
Bashing-omhfp: Show us what you see : ' sudo smartctl --all /dev/sda | pastebinit ' .00:01
hfpBashing-om: neat trick! paste.ubuntu.com/2457093000:03
Bashing-omhfp: Does not look good to me . But. let's await another informed opinion .00:07
hfpBashing-om: why not? bad sectors etc is at 0, what do you see that's bad?00:08
i336hi. I have installed all -dbg packages from https://launchpad.net/~canonical-chromium-builds. They work fine, but I am confused as to how to utilize their debugging information. The -dbg packages seem to contain a /usr/lib/debug directory, and inside there is a brand new /usr/lib tree.00:11
i336well, a new /usr/lib/chromium-browser tree. inside _that_ tree are a set of files that match what it is in /usr/lib/chromium-browser, but file says "interpreter *empty*" for all of them, and they do not run.00:12
i336I've done some digging around and apparently the two recognized debug mechanisms are the build-id approach and the gnu_debuglink approach.00:12
i336there *is* a .build-id/<hash> folder inside /usr/lib/debug/, but it only contains a single 64MB file./00:13
i336none of the ELF "binaries" in debug/chromium-browser contain gnu_debuglink sections.00:13
i336I know this is about chromium, but this is the launchpad package (and I'm not sure if official chromium has debug symbols) so I thought I'd ask her.e00:14
i336if anyone has suggestions as to other channels I can ask I'd be happy to hear that too.00:14
ubottuYou can get testing builds for Chromium at https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa00:15
i336Jack_Sparrow__: PSA, the bot should be updated. "PPA description: This PPA is dead."00:16
i336"Latest updates: chromium-browser" "266 weeks"00:16
Jack_Sparrow__I was just reading that, thamls00:19
i336all good00:19
Bashing-omhfp: I am looking at " Unexpect_Power_Loss_Ct  0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       808 && Runtime_Bad_Block       0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       261 " .00:19
Jack_Sparrow__I use chrome for hulu and netflix here00:20
i336Jack_Sparrow__: I see. fwiw, I'm scrambling around to keep up with where to find precompiled 32-bit copies of chromium for my old laptop. I've been using ppa.launchpad.net/saiarcot895/chromium-dev/ubuntu/ (there's also -beta) for a while, but this seems to be updated quite sporadically00:20
i336so I did some poking around and found ~canonical-chromium-builds00:21
Jack_Sparrow__32 bit is dead, hardware especially used is cheap00:21
i336I agree00:21
i336I have a couple flaky 64-bit machines here, but they have issues00:22
Jack_Sparrow__Try a bunch of live versions on them, ipv6 set to ignore, install with land line to your router for the install then go wireless00:23
hfpBashing-om: I see. The Runtime_Bad_Block is described as "The count of the number of times SATA interface selected lower signaling rate due to error." on this page: https://www.thomas-krenn.com/en/wiki/SMART_attributes_of_Intel_SSDs. I thought the really nasty stuff was Reallocated_Sector_Ct and that's 0 :s00:24
i336Jack_Sparrow__: oh you mean to see what ubuntu will do when asked to load debug info? interesting idea00:24
Jack_Sparrow__I use most versions of Ubuntu and Mint, mostly Mate00:25
Bashing-omhfp: True, I adhere to my former. let's await other's opinions here also .00:27
hfpBashing-om: Sure, thanks. I could get the machine going again by using a backup superblock as per https://askubuntu.com/questions/137655/boot-drops-to-a-initramfs-prompts-busybox#148820 although I'm still not sure why it happened in the first place. A failing SSD is a possibility but idk how to tell/00:28
Bashing-omhfp: That is also my supposition . Re-installing and getting read only file system, makes the drive suspect .00:31
qxtJust installed 16.04 LTS desktop. Wondering why firefox can not play HTML5 videos with x264?00:33
qxtUsing firefox to watch html5 videos I get a "unsupported stream"00:34
qxtofc YT works fine. It is when I watch videos from Plex00:35
Jack_Sparrow__restricted-extras ?00:35
qxtis that needed for x264?00:35
nolsenUm, how to diagnose why is my snaps showing a black screen?00:37
nolsenExample: https://cloud.nolsen.xyz/s/vBw7LAgByemYVVG00:37
Jack_Sparrow__Does any of his help.. https://sites.google.com/site/installationubuntu/home/ubuntu-14-04-lts/firefox-and-h-26400:37
i336okay, I had the paths wrong00:59
i336finally straced gdb00:59
i336it was looking in the wrong spot :P you need to configure the debug dir, and that debug dir needs to itself have a full path heirarchy to the binary.01:00
i336so eg if the binary is in ~, you need ~/aaa/bbb/debug/home/.../aaa/bbb/01:01
Jack_Sparrow__good to know tx01:01
MarkB3When I log in, I want a global environment variable set.  SWT_GTK3=0 .  I've put that into .bashrc, into .profile, into .bash_profile .. and it's not coming up when I start a terminal and $ echo $SWT_GTK3 .  All that comes back in an empty result.01:09
MarkB3A clue would be appreciated...01:10
Jack_Sparrow__would that go in grub where you have quiet splash ?01:13
MarkB3I .. do not know.  The system is set to automatically log me in... and I don't know the execution path from there.01:14
Jack_Sparrow__are you running elementary ?01:21
MarkB3Hmm.. I don't know what "elementary" means in this context.  The system is Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.  It boots.. then I bring up a Terminal.. type $echo $SWT_GTK3 and out pops a blank line.  So the various .startup files I've been editing haven't done the job.01:25
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MarkB3So now I'm trying to trace the execution path to see just where things are going when logging in.01:25
rhswhat event in hexchat->sounds is the one when my nick appears ?01:26
scythefwdanyone done much with setting gradients in conky for cpu load?01:26
scythefwdwanna have it shift from green to red as my total cpu usage gets higher01:27
pynki:/ sry01:28
pynkiMarkB3, you want that set all the time when you login? Not just in the terminal you open. right?01:29
MarkB3pynki: Yes.  It turns out Eclipse, if it "sees" gtk3 in the system, wants to use it.   On this computer, though, it's terribly slow.01:30
MarkB3A workaround is to put SWT_GTK3 into the environment.. and Eclipse falls back to the faster (if dated) interface.01:30
Jack_Sparrow__!fglrx | Jack_Sparrow__01:30
ubottuJack_Sparrow__, please see my private message01:30
MarkB3Why do I want it in my global environment?01:31
MarkB3Because I'm starting Eclipse from a desktop icon, not a command line.01:31
pynkiMarkB3, what i would do is: create a script, export the $VAR you need and then let it start eclipse01:32
pynkior use the eclipse.ini for that01:33
MarkB3I did try that.  When I mark the script as executable and put it in ~/Desktop, left-clicking on it brings up an editor.01:33
MarkB3Putting it in eclipse.ini is ..too late.. in the startup for eclipse.  Apparently the decision is made much earlier.01:33
