elky | at least he's being educational now i guess | 00:07 |
=== Menzador is now known as Menzadr | ||
=== Menzadr is now known as Menzador | ||
DJones | elky: I've removed the +q, but what does !leave do? ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about leave | 13:59 |
DJones | elky: I've removed the +q, but what does !leave do? Tried it as a factoid with this response ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about leave | 13:59 |
DJones | And how would I use it? !leave | randomnick? | 14:01 |
DJones | An explanation of the command would be useful, rather than just remove the +b (that wasn't) and use !leave | 14:10 |
DJones | Appreciate there's a timezone difference + its the weekend, so no worries about replying | 14:12 |
Menzador | Preemptive: stdin in #u is being a rabble-rouser | 15:08 |
Menzador | thanks ikonia :) | 15:10 |
ikonia | he's being a problem intentionally | 15:10 |
ikonia | and shock horror - it's a bzshells advert | 15:10 |
Menzador | At this point nothing puzzles me anymore | 15:13 |
Unit193 | DJones: For when the bot comes back, not for ubottu. A ban might technically work, but seems it's on a dynamic IP so easier to just use the bot's command '!leave' to make it part the channel, thus removing it from the autojoin config. | 16:31 |
DJones | Unit193: So !leave | botname? | 16:32 |
DJones | Thats what wasn'texplained | 16:32 |
DJones | And which bot does that | 16:33 |
Unit193 | DJones: Nope, it's not a command for ubottu, but ubottu will respond. The command, as pasted, is '!leave' just that. | 16:33 |
DJones | Unit193: So how does it know who I'm refering to? | 16:33 |
Unit193 | '!' is also the command char for fpbot. | 16:34 |
DJones | ok, so that will only work with fpbot? | 16:35 |
Unit193 | Yes. | 16:35 |
DJones | And anybody can run that command? | 16:35 |
Unit193 | So it would seem. | 16:35 |
DJones | Great, explanations do help | 16:36 |
DJones | When you run any linux based system, people say don't run command you don't know what they do, being advised to run a command by a channel op without explanation isn't ideal | 16:37 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | Hello to all my old friends, I jumped to Mint when Ubuntu switched to Unity, Its nice to be back. | 18:31 |
=== bazhang__ is now known as bazhang |
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