=== JanC is now known as Guest55043 | ||
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
cjwatson | jbicha: Can https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+bug/1575621 be made public? See https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/627738 | 10:47 |
ubottu | Error: launchpad bug 1575621 not found | 10:47 |
infinity | cjwatson: I like that he's all irate about the "so-called LTS", but the software crashing is all from a PPA. | 11:43 |
jbicha | that PPA is now no longer supported for 16.04 LTS | 11:58 |
jbicha | I'll follow up on the question | 12:00 |
cjwatson | thanks | 12:00 |
juliank | xnox: I just released apt 1.4.3 fixing a bug where the timers get restarted/stopped in postinst/rm scripts of all packages. Nothing on the "runs to soon after" resume side, yet. | 14:20 |
juliank | I guess we really want some restart handling of the service, with 15 min delay or so | 14:21 |
juliank | (and limit that sensibly) | 14:21 |
juliank | But I fear this might be too much, I can't really see what issues could arise from that; and if the service even fails at all (update might exit with 0 if network is not up yet) | 14:22 |
juliank | Or imagine some hosts failing all the time | 14:24 |
juliank | can't run update all the time | 14:24 |
juliank | Yep, resolve failure is transient, that would not cause the unit to fail. A 404 (missing repository) would cause it to fail, we would not want to retry that all the time | 14:26 |
juliank | Well, maybe once an hour or so | 14:26 |
juliank | Leaves us with sleeping a minute or so in a service which we specify Before=apt-daily, After=suspend, WantedBy=suspend. Fairly hacky. | 14:28 |
xnox | juliank, ack, can we do sru of these, without addressing resume. | 14:31 |
nacc | bdmurray: slangasek: re LP: #1646739 is it actually fix released? seems to have been spam from someone to change a bunch of state? | 14:32 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1646739 in samba (Ubuntu) ""Use of uninitialized value" in debconf via update-manager" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1646739 | 14:32 |
juliank | xnox: I'll do some new SRUs matching 1.4.3 later today or tomorrow. I guess I might just write a helper that deals with http and https repositories and calls connect() for each of them in order for a minute, and put that in execstartpre or something. | 14:37 |
bdmurray | nacc: No, I thought I fixed it yesterday | 14:37 |
juliank | Let the helper exit with a special exit code and set some restart handling for that. | 14:37 |
juliank | (well, maybe no restart if I can't figure out implications) | 14:37 |
juliank | If I can figure this out early tomorrow, I might just do 1.4.4 and SRU a more complete fix :) | 14:39 |
nacc | bdmurray: thanks | 14:48 |
cjwatson | LP no longer requires buildinfo files to be signed in source uploads. | 15:15 |
jbicha | thanks! | 15:30 |
nacc | rbasak: around? | 16:37 |
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rbasak | nacc: o/ | 16:45 |
nacc | rbasak: do you have a moment to talk snaps for the importer? | 16:47 |
rbasak | Sure. HO? | 16:47 |
rbasak | or IRC? | 16:47 |
nacc | HO would be great | 16:47 |
rbasak | OK. Send a link and I'll be two minutes | 16:47 |
=== Skuggen_ is now known as Skuggen | ||
nacc | rbasak: did we agree/decided on the ubuntu/debian remote change? | 19:10 |
nacc | rbasak: and if not, what should the spec be for the fetch of the default remote | 19:10 |
nacc | rbasak: 'origin' for now? | 19:10 |
rbasak | nacc: I don't follow the question | 19:15 |
rbasak | Which is the default remote? | 19:15 |
nacc | rbasak: for `git ubuntu clone` | 19:15 |
nacc | rbasak: right now the remote is called 'lpusip' | 19:15 |
rbasak | I think that should set up both a debian remote and an ubuntu remote, and fetch both | 19:15 |
nacc | rbasak: ok, i just wasn't sure if we had agreed on the 'debian', 'ubuntu' remote idea or not :) | 19:15 |