MarkB3Well, "much" is a relative term.  It's made earlier.01:34
MarkB3As best I can tell.. when I log in, bash starts up... it's not clear at that point if it's an interactive shell.  But the start-up eventually produces a GUI desktop.. which means "startx" must be running from somewhere.01:35
pynkiMarkB3, and then x is started, and 2134346 other things init and one will set SWT_GTK3=1 i assume, or more than one.01:36
pynkiyou do not want to set that globally01:36
pynkiif you need it only for eclipse01:37
MarkB3... if I don't set it globally then I'll have to write something (yes, I can do it) that sets the environment variable then invokes the script that runs from /usr/bin/eclipse .01:37
MarkB3I don't think the .desktop files allow setting a variable before launching an application.01:38
pynki#!/bin/bash export SWT_GTK3=0 /usr/bin/eclipse & exit 001:39
pynkievery second [space] is a linebreak01:39
pynki...or not :P01:39
MarkB3And I just got another surprise...01:39
pynkijust place line breaks at the desired places01:39
pynkihttps://askubuntu.com/questions/80013/how-to-pin-eclipse-to-the-unity-launcher/53061#53061 here the answer on how to make that script available to the launcher bar01:41
MarkB3Hmm.. might have found the solution.. checking.01:44
MarkB3be right back..01:45
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skinuxIs there a special way Ubuntu has to be burned to DVD to install?01:52
blunderfulThe open source radeon driver doesn't seem to work with my GPU from 2008 or so.01:55
blunderfuleven though it says it's officially supported by Ubuntu's Radeon Driver...any ideas why?01:56
MarkB2pynki: I forgot to put "export" in front of SWT_GTK3=0.   in .profile there is now   export SWT_GTK3=0   and eclipse sped up nicely.01:57
pynki MarkB2, well, well, well02:00
MarkB2nothing succeeds like success.02:01
MarkB2(my work boss keeps saying that...)02:01
pynkiexcept cats02:02
mguyblunderful: what GPU do yo you hav02:05
blunderfulMobility Radeon HD 467002:05
mguyblunderful: what is actually not working02:15
mguyblunderful: You used to have to use the legacy drivers for that card02:15
blunderfulIt shows four blurry screens on my only monitor.02:15
blunderfulWith each having some part cut off02:16
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=== Menzadr is now known as Menzador
ShaanHi, Has anyone got any experience doing Full Disk Encryption, on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS?02:29
ShaanWhat software if any exists that works similar to truecrypt except on Ubuntu?, offering full disk encryption including /boot and pre-boot authentication?02:30
pynkiShaan, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FullDiskEncryptionHowto have a  look at this02:31
Shaanpynki: that only uses dm_crypt or cryptoloop the latter has security issues.02:32
Shaanand dm_crypt wont do what I need.02:33
pynkiit gives you the base layer i think and then you add your own /bbot encryption on top of that.02:33
Shaanpynki: it's rather confusing.02:34
Mathisenluks ?02:35
pynkiShaan, http://www.pavelkogan.com/2014/05/23/luks-full-disk-encryption/ this could be used to get an idea on hwo to do it02:38
juanonymousgreets, just wanted to ask why my audio is not working. i don't think that this is a driver issue though since i can detect it.02:39
Bashing-om!sound | juanonymous02:39
ubottujuanonymous: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.02:39
juanonymousmy sound is ok, it is just that the one i am playing has no audio in it.02:45
juanonymoussorry, but thanks for the help Bashing-om02:46
Bashing-omjuanonymous: :) all's well that is well .02:47
pynkiShaan, https://github.com/rdkr/lvm-on-luks02:50
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pynkiShaan, https://www.summet.com/blog/2016/11/26/installing-an-encrypted-partition-with-lvm-dual-boot-on-ubuntu-16-04/ seems not that uncommon to do it  - even some consider it totally useless - and the guides are easily found on google :P02:54
UmeaboySomehow Unity is set to another resolution that what's chosen in 17.04.02:56
pynkiyou haev a screenshot of that Umeaboy ?02:57
Umeaboypynki: Hold on......02:58
Umeaboypynki: http://imgur.com/a/oybq402:59
UmeaboyChanging it to 1920x1080 makes it even worse.02:59
UmeaboyThat's the optimal screen resolution for me.02:59
UmeaboyAny tips?03:01
UmeaboyIt was working fine in 16.04 and 16.10.03:01
pynkiUmeaboy, n9oBZhQ.jpg (JPEG Image, 3840 × 2160 pixels)03:02
pynkithe resolution is fine03:03
Umeaboypynki: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuhm........ WHUUUUUUUUUT? I'm not using Hexchat atm so I guess I can't see any links.03:03
UmeaboyDon't you see that it's set to a smaller resolution?03:03
pynkino links, but your screenshot has the desired resolution of 3840x216003:04
UmeaboyIt makes the window for Skype not looking OK.03:04
UmeaboySkype looks to have a different resolution than what's set in the settings.03:04
pynkii am not sure what you mean by that! the video resolution is bad? the skype window has "lange pixels"?03:06
UmeaboyLet me show you....... Hold on....03:07
pynkii can see the skype online-logo in the top right is a bit blurry - i assume its not made for such a big resolution and they just stretch the pixels03:07
Umeaboypynki: http://imgur.com/a/RMEwe03:09
UmeaboyNO, I'm not using Backports medias.03:09
pynkito me that skype login screen looks totally fine03:12
pynkiit has a fixed size i think and thats why its small03:12
UmeaboyI guess I should take it with the people at #xorg03:12
UmeaboyOr #wayland03:13
UmeaboyAnd where do I change that?03:13
pynkiUmeaboy, it looks like this after login? http://core0.staticworld.net/images/article/2015/04/skype-interface-100580047-orig.png03:19
skinuxis there a special way I have to burn the DVD installation ISO?03:22
pynkihttps://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/burn-a-dvd-on-ubuntu skinux03:24
Umeaboypynki: Yes.03:25
skinuxOh, wait no, I need to burn it with Windows 1003:25
Umeaboyskinux: Use unetbootin. :)03:25
UmeaboyOr win32diskimager03:26
pynkiUmeaboy, seems to be a known issue. couldn't find anything about on how to fix it. this article has some general hints on how to make big resolutions look better - but skype seems to be an issue http://www.pcworld.com/article/2911509/how-to-make-linuxs-desktop-look-good-on-high-resolution-displays.html. this thread has some chatter about problems on widows with skype and high resolution screens https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=472175103:27
hfpHmmm so it seems that Ubuntu 17.04 + full disk encryption + homedir encryption = superblock I/O errors... Not sure why though, but I can reproduce consistently on a newly installed 17.0403:27
skinuxUmm, that appears to be for creating a bootable USB, not DVD disc.03:30
pynkihttps://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/burn-a-dvd-on-windows skinux03:31
