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Polarcraft | Does anyone know of a free alternative for Ubuntu that is like cPanel? | 05:09 |
YankDownUnder | Polarcraft, For what...for doing individual admin of web sites, or for admin of a server itself...? | 05:12 |
Polarcraft | YankDownUnder, for webhosting of sites. | 05:16 |
YankDownUnder | Polarcraft, something interesting to look at: https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/perfect-server-ubuntu-16.04-with-apache-php-myqsl-pureftpd-bind-postfix-doveot-and-ispconfig/ | 05:25 |
Polarcraft | I personally don't like ispconfig. | 05:32 |
YankDownUnder | Fair enough. I like the price tag. | 05:36 |
sarnold | btw, these kinds of tools are usually insanely baggy | 05:37 |
sarnold | buggy, too | 05:37 |
sarnold | please firewall the thing to only allow connections from your one computer | 05:37 |
sarnold | not its own internal controls | 05:37 |
sarnold | firewall | 05:37 |
Polarcraft | Eh I might just user serverpilot. | 05:44 |
Polarcraft | s/user/use | 05:53 |
Han | When I kickstart an 16.04.02 server and have "d-i clock-setup/ntp-server string george" the installer hangs at setting the time. That is, until I open a console. Then all of the sudden the installer continues. | 06:22 |
Han | I can ping 'george', grepping for rdate in /var/log/syslog shows it's asking the ntp server for a date and gets one at the moment I log in on a spare console. | 06:22 |
Han | What am I missing here? | 06:22 |
sarnold | Han: crazy. does the same hang happen if you use an ip? | 06:24 |
Han | worth a shot, just a minute | 06:25 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 06:26 |
Han | sarnold, it also hangs. Log shows the same, except that I used an ip this time. | 06:29 |
sarnold | Han: heh. i'm not sure if im' happy or sad about that. :) | 06:30 |
Han | I also tested the time server of course, also with rdate, works fine. | 06:30 |
Han | rdate called using NTP server\nrdate: adjust local clock by 0.105604 seconds. | 06:31 |
Han | And the first line is a minute ahead of the second. | 06:31 |
Han | So yes... crazy | 06:32 |
sarnold | .. it takes a minute to contact your ntp server? | 06:33 |
Han | Not at all. using rdate from an already installed host works fine. Instant response. | 06:34 |
sarnold | Han: i'm grasping at straws. long since out of ideas. maybe https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-analyze.html ? | 06:35 |
Han | Does the d-i installer already run systemd? | 06:37 |
sarnold | hrm. good question. I had assumed it would but that's me making an assumption.. | 06:37 |
Han | /lib/systemd/systemd-udevd --daemon --resolve-names= | 06:42 |
Han | I count that as a no. | 06:42 |
Han | When I manually run 'rdate george' I get 'george: servname not supported for ai_socktype' | 06:44 |
Han | with ip the same message. | 06:44 |
Han | weird... because it doesn't fail, it hangs until I do something else. | 06:44 |
Han | "rdate -u -n george" is what I should have used, but it gives the same error. | 06:47 |
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zetheroo | I have Ubuntu server 16.04 here with Zabbix installed and I am trying to get the Email notifications to work - how can I test sending an email from the command line using username and password credentials? | 10:07 |
ikonia | 10:13 | |
ikonia | or mails | 10:13 |
ikonia | mailx sorry | 10:13 |
ikonia | or just telnet to the smtp servers port | 10:13 |
ikonia | and enter them as the agruments | 10:13 |
zetheroo | I tried 'telnet cyon.ch 465' which said it was connected .. but then it just hung there and disconnected after a little while | 10:14 |
ikonia | you have to issue commands | 10:16 |
ikonia | it won't offer you prompts | 10:16 |
ikonia | thats not how a mail server works | 10:16 |
zetheroo | ok | 10:16 |