nacc | rbasak: ack, will do | 19:15 |
rbasak | nacc: if you're not happy, further discussion welcome. | 19:15 |
nacc | rbasak: no, i just didn't see it int he spec | 19:16 |
nacc | rbasak: as it says 'crazy idea' still :) | 19:16 |
rbasak | nacc: lines 48-55 in the pad? | 19:16 |
rbasak | Oh :) | 19:16 |
rbasak | I think it turned out less crazy | 19:16 |
nacc | rbasak: ack | 19:16 |
rbasak | Since we have cleared defined specific refspecs, there shouldn't be any confusing overlap | 19:17 |
nacc | yep | 19:17 |
nacc | rbasak: do we not want to add any push url at all by default? | 19:18 |
nacc | rbasak: i know we don't want any push refspec, but not having a push url means that the importer needs to include a bit more knowledge (or push() does) | 19:19 |
rbasak | nacc: not sure. I think a push url is probably fine if it's inconvenient otherwise, as ACLs should prevent accidents in the end anyway | 19:34 |
rbasak | nacc: OTOH, perhaps for our safety the importer should require the push URL explicitly? | 19:34 |
nacc | rbasak: right, i think i will do it piecewise | 19:35 |
nacc | rbasak: as right now we do add pushurls | 19:35 |
rbasak | We could always change that later | 19:35 |
nacc | rbasak: so i'll keep it in the namespace cleanup and have a followon commit that doesn't have the push url | 19:35 |
rbasak | Sounds good | 19:35 |
nacc | rbasak: hrm, also, our fetch refspec won't see import tags or orphan tags | 20:59 |
nacc | rbasak: i can't remember if that was intentional? | 20:59 |
robert_ancell | bdmurray, now you rejected gnome-software (3.20.1+git20170509.0.8292905-0ubuntu1) can I re-upload with the same version with a corrected version number? | 21:08 |
robert_ancell | It was an annoying copy-paste error in the changelog, not sure the best way to correct that. | 21:08 |
robert_ancell | that should have read "corrected changelog entry" | 21:08 |
nacc | robert_ancell: yes, you can if it never got published (rejected from queue) | 21:08 |
rbasak | nacc: not intentional. | 21:18 |
nacc | rbasak: if you have the time, cna you update the specs? not sure how you want that to look, as they (import, orphan tags) are not namespaced on the remote | 21:18 |
mwhudson | robert_ancell: pretty sure you can, lp will tell you pretty quickly if not :) | 21:22 |
infinity | mwhudson: Actually, LP wouldn't tell him for the same reason that he can indeed reuse the same number. Versions in the queue don't "exist", and it's not checked until it's accepted. | 21:23 |
mwhudson | right, that's what i thought | 21:24 |
mwhudson | time to break the archive by adding python3.6 as a supported version i think | 21:24 |
robert_ancell | infinity, awesome, I hoped that was the case | 21:26 |
robert_ancell | I wish there was an easy way to pull sometime from the queue you've uploaded | 21:26 |
infinity | robert_ancell: queue -Q unapproved -s zesty-proposed fetch $source | 21:28 |
mwhudson | robert_ancell: isn't that what the 'queue' tool in ubuntu-dev-tools does? | 21:28 |
robert_ancell | Do I have permissions for that? | 21:28 |
infinity | The queue is public. | 21:28 |
infinity | So, yes, you should be able to. | 21:28 |
infinity | I think. | 21:29 |
robert_ancell | I don't see any queue command in ubuntu-dev-tools... | 21:29 |
infinity | It's in ubuntu-archive-tools | 21:29 |
rbasak | nacc: ah. import tags aren't specific to Ubuntu or Debian, are they? IIRC, it's whatever the importer saw first, so often Debian but not when there's an Ubuntu delta? | 21:29 |
infinity | lp:ubuntu-archive-tools | 21:29 |
mwhudson | oh right, i bungled the name | 21:30 |
nacc | rbasak: right, they are just first-seen | 21:32 |
nacc | rbasak: it's the first time any version is ever seen | 21:32 |
rbasak | Perhaps we could pull them into refs/tags/import/* locally. At least they're still separated from the user's own tags. | 21:33 |