pynkione of the shortest tutorials i have ever seen! and in addition: top result on google for the search term " ubuntu burn dvd windows" :P03:32
skinuxOkay, well, that's what I did already except I didn't verify the disc.03:33
pynkiyou made sure the image is downloaded coresct?03:33
pynkiskinux, i assume you have problems booting the dvd?03:34
skinuxYeah, it just goes right into booting Windows03:35
Umeaboyskinux: Disable fast boot.03:35
skinuxI didn't see fast boot in BIOS03:36
pynkiits a windows feature and shouldn't mess up your boot priorities i think03:36
pynkias long as you choose the right device to boot in the bios03:36
skinuxOh, how do I disable it?03:36
Umeaboyskinux: It should be in the Power management settings.03:37
Latrinagood evening everybody03:37
LatrinaI have a glitch with gnome-shell 3.18.5 and application switcher focusing on a tab http://i.imgur.com/i2oYDqC.png03:37
Latrinaapparently this happened after reinstalling ubuntu-desktop on 16.04. Any ideas? I created a new test account and all is good. I seem to have the issue only with my own account03:38
pynkicontrolpanel - hardware adn sound - power options - system settings skinux. but it should not change anything about booting another device03:38
skinuxI don't see any settings related to fast boot, just about when to turn off the screen.03:41
pynkiskinux, https://imgur.com/a/jAtDE03:42
pynkiskinux, i do not think that turning that off will help in any way. that needs the hdd already choosen for boot. but you want the dvd drive to boot - oi think you choose that in the bios or the "quyick choose device to boot" option of your machine, right?03:43
skinuxI have DVD as top boot priority, but it's ignored. I haven't found a way to access a menu to specify DVD to boot.03:45
pynkiF2/F12 ?03:45
pynkiLatrina, copying the settings for gnome-shell/ switcher from the new account that works?03:47
skinuxF10 goes into BIOS setup, haven't tried F1203:47
pynkii cannot help with the problem itself Latrina03:47
Latrinapynki, haven't tried that yet. What file exactly do I need to copy over?03:47
Latrinaalso will that copy my gnome shell extensions?03:48
pynkiLatrina, i do not know. :/03:48
LatrinaI will investigate. Thanks03:48
pynkiLatrina, its a program specific problem - you might wait days until someone here come up with that specific knowledge i think. Getting a clean config that is proven to work is just the first thing i would do to fix the problem without having the trouble of researching the particular problem03:49
Latrinapynki, fair enough, though I spent way too long achieving this sane (for me at least) setup.03:51
LatrinaI will keep that in mind ..03:51
michagogoI see the +1 channel says 17.10 is called Artful Aardvark - when was that announced? IIRC names are usually announced on Mark Shuttleworth's blog, but I don't see anything there.03:51
pynkimichagogo, you see a zesty anouncment there?03:53
pynkiohh now i see it :D03:53
pynkimichagogo, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_version_history#Ubuntu_17.10_.28Artful_Aardvark.2903:56
michagogoIs that an official announcement/decision, or is it just a placeholder by the archive admins because they needed to be able to open it for development? Is it possible to change?04:00
vahehi all , not working wifi. can you help me ?04:32
vaheno listing for wlan004:32
EriC^^vahe: try rfkill list04:32
vaheEriC^^: not showing list04:33
EriC^^vahe: try dmesg | grep wlan004:34
EriC^^is it usb wifi card?04:34
vaheand exactly the same is not showing04:34
vahethis minipc I don't even know what is there04:35
EriC^^vahe: try lspci | grep -i wireless04:35
EriC^^vahe: try lspci | grep -Ei "wireless|network"04:36
vahethe strange thing is that wifi only works on ubuntu14.1 unity ))) not working no more any other04:36
adammw111hi all, tried on both 16.04 and 17.10 gnome builds, having trouble adding google to gnome online accounts04:38
adammw111any ideas where I can start to debug?04:38
vaheEriC^^: both teams are similarly not showing , just go down one row04:38
vaheEriC^^: nothing showed04:39
vaheEriC^^: the feeling that wlan0 disappeared :)04:40
dave0x6dWhy is snapd taking so much memory? https://i.imgur.com/EhOtmI9.png04:47
maxagazI've got a PC/SmartTV Malata, I can't install ubuntu on it, the BIOS InsydeH20 is *very* simple but I can still set the boot priority, however, it always boot on Windows and not the USB stick installed with UnetBootin04:48
maxagazis there something I can still do to install ubuntu on it ?04:49
EriC^^vahe: try grep -Ei "wifi|wireless|wlan" /var/log/kern.log04:49
maxagazMy computer is a Malata IPTV-C001 (Type 2 - Board Serial Number), version ICT-M20.01.0204:53
vaheEriC^^: https://lut.im/uXl1DcgZ9Y/nqVWpvUPHrvFiKoN.jpg04:54
vaheI can't show you differently as there is no connection )04:55
EriC^^vahe: ubuntu 16.04?04:57
vahenow yes04:57
EriC^^is there anything in bios about the wifi? did you reset the bios recently?04:58
EriC^^it should mention it for me it says May  7 10:27:02 e kernel: [   14.549154] wlan0: Broadcom BCM4365 802.11 Hybrid Wireless Controller (r587334)04:58
vaheEriC^^: no, I did nothing04:58
EriC^^it's like not even seeing it at all, hmm04:58
vahethis is a very strange device))04:59
EriC^^vahe: check the bios05:00
EriC^^if there's a wireless, try to disable it, save, exit, then enter and enable it again and save05:00
vaheEriC^^: MeLE PCG02U05:00
LankanGuyHi all, Im try to create a vpn kill switch, stop traffic when vpn is down, only way to do that by getting the vpn ip address via  route -n, is there is a another way to get this ip so I can use it on iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 ! -d $IP -j DROP05:01
EriC^^vahe: try sudo lshw -C network05:02
KyrosLankanGuy: yeah id like to know how to do that also05:03
vaheEriC^^: https://lut.im/hO9140pHns/qIB8Uk4awSUkR6K3.jpg bios :)05:04
EriC^^vahe: try advanced and chipset05:05
vaheEriC^^: https://lut.im/WyrsTH53za/plcflpIhWS1w7e1H.jpg05:07
EriC^^anything in advanced or chipset in the biod?05:07
vaheEriC^^: 1. https://lut.im/YCZ4vyOpgU/TqFgn3xkfODGWj5N.jpg05:09
KyrosLankanGuy: some quick goolge searches suggests to me his isnt an easy problem to solve05:09
vaheEriC^^: https://lut.im/6sYrW172Tf/HjwkgHzFmXer8nh1.jpg05:09
LankanGuyKyros, i used to use  $(wget -q -O - http://ipecho.net/plain) to get the ip then block it, somehow i cant do that anymore, look like I need to get the ip from route -n.05:10
EriC^^vahe: search for wireless in them05:11
Zman__Has anyone figured out how to fix the bug where your mouse disappears after suspend?05:14
tgm4883Zman__: you'd need to link to a bug report05:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1568604 in xserver-xorg-video-intel-lts-xenial (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1573454 Mouse cursor lost when unlocking with Intel graphics" [High,Confirmed]05:15
Zman__But I have Nivida05:16
