brobostigon | morning boys and girls. | 08:36 |
popey | Morning | 10:48 |
brobostigon | morning | 10:51 |
diddledan | the libdems recon the tories cancelled the patching deal with MS for obsolete windows systems at the NHS a year ago | 16:01 |
diddledan | foobarry: ^ that | 16:02 |
diddledan | from corbyn: "I'm also very angry that in 2014, there was a one-year renewal of the protection system on the NHS systems which was not renewed after that and not renewed the year after that and so our systems are now not upgraded and not protected." | 16:07 |
penguin42 | diddledan: Not like that GCHQ new there was a critical hole in them all that needed fixing.... | 16:12 |
diddledan | no, it's not like Microsoft sent out an upgrade now message or anything | 16:13 |
MartijnVdS | they even have XP patches | 16:15 |
ali1234 | yeah they sent an "upgrade now" message in 2014 | 16:16 |
diddledan | there was another a couple weeks ago about this very hole, too | 16:22 |
ali1234 | a ouple of weeks ago? yeah that didn't apply to XP. no patch issued until today | 16:27 |
ali1234 | the only "upgrade now" message for those users was the one in 2014 | 16:27 |
ali1234 | today i figured out that my internet disconnects whenever i turn on on specific light | 19:11 |
ali1234 | its one of those corn cob LED bulbs | 19:12 |
penguin42 | impressive! | 19:12 |
ali1234 | its nowhere near the router either | 19:12 |
ali1234 | but my house does have a lot of phone extensions so that is probably picking it up | 19:13 |
ali1234 | it only causes a brief disconnect too | 19:13 |
ali1234 | interestingly there is a noticable delay between flipping the switch and the light actually turning on | 19:14 |
penguin42 | it's dhcping it's light obviously.... | 19:14 |
penguin42 | that must have a very screwy power converter in to do that | 19:15 |
ali1234 | it is a few years old | 19:16 |
ali1234 | i had one of these die already | 19:16 |
sebsebseb | hi | 20:15 |
sebsebseb | anyone else watching Eurovision song contest? I woudn't be suprised if UK is last on the chart this year, for political reasons, Brexit | 20:16 |
penguin42 | sebsebseb: I thought would be quite nice if we lined the final brexit date up with the 2019 eurovision | 20:17 |
=== zed__ is now known as Gring0 | ||
zmoylan-pi | i think that'll be the year every european country enters a song about some ancient war they had with the uk... :-P | 20:18 |
penguin42 | haha | 20:19 |
zmoylan-pi | there have been 1-2... | 20:19 |
sebsebseb | s | 21:01 |
daftykins | dee-da-dee | 21:17 |
diddledan | I like the yodellers | 21:24 |
sebsebseb | diddledan: your watching to then | 21:24 |
sebsebseb | eurovision ? | 21:25 |
diddledan | oh no, I just like yodellers and wanted to let everyone know | 21:25 |
sebsebseb | oh | 21:25 |
daftykins | i can actually watch some broadcast whilst i'm in the holiday pad! | 21:27 |
daftykins | i was checking out some NCIS on Channel 5 HD earlier, what a terrible series :D | 21:27 |
diddledan | sneaky | 21:27 |
diddledan | haha, I like Abby | 21:28 |
diddledan | Abbie? | 21:28 |
daftykins | goth-ish one? | 21:28 |
diddledan | Abbey? | 21:28 |
diddledan | yeah | 21:28 |
daftykins | i remember a mate telling me she's actually ancient but looks young | 21:28 |
diddledan | the actress is Pauley Parette | 21:29 |
diddledan | if you wanna google her | 21:30 |
daftykins | Paulie Parrot? | 21:30 |
diddledan | though that is illegal in some places | 21:30 |
diddledan | gotta love a good bum | 21:42 |
daftykins | | 21:48 |
daftykins | made another vid of my shower room works | 21:48 |
penguin42 | diddledan: She spits opinions pretty heavily people either like or hate her | 22:09 |
penguin42 | l | 22:11 |
diddledan | m | 22:11 |
daftykins | n | 22:13 |
diddledan | o | 22:13 |
daftykins | p | 22:28 |
sebsebseb | ok portugal won | 22:48 |
sebsebseb | and didnt know nhs had a cyber attack | 22:49 |
daftykins | yip, XP flaw taken advantage of | 22:49 |
sebsebseb | daftykins: yeah probably | 22:50 |
sebsebseb | they saying was a virus on bbc news | 22:50 |
penguin42 | daftykins: Good look when they go after the Intel MEI problems | 22:50 |
sebsebseb | and what os tends to get viruses | 22:50 |
MartijnVdS | penguin42: oh that'll be fun | 22:50 |
daftykins | well 'virus' is the wrong word | 22:51 |
penguin42 | it self-spread didn't it? | 22:51 |
daftykins | that's a worm | 22:51 |
daftykins | or have i got things backwards today :D | 22:51 |
daftykins | ah no it is a worm | 22:52 |
penguin42 | ah yes, it's not embedded in anything else | 22:52 |
sebsebseb | yeah bbc news just said was a worm | 22:53 |
sebsebseb | ramsonware even | 22:53 |
MartijnVdS | ransomworm | 22:53 |
sebsebseb | and that some nhs computers use old oses | 22:53 |
daftykins | did you not know that? :> | 22:53 |
sebsebseb | yep they should have at least upgraded to windows 7 a few years back really | 22:54 |
daftykins | well they're one of the biggest places that's tied to crappy old ActiveX plugin based stuff in IE on XP i think | 22:54 |
sebsebseb | daftykins: i know they have been paying millions to keep xp suported for longer | 22:54 |
daftykins | well did, amusingly they cut that off in 2015 i read today - in order to save money | 22:55 |
sebsebseb | oh? | 22:55 |
sebsebseb | link? | 22:55 |
