
Shawn|i7-Q720MI have a problem with a screen-less laptop I just installed lubuntu on03:49
Shawn|i7-Q720MI was hoping it would treat it as a single monitor system as the bios did03:49
Shawn|i7-Q720Mbut lubuntu thinks the only monitor I have connected to be a second monitor03:50
Shawn|i7-Q720Mand I can't see the start bar03:50
Shawn|i7-Q720Mtheres only an lvds cable in there connected so it passes bios03:50
Shawn|i7-Q720Mits working right03:54
lyn||ianShawn|i7-Q720M, well you can run lxrandr and check save once you gett it working to have it start up that way each time04:21
Shawn|i7-Q720Mah, I have a feeling it fixed itself04:21
lyn||ianoh took a while to load04:21
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nikolaj_Hi, I can't get xrdp to use danish keybord when I use LXterminal, who can I change the keyboard layout (I can't even make a question sign )19:52
nikolaj_solved serxkbmap dk20:01
nikolaj_solved setxkbmap dk20:01
nikolaj_Hi again when I set the keyboard with setxkbmap dk, and when I logout and log on the system i need to run the command again, Is there a way to run it automatic instead of starting the LXterminal20:33
geniiHave you tried gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.keyboard active false20:38
nikolaj_genii, where do I set this setting20:51
geniiin the console20:52
nikolaj_genii, should i be as sodi20:52
geniiI don't think so20:53
nikolaj_genii, No such schema “org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.keyboard”20:54
nikolaj_genii, this was the ansver when i run the command20:54
nikolaj_genii, when i start the LXterminal and run setxkbmap dk the it work until i clous the terminal and then open it. the I need to run it again20:57
nikolaj_the problem was that I need to run xrdp-genmap local on the server and restart the service the it worked remotly :-(21:17

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