tgm4883Zman__: if you have nvidia, did you file a bug report?05:18
tgm4883because that one is already fixed05:18
Zman__There is already a bug for nivida I have been following the one I posted because that is what everyone has been posting to05:19
vaheEriC^^: no mention about the wireless or wifi05:20
vahenothing :(05:20
Zman__whats the fix because it is not in the thread I posted05:21
tgm4883Zman__: the thread you posted is marked a duplicate of this bug05:22
tgm4883!bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/156860405:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1568604 in xserver-xorg-video-intel-lts-xenial (Ubuntu) "Mouse cursor lost when unlocking with Intel graphics" [High,Confirmed]05:22
TiMiDoHey I have a question. I just install Ubuntu. I'm trying to setup wordpress, I see it already in /var/www but when I click localhost/wordpress/ it says this Not Found05:23
TiMiDoThe requested URL /wordpress was not found on this server.05:23
LankanGuyhey if app required ubuntu 12.04 or grater , can run in raspbian?05:25
daxTiMiDo: the document root for Ubuntu these days is /var/www/html, not /var/www05:28
daxLankanGuy: ask raspbian05:28
daxTiMiDo: if you want to put stuff in /var/www/wordpress, you'd need to edit your Apache config to point it over there05:28
Zman__Dont see the fix for Nivida just intel bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/157345405:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1568604 in xserver-xorg-video-intel-lts-xenial (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1573454 Mouse cursor lost when unlocking with Intel graphics" [High,Confirmed]05:29
dax(or if you're using the wordpress package in Ubuntu (which I wouldn't recommend), you might need to enable some config and it'll do it for you. I'm not sure)05:29
LankanGuy@dax, thanks I did i think all chat in a nap :)05:29
TiMiDodax, how?05:30
TiMiDoHow Do I enable it dax?05:30
daxTiMiDo: how did you get wordpress? from their website or from its package in Ubuntu's repos?05:30
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TiMiDoapache2_invoke: Enable module php505:31
TiMiDo * Restarting web server apache2                                                AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message05:31
TiMiDopackage dax05:31
TiMiDoI have to enable PHP05:31
daxI have no idea how the Ubuntu package works, unfortunately. I'm not a fan of webapp repository packages.05:31
TiMiDois the same thing05:31
TiMiDobut anyways05:31
TiMiDoWhat do I need. to view php on my serveR?05:32
LankanGuyHi, when I use "route -n",05:32
LankanGuy46.166.186.216 UGH   0      0        0 eth005:32
LankanGuywhere does that IP at?05:32
TiMiDoLankanGuy, man route05:33
LankanGuy46.166.186.216 , is there is a way to grap that ip05:33
TiMiDodefine grap LankanGuy05:33
=== TiMiDo is now known as Aaron
LankanGuybut there is two entries in that table, one is
LankanGuyhi,  route -n | grep 'UGH[ \t]' | awk '{print $1}', i get two items, how do i pick the second item05:44
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
hefydnawrHi. I'm trying to find something like, a very simple slideshow creator, or... some type of flashcard software that can flip through cards by a set time. Basically I am looking for software that will allow me to enter words/sentences and flip through them automatically06:01
hefydnawrIdeally something I could resize, put in a corner and + always on top. I've been looking through slideshow options and most seem too heavy for what Im looking for06:01
elkyGuest80769: what?06:17
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
lapionin ubuntu 16.04 when I set my ethernet network for ipv4 dhcp and mandatory the whole ethernet config through nm-applet gets disabled if I have a provider that provides ipv4 as well as ipv606:19
LankanGuyhi,  route -n | grep 'UGH[ \t]' | awk '{print $1}', i get two items, how do i pick the second item?06:34
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ducasseLankanGuy: tail -1 for example06:46
LankanGuyyay thanks :)06:48
Komputerfreakhow can i sing karaoke at midnight and automatically blast it to the neighbours at 4 am?06:59
pynkitry: #ubuntu-offtopic07:00
Komputerfreakhow can i record sound at one time and play it later?07:03
pynkiKomputerfreak, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AudioCapture07:04
=== sein is now known as Guest34291
abhijitwhich is good cross device + open sourec password manager?07:39
abhijitcross device07:40
pynkidon't know what your target hardware is...but...07:41
A1Reconpynki, is keepass under active development? and support browser integration?07:41
pynkiversion 2.35 was released this year07:42
pynkiits under active development - yes07:42
pynkiwhat you mean with browser integration?07:42
pynkithings like auto fill in passwords etc?07:42
pynkinever used that feature - seems to be there, but no idea if it works07:43
abhijitwhere is its github?07:43
ducasseyou need the keepasshttp plugin iirc07:43
ducasseA1Recon: ^^07:44
pynkiplugins: here07:44
A1Reconabhijit, you want keepassxc's github?07:44
pynkiabhijit, sourcecode here https://sourceforge.net/projects/keepass/files/KeePass%202.x/2.35/KeePass-2.35-Source.zip/download07:45
abhijitanyone used this? http://rampantlogic.com/entropass/07:46
abhijitwhen they save master pass in browser, cant that be read by other sites / browser plugins?07:46
abhijitA1Recon: yes07:46
abhijitpynki: thanks07:46
A1Reconabhijit, https://keepassxc.org/ and this is the issue i was talking about https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/issues/40007:47
pynkiabhijit, "Impossible to brute force: the private key is like adding 80 extra characters to your password "07:48
abhijityes, but its stored in browser.07:48
pynkiimpossible is one of these phrases i used to get suspicious what that thing is about...07:48
abhijitany other browser plugin can read it?07:48
A1Reconjust use keepassxc or keepass abhijit07:49
pynkii do not think this is abrowser plugin07:49
pynkithey claim i do not need to sync things... that means it must be somehow on a cetral server07:50
LupusGood morning!07:53
banyantreeHi Guys, can somebody please help me to repair my ubuntu? Grub doesn't show any ubuntu.07:59
banyantreeis it possible to reinstall just the kernel?07:59
Komputerfreakyou probably need to refresh the bootloader08:00
Komputerfreakbut it depends on your installation08:00
Komputerfreakfor example, updating the bootloader can destroy the passphrase of encrypted partitions if not done carefully08:00
banyantreeKomputerfreak: yesterday i tried to install steam. I didnt read the output =( ive also installed luks08:01
banyantreeKomputerfreak: is there a tutorial or something?08:01
banyantreeKomputerfreak: at the moment i booted up the system with an usb install stick08:02
Komputerfreakprobably but it has to be done really carefully with luks, from what i remember from reading the forums08:02
