=== cnfer is now known as cnf | ||
godc | is there a way to configure juju to execute some script after provisioning a machine? | 12:18 |
marcoceppi | godc: there is a convention in charms that allows you to pre-exec before anything in the charm runs. What are you trying to achieve? | 13:24 |
bdx | what are the constituents for deploying Windows with Juju? | 13:31 |
bdx | like, can it be done on any cloud provider? | 13:33 |
bdx | or only maas | 13:33 |
godc | marcoceppi: currently the proxy settings are not written to /etc/environment and the snapd service fails to install the kubernetes components, as it cannot reach the external servers | 13:56 |
godc | right now i can work around that by executing a script with juju run that copies the proxy settings to /etc/env, but i have to execute it before each worker scaling, which can be a bit annoying (and error prone)) | 13:57 |
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