
=== Anti-Pizza- is now known as Anti-Pizza
khan11 ihave a problems to lubuntu booting time10:20
khan11that have give lot of time for booting in dual boot system that have a update the lestest version 17.04 pleasethe help me to this problems10:24
=== alexg is now known as Guest17589
Guest17589hola como puedo restablecer mi panel de herramientas16:50
visit00005lubuntu.me dont tell me the minimum requeriments to install in my laptop17:50
MrSteinHi! How to boot the install medium to not go into gfx mode? My HW is incompatible. I can see grub and kernel boot messages, but then the screen goes black.21:57
MrSteinI'm interested in the "Try Lubuntu" option, just to get a shell.21:57

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