Komputerfreaki never tried it myself though08:02
Komputerfreakso maybe it is better to wait for someone with more experience08:03
banyantreeok thanks08:03
Komputerfreakthe problem is that the passphrase is writen in a section of the disk grubs likes to overwrite with the standard parameters - or at least this was a bug some time ago08:06
Komputerfreak*the key you access with the passphrase08:06
Komputerfreakah, so you still can access the system? that is good.08:18
Komputerfreakrelated t the usb stick08:18
lkhmy wlan connection keeps dropping at random intervals. Syslog shows CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED with reason=4. What does that mean?08:22
kovaHello, I've been having problems with organizing gcc-6 and libc-6 on my Lubuntu distro, so I was wondering what I could do to revert to a minimal good configuration08:28
kovaBear with me, my situation is probably difficult to describe accurately08:28
kovaIt started with me wanting to install gcc-6.3 on my x86-64 system, so I naturally had to install libc608:31
ledenilkh, CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED with reason=4 should mean the router disconnects due to inactivity.Maybe have a look in your router config for keep-alive options.08:33
kovaExcept that there's libc6:i386, libc6-i386, libc6-amd64:i386, libc6-x32 and all the -dev versions08:33
=== luke is now known as Guest70320
lkhledeni, trouble is, network-manager doesn't reconnect automatically, but asks for password every time - super annoying...08:35
kovaLong story short, now there a few applications which, when I compile and run them, abort with a `double free or corruption` error, and I suspect it's due to the libc on my system08:35
kovaIf anyone were willing to sit with me or indicate a resource I could go to, I would be very much obliged08:36
ledenilkh, witch router you have08:36
Guest70320Why aren't very old packages in the Software Centre, which haven't seen development in years, not removed?  On Fedora at least you could trust that an app you download from the Software Centre would actually run, not so much in ubuntu08:36
MonkeyDustGuest70320  'why' questions are more for #ubuntu-offtopic08:36
lkhledeni: vodafone easybox 904dsl08:37
lkhledeni: we don't have this problem at all with two iphones, an android phone and an acer chromebook. these devices dont disconnect, or reconnect automatically without notice...08:39
YankDownUnderlkh, If you set the connection up for using a static IP, does it do the same?08:43
kovaIf it helps anyone, one of my basic questions is: what's the difference between libc6:i386 and libc6-i386?08:44
=== masos is now known as Guest17262
MonkeyDustkova  is this useful http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37313639/whats-the-difference-between-libc6i386-and-libc6-i38608:46
kovaMonkeyDust don't know how I didn't find that one, but thanks a lot08:46
lkhwlan dropped again ... any idea how to approach this problem?08:47
ledenilkh, did you look in network manager for option automatically connection08:48
YankDownUnderlkh, I had asked - before you dropped out - if you had tried doing a "static IP" connection as opposed to a DHCP connection...to see if that did anything...08:48
xormorhow come my Ubuntu just crashed? 17.04.08:49
xormorthe keyboard and the mouse did not answer.08:49
lkhledeni: yes NM is set to reconnect automatically, I never changed that setting.08:50
lkhYankDownUnder: no, haven't tried that, I will now.08:51
YankDownUnderlkh, What version of Ubuntu are you using?08:51
lkhYankDownUnder: ubuntu gnome 17.0408:52
kovaMonkeyDust: ok, the main problem I have is that trying to install libc6-dev-amd64:i386 ends in:08:53
kova`dpkg: error processing archive /tmp/apt-dpkg-install-hy6mFr/11-libc6-dev-amd64_2.24-9ubuntu2_i386.deb (--unpack):08:53
kova trying to overwrite '/usr/include/bits', which is also in package libc6-dev-i386 2.24-9ubuntu2`08:53
YankDownUnderlkh, Let's see how you go with merely setting a static IP...if that fails, there's something else to try, hmm...08:53
=== akira is now known as Guest28816
geniiOdd package location there, not in /var/cache/apt/archives08:54
geniikova: sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /tmp/apt-dpkg-install-hy6mFr/11-libc6-dev-amd64_2.24-9ubuntu2_i386.deb08:58
kovagenii sorry - I uninstalled libc6-dev-x32 which was listed as broken, and now the conflict is gone...08:59
lkh_YankDownUnder: back with stativ IP now. I'll see how it works ...09:00
YankDownUnderlkh_, Patience...09:01
maxagazI've just installed ubuntu with PXE, following the tutorial here : http://ruby-journal.com/install-ubuntu-with-pxe-via-osx/ But I now have Ubuntu 12.04 !09:01
maxagazhow to update PXE settings, or tell it to use an iso on my computer ?09:02
bekksmaxagaz: Dont use precise then, which is 12.04.09:02
bekks!16.04 | maxagaz09:02
ubottumaxagaz: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) is the current LTS release of Ubuntu. Download at http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Read the release notes at http://ubottu.com/y/xenial09:02
faugusztinmaxagaz: because at first step you downloaded precise netboot ?09:02
bekksmaxagaz: USe xenial instead.09:02
lkh_YankDownUnder: now - as I wait patiently - what else would you try if it doen't help?09:03
faugusztinmaxagaz: note how url says precise http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/09:03
faugusztinmaxagaz: same for xenial is http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/09:03
kovagenii now the error reappeared trying to install libc6-dev-amd64:i386 without libc6-dev-x32 installed09:04
maxagazindeed, I didn't pay attention to "precise" in the url09:04
kovagenii my bad, guess it was just a coincidence09:04
maxagazbekks, faugusztin : thanks !09:04
kovagenii I had to close synaptic to run the command, and running it results in:09:05
kovadpkg: error: cannot access archive '/tmp/apt-dpkg-install-hy6mFr/11-libc6-dev-amd64_2.24-9ubuntu2_i386.deb': No such file or directory09:05
YankDownUnderlkh_, There is a section of the /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf => where one can comment out the bit about "dns=dnsmasq" => where NetworkManager "thinks" there is no DNS and therefore tries to reconnect - and also relatively mucks up DNS lookups...09:06
kovagenii indeed, after the error occurred in synaptic the package was marked as `to be installed`09:06
geniikova: If the same file is in /var/cache/apt/archives just sudo dpkg -i it09:07
kovagenii let me check09:07
kovagenii yes there is an entry in there09:08
kovagenii okay, running `sudo dpkg -i` on it results in a bunch of skipped overwrites of header files which are in libc6-dev-i38609:10
kovagenii I'll get the output on a pastebin09:10
kovagenii https://pastebin.com/UzmXtw6R09:11
=== jkl is now known as Guest72417
=== arya is now known as Guest79958
Guest79958hello, I am looking for some help in what regards virtual box09:20
