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kubuntu | hi | 05:03 |
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Jai2000 | hello | 05:03 |
Jai2000 | anyone there? | 05:04 |
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BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 12:50 |
quantock48 | Have just got a new laptop toshiba satellite c55-c-184. Have installed kubuntu 64 and it is working well except for a few small teething troubles. Can someone help with these? | 13:18 |
TBotNik | All: Got a few minutes this AM before getting to outside chores here at the farm on such a lovely AM here in Greenville, TX. Working on my ThunderBird email address ripping script. Having problems with an array assign. Write up at: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?p=5710031#post5710031. All help appreciated! Join me on the #bash channel for discussion on this . | 13:18 |
quantock48 | First thing is there is an icon on my panel (bottom of screen next to the kde start meny icon, when I click on it it tells me there is a malformed url, but I can't see a way to get rid of it. Any ideas? | 13:21 |
quantock48 | kubuntu version is 17.04 | 13:22 |
quantock48 | Have not tried this chat forum before! | 13:23 |
snoop | Hello all, i hope none of you got hit with the #ransomware | 13:29 |
BluesKaj | snoop, that's windows worm, which users should habe patched with windows update 2weeks ago | 13:30 |
snoop | yeah i know | 13:32 |
snoop | none of the people i know never update their machines | 13:32 |
BluesKaj | well, they should , apparently windows defender has to install the patch or the worm can get past it and scan their networks | 13:35 |
MrSassyPants | apturl -> ImportError: No module named 'PyQt4.QtWebKit' | 14:11 |
MrSassyPants | WHAT DO? | 14:11 |
clivejo | MrSassyPants: where are you getting that error? | 14:12 |
MrSassyPants | from entering apturl | 14:12 |
oerheks | PyQt5.QtWebKit is available, PyQt4.QtWebKit is not >> PyQt4.QtWebKit package got removed in Ubuntu 16.10, probably because both PyQt4 and QtWebKit are long unmaintained. | 14:12 |
MrSassyPants | (same with apturl-kde, I assume it's a symlink) | 14:12 |
MrSassyPants | yes, this problem was there before I upgraded to 17.04 | 14:13 |
MrSassyPants | I assumed 17.04 would fix it but it didn't | 14:13 |
MrSassyPants | so | 14:13 |
roy_ | is it possible that dolphin (KDE) crash/conflict with my router? | 14:13 |
roy_ | hi | 14:13 |
roy_ | while browsing smb/windows network | 14:15 |
MrSassyPants | roy, I'm assuming you don't have a domain server set up | 14:16 |
roy_ | i don't indeed | 14:16 |
MrSassyPants | because smb works like ass for me as well, but I remember from back in the days that smb always worked like ass if you didn't have a domain server | 14:16 |
MrSassyPants | and I mean: even windows-to-windows | 14:17 |
MrSassyPants | of course there may be an actual bug there, I'm just saying | 14:17 |
roy_ | well this never happens using "ubuntu file" but with dolphin i got many timeout errors | 14:19 |
MrSassyPants | does it sporadically work though? | 14:19 |
roy_ | yes rarely i would say | 14:20 |
MrSassyPants | well, I guess its about the same here then | 14:21 |
MrSassyPants | (not that I would be available for testing right now, I had a friend with a windows 10 laptop over a few weeks ago, that's where I noticed the problem) | 14:21 |
roy_ | ok and what workaroud do you use, or maybe you do not use samba at all? | 14:22 |
MrSassyPants | yeah just an external drive | 14:22 |
roy_ | well that shurely solves :) | 14:23 |
MrSassyPants | but you say "ubuntu file" actually can do it properly? | 14:23 |
MrSassyPants | because I was trying dolphin too | 14:23 |
MrSassyPants | and the kde smb integration | 14:23 |
roy_ | yes file has some hicups but it works mostly | 14:25 |
roy_ | i mean file in Ubuntu never tried in kubuntu | 14:25 |
roy_ | anyway in this days samba works pretty well windows to linux FYI | 14:27 |
roy_ | and shurely nautilus/file never crashed/locked the router | 14:29 |
MrSassyPants | locking the router, huh? | 14:30 |
roy_ | yep i could live with samba not working but not without network/internet | 14:31 |
roy_ | when i try to browse windows/samba folder with dolphin my router crash/my ISP loks me out and i must unplug the router | 14:34 |
roy_ | when i try to browse windows/samba folder with dolphin my router crash/my ISP loks me out and i must unplug the router | 14:41 |
MrSassyPants | it may be some virus/worm countermeasure | 14:46 |
MrSassyPants | the router identifies your samba as a worm | 14:46 |
MrSassyPants | and firewalls you | 14:46 |
MrSassyPants | that's almost certainly what's happening | 14:46 |
MrSassyPants | IIRC in 2002 there was a massive, apocalyptic worm epidemic that worked on windows xp SMB vulnerabilities, as a result of that, windows firewall and such was created | 14:49 |
MrSassyPants | and various consumer routers would aggressively shut down clients who tried to SMB connect to the internet | 14:50 |
MrSassyPants | I suppose that's whats happening | 14:50 |
roy_ | yes but i think it should happen also with ubuntu, that's not the case only kde/dolphin | 14:52 |
MrSassyPants | oh, no doubt that dolphin is doing something wrong when it triggers the router to kick in anti-worm-mode | 14:53 |
roy_ | it's a pity because kde is way better than Gnome etc.. but less reliable it seems | 14:54 |