zetheroo | I am trying to follow this https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa995718(v=exchg.65).aspx | 10:19 |
ndee | what's the easiest way to have a command queue running? Something where I can put commands on to a queue. | 12:40 |
ahasenack | ndee: you mean like at(1)? | 12:40 |
ndee | ahasenack: I always want the commands to be executed immediately, just that no two commands are executed at the same time | 12:41 |
ahasenack | use a shared lock file then | 12:42 |
ahasenack | there is a lockfile utility in the procmail package you could take a look at | 12:42 |
ezethnesthrown | I can't seem to 'sudo apt-get update' | 13:10 |
ezethnesthrown | I can 'ping' just fine | 13:10 |
ezethnesthrown | Or maybe my DNS | 13:13 |
ezethnesthrown | Hang on | 13:13 |
ezethnesthrown | DNS problem. My bad | 13:16 |
pos | Do apport and whoopsie phone home with "telemetry"/crash data by default on xenial server? | 13:51 |
m1dnight1 | Guys, I've been trying to get opencl running on my ubuntu server without any luck | 14:11 |
m1dnight1 | I've checked the driver version on nvidia.com (304 for a 690) and then installed nvidia-304, but still, no luck with clinfo | 14:11 |
m1dnight1 | any tips? | 14:11 |
m1dnight1 | derp, i purged and removed my nvidia driver, rebooted, and now it works | 14:12 |
m1dnight1 | magic. | 14:12 |
m1dnight1 | oh wait no, its something else. | 14:13 |
m1dnight1 | it's NVE4, which is my CPU I guess | 14:13 |
bindi | nv would indicate nvidia | 14:14 |
m1dnight1 | how odd that it only works after I purged my drivers | 14:14 |
bindi | 304 is quite old | 14:14 |
bindi | pretty sure a newer one would work | 14:15 |
m1dnight1 | oh. I read that I should see what version nvidia.com gives me and use that one. hence this version | 14:15 |
m1dnight1 | let me check supported devices on newer drivers | 14:15 |
oerheks | you would need the 346 or higher, http://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/81252/en-us | 14:15 |
bindi | nvidia suggests 375.66 for me? | 14:16 |
m1dnight1 | for a 690? | 14:16 |
bindi | when i picked linux x64 and gtx 690 | 14:16 |
bindi | and that's what's in the ubuntu repos | 14:16 |
m1dnight1 | huh, i just retried, still suggests 304 | 14:16 |
m1dnight1 | odd | 14:16 |
m1dnight1 | http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/114714/en-us | 14:16 |
bindi | hmm 375.39 actually | 14:17 |
m1dnight1 | oooohhhh, I picked 6 series, and not 600 series *derp*** | 14:17 |
bindi | lol | 14:17 |
m1dnight1 | that's embarrasing | 14:17 |
m1dnight1 | sorry guys :p | 14:17 |
m1dnight1 | installing 777 mb of packages, hurray! | 14:19 |
nacc | aaronr: i totally forgot one thing, i'm not sure if you've already uploaded the debdiffs, but dch will not dtrt for the first SRU to a release, but this should help you determine the correct version: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdatePreparation#Update_the_packaging | 14:25 |
greenmanspirit | I am having trouble finding with google so I thought maybe you all would have a suggestion. I would like to set up Ubuntu Server to use sssd I have tried what few articles I can find and nothing works. Do any of you know someone I could talk to about this? | 14:54 |
greenmanspirit | I tried using the realmd wrapper and it works very inconsistently | 14:57 |
help-im-stuck | ubuntu or beer | 15:16 |
compdoc | ubuntu and beer! | 15:26 |
help-im-stuck | why not.. i'll forget my password :$ | 15:31 |
drab_ | help-im-stuck: here's your solution: http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/3b/3b6199912965e3e396ab0b8caa88cfc38ee558dbfe3188fe0496cbdf6bab5b30.jpg | 16:52 |
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hallyn | wtf. why can't i get systemd to accept what's in /etc/domainname | 17:08 |
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Kyoku | how do i get to a proper terminal during 16.04 server install? i thought it was ctrl-alt-f1 but that isn't working and f2 gives me some busybox thing | 19:10 |