Guest79958can anybody help me09:20
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:21
geniikova: In this case, your machine clearly seems to have multiarch since it can use :i386 on apt commands. So when given a choice between a package which has amd64 in the package name and one which has i386 in the packagename which want to use the same files, I'd opt here for the amd64:i386 option09:21
sebsebsebGuest79958: whats the issue?09:22
MonkeyDustGuest79958  let's hear it, in one line09:22
kovagenii so should I uninstall libc6-dev-i386?09:22
Guest79958seb thanks. I use oracle, and installed a windows 7 32bits downloaded from the windows page. but once I install a hard drive on it, windows won't open anymore.09:23
geniikova: That would seem the prudent option, yes. Then install the libc6-dev-amd64:i386 version instead09:23
kovagenii btw sorry for not posting earlier: `uname -a` gives09:23
kovaLinux setun-90 4.10.0-20-generic #22-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 20 09:22:42 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:23
sebsebsebGuest79958: oh?09:24
sebsebsebGuest79958: what you mean wont open anymore?09:25
Guest79958it shows as if there was not "bootable system"09:25
kovagenii what about libc6-dev:i386?09:26
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.09:26
sebsebsebGuest79958: it may have not found iso09:26
Guest79958kk so I need to install a hard drive partition for it + an iso?09:28
geniikova: Sure09:28
kovagenii what do you mean, uninstall it?09:29
kovagenii trying to uninstall libc6-dev:i386 would result in libc6-dev-amd64:i386 being uninstalled too, so I guess it's a no go09:30
YankDownUnderGuest79958, The ISO becomes a virtual CD/DVD for installation. A virtual HDD is the destination. During the installation of Win7, it will partition the virtual HDD - after the installation is complete, the ISO can be removed from the VM and the virtual HDD will - SHOULD - be a bootable virtual HDD09:30
kovagenii per Synaptic09:30
sebsebsebyes you need a virtual hard disk guest7995809:31
geniikova: I think some of the things you are trying to install are transitory which just point to the other thing. Like, libc6-dev-i386 would probably just point to libc6-dev:i386 and so on here09:32
=== bruh is now known as Guest12887
sebsebsebload up the iso, install to a virtual hard disk that you make in the set up09:32
Guest12887I'm trying to install a kernel I compiled myself but I have an issue with mdadm when I boot this kernel. I used dracut to generate initramfs/initrd image, I also tried with installkernel shell script & mkinitramfs, same pb. I guess I'm doing something wrong09:32
=== knitt1 is now known as knittl
kovagenii I don't know, one didn't uninstall libc6-dev-amd64:i386 while the other would09:33
FentanylHello! I can't get npm/nodejs to run. I want to install the sqlite3 module http://paste.ubuntu.com/24573215/09:36
sebsebsebGuest12887: put as dynamically expanding  hard disk or will take up loads of real hard disk space.  put like 70gb of virtual hard disk space or 100gb for win 709:36
geniikova: When I compare them against each other with apt-cache policy it reports they are the exact same versions09:36
kovagenii weird09:38
geniikova: Also the file list at packages.ubuntu.com has identical lists of files for libc6-dev 386 version and libc6-dev-38609:39
geniikova: Also same for libc6-dev amd64 version and package  libc6-dev-amd6409:40
kovagenii well libc6-dev-i386 is listed as a dependency of gcc-6-multilib, while libc6-dev:i386 doesn't seem to be09:41
kovagenii If I understood correctly, whatever ends in `:i386` runs on an i386 system, while whatever ends in `-i386` compiles for i386?09:42
Guest79958thank you sebseb09:43
geniikova: When you use syntax packagename:i386 this means you are asking specifically for a different platform than your machine would try to grab by the architecture which it is currently running. Whereas package names like packagename-386  are specific to 386 for instance09:44
geniikova: So you can do things like apt install packagename:arm64 on an amd64 machine for instance with -dev packages if you want to cross-compile for arm64 on an amd64 system09:45
geniikova: But if you're on a 386 machine, it won't show you packagenames ending in -amd64 for instance, since it's not a binary that your machine is capable of running09:47
kovagenii ahh09:47
kovagenii so wait, I assume that `libc6` on my system would be `libc6:amd64` on another architecture? Or `libc-amd64`?09:49
geniikova: Use: apt-cache policy libc6    ...to find out which architectures it installed libc6 for09:49
kovagenii it doesn't say... guess it's native09:51
lkh_YankDownUnder: looks good so far. Do you know if this is a known problem? should I file a bug report?09:51
geniikova: If you just use: apt-cache policy libc6 you'll see a line like:         500 http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 Packages   <--- note the "amd64"09:52
YankDownUnderlkh_, I've been seeing this heaps with 17.04...and if merely setting a static IP resolves your issue, be happy with that. There are numerous bug reports about wifi networking and NetworkManager dropping out - along with dnsmasq...ergo, wait...a fix will be rolled out...09:53
kovagenii ah, yes it's amd64 allright09:53
LankanGuyHi, im try to mount a network driver to fstab and im getting error,09:53
LankanGuy"// USB storage/" /mnt/modem cifs username=usr,xxx,domain=WORKGROUP 0 009:53
LankanGuyis that because of the qutation?09:53
geniikova: If you don't give apt-cache the :architecture  it reports for the default architecture. So apt-cache policy libc6:i386   will specifically tell you if the 32bit version is also installed09:53
kovagenii yep, got both `:i386` and `-i386` installed09:54
lkh_YankDownUnder: ok, I think I had this Problem on my machine since 16.04. But great - this workaround seems to be fine for now.09:55
kovagenii now a matter of strategy: would `:i386` packages make `-i386` packages redundant?09:55
YankDownUnderlkh_, Peace, bro...keep watching it...and fingers crossed...keep updating your stuff, too...peace...09:56
lkh_YankDownUnder, ledeni: thank you guys, have a nice day!09:56
geniikova: That *should* be the idea, yes. Because when you install them the :architecture way it should put them in a directory specific to the architecture they belong to instead of in the main system directories09:56
adrian_1908hello, I have a question about linux containers. I read that ZFS is the preferred file system, but can a container even use a different filesystem on the host OS's disk? Wouldn't a new partition or something like that be required?09:57
LankanGuyyay i worked it out, need to use 040 insted of space :)09:57
MonkeyDustadrian_1908  i guess you better ask that in #lxcontainers09:57
geniikova: Like, /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/  for 64 bit and /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ for 32 bit09:58
