
ezethnesthrownI created a simple Samba Server. From my Windows client I can access the server via " \\SERVER_IP " but not " \\SERVER_MACHINE_NAME ". I need to enter a credential. Is this because of my server or my client?01:21
ezethnesthrownDoes a user need a group that contains only itself? (Primary group)03:30
sarnoldthe user must have a primary group but it could be a group of any sort03:31
sarnoldthe use of per-user single-user groups was because far too many people didn't understand how permissions worked and would use e.g. 775 or 664 and never notice that they shared their primary group with a few thousand other users on the system..03:32
ezethnesthrownsarnold: If I were to make a user then I should set it's group too then?03:33
sarnoldezethnesthrown: that's the safest approach, yes03:33
ezethnesthrownThank you03:33
ezethnesthrownHow do I 'smbpasswd' a group?03:53
lordievaderGood morning06:15
EmilienMcoreycb, jamespage: all ubuntu jobs are broken for us13:49
CarlenWhiteIs it me, or is anyone else having bad luck with Xenial's package system?13:57
CarlenWhiteEither way, I'm pretty sure my system's sources.list is FUBAR13:57
zulEmilienM: just had a peak and it looks like it cant connect to the database14:08
EmilienMzul: it sounds like apache fails to start correctly. everything was working on Wednesday, are you aware about changes in OpenStack packages?14:09
zulEmilienM: hah no14:09
mwhahahai'm not sure that db error is the right one14:11
EmilienMzul: yes14:11
EmilienMzul: https://www.diffchecker.com/fU8PV39r14:11
EmilienMa lot of upgrades14:11
zulEmilienM: thats to be expected though with artsy just opening....but i havent been pyaing attention14:12
zulEmilienM: just commenting from the peanut gallery14:13
CarlenWhiteSorted out my problem: https://askubuntu.com/questions/70589514:16
CarlenWhiteMy system was attempting to pull binaries that it couldn't support.14:17
CarlenWhiteWell, it was trying to. But it didn't know where to get the binaries.14:23
caribounacc: I'm going to take ownership back for LP: #1676884 if you don't mind14:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1676884 in makedumpfile (Ubuntu) "kdump-tools uses the wrong crashkernel command line parameter in ppc64le" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/167688414:24
caribounacc: I got a pretty good idea of what the problem is14:24
CarlenWhiteIs it a good idea to crontab `apt update; apt upgrade`?14:30
mdeslaurCarlenWhite: you should install and configure unattended-upgrades instead14:38
mdeslaurCarlenWhite: ie https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/automatic-updates.html14:39
nacccaribou: +1 -- i'll follow along (so if you can subscribe me tht'd be great) -- manjo basically subscribed me toa ll of them14:39
nacc*assigned me14:39
caribounacc: done!14:55
caribounacc: on that topic, any reason why there is ppc64EL and ppc64LE (which is the root cause of this bug) ?15:02
manjocaribou, nacc ack15:06
nacccaribou: different distributions made different choices afaict15:07
nacccaribou: RH/SUSE vs. Debian15:07
nacccaribou: i believe for debian because of armel and maybe what is debian's manual, not sure15:07
caribounacc: ah, ok15:07
caribounacc: I can always filter on bothy15:07
nacccaribou: yeah, i would15:08
nacccaribou: there were lots of bugs do that a while ago :)15:08
aaronrnacc: if you get a few moments can you check if these look okay? (It's the nagios security patch I was working on the other day, repackaged for the other releases) Trusty: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24561043/ | Yakkety: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24561066/ | Zesty: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24561097/15:15
naccaaronr: on the phone, but will review right when i'm done15:16
aaronrthanks! no rush. just drop me a mention here if they're okay and I'll attach them to the bug :)15:16
naccaaronr: ack, thanks15:24
naccaaronr: overall looks good, i think a few versions are a bit off15:58
naccaaronr: trusty looks fine15:58
naccaaronr: yakkety looks fine15:58
naccaaronr: but zesty is incorrect15:59
naccaaronr: for two reasons, 1) you want to follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdatePreparation#Update_the_packaging and 2) 3.5.1.dfsg-2.1ubuntu6 already exists in artful15:59
naccaaronr: i think you want 3.5.1.dfsg-2.1ubuntu5.116:16
aaronrah right okay! I thought that looked weird when it gave me 1ubuntu6 :)16:17
naccaaronr: yeah, that's what i was mentioning (late) before, that `dch -i` doesn't know about the SRU pattern (as it doesn't know about released vs. in-development releases)16:19
aaronryeah that makes sense, I suppose it just increments whatever it sees16:21
