
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 17.10 - i386 - i386 built.00:53
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 17.10 - amd64 - amd64 built.01:13
SpassI'm planning to move Xubuntu testing to my main machine and I want to set it up similar to what flocculant was talking yesterday what he has10:56
Spassthat way I'll be able to do exploratory testing more often10:57
SpassI have small questions regarding that, I have two drives in my machine 120GB for OS and 500GB for data, I want to install something stable on 120GB and use it as my main machine and I want to use some space from 500GB to create two partitions for Xubuntu daily installs10:59
Spassone with all PPAa enabled, and the other one "pure" daily10:59
Spassquestion 1) is it better to do testing on PPA enabled install with newest packages or on pure daily?11:00
Spass2) how much space I'll need for these installs? I'm thinking 40GB for pure and 60GB for PPA enabled with some more stuff11:02
Spass3) I assume when I'll install current AA daily I can just 'apt upgrade' it from time to time and I will be OK?11:03
flocculant1 - that's the one I run as my daily11:40
flocculant2 - if there's no data in the installs the answer is different :) my daily is probably too big - it has 17Gb of free space11:41
flocculantsimilar for my other artful install11:41
flocculant3 - yes 11:41
flocculantSpass: all my installs go on my 120Gb drive - the 2 artfuls and the 16.0411:43
flocculantas I said - probably all too big - and I have ~52Gb of free space there11:45
flocculantbut - all of my real data is elsewhere on 3 other drives11:45
Spassok, so I'll do something like - PPA 75GB, non-PPA 25GB, because I'll add some stuff on that bigger testing install, like Steam games, NVIDIA drivers from PPA etc.11:47
SpassI'll have a reason to boot to it from time to time, to do some gaming ;)11:47
Spassmy plan is to keep my main OS on 120GB completely separate, without any unstable packages and non-free software even11:48
flocculantyep - that all sounds sensible 11:50
Spassand I will install Xubuntu LTS on my laptop and occasionally do some Live Session testing from USB on it if needed11:50
Spassbut before that I'll finish testing daily packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/ on that laptop11:55
Spassok, so I guess that's a plan, yesterday's session was helpful, thanks11:57
flocculantthanks - makes it worthwhile for me :)11:59
bluesabremorning all13:39
bluesabreinteresting fact, video does not work in parole when running with CSD (probably because the X libraries were dropped with GTK3 in those areas)14:59
bluesabreand opengl seems to lock up intel graphics with a core 2 duo :D15:01
stevehopedoes 17.04 have https://bugzilla.xfce.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=13541%2C13562 ?15:55
SpassI have a problem with today's daily ISO, it won't boot, tried creating USB with gnome-disks and Etcher17:35
SpassI see Plymouth screen with logo and spinning circle, it takes a while, then > https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8qh4-wxxEZ7dGxtcmtVNEh6M0U17:36
SpassISO downloaded twice, using Firefox and zsync17:37
Spasshmm, it boots in VirtualBox17:52
Spasstried again, legacy and uefi boot, pc and laptop, no success18:13
flocculantyup - not just ours though - checked 2 others:)20:20

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