
arosalesdoes anyone know which protocol is used for  juju client <--> juju controller,  juju controller <--> MAAS API, and juju client <--> MAAS API01:47
arosaleslooking over https://github.com/juju/gomaasapi I am guessing https as that is the default for as the default01:57
rick_harosales: the juju client talks to the controller via the https websocket protocol https://godoc.org/github.com/juju/juju/api23:09
rick_harosales: the juju client only talks to the controller and the controller handles the communication with maas23:10
arosalesah ok, wanted to confirm https23:10
arosalesjuju to Mass is also https?23:11
rick_harosales: yes23:34

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