naccaaronr: right16:22
aaronrso if i just `dch --edit`, edit the version number, and recompile, and redo the debdiff is that sufficient to fix it?16:24
naccaaronr: yeah16:25
aaronrgreat, here's that update then: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24561545/16:25
naccaaronr: looks good16:26
aaronri'll get these added to the bug16:26
aaronrnacc: was it ubuntu-sponsors i'm supposed to subscribe to this bug now?16:30
naccaaronr: yep!16:33
aaronrnacc: okay that's all done now17:02
DK2raid5 mdraid on 4x 6TB drives on a E5 2407 seems to be too much haha17:10
DK2load of 6 on a freshly installed ubuntu17:10
bindiy u no zfs17:12
toyowheelincan someone point me in the right direction to get assistance with echoping17:51
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dmeijboomWhat is it exactly you need assistance with?17:53
toyowheelinit is throwing a strange error and Google is not being helpful in telling me what it means17:57
toyowheelinI am trying to setup a new test in smokeping17:58
toyowheelinbut it seems that the echoping command for it is failing17:58
dmeijboomWhat error?17:59
toyowheelinHTTP error "H"17:59
toyowheelinroot@WP-SEA-vnetmon:/var/log# /usr/bin/echoping -P 0xa0 -p 6 -w 1 -t 20 -4 -C -h / -A -a -R -n 5 online2.khamsoft.com:44318:00
toyowheelinHTTP error "H"18:00
toyowheelinthats all of it18:00
dmeijboomThen you're server is not working properly. I've looked at the source code of echoping and it throws that error if a wrong http status code is returned.18:03
dmeijboomThe first line of the http response should look like this: "HTTP/1.x 200 OK" or something like that18:03
toyowheelinhmm I wonder if echoping is sending a weird useragent or something18:04
dmeijboomHowever the fact that it prints "H" as the error is kinda strange.18:04
toyowheelindoubt its possible to change the string it sends18:04
dmeijboomIt's not. It sends "Echoping" as the user agent.18:05
toyowheelinhmm alright18:05
dmeijboomMaybe echoping doesn't support SSL? That could be the reason of the strange error string18:06
toyowheelin-C tells it to use ssl18:07
oerhekstoyowheelin, see the manual, "-6 Use only IPv6 " as you have used "6"18:07
toyowheelin-p 618:08
oerheks... and you used -4 too, whqat is the use of '6' ???18:08
toyowheelinsocket priority18:09
oerheksoh, my bad, i see it now18:09
toyowheelinhmm I think I see the issue18:17
toyowheelinhad to use openssl s_client to figure it out18:17
tomreynuse curl / ab to test HTTPS18:22
toyowheelintomreyn: this is part of a bigger solution18:23
toyowheelinsmokeping is calling echoping to draw graphs18:23
tomreyni see18:23
toyowheelinmonitoring one of our vendors servers for SLA reasons18:24
tomreyni know smokeping for network link / route monitoring, not so much as an application omintoring tool18:25
tomreynmaybe you're rather looking for something like nagios, cacti, zabbix ...18:27
toyowheelinyeah I might setup another monitoring service as well18:27
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yotuxlooking to build a new home server anyone offer some insights on hardware?23:05
tomreyn/j ##hardware23:06
cncr04si got a Dell Poweredge-C2100, works nice23:06
yotuxI have an old opti desktop was free, kvm is not supported on the intel E450023:08
ikoniadoesn't it really depend on your requirements23:11
ikoniaas raspberry pi would be fine for a large many people for example23:11
naccyeah "new home server" doesn't actually describe anything23:11
yotuxnacc: sorry worried mostly about the kvm image hosting and running23:12
naccyotux: well, then you need new enough hardware to run kvm :)23:12
sarnoldi'm quite happy with my supermicro but i'm glad I don't have to live in the same room with it23:12
sarnoldi mean yeah you can hear it through the whole house23:13
sarnoldbut it's worse in that room :)23:13
yotuxnacc: correct I do,  my current box doesn't support it :(23:13
naccyotux: i mean, i think all modern intel and amd do now?23:13
yotuxdoes one handle the load better than the other?23:13
sarnoldxeons are king of the datacenter for a reason23:14
sarnoldbut maybe you don't need that23:14
sarnoldamd's rhyzons or whatefver they're called look alright but they feel limited in pcie lanes compared to the xeons23:15
tomreynand IF you need it, wait for naples and save a lot.23:15
ikoniayotux: what sort of load23:15
ikoniayotux: you could get a high end xeon - but then you'd end up with a monster power bill for example23:16
ikoniait's all about requirements23:16
sarnoldcncr04s: oh yeah I looked at those for a while; I efventually got suckered by the 'newer chips run faster on less power' hehe23:18

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