
ezethnesthrownI need help with a bash script here. https://paste.ubuntu.com/24564576/02:28
ezethnesthrownThank you in advance02:28
nsssI've given the fuck up on Docker.03:15
nsssfor now.03:15
nsssAnyone here know how to use LXC?03:16
jgensss: got a specific question? I've used the lightly in the past03:39
nsssjge: just any good reads03:43
=== vamiry_ is now known as vamiry
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
=== ogra is now known as ogra_
=== akaWolf1 is now known as akaWolf
=== ShaRose_ is now known as ShaRose
=== ryan_ is now known as rxc
tashis it possible to write a daemon that checks a file for # of ocurrences of a string, record the #, then check again in 5 minutes and count again to get the +/- in the last 5 minutes?20:04
Walextash: is that a real question?20:08
tashbased on that, let me do some research and read some docs =\20:12

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