[04:55] uwn opinion please: from planet, cockpit easy to install - howto (no) or news (yes) by m.pitt [11:28] uwn: gen=2, plan=4, cano=11, press=10 (+2 linked, inc. msft that isn't press site; so move where or group?), blog=7, av=3 etc [14:36] guiverc_t: took a quick look for you but didn't change anything - some of those "In the press" articles should be in the blogosphere section as "In the press" has always been a rather sparse section. OmgUbuntu should be written as "OMG! Ubuntu!" as per page footer. [14:40] tsimonq2: suggestion: if you aren't able to work on UWN to it's traditional timelines how about publishing a day or two late rather than creating yet another two week issue? I hope we never see a three week issue because of unavailability of contributors... [17:03] PaulW2U: Good idea. [17:03] PaulW2U: Thank you. [17:05] jose, guiverc_t: From this point on, are you OK with collecting articles on Friday like usual, but shifting sending out to editors to Monday morning/afternoon and publishing to Tuesdays? [17:05] jose, guiverc_t: If you both think it's ok, then I think that's what we'll do going forward. [22:01] tsimonq2, i'm not involved with editing; so no prob for me. if i do anything past summaries, its only b/c i see a request here [22:01] guiverc_t: ok [22:13] up now for my check & then send [23:06] thanks PaulW2U [23:44] summary email sent... Paul I didn't see any 'press [23:46] \o/ [23:46] 'press' that didn't belong; except "another selected" .. yeah press is huge; but it follows wiki.ubuntu/linksuggestions. editors can 'move' around - i comment|note heaps inc. thoughts [23:47] (hit enter key instead of ') [23:54] i may have moved two down somewhere I'd put there as similar topic .. they could have been what you saw