc | Hi, I have one problem with my Kubuntu and I am trying to solve since two days. I didn't find similar problems in internet. Maybe someone could help me. | 07:21 |
hateball | !ask | cesroc | 07:21 |
ubottu | cesroc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 07:21 |
cesroc | When I use a memory stick the system crashes completely I need to restart turning computer off (shutdown). I disabled automatic mount to check what it was happening. I saw when I mount the memory stick it keeps coming mount: unable to fork and the swap memory increases until it is full (if I don't stop the command). What could be the problem? | 07:23 |
hateball | cesroc: do you have several sticks to try? | 07:29 |
cesroc | Yes, I tried with four different sticks with size of 1GB and 4GB and with an external hard drive (2TB), always same behaviour | 07:31 |
hateball | cesroc: regardless of USB port also? | 07:31 |
cesroc | yes, I tried in all three ports, all the same | 07:32 |
hateball | hmmm | 07:32 |
cesroc | and I tried using a live CD, on live cd it worked fine | 07:32 |
hateball | ah well that is good at least | 07:33 |
hateball | means no hardware errors | 07:33 |
hateball | it would have been interesting to see the full error message | 07:34 |
hateball | if you can dump it to a file in time before everything crashes :p | 07:34 |
hateball | cesroc: have you tried creating a new user and login as that, test to plug in? | 07:35 |
cesroc | No, I didn't try create a new user. | 07:36 |
hateball | cesroc: you could try that, in case there is some strange config for your user that creates the problem | 07:37 |
hateball | cesroc: otherwise it would be a system-wide thing | 07:37 |
cesroc | I thought about reinstall, but I will try create a new user first. Thanks for the idea :) | 07:38 |
bschindler | Hi - I'm on 16.04 lts (and have to stay there), but need latest cmake (well, at least 3.6, lts has 3.5). What would be the easiest way to get this? | 08:21 |
oerheks | bschindler, build 3.7 yourself? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cmake or find an *unsupported* ppa like https://launchpad.net/~josh-bialkowski/+archive/ubuntu/cmake | 08:25 |
oerheks | i would build it, but then again, maybe you end up in a dependecie hell | 08:25 |
bschindler | oerheks: I have so far never really built from source - do you have a pointer on how to do this? | 08:41 |
oerheks | there is amanual for this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo .. start with installing build-essential checkinstall | 08:44 |
bschindler | oerheks: I mean building from a source deb/from launchpad. I'm generally familiar with building software, just not with the debian/ubuntu way | 08:48 |
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tina | test | 11:21 |
jubo2 | read you lond and clear tina | 11:22 |
jubo2 | *loud even | 11:22 |
Taggnostr | hello | 12:18 |
Taggnostr | my kubuntu 17.04 keeps freezing, what can I do to investigate the problem? | 12:20 |
BluesKaj | Taggnostr, any particular apps or just freeze in general? | 12:25 |
Taggnostr | BluesKaj, it goes from sudden freeze (can't even move the cursor) to breaking down progressively until it gets to a complete freeze | 12:26 |
Taggnostr | now the screen border disappeared, I had pieces of windows I had closed around, if I clicked on some program in the background it wouldn't move to the foreground (but I could get the focus on it) | 12:27 |
BluesKaj | Taggnostr, which gpu ? and have you installed the recommended driver ? | 12:27 |
Taggnostr | also I noticed that chromium has been really laggy for no apparent reason (plenty of ram and cpu) | 12:27 |
Taggnostr | an AMD APU, I think so but I could check | 12:27 |
BluesKaj | yeah, think we need to know | 12:28 |
Taggnostr | and I think it was working ok before the update to 17.04, but I haven't used this machine for a few months and updated it shortly after I started using it again | 12:28 |
hateball | Taggnostr: you could try upgrading to a later mesa | 12:29 |
Taggnostr | in the driver manager I only have a checkbox that says "Using Processor microcode firmware for AMD CPUs from amd64-microcode" | 12:29 |
hateball | via the PPA | 12:29 |
Taggnostr | and it's checked | 12:29 |
hateball | Taggnostr: at your own peril you can try this https://launchpad.net/~paulo-miguel-dias/+archive/ubuntu/pkppa | 12:30 |
BluesKaj | Taggnostr, xserver-xorg-cideo amdgpu installed? | 12:31 |
BluesKaj | cideo=video | 12:31 |
Taggnostr | E: Unable to locate package xserver-xorg-video, same for amdgpu | 12:32 |
BluesKaj | Taggnostr, correction, xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu | 12:33 |
BluesKaj | sorry about the muckup | 12:33 |
Taggnostr | xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu is already the newest version (1.3.0-0ubuntu1). | 12:33 |
Taggnostr | xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu set to manually installed. | 12:33 |
BluesKaj | Taggnostr, I see you're crossposting so I guess the #ubuntu helpers can take over from here :/ | 12:37 |
Taggnostr | sorry, I asked here yesterday and got no reply, and after 5 minutes with no replies here and not much life in the backlog I asked there too | 12:39 |
TBotNik | All: I upgrade to MySQL 5.7 on both my server and laptop and now I always get the error then abort, when attempting any other install, "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! mysql-apt-config". I have no idea, at this point what to look for to clear this, so I can install further. Please help! | 13:50 |
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bj9297 | hi there | 19:24 |
bj9297 | I'm looking for channel call nas-central | 19:24 |
krytarik | !alis | 19:27 |
ubottu | Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http" | 19:27 |
bj9297 | thnaks | 19:29 |
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Oderus | anyone know how to change the icons for the application menu power options?? (logout/shutdown/suspend) | 23:59 |
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