roy_ | afk | 14:56 |
roy_ | thanks mr sassy got to go bye | 15:01 |
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konrados | Morning! Is the "~/.config/autostart" directory specific to KDE, Ubuntu, or is it a general linux concept? In this dir I have apps which autostart with the system. I can manage them for example with the system settings -> autostart | 16:01 |
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naruuu | Hi. When I try to add a google account in "Online Accounts" then I get the error "userActionFinished error: 2". Any help/fix? | 20:05 |
naruuu | Another problem is that the "Account Wizard" in kmail is not working. Is this known? | 20:09 |
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oerheks | naruuu, maybe you need to login via web, and into settings to accept kmail for access? | 20:23 |
majorana | Hi! I look for a solution to automatically mute the speakers (= set volume to zero) whenever the headphones are unplugged. How can I accomplish this under Kubuntu? | 20:30 |
majorana | * get unplugged | 20:31 |
naruuu | oerheks: Ok in kmail I've found out how the "Account Wizard" works. But IMHO confusing | 20:35 |
naruuu | But IMHO the implementation/dialog is confusing | 20:35 |
naruuu | oerheks: After first pressing Next button I see account information. Now confusing is that I have a button "Add account" and I can still press the Next button. But when I press Next I cannot get to the next page. I have to press "Add account". Why not disabling the button "Next"? | 20:40 |
valorie | that's good feedback, naruuu | 20:40 |
valorie | I suggest filing a bug on https://bugs.kde.org | 20:40 |
valorie | against kmail | 20:41 |
naruuu | Ok I'll do that | 20:41 |
naruuu | But what about the problem with the "Online Accounts"? | 20:41 |
naruuu | I remember in older versions of KDE this was working fine | 20:41 |
naruuu | But with the newer versions I always get an error | 20:41 |
naruuu | And I have a 3rd problem with kaddressbook. I've added a google account. Now I see some accounts several times (up to 6 times!) | 20:43 |
naruu | Hi. I'm currently facing a very annoying bug. When login - logout - login again then the kdewallet fails to open. It is asking for the password in an endless loop and always fails with error code -9. A known bug? Any solution? | 21:12 |
N0Lif3 | im on kubuntu 16.10. does 17.04 have a whole new version of KDE on it? | 21:37 |
N0Lif3 | I'm excited to see if they've addressed issues that I've silently had with KDE | 21:38 |
viewer|62386 | Hey guys and gals, does anyone know if SDDM executes scripts in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/ before login or after? | 21:41 |
valorie | naruu: sounds like a permission problem | 21:45 |
valorie | perhaps CHOWN your $HOME to make sure? | 21:46 |
valorie | !chown | 21:46 |
ubottu | An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions | 21:46 |
valorie | N0Lif3: 17.04 has newer versions | 21:46 |
valorie | 16.10 will soon go out of support | 21:46 |
valorie | it's worthwhile to upgrade | 21:47 |
naruu | valorie: This is a fresh installed kubuntu 17.04. Would be VERY strange if there are any permission problems | 21:51 |
naruu | valorie: The kdewallet works find at the first login. But after logout and login again kdewallet fails opening | 21:52 |
N0Lif3 | valorie: shouldn't there be a distro upgrade in Discover? I can't find it | 21:57 |
acheronuk | N0Lif3: the code in discover for that got ripped out by KDE. which got missed :/ | 22:06 |
N0Lif3 | kinda lame how I had to google the cheat code, so to speak, to upgrade. | 22:12 |
N0Lif3 | as if in a million years I'd ever be able to intuitively know to write " kdesudo "do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f DistUpgradeViewKDE" " in the console on my own | 22:12 |
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valorie | acheronuk: is there a bug filed in bko about Discover? | 23:35 |
valorie | sorry, I was afk | 23:35 |
acheronuk | valorie: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-discover/+bug/1682684 | 23:44 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1682684 in plasma-discover (Ubuntu) "Discover does not offer an upgrade to Zesty 17.04" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 23:44 |
valorie | right, but the devel may not look at LP | 23:44 |
valorie | and that's not a packaging bug, correct? | 23:45 |
acheronuk | valorie: for plasma 5.9: https://cgit.kde.org/discover.git/commit/?h=Plasma/5.9&id=e42560d53d8ebe3d5fa910129ee07ebc6483db64 | 23:47 |
acheronuk | code that check distribution upgrades via qapt, removed ^^^ | 23:47 |
valorie | well, you could link to just that in bko, and also link the LP bug <> | 23:50 |
valorie | so Aleix sees it | 23:50 |
valorie | oops, time for dinner with the kiddies | 23:51 |
acheronuk | I think depending on discover to offer distribution upgrades is a bad idea anyway | 23:51 |
acheronuk | we need a qt frontend to the main ubuntu one | 23:52 |
acheronuk | which lubuntu will also want if they go with lxqt | 23:52 |
acheronuk | so maybe build that together | 23:52 |
valorie | ooo, good idea | 23:54 |
acheronuk | I mentioned to Simon | 23:54 |
* valorie goes off to have dinner with the fam | 23:55 | |
acheronuk | valorie: or we get that functionality added into Muon | 23:55 |
acheronuk | *back into Muon | 23:55 |
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