shakes808 | morning | 13:01 |
_stink_ | yo | 13:04 |
cmaloney | morning | 13:05 |
rick_h | morning | 13:11 |
shakes808 | rick_h: you work on some wood projects, if i remember correctly. What kind of hole saws do you have, if any? | 16:08 |
rick_h | shakes808: I've just got an adjustable kit I use. | 16:08 |
rick_h | shakes808: like but mine has fewer sizes in it | 16:09 |
shakes808 | i was looking at this one: | 16:12 |
rick_h | shakes808: that pulled up a search list for me so not sure which one you're pointing at | 16:13 |
rick_h | I guess what are you looking for? Feedback if that one is a good kit? | 16:13 |
shakes808 | gotcha, it is a 13 piece hole saw kit. | 16:13 |
shakes808 | I was looking at Harbor Freight, but not sure of the quality. Reviews on it say that they are crap ( oval instead of round, dull real easily, ... ) Just wanted to know what you were using because i remember you doing a lot of wood working | 16:15 |
shakes808 | so i was looking at home depot and lowes to see what they had | 16:15 |
rick_h | shakes808: gotcha, yea the only kit I've used it like a 7 or 9 saw one from milwaukee | 16:21 |
rick_h | shakes808: has done what I needed but don't use it a ton tbh | 16:21 |
shakes808 | rick_h: gotcha. thank you | 16:25 |
brousch__ | shakes808: In general, stuff from Harbor Freight is cheap and crappy. | 16:41 |
brousch__ | But sometimes that's all you need | 16:41 |
shakes808 | brousch__: yeah, but I have a feeling that I am going to be using it more than once. Going to make some Cornhole boards. :-) | 16:46 |
jrwren | oh nice! | 16:52 |
cmaloney | There's always a market for cornhole | 16:53 |
greg-g | heh, I let a coworker borrow my belt at an after event party thing in Berlin and she didn't get it back to me before we flew home. She apparently had left it on my desk wrapped around an IPA. But... I don't go to the office anymore. So she's having someone mule it for me to Vienna where I'll be next week | 16:57 |
jrwren | lol | 17:00 |
rick_h | greg-g: that belt needs a frequent travel card | 17:00 |
rick_h | greg-g: but the question the ipa coming with it? | 17:01 |
greg-g | probably not :) | 17:01 |
rick_h | Nooooooooooo | 17:02 |
shakes808 | :-( | 17:04 |
greg-g | we have enough IPA out here. And don't forget, I live 3 miles from the primary Lagunita's brewery | 17:29 |
shakes808 | greg-g: didn't heiniken just buy the other 50% of them? | 17:30 |
greg-g | which, as of a week or so ago, is now 100% owned by Hieneken :( (for like a billion dollars, seriously) | 17:30 |
greg-g | jinx ;) | 17:30 |
shakes808 | haha | 17:30 |
greg-g | in the local newspaper reporting on it, the CEO (who is now something else within Heiniken) said "don't worry, I still wake and bake almost every day" | 17:31 |
jrwren | lol | 17:31 |
jrwren | well, heiniken is dutch, right? | 17:32 |
greg-g | true, but he's living here | 17:32 |
greg-g | and, we have a much better supply (quality and quantity) of pot out here :) | 17:32 |
greg-g | (I bet he grows his own, or has someone do it for him, since he's filthy rich now) | 17:33 |
cmaloney | I'm sure he'll wake and bake until he fully vests | 17:34 |
cmaloney | then he'll bail and sail | 17:34 |
greg-g | heh | 17:35 |
greg-g | he loves the company/industry, I kinda doubt it. He has full control over what the lagunitas brand does | 17:36 |
shakes808 | | 17:36 |
cmaloney | Interesting | 17:37 |
shakes808 | Finally, Microsoft is continuing to embrace Linux developers and toolchains on Windows. The current Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) comes out of the box with support for Ubuntu; later this year, Microsoft is adding official support for a SUSE userland and a Fedora userland. It'll even be possible to install all three side by side, giving your Windows | 17:37 |
shakes808 | machine three different Linux personalities simultaneously. The installation of WSL is also simpler, with the three Linux environments all being installed from the Windows Store. | 17:37 |
shakes808 | that is pretty cool | 17:37 |
brousch__ | I want to get my Linux from the Windows Store! | 18:02 |
jrwren | it has the best battery life of any linux, ever. | 18:02 |
jrwren | sadly, there is technically no linux there at all. no linux kernel. | 18:03 |
brousch__ | Ah, so you get your Ubuntu, Fedora, and Suse from the Windows Store, not you Linux? | 18:04 |
jrwren | brousch__: well, technically, yes, but they call them linux, even though there is no linux kernel | 18:07 |
brousch__ | This whole thing is making me queasy | 18:08 |
jrwren | which? | 18:09 |
brousch__ | Linux in Windows | 18:11 |
jrwren | its really just for devs. | 18:12 |
jrwren | MSFT wants people to use windows and deploy their linux apps to azure and so they support devs to make "linux apps" in windows. | 18:12 |
jrwren | plus, now people can do ruby and nodejs dev in "linux in windows" where previously building certain C modules for ruby/python/node was so difficult it was practically impossible. | 18:13 |
shakes808 | seems like pretty soon, Windows will just be a VM for everything to run under haha | 18:16 |
jrwren | but its not a VM. | 18:17 |
cmaloney | it's containers, right? | 18:24 |