* rbasak forgets what orphan tags are | 21:33 | |
rbasak | When a parent could not be found? | 21:33 |
nacc | rbasak: orphan tags exist if we cant' find any parents | 21:33 |
nacc | fairly rare, but they exist for some old imports | 21:33 |
robert_ancell | I get a "401: Unauthorized" if I try and reject my last upload | 21:33 |
rbasak | Oh yeah, the "must not fail" thing. I remember now :) | 21:34 |
robert_ancell | Do I need to add permissions somewhere? | 21:34 |
rbasak | I think it'd be OK to pull them into refs/tags/orphan/* as well. | 21:34 |
nacc | robert_ancell: oh queue manipulation is different than looking at the queue | 21:34 |
rbasak | The refspec would have to be a little odd - perhaps in the ubuntu remote but not the debian one? | 21:34 |
nacc | rbasak: right, because it's technically "in" both remotes (since they are the same underlying repo) | 21:35 |
mwhudson | robert_ancell: oh, i think i misinterpreted how you used the word 'pull' :-) | 21:35 |
rbasak | Yeah. A little ugly :-/ | 21:35 |
robert_ancell | mwhudson, ah, ok | 21:35 |
robert_ancell | So not possible? | 21:35 |
nacc | robert_ancell: you meant remove something from the queue? | 21:35 |
mwhudson | robert_ancell: you meant "remove"? | 21:35 |
nacc | robert_ancell: you need someone with permissions to do that for you, as you did above (i think) | 21:35 |
mwhudson | i don't think that's possible no | 21:35 |
robert_ancell | nacc, yeah, if I make a mistake in an upload, it would be really nice to cancel it an do it again. | 21:35 |
nacc | robert_ancell: right, it depends on the series | 21:36 |
nacc | robert_ancell: for instance, the devel series, not possible, as it's getting auto-accepted | 21:36 |
nacc | robert_ancell: sru, the sru team can reject | 21:36 |
rbasak | nacc: added to the spec | 21:37 |
nacc | rbasak: thanks, and then our acl on the backend for the push will be what prevents users from pushing their import/orphan tags (or changing them or whatever) | 21:38 |
nacc | in case they do try to push, that is | 21:38 |
rbasak | Yeah | 21:39 |
rbasak | That's exactly the same issue as pushing the branch pointers, right? | 21:40 |
nacc | yeah i think so | 21:40 |
bdmurray | robert_ancell: yes, you'll just need to use '-f' with dput | 21:44 |
nacc | rbasak: and we're not fetching any tags from a user's git repository? | 22:15 |
nacc | rbasak: also, `usd clone` currently creates a tracking branch for lpusip/ubuntu/devel and checks it out. Do we want to just checkout ubuntu/devel (remote branch)? As a local tracking branch? with what name? | 22:27 |
doko | mwhudson: did you already start doing no-change uploads for stage1 http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/html/python3.5-6.html ? | 22:30 |
nacc | speaking of transitions ... is there a way tot specify that http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/html/postgresql-9.6.html e.g.'s "bad" shoudl not include things that are also good? | 22:33 |
nacc | both those entries appear to be |'d already with 9.6 deps | 22:33 |
doko | mwhudson: now promoted the python3.6 packages | 22:43 |
nacc | rbasak: oh and i recall a primary reason for a lot of our non-pygit2 calls -- they didnt' support working-directory at all | 22:46 |
nacc | rbasak: i believe they fixed that, i need to check | 22:46 |
nacc | rbasak: ok, last point, i think we should iether drop support for --lp-owner to `usd import` or we need to rethink the refspec a bit | 22:55 |
nacc | rbasak: actually, maybe this fixes it :) | 22:59 |
nacc | rbasak: ok, i think i'm nearly there -- need some assistance on ll. 87-92 in the spec, if you have time tmrw | 23:37 |
nacc | cyphermox: fyi, i think i got the open-isns tests to run during the build, will update the MIR | 23:43 |
nacc | rbasak: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24557476/ | 23:45 |
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