darkxst | true | 00:01 |
jbicha | maybe it should be moved to caribou-antler though because it doesn't seem very helpful | 00:18 |
nolsen | Um, how to diagnose why is some of my snaps having a black screen? | 00:26 |
nolsen | Example: https://cloud.nolsen.xyz/s/vBw7LAgByemYVVG | 00:28 |
jbicha | nolsen: you might get a better response in #ubuntu | 00:35 |
darkxst | jbicha, can you upload https://pastebin.com/3HmUWb72 gnome-todo seems to require MOTU currently | 07:43 |
jbicha | darkxst: sure | 11:47 |
jbicha | gnome-todo is a GNOME core app as of GNOME 3.26 | 11:48 |
darkxst | jbicha, yes though doesnt seem ready as of 3.24 | 11:48 |
darkxst | as in I don't think I would be shipping it as a default app in current state | 11:49 |
jbicha | yeah, there's other apps I'd rather see Ubuntu include by default this year | 11:51 |
darkxst | like? | 11:51 |
jbicha | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/GNOME/MIR_List | 11:51 |
jbicha | Documents is a bit odd so maybe not | 11:52 |
darkxst | erm that is full of no's | 11:52 |
darkxst | most of the gnome apps require tracker or they are useless | 11:52 |
jbicha | I'm still holding out hope on tracker :) | 11:53 |
darkxst | yet tracker is not in that list | 11:53 |
jbicha | the soure is already in main so it doesn't need a full MIR to promote some of its binary packages | 11:54 |
darkxst | I would expect resistance against the daemons though | 11:54 |
darkxst | anyway I had a somewhat productive weekend, though wondering if internet is a curse or a blessing | 11:55 |
darkxst | but meh, got a server running now, most of my build stack is back online | 11:57 |
darkxst | including jhbuild | 11:58 |
jbicha | darkxst: I don't know about LP: #1690609 for zesty, the new strings will break some translations | 12:02 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1690609 in gnome-user-docs (Ubuntu Zesty) "Update gnome-user-docs to 3.24.2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1690609 | 12:02 |
jbicha | but I intend to ask the GNOME docs team to have a docs string freeze | 12:07 |
darkxst | oh is gnome-user-docs in main ? didnt think it was but no harm done, havent upploaded SRU yet | 12:08 |
jbicha | it's not in main for zesty; but it would technically introduce a regression into a stable release to break translations | 12:10 |
jbicha | it also improves translations for some languages and fixes missing icons so it's an annoying decision for distros | 12:11 |
darkxst | how that (Sstring freeze) work exactly? are they meant to ask downstream for approval? | 12:15 |
jbicha | GNOME docs currently has no freeze at all | 12:17 |
darkxst | as per most of GNOME really | 12:17 |
darkxst | as in they don't consider downstream when breaking freeze | 12:18 |
jbicha | https://wiki.gnome.org/ThreePointTwentyfive | 12:18 |
darkxst | c'mon that is a soft freeze at best | 12:19 |
jbicha | it's probably about as soft as Ubuntu's freezes, in that after certain points you have to have other people sign off on those changes | 12:20 |
jbicha | https://wiki.gnome.org/ReleasePlanning/RequestingFreezeBreaks | 12:20 |
darkxst | oh and I get to tell my boss tomorrow that I plan to GUADEEC, that will be fun ;) | 12:21 |
darkxst | but the concept of freeze breaks is incredibly different between upstream and downstreams | 12:22 |
jbicha | ok, for GNOME 3.24, gnome-shell's weather feature (& redesign of the messages area) was late | 12:24 |
jbicha | while nice, it's also been buggy | 12:25 |
darkxst | yes, and that has in general happened most cycles | 12:25 |
darkxst | lates features that land after freeze | 12:25 |
jbicha | one reason they pushed the feature in was to make the Release Notes look better, for marketing | 12:25 |
darkxst | of course | 12:26 |
jbicha | anyway, it would be a lot worse if GNOME didn't have the freezes it does | 12:26 |
darkxst | yes | 12:28 |
darkxst | and it would be better if ubuntu shifts release schedule back a bit know they are back to GNOME | 12:28 |
darkxst | s/know/now/ | 12:28 |
jbicha | at least we're in the second half of the month now: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtfulAardvark/ReleaseSchedule | 12:29 |
jbicha | GNOME pushed their schedule forward a week and Ubuntu pushed theirs back a week so we have a full 2 weeks between GNOME Freeze and Ubuntu Feature Freeze now | 12:29 |
jbicha | so we can get the .1 release in without a problem | 12:30 |
jbicha | I hope Ubuntu never releases in the first half of October (or April) again | 12:31 |
darkxst | that is better | 12:31 |
jbicha | yes, it's a small thing that most people probably won't notice but it makes a pretty big difference :) | 12:32 |
darkxst | in a perfect world we would release with .2 | 12:33 |
darkxst | but that probably pushes it out too far | 12:33 |
darkxst | but generally speaking .1 is good enough for release | 12:34 |
jbicha | by shipping with .1, we can hopefully get some bugs reported in time for fixes in .2 before most of GNOME loses interest :/ | 12:36 |
darkxst | I think canonical will have to co-manage long-term releases for the LTS packages | 12:38 |
darkxst | its much easier doing it upstream | 12:39 |
jbicha | it's too bad Debian's schedule doesn't align with Ubuntu's | 12:42 |
darkxst | hmm wasnt that the whole point of ubuntu? a faster debian? | 12:43 |