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adrian_1908MonkeyDust: Thanks, alas I've asked there several times before about different stuff, and never got any reaction. Seems full of idlers :o09:58
kovagenii got it09:58
kovagenii last question: is `x32` useful at all?10:05
geniikova: Some older packages put things in places like /usr/lib/lib32 or /usr/lib/lib64 , instead of the ones I listed above, the ones which have x32 or x64 are usually those kind10:07
kovagenii wait, I thought x32 was a 32-bit ABI for amd64 systems10:08
kovagenii and btw it seems the `:i386` files don't have a special `i386-linux-gnu` directory in `/usr/lib` (I have only `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu`)10:10
geniikova: packages.ubuntu.com shows me they install to the /usr/lib/lib3210:10
kovagenii god I have neither of those dirs :s10:13
kovagenii could it be because I'm on Lubuntu?10:13
geniikova: If you want to find out what architectures your machine is configured to download packages for: apt-config dump | grep Archit10:14
geniiThe line with Architecture without an s at the end is the default one. It may list others under that10:14
kovagenii this has me worried/confused:10:15
kovaAPT::Architecture "amd64";10:15
kovaAPT::Architectures "";10:15
kovaAPT::Architectures:: "amd64";10:15
kovaAPT::Architectures:: "i386";10:15
geniikova: So that indicates your system knows it can go grab i386 packages of something if no amd64 package exists for the thing you're trying to install10:16
kovagenii so the `Architectures::` are fallbacks?10:17
geniikova: Yes. It will default to 64bit, if something isn't in the repos for 64bit for the packagename you asked for, it will try to find the 32bit version and install that10:17
geniikova: It's after 6am here now and been up all night. so I'll be leaving soon.10:18
kovagenii right10:18
kovagenii thanks a lot for the help, at least the conflicts are solved10:19
geniikova: Glad to assist10:19
mikeplus64hm are there any X compositors that let you scale individual windows (as if they were simply images -- not resize the normal way)?10:20
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
BluesKajHi folks10:46
HollyWOODCiao a tutti10:46
ubottuHollyWOOD: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:47
skinuxHow long will the actual installation of Ubuntu take on a 2.2Ghz quad core?10:59
ikoniaskinux: cpu isn't really a factor11:00
skinuxWhat is?11:00
dinetskinux: It depends more on your connection now11:00
ikoniaa manual install on any host is 15 - 20 minutes11:00
skinuxI'm using Cable internet11:00
ikoniaas an base line11:00
skinuxI've 52Mbps download11:01
ikoniaskinux: an average user install is 15-20 minutes end to end11:02
hdaihi every body11:03
ikoniaHollyWOOD: no11:04
ikoniaHollyWOOD: we don't host warez here11:04
=== Fentanyl1 is now known as Fentanyl
skinuxAfter it took like 10 minutes to see a grub menu, I got error malloc magic is broken11:30
skinuxI don't know what malloc magic is, but it's weird for it to say it's broken. I don't imagine Canonical releasing it that way.11:32
faugusztinskinux: test your RAM modules, most likely some is faulty http://www.memtest.org/11:35
skinuxWonderful. Just bought this laptop and you're telling me RAM is bad?11:35
faugusztinwell malloc is memory allocation, and in general this error message was usually resolved by replacing broken RAM11:36
faugusztinand well, there is a reason there is a term "DOA"11:36
faugusztinDead On Arrival :)11:36
faugusztinjust because something is just out of factory it doesn't mean it is not broken11:37
acresearchpeople, i need help with terminal encoding, i have ubuntu gnome and i want to select terminal encoding from preferences but i cannot. some encoding i can selec others i cannot select, why? how to fix this?11:39
=== Victor84 is now known as Victor83
FentanylI can't get npm/nodejs to run. I want to install the sqlite3 module http://paste.ubuntu.com/24573215/ What do I need to do?11:50
cfhowlettFentanyl, says what to do in line 25 - 2911:53
Fentanylcfhowlett I did enter the command though?11:54
cfhowlettFentanyl, with "sudo"11:54
FentanylLine 34: username@PC:~$ sudo chown -R $USER:$(id -gn $USER) /home/username/.config11:54
acresearchpeople, i need help with terminal encoding, i have ubuntu gnome and i want to select terminal encoding from preferences but i cannot. some encoding i can selec others i cannot select, why? how to fix this?11:54
cfhowlettFentanyl, ah!  missed it, osrry.11:54
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
UmeaboyDoes anyone here have problems authenticating in Thunderbird if you add a new Gmail account?12:17
UmeaboyI can't seem to get the Next button to react.12:18
UmeaboyNot even the More options button work.12:18
cfhowlettlots of recent complaints about that on /r/ubuntu, Umeaboy. I think the advice was to apt full-upgrade before setting up accounts.12:18
oerheksUmeaboy, you might need to login via web, to give access to the client12:19
acresearchhello people, how can i enable arabic charachters in the terminal?12:19
Umeaboycfhowlett: It still makes no change.12:27
Umeaboygnome-calendar was the only update.12:27
Umeaboyoerheks: I have successfully done that already.12:28
oerheksUmeaboy, oke12:28
PlushfishUbuntu GNOME doesn't get full 5 years LTS support, no?12:29
PlushfishOnly 3?12:29
oerheksPlushfish, 16.04 does12:29
oerheks.. and 14.0412:29
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.12:30
Umeaboyacresearch: LC_all=ar if I'm not misstaken.12:30
Umeaboyman locale12:30
acresearchUmeaboy: no, did not work, what does this command do and how to reverse it?12:30
Umeaboyman locale12:31
DJonesPlushfish: Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 LTS only has a 3 year lifespan12:32
DJoneshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuGNOME "Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 LTS is supported for 3 years, until April 2019. "12:32
Doowacresearch: looks like the default encoding is to use utf8 (which should contain arabic) however the actual font might not have those characters. it might be possible to find something under menu->profile settings->custom font12:32
PlushfishDJones: That's okay for me12:33
adrian_1908acresearch: If you pick a font that supports arabic gylphs, I imagine it would work (not sure about right-to-left behaviour though). A font with wide language support is "Noto" by Google.12:34
acresearchadrian_1908: hmmm12:35
acresearchinteresting let me try it12:35
adrian_1908acresearch: the apt package is called `fonts-noto` if it's not installed already.12:35
acresearchadrian_1908: thanks, after i change it, do i need to restart the computer?12:36
adrian_1908I wouldn't think so, no.12:36
ViciousLooRollapt upgrade is hanging at 99% on my server.12:36
ViciousLooRollWhat is the safest way to fix this / exit the process without screwing anything up?12:36
