oerheks | Hi, we have an illegal bot in #ubuntu, fpbot | 13:01 |
ubottu | oerheks called the ops in #ubuntu (fpbot is messing up) | 13:04 |
ubottu | oerheks called the ops in #ubuntu (fpbot is still here) | 14:14 |
DJones | Bot removed | 14:16 |
elky | DJones: can you unban it and when it returns do !leave | 19:58 |
elky | i'm going to ask the owner who requested i there (i've dealt with them before, anyone can invite and ask it to leave) | 19:59 |
elky | oh, eric already did that | 19:59 |
elky | it it happens again, fpbot's owner is fr33domlover and they're very receptive to discussion about the bot | 20:08 |
elky | i personally would prefer he remove the "feature" that lets anyone drive it but as the nick suggests he finds that a bit too mean | 20:08 |
chatter29 | hey guys | 23:01 |
chatter29 | allah is doing | 23:01 |
chatter29 | sun is not doing allah is doing | 23:01 |
chatter29 | to accept Islam say that i bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad peace be upon him is his slave and messenger | 23:01 |
chatter29 | As-salāmu ʿalaykum (Arabic: السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ [asːaˈlaːmu ʕaˈlaikum]) is a greeting in Arabic that means "peace be upon you". The greeting is a standard salutation among Muslims and is routinely used whenever and wherever Muslims gather and interact, whether socially or within worship and other contexts. [1] The typical response to the greeti | 23:03 |
chatter29 | ng is waʿalaykumu s-salām (وَعَلَيْكُم السَّلَام [waʕaˈlaikumu sːaˈlaːm]; "and upon you, peace"). | 23:03 |
dax | he's been mixing it up a bit recently | 23:12 |
valorie | As-salāmu ʿalaykum on all non-troll people | 23:38 |
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