jbicha | looking at the dates, it looks like it was also a reaction to the end of "Red Hat Linux" | 12:46 |
jbicha | but if Debian stable and Ubuntu LTS froze with the same GNOME version, it would be nice | 12:46 |
darkxst | let me extend that for you, and add RHEL into the mix | 12:47 |
jbicha | Mark said years ago that he'd be willing to shift Ubuntu's schedule a bit to get that grand alignment, but it might need to be all 3 | 12:48 |
jbicha | I don't know if that offer's still on the table, but the other 2 sides didn't seem to be that interested I guess | 12:49 |
darkxst | that would be good for everyone apart from redhat who invest huge amounts in the RHEL product | 12:51 |
darkxst | hey LinDol | 13:30 |
darkxst | long time no speak | 13:30 |
LinDol | darkxst, hi :) | 13:30 |
LinDol | haha | 13:30 |
darkxst | LinDol, I just got internet after 11months | 13:30 |
LinDol | oh why? | 13:31 |
LinDol | there was some problem? | 13:31 |
darkxst | random mountains in remote place | 13:31 |
darkxst | LinDol, you still doing transalations? | 13:31 |
LinDol | Yes :) | 13:32 |
darkxst | great! | 13:32 |
LinDol | but I was not able to translate on these days | 13:32 |
LinDol | because I was some busy | 13:32 |
LinDol | oh | 13:32 |
LinDol | but | 13:32 |
LinDol | our Ubuntu GNOME wiki is end of service right? | 13:32 |
darkxst | LinDol, because of mother day? | 13:33 |
LinDol | oh because of my job | 13:33 |
LinDol | I was hard working on these days | 13:33 |
LinDol | anyway | 13:33 |
LinDol | do you need to translate for? | 13:33 |
darkxst | LinDol, I need translate for I going to the UK in the middle of snow season and well bad luck] | 13:34 |
darkxst | not that my boss would understand your language | 13:35 |
LinDol | haha okay | 13:35 |
LinDol | could i ask to you why you go to UK? | 13:36 |
jbicha | https://2017.guadec.org/ | 13:36 |
darkxst | LinDol, yes ^ that | 13:37 |
LinDol | oh it is interesting :) | 13:38 |
darkxst | LinDol, a well earned break from work! | 13:38 |
darkxst | lol, that said lets see my bosses face in the morning when | 13:39 |
darkxst | I tell him I am going :P | 13:39 |
LinDol | haha | 13:41 |
LinDol | how long you will be staying in UK? | 13:42 |
darkxst | LinDol, a week or so | 13:48 |
LinDol | have a nice trip and study :) | 13:49 |
LinDol | anyway | 13:49 |
LinDol | if you need to learn or understand or translate to korean language | 13:49 |
LinDol | please let me know :) | 13:49 |
darkxst | LinDol, will do, keep up your good work with translations ;) | 13:49 |
LinDol | in the future :) | 13:49 |
LinDol | haha thank you :-) | 13:50 |
LinDol | oh by the way | 13:50 |
LinDol | i have a question. | 13:50 |
darkxst | sure ask ;) | 13:50 |
LinDol | about our Wiki(Ubuntu gnome wiki) | 13:50 |
LinDol | i have read ubuntu gnome's plan | 13:51 |
LinDol | so | 13:51 |
LinDol | our wiki will be ended? | 13:51 |
darkxst | LinDol, do you know more than us? | 13:51 |
LinDol | what does it mean? | 13:52 |
darkxst | I would expect that eventually Ubuntu GNOME wiki content will filter though | 13:52 |
darkxst | goodnight all | 13:54 |
LinDol | haha have a good night :) | 13:55 |
LinDol | see u :) | 13:55 |
tony1 | do you guys notice your syslog being spammed when using gnome-calendar? | 14:08 |
tony1 | org.gnome.Calendar[1579]: 09:50:51.0417 Gtk: #033[1;35mCRITICAL#033[0m: gtk_widget_get_realized: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed | 14:09 |
TheNumb | tony1: happens here too. | 14:09 |
tony1 | bummer, i dont see a fix for it. I tried to report it. we will see I guess | 14:10 |
tony1 | maybe a dbus issue? | 14:11 |
jbicha | tony1: where did you report it? | 14:15 |
tony1 | jbicha: in the irc channel | 14:18 |
tony1 | #gnome-calendar | 14:19 |
tony1 | irc.gnome.org | 14:20 |
jbicha | I also found https://bugzilla.gnome.org/782610 | 14:20 |
ubot5 | Gnome bug 782610 in General "Massive logging: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata()" [Normal,New] | 14:20 |
tony1 | bummer it is in 17.10 as well. although reported wrong | 15:00 |
tony1 | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/1685805 | 15:00 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1685805 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_get_realized: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 15:00 |
jbicha | that bug isn't useful at all | 15:07 |
TheNumb | just close it | 15:10 |
TheNumb | :^) | 15:10 |
jbicha | as long as no one touches it, it should automatically close in 49 days | 15:12 |
tony1 | well as long as others are aware of it maybe it will be fixed soon? | 15:16 |
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perry1 | Hello! | 16:15 |
perry1 | Just connected via Weechat on my brand new Ubuntu Gnome installation! | 16:16 |
perry1 | Oh, I just realized I should be on #ubuntu :p | 16:17 |
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bcx | Hi, seems that processes launched by keybindings (uses gnome-settings-daemon) do not get env variables set by xinit. Can someone confirm ? Know a wrokaround ? Thanks | 18:15 |
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tony1 | anyone notice nautilus-emblems does not work on a clean install with updates? | 23:46 |
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