Kyokuwait for 100%12:37
ViciousLooRollIt's been 10 minutes.12:38
Kyokulogin with another terminal and look at top etc.12:38
acresearchadrian_1908: i tried but it does not work, i have noto on12:40
acresearchadrian_1908: the font did not change though, it is exactly the same12:40
acresearcheven in englush12:40
acresearchadrian_1908: i figured out how to change the font, noto not working so trying different ones12:41
adrian_1908acresearch: hmm, ok. Noto is said to have support for arabic scripts, but I only ever used western scripts myself, so I can't speak from experience. Good luck! Also consider asking in #gnome if they have an idea.12:44
acresearchadrian_1908: ok i found this font family (kacst) which changes the arabic fonts well, but the letters are still seperated and reversed, what else can i change in the terminal?12:44
ViciousLooRollKyoku: https://image.ibb.co/nfunkk/2017_05_14_134300_1366x768_scrot.png12:44
Kyokunot much going on, it seems12:45
ViciousLooRollyeah, its basically brand new. it seems to say there are 0 apps to update now though12:46
ViciousLooRollso is it safe to just ctrl+c on the apt upgrade?12:46
Kyokutry it12:46
adrian_1908ViciousLooRoll: I would think so, I doubt it'll trash anything. I recommend you follow it by another round of the same commands.12:47
Kyokurun apt update on new terminal12:47
Kyokuin general server is pretty hard to break, sometimes needs a good kick12:48
ViciousLooRollYup. It's all good now. Thanks guys.12:48
adrian_1908"phew" :p12:48
Kyokuwhen my servers do things like that i reboot them for payback12:49
sliddiswhen doing cp -pr, when does cp set permissions? When all files are copied, or after each single file?12:50
Kyokuas each one is copied12:51
sliddisKyoku: ok but it seems the root of the dir i am copying is not getting the correct permissions until the copy is done12:53
Kyokusounds sensible to me13:00
cyberefanyone have any idea what could be wrong if the kernel module doesn't load? I have added it in /etc/modules and removed it from the blacklist13:02
Kyokuhave you checked kern.log ?13:02
cyberefhmm will check that13:03
cyberefit loads fine if I do it manually with modprobe13:03
sliddisKyoku: how is that sensible? :P13:05
Kyokui think it's a safety catch myself, i personally wouldn't want to my dir messed with during a recursive copy13:06
Kyokuso i think the devs took my personal desire into account when making it work that way, nice of them13:06
cyberefKyoku, nothing weird in kern.log13:07
Kyokuthat's weird13:07
Kyokukernel log is usually very good at giving clues13:07
cyberefI did update the initramfs as well.. just to be on the safe side13:07
de-factoGuys, I have to install Mathematica which comes with a mathematica.sh installer. Can i somehow make a mathematica.deb out of this prior to installing it on my system? any known tricks to grab the written output of a .sh installer and stuffing it into a .deb?13:12
MonkeyDustde-facto  better ask in #ubuntu-app-devel13:13
* dan hi13:18
acresearchis there a way to make the terminal print text right-to-left or left-to-right?13:25
hiruI have a weird issue with my ubuntu installation.. I installed ubuntu in uefi mode on my SSD but now I can't access my bios anymore and clearing CMOS doesn't help.. what is happening?13:26
hfpHi, I have done more investigation regarding my Ubuntu 17.04 system that hangs while backing up. It didn't generate bad superblocks in a while now but it still has drive related issues (only when I use deja-dup backup, only on 17.04). I have made an askubuntu post if you're curious: https://askubuntu.com/questions/914977/deja-dup-crashes-the-system-on-ubuntu-17-04. I'm at a total loss as to what's happening.13:26
hfpI suspect a kernel issue since my SSD is good but I don't know enough to confirm or reject this hypothesis.13:26
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cyberefso as a temp hack I just added modprobe modulehere in rc.local..13:29
dreamcat4hfp: you can run the same backup task on the cmdline with 'duplicity', then get a syscall trace of whats going on with another tool...13:30
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hfpdreamcat4: Interesting, where can I read more on how to do that?13:31
dreamcat4'strace duplicite ... <your backup args>'13:31
dreamcat4man strace, man duplicity13:31
dreamcat4for examply hfp, try 'strace ls -l'13:31
dreamcat4and see what happens there13:31
hfpwow, that's verbose, not sure how to interpret that13:32
dreamcat4*typo that should be 'strace duplicity [args] ...'13:32
dreamcat4hfp: you can search the output for certain strings, e.g. pipe it to '| grep -i error'13:32
dreamcat4strace ls -l 2>&1 | grep -i error13:33
dreamcat4or 'panic' / whatever you think might be worth focussing on13:33
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maxagazI've just installed Lubuntu, network works fine for a while and now impossible to get an ip via cable or wifi (although the networks are listed)13:40
maxagazwhat could be wrong ?13:40
maxagazother computer can connect to the network13:40
Delvienanyone know how to rebind buttons? I have some buttons below my digitizer on an x230t thinkpad, I would like to bind one as the CTRL button13:42
cfhowlett!keybinding | Delvien13:45
ubottuDelvien: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard | KDE: System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout | XFCE: Settings -> Settings Manager -> Keyboard, Layout13:45
ArchaicLordHi all13:46
Delviencfhowlett: you shouldnt just bot spam someone wrong answers :)13:46
cfhowlettDelvien, excuse me?  you asked how to bind your key.  I sent the keybindig factoid.  fell free to ignore if incorrect13:47
MonkeyDustDelvien  ddg to the rescue ... is this useful https://askubuntu.com/questions/24916/how-do-i-remap-certain-keys-or-devices13:47
ArchaicLordMy server won't start becuase of samba.. all it says its Failed to start LSB: Samba SMB?SIFS damemon (smbd).13:47
ArchaicLordI tried to restart, start and stop it13:47
DelvienMonkeyDust: Thank you13:47
skinuxI ran a complete system test, everything passed, including memory. I managed once to get to Ubuntu menu and chose install and then got malloc magic failed again.13:48
Delviencfhowlett: i dont think you understood the question, so if you dont know the answer, best to not lead people astray13:48
Delvienits not helpful to anyone13:48
* fx- !! URGENCY !! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N26Qc1KAUU13:56
skinuxWell, since my memory has tested fine, I'm guessing malloc failed is happening because my ISO got corrupted somehow.13:57
cfhowlettskinux, md5sum on the .iso will remove the guesswork13:57
skinuxI'm not using Linux13:57
skinuxI'm trying to dual-boot with Windows 1013:58
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cfhowlettskinux, check your channel.  this is ubuntu support.  ask ##windows13:58
skinuxthe problem isn't with Windows, