
jbichafossfreedom: I'm uploading mutter 3.24.2 to artful now; I don't think there will be any issues (and it's artful any way), just letting you know15:35
kaenovskySubject: Add lock rotation button to Ubuntu Budgie20:19
kaenovskyHello there :) I've tried to get some help from askubuntu but this seems to be more specific:20:19
kaenovskyI'm having a problem with my HP screen rotation. It works like a smartphone or tablet and it changes the screen display when I move the laptop to the sides.20:19
kaenovskyI know that Gnome has a Lock Rotation button. And I would like to have the same in Budgie (for what I know, it's based in Gnome, right?). Is there a way to do this?20:19
kaenovskyIf not, can I block the screen rotation from the command line?20:19
kaenovskyI'm not looking to unable the accelerometer itself, just to lock the screen rotation when the computer moves.20:19
kaenovskyThanks a lot!20:19
kaenovsky- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -20:19
kaenovskydescrition: Notebook20:19
kaenovskyproduct: HP ENVY Notebook (P0D92LA#ABM)20:19
kaenovskyvendor: HP20:19
kaenovskyversion: Type1ProductConfigId20:19
kaenovskyserial: CND538C3X920:19
kaenovskycapabilities: smbios-2.8 dmi-2.8 smp vsyscall3220:19
fossfreedomkaenovsky, I saw that question - did you try that gsettings value?20:20
kaenovskyfossfreedom: I did, it didn't work, I've tried both from the command line and a visual interface (dconf)20:21
fossfreedomyeah - that gsettings value worked in 16.10.  17.04 has the newer mutter and has split apart gnome-settings-daemon.  Guess that there must be another gsettings daemon key to play with now.20:23
fossfreedomI'm afraid the only way to diagnose this is to find out where the source code is for the lock button on gnome-shell and see what it does now.20:24
kaenovskydamn, I have no clue how to do what you say : / should I send a bug report or something? I'm also thinking of switching to gnome. It's my girlfriends laptop20:29
fossfreedomplease raise the bug-report - ubuntu-bug budgie-desktop-environment20:30
fossfreedomShouldnt be that hard to track down20:31
jbichakaenovsky: gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.touchscreen orientation-lock true20:35
fossfreedomthanks for answering that one jbicha20:38
kaenovskyjbicha: thank you! I'm telling her to try this. I'll get back to you asap!20:39
kaenovskyjbicha: it works!! Thank you so much20:43

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