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CoderEurope | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=malJUMz2A9Y Farewell to Meizu 10, then. | 10:28 |
anpok | CoderEurope: there is an afterlife.. join ubports. | 10:51 |
CoderEurope | anpok, For the flagship - products ? Maybe the FFone2, but they're floundering over at Ubports.com errata, they do the Next 5 aswell. | 10:55 |
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk | ||
CoderEurope | mhall119, Any word on a date when the security updates for the Aquaris 4.5/E5 are going to expire/finish from Canonical ? ubports.com doesn't know in the forums & I've asked askubuntu & they do know . | 14:25 |
CoderEurope | ****askubuntu Do*not* know. | 14:26 |
lotuspsychje | CoderEurope: june will end official updates | 14:35 |
CoderEurope | lotuspsychje, yeah, what date in june ? | 14:48 |
lotuspsychje | CoderEurope: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/04/ubuntu-phone-no-further-updates-truly-dead | 14:54 |
CoderEurope | lotuspsychje, so no security updates *after June* ? | 14:55 |
lotuspsychje | seems like it CoderEurope | 14:56 |
lotuspsychje | CoderEurope: unless there's a new deal/method with the ubports guys? who knows... | 14:56 |
CoderEurope | no | 14:56 |
lotuspsychje | no what | 14:56 |
CoderEurope | Uports aren't working on the Aquaris 4.5 or Aquaris E5. | 14:57 |
lotuspsychje | CoderEurope: i also got a 4.5..not sure what i will do next | 14:57 |
CoderEurope | lotuspsychje, I shall buy it off you ? | 14:58 |
lotuspsychje | if nothing supported..ill have to go back to bloody android | 14:58 |
aquarius_ | jhodapp: I have an audio-on-the-phone question, if you have a minute at some point :) Specifically, an app I launch from a click app (which is unconfined) doesn't seem to be able to make sounds; the same app works fine when run from phablet-shell. Sounds apparmorish, maybe, but ... how do I find out? :) | 15:54 |
mhall119 | aquarius_: I have some bad news for you about ubuntu phones... | 15:59 |
aquarius_ | yes, yes, I know that bit. But it hasn't stopped working just because it's not supported. :) | 16:00 |
mhall119 | what does the app use to send audio? | 16:00 |
mhall119 | pulse, or somethign different? | 16:00 |
aquarius_ | ah, that's a good point; it's using alsa but can use pulse. Let me try that | 16:00 |
* mhall119 bets apparmor only allows pulse | 16:01 | |
aquarius_ | hrm, hasn't helped :( | 16:02 |
mcphail | aquarius_: silly question, but have you asked for audio permission? If so, anything in the logs? | 16:33 |
aquarius_ | my app is unconfined. I may still need permissions, but I don't see any apparmor denials in my app's log. I don't have a /var/log/syslog (which is another problem that I don't understand) | 16:35 |
aquarius_ | I may try having upstart start my sub-app, though, and see if that gets blocked. | 16:36 |
CoderEurope | mhall119, Do you have any up & coming events coming up for us to attend on-line ? http://i.imgur.com/DNHCFza | 16:37 |
mcphail | aah didn't see the unconfined bit. You sure pulse hasn't crashed? that got me once | 16:37 |
aquarius_ | yeah. app works fine when I run it manually :) | 16:38 |
mcphail | :) | 16:38 |
CoderEurope | mhall119, yep so ? | 16:40 |
mhall119 | CoderEurope: not sure I understand the question | 17:15 |
mhall119 | do you mean like OUS-style events? | 17:15 |
CoderEurope | mhall119, anything | 17:32 |
mhall119 | that was really the only on-line event we've had | 17:42 |
mhall119 | unless you count the various things on Ubuntu On Air | 17:42 |
CoderEurope | this is why there's retention prob.s | 17:42 |
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