sarnold | try the other f-keys? | 19:11 |
Kyoku | i did, no terminal to be found | 19:12 |
sarnold | try smacking 'enter' on some of them, maybe the message 'press enter to start a shell' just didn't get printed for some reason? | 19:13 |
zerick | Kyoku: Why not using the "try ubuntu" option at the beginning of the installer, to load the Desktop and use the terminal. Then launch the installer from the Desktop icon. | 19:29 |
nacc | Kyoku: alos, it's sort of frowned upon to crosspost | 19:31 |
nacc | but in any case, answered in #ubuntu | 19:31 |
Kyoku | zerick i was using server installer | 19:43 |
Kyoku | sorry about crosspost but didn't get a working answer here | 19:44 |
DammitJim | how do I find out the default version of mysql that would get installed on my Ubuntu 16.04 server? | 21:21 |
nacc | !info mysql-server xenial | 21:21 |
ubottu | mysql-server (source: mysql-5.7): MySQL database server (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 5.7.18-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (xenial), package size 10 kB, installed size 180 kB | 21:21 |
nacc | DammitJim: --^ | 21:21 |
nacc | DammitJim: or look at the package page (http://pad.lv/u/mysql-5.7) or use `rmadison` | 21:22 |
DammitJim | thanks@ | 21:22 |
DammitJim | what would be the harm in saying: sudo apt-get install mysql-5.7-server | 21:23 |
DammitJim | instead of saying: sudo apt-get install mysql-server ? | 21:23 |
DammitJim | does one lock you down from upgrading or something? | 21:23 |
drab_ | apt-cache policy $package | 21:23 |
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drab | or using the simulate flag in apt install | 21:24 |
DammitJim | sorry, that was mysql-server-5.7 | 21:24 |
DammitJim | say if in 3 years, we want to upgrade ubuntu to 18 | 21:25 |
DammitJim | would that mess up mysql? | 21:25 |
drab | anybody familiar with openvpn? I'm clueless about it and it seems like I can't share a client cert? | 21:26 |
DammitJim | I've done openvpn | 21:26 |
drab | I generated a client cert, put it on two phones/devices and if one is connected the other fails and viceversa | 21:26 |
drab | basically it seems I can't share the cert | 21:26 |
DammitJim | oh | 21:26 |
drab | even tho I don't get why... if the cert validates why does it care? | 21:26 |
DammitJim | I'm going to ask the annoying question of: why do you want to share it? | 21:27 |
drab | these are all my devices and | 21:27 |
drab | I'm taking a trip in censorship land, I have a bunch of devices and I'm trying to set up a quick vpn that will be tore down as soon as I come back | 21:27 |
stgraber | drab: add "duplicate-cn" to your server config | 21:28 |
drab | but if it's harder to share a cert than to make new ones, no problem | 21:28 |
drab | I was just wondering if I was doing something wrong | 21:28 |
DammitJim | I think you need to set the duplicate-cn flag | 21:28 |
drab | got it, thanks | 21:28 |
DammitJim | yeah, what stgraber said | 21:28 |
DammitJim | that's the default openvpn config... only 1 cert at a time | 21:28 |
nacc | DammitJim: yeah, i think you want the metapackage so that it will upgrade you across versions | 21:29 |
DammitJim | dammit | 21:30 |
DammitJim | I don't know why I made the mistake of specifying the version | 21:30 |
DammitJim | you see, we had ubuntu 14 and it was "required" to install mysql 5.7 | 21:30 |
DammitJim | so, I specifically said: install 5.7 | 21:30 |
DammitJim | then we started building servers with Ubuntu 16 and I also specified 5.7 instead of just letting the OS pick the package | 21:31 |
DammitJim | is there a way for me to change that? | 21:31 |
drab | because generally speaking the more specific the betterm, so that things aren't changed under your feet without breakage (not that I'd expect any in this case, but the principle still applies) | 21:31 |
drab | so imho it was good instinct | 21:31 |
DammitJim | hhhmmmm.... I guess I need to meditate on this some more | 21:31 |
drab | is there some known reason why I should not put openvpn on 443? | 21:32 |
drab | trying to make sure I don't get blocked | 21:32 |
DammitJim | I have openvpn on 443 | 21:32 |
drab | but don't know if being hit by https traffic or something is going to make it funky or something | 21:32 |
drab | ok, great | 21:32 |
DammitJim | it's not a server with 100% uptime SLAs, though | 21:32 |
DammitJim | not that that matters | 21:32 |
drab | yeah that's not what I'm worried about, more like what opevpn is going to do if it starts getting https traffic thrown at it | 21:33 |
drab | by scanners and whatnot | 21:33 |
drab | didn't want it to crash or something | 21:33 |
nacc | DammitJim: there was no 5.7 in 14.04 | 21:34 |
DammitJim | nacc, exactly | 21:35 |
DammitJim | I think they asked me to add some repos | 21:35 |
nacc | ah | 21:35 |
DammitJim | nacc, you just made me think of something | 21:36 |
DammitJim | we were actually not running 5.7, we were on 5.6 and the exact thing that drab said is what we went through | 21:36 |
DammitJim | we didn't want mysql to be upgraded | 21:36 |
DammitJim | but I think I have learned that for the same version 14, mysql wouldn't be upgraded to 5.7 | 21:36 |
DammitJim | or for ubuntu 16, mysql wouldn't be upgrade from 5.7 to 5.8 | 21:37 |
DammitJim | is that a safe assumption? | 21:37 |
nacc | DammitJim: right, major release changes are rare | 21:37 |
DammitJim | blah | 21:37 |
DammitJim | so, I think I'm ok | 21:37 |
DammitJim | thanks guys | 21:37 |
drab | stgraber: btw for openvpn in containers, it seems it's broken by default, don't know if there's a but about it or what, but since you were around I thought I'd mention | 21:38 |
drab | bug* | 21:39 |
raj | if I give my un/pw for someone else to login, is there an issue if I am also logged in at the same time? | 21:39 |
drab | stgraber: well the systemd part is, LimitNPROC specifically | 21:41 |
ahasenack | nacc: I troubleshooted a bit this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pam-mysql/+bug/1574900/comments/27 | 22:16 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1574900 in pam-mysql (Ubuntu Yakkety) "libpam-mysql undefined symbol: make_scrambled_password" [Undecided,Fix committed] | 22:16 |
ahasenack | hm, maybe I should have commented on #1574911 instead | 22:17 |
nacc | ahasenack: thanks! i'll try and review tmrw | 22:17 |
ahasenack | I don't have a solution, just an explanation | 22:18 |
drab | fwiw, it seems there's problem in the do-release-upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 related to predictable interfaces | 22:18 |
nacc | ahasenack: ack | 22:18 |
drab | interface name changes but /etc/network/interfaces is left pointing to eth0 | 22:18 |
drab | just did a remote update and got locked out | 22:18 |
ahasenack | nacc: I'm on PTO tomorrow, I'll catch up on monday | 22:20 |
compdoc | drab, I hate when that happens | 22:28 |
nacc | drab: i'm not sure there is a sane way to do that | 22:29 |
nacc | drab: as the 14.04 instance hasnt' switched to systemd so can't know the predictable interface name? | 22:29 |
nacc | drab: you can pass a kernel parameter to disable it, iirc | 22:29 |
drab | nacc: yeah, that's what I normally do, just forgot on this host as I don't do many release-upgrades | 22:38 |
nacc | drab: ack | 22:41 |
drab | dammit jim is gone | 22:48 |
drab | for whatever reason the openvpn works on an android phone but not on iphone | 22:49 |
drab | I mean it connects and can ping local devices, but no internet on iphone | 22:49 |
drab | I take that back, iphone can only ping the gateway | 23:01 |
drab | nothing else on the lan | 23:02 |
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