rick_h | no, it's not a container really either, no kernel | 18:25 |
rick_h | which is :( since you can't do snaps on there atm | 18:25 |
shakes808 | I haven't tried to use linux with windows. i just have my ubuntu lappy that i load right into :) | 18:25 |
jrwren | right, not containers. Your underlying windows system can interact directly with the linux subsystem and visa versa. | 18:25 |
cmaloney | so they mocked the linux sys calls? | 18:25 |
cmaloney | mock the sys call | 18:26 |
cmaloney | mock the sys call | 18:26 |
cmaloney | sorry... | 18:26 |
shakes808 | This isn’t a virtual machine, a container, or Linux software compiled for Windows (like Cygwin). Instead, Windows 10 gains a Windows Subsystem for Linux, which is based on Microsoft’s abandoned Project Astoria work for running Android apps on Windows. | 18:26 |
jrwren | exaclty. | 18:26 |
shakes808 | | 18:26 |
jrwren | not exactly mocked, but they reimplmenet the syscalls and pass to NT kernel | 18:26 |
shakes808 | Microsoft has worked with Canonical to offer a full Ubuntu-based Bash shell that runs atop this subsystem. Technically, this isn’t Linux at all. | 18:28 |
shakes808 | I don't know. I would rather just use straight lisux | 18:28 |
shakes808 | linux* | 18:28 |
cmaloney | same | 18:28 |
cmaloney | or just have Microsoft put in some effort into WINE so we can treat it likenthe legacy system Wkndows is. ;) | 18:29 |
cmaloney | sine this seems like reverse-Wine for Windows | 18:30 |
jrwren | oh definitely prefer full linux. | 18:30 |
Zimdale | I too like to drink wine | 18:32 |
Zimdale | oh | 18:32 |
Zimdale | you meant the windows thing... | 18:32 |
Zimdale | I'll see myself out | 18:32 |
shakes808 | Zimdale: :) Got a case being delivered next week :) Michigan By The Bottle :) Check it out if you haven't :) They have only MI wines :) | 18:41 |
Zimdale | michigan wine deliveries are a pain in the ass :( | 18:41 |
Zimdale | I can't wait until they fix that up, we will hopefully get into wine trading at work and life will be amazing! | 18:41 |
rick_h | I've given up on michigan wine. | 18:42 |
shakes808 | this is a brick and mortar that you have to go pick it up from them :) | 18:42 |
Zimdale | oh | 18:42 |
shakes808 | :) They get wines from michigan and sell it at their place. | 18:43 |
Zimdale | We found a place near where we live that has a bottle of 1977 port | 18:43 |
Zimdale | I really want it but I don't want to spend the monies :( | 18:43 |
shakes808 | they don't really sell glasses of wines, but flights. they are a tasting room | 18:43 |
Zimdale | It's beautiful | 18:43 |
shakes808 | mmmm a good port :) haven't had one in a long time | 18:44 |
shakes808 | | 18:44 |
Zimdale | There's a place in royal oak that makes a pretty good port for just like candy | 18:45 |
Zimdale | a lot of nice chocolate ports | 18:45 |
brousch__ | rick_h: Have you visited the SE MI wineries? Tabor Hill, St. Julian? | 19:12 |
Zimdale | St. Julian is one of the few that have catawba wine :) | 19:13 |
brousch__ | Sorry, SW MI | 19:13 |
rick_h | brousch__: no, more north ones and been to a couple of "michigan wine" events that have wineries from around MI bring their stuff in for tasting | 19:14 |
brousch__ | You really should spend a weekend there. | 19:15 |
brousch__ | St. Joseph | 19:16 |
cmaloney | I think I have found my calling: | 19:40 |
cmaloney | Backpacking as a service | 19:40 |
cmaloney | so you get someone to don a backpack for you and trudge across Europe | 19:40 |
cmaloney | and you can live through their experiences through blog posts and photos | 19:41 |
cmaloney | so you'll never have to leave the comfort of your home | 19:41 |
cmaloney | THink that is good for 10 mil in VC funding? | 19:41 |
cmaloney | It's like Uber for the disconnected class | 19:42 |
_stink_ | got a good name? | 19:43 |
_stink_ | that might be all that matters | 19:43 |
cmaloney | BkPkr | 19:43 |
cmaloney | Or, we could capitalize on people sitting on their butts while backpacking | 19:44 |
cmaloney | and call it ButtPckr | 19:44 |
cmaloney | Haven't sorted that out yet | 19:44 |
_stink_ | i like the direction thougjh | 19:45 |
widox | lol | 19:46 |
widox | I think you might get the wrong attention with ButtPckr | 19:46 |
shakes808 | ... For some reason I think that you will have a lot of IP addresses from San Fran and Ferndale with that last one ... haha | 19:47 |
cmaloney | Dear VC Angels: Send me your money | 19:48 |
brousch__ | Isn't Google already doing that? | 19:51 |
brousch__ | | 19:51 |
cmaloney | Anyone want to be a Delphi developer? Got a lead on a position that's underpaying in Ann Arbor | 23:55 |
cmaloney | "You will assist the team in modernizing a large mission-critical application that is used by companies around the world to ensure the stability of electrical grids." | 23:56 |
cmaloney | Excellent programming skills in an object oriented language such as C++ or Delphi | 23:56 |
cmaloney | If you do not already know Delphi, your willingness to learn Delphi is a requirement | 23:56 |
cmaloney | Actually, I misread. They're not too bad for a Delphi developer | 23:57 |
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