DarkPsydeLord | not supported | 00:01 |
DarkPsydeLord | 375 is the one tested on the latest ubuntu build | 00:01 |
Guest22639 | thanks, I pick it from software & updates - additional drivers | 00:02 |
DarkPsydeLord | really? | 00:02 |
DarkPsydeLord | after adding a repository? | 00:03 |
Guest22639 | repository was part of 17.04 install | 00:04 |
DarkPsydeLord | Guest22639, that actually sound like refresh rate or monitor not catching with higher fps | 00:04 |
Guest22639 | refresh rate is 60 hz | 00:06 |
DarkPsydeLord | uhm i dont have any additional nvidia driver yet i wonder if i have older card or just got dumped by nvidia | 00:07 |
Guest22639 | ppa.lauchpad.net/graphics-driver/ppa/ubuntu zesty main came with the basic install | 00:09 |
Guest22639 | graphic card is GTX1070 | 00:10 |
DarkPsydeLord | hm not in mine :( so im useless at this point | 00:14 |
Guest22639 | changed to 375 build, still monitor is wavy when scolling | 00:14 |
DarkPsydeLord | did you log out and in after that? | 00:15 |
Guest22639 | no, I still have the hexchat running. | 00:18 |
DarkPsydeLord | just finish the session using the log out function and come back in | 00:19 |
thomas_ | restarted, still have wavyness on monitor when scrolling text in web browser (firefox) | 00:24 |
DarkPsydeLord | uhm wonder if it is nvidia fault or something else | 00:25 |
DarkPsydeLord | does this happen in any other app? | 00:25 |
thomas_ | I will check | 00:27 |
thomas_ | same issue with pdf | 00:28 |
thomas_ | where can I check if NEC MultiSync LCD 2490WUXi is supported | 00:29 |
DarkPsydeLord | you sure your monitor can handle that refresh rate? cause mine cant catch up with it hahaha | 00:30 |
sameee | tremendous news, I just installed mate as my primary os | 03:59 |
sameee | that is all. | 03:59 |
jose__ | Guten morgen hier Jose | 05:12 |
jose__ | habe Ubuntu Mate | 05:13 |
jose__ | gute Software | 05:13 |
jose__ | habe leider ein Problem | 05:13 |
jose__ | wer kann vielleicht helfen | 05:13 |
prejith | Helo | 08:57 |
=== mihai is now known as Guest99483 | ||
holden | Hi | 16:54 |
=== holden is now known as Guest70010 | ||
mate|7612 | Ubuntu mate working in a pc wiht atamon | 16:56 |
mate|7612 | ? | 16:57 |
macjunkie | is ubuntu 17 not supported on raspi 3? don't see download links for anything other than 16 and i had tried uprading my raspi to 17 and doens't boot anymore | 19:28 |
sixwheeledbeast | macjunkie: only the LTS version is available for RPi | 19:33 |
macjunkie | yeah thats what i saw on the DL links wasn't sure if maybe page hadn't been updated yet or something | 19:34 |
macjunkie | was running 16.0.4 on my 3 and changed streams and got it up to 16.10 before trying to upgrade to 17 | 19:34 |
sixwheeledbeast | It's a different build because of the architecture, RPi's are ARM | 19:34 |
ali1234 | you should be able to do-release-upgrade on ubuntu mate | 19:37 |
ali1234 | no guarantee it actually works though | 19:37 |
ali1234 | also it will take ages and wear out your sd card | 19:37 |
sixwheeledbeast | You need to be running a working 16.04 LTS first abd there's no guarantee. I would stick with the LTS unless you need something. | 19:38 |
ali1234 | you can't upgrade directly from 16.04 to 17.04 you must go via 16.10 | 19:39 |
=== Kyros is now known as TheKyros | ||
=== TheKyros is now known as Kyros | ||
codymkw | How do I get VLC Media Player to show up here http://i.imgur.com/RWGpGy0.png | 23:22 |
codymkw | It use to be there but isn't now its installed on my system | 23:22 |
sixwheeledbeast | it should be listed in there | 23:42 |
codymkw | it isn't | 23:45 |
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