daftykins | i read that earlier on my phone, so i've not got any way to share that - but i think it was on the register | 22:55 |
sebsebseb | if they had better it people would have switched to linux possibly instead, but the uk is behind and sucky for it | 22:56 |
sebsebseb | the germans may have swtchd to linux | 22:56 |
daftykins | nah y'see the software is their problem, they'd have to have so much redeveloped to switch OS - and you know what all modern IT projects are like :D | 22:57 |
daftykins | come in way late, over budget and non-functional | 22:57 |
sebsebseb | true | 22:57 |
sebsebseb | but maybe 7 with some kind of xp programs compatability? | 22:58 |
daftykins | that only ever worked through Virtual PC tech, so useless - wouldn't have changed the outcome there | 22:58 |
sebsebseb | well vms can be offline | 22:59 |
daftykins | i'd always heard that the software being tied to IE's ActiveX plugins means it's web based, so needs network connectivity to function | 23:00 |
daftykins | you have to bear in mind that if the answer was that simple then they'd have done it :> | 23:00 |
sebsebseb | well an intranet or something maybe instead of internet? | 23:00 |
daftykins | lol. | 23:01 |
daftykins | you really don't work in IT do you? ;) | 23:01 |
sebsebseb | daftykins: I know its not so simple some stuff | 23:01 |
sebsebseb | daftykins: but for certain things they will make excuses not to upgrade as well | 23:02 |
sebsebseb | or change software | 23:02 |
sebsebseb | in any organisaion | 23:02 |
daftykins | probably just comes down to money for the NHS | 23:02 |
sebsebseb | daftykins: remember Internet Explorer 6 being default for years, despite things like firefox being better | 23:02 |
sebsebseb | now some organisations or at elast librarires and such, provide browser choice | 23:03 |
penguin42 | it's not just NHS - a lot of orgs really dont like upgrading; I've heard of banks that run mainframe hardware that's so old it's out of maintenance and they were buying spares on ebay | 23:03 |
sebsebseb | penguin42: canonical know it to, so ubuntu 12.04 esm | 23:04 |
daftykins | esm? EOL you mean? | 23:05 |
sebsebseb | what did you miss that news? | 23:06 |
sebsebseb | extended support maintinance for paying customers | 23:06 |
sebsebseb | it will get updates for at least two more years | 23:06 |
daftykins | oh that, nah i just didn't recognise that acronym | 23:06 |
sebsebseb | for paying customers | 23:06 |
sebsebseb | eol for everyone else though yeah | 23:07 |
daftykins | as it should be :> | 23:07 |
sebsebseb | its similar to what Microsoft did with xp really | 23:07 |
sebsebseb | except i dont think these companies are paying millions to keep ubuntu updated for longer :d | 23:07 |
daftykins | sebsebseb: you're not teaching me anything i don't already know XD | 23:07 |
daftykins | you're the one that thought VMs can save the NHS XD | 23:07 |
sebsebseb | i didnt say that | 23:08 |
sebsebseb | i just said for some things could maybe be used | 23:08 |
sebsebseb | but i didnt say vms orignaly | 23:08 |
daftykins | it was roughly as bad a claim as that :> | 23:08 |
sebsebseb | just some way to get old software woring maybe... anyway | 23:08 |
sebsebseb | i think munich did the right kind of choice all those years back, although apprnatly they have gone windows now | 23:09 |
penguin42 | daftykins: Hmm well ... you could stuff XP inside a VM with a set of iptables rules that dropped the known bad SMB packets? | 23:09 |
daftykins | you'd do that at the network layer, there'd be no need for the virtualisation element | 23:10 |
daftykins | yeah i keep hearing Munich are planning on voting MS back in | 23:10 |
penguin42 | daftykins: yes I'd heard that as well | 23:10 |
daftykins | that'll be a big lose for the ol' Linux-in-business argument | 23:10 |
daftykins | *loss | 23:10 |
sebsebseb | yeaah | 23:10 |
penguin42 | daftykins: Do the switches normally have that level of filtering ability? | 23:10 |
daftykins | well in the case of the issue reported they spoke of disabling SMB v1, but i don't think XP even supported newer | 23:12 |
daftykins | think v2 came out with Vista | 23:12 |
penguin42 | I guess someone could suggest rolling out a lot of VDI type things to clean this mess up - move all the old desktops back into a VM host, old hardware stays where it is running a thin client | 23:14 |
daftykins | don't think that does anything to sort the problem, if they are married to XP due to old software still | 23:15 |
daftykins | wow Alien vs. Predator on Channel 4 HD | 23:16 |
sebsebseb | daftykins: why wow | 23:18 |
daftykins | mostly it's been over 10 years since i used any broadcast service with one of my own TVs, so it's weird messing with freeview :> | 23:19 |
daftykins | i'm living in a holiday apartment right now whilst my house is worked on for insurance reasons | 23:20 |
sebsebseb | oh ok | 23:20 |
daftykins | you can't even get ITV in HD on freeview over here 'cause they didn't want to pay to broadcast it on the islands XD | 23:22 |
sebsebseb | oh | 23:22 |
penguin42 | not that you're missing much | 23:24 |
daftykins | :D nah i can't say i'm going to race home once the work is complete and pay for a TV license, before sorting some kinda service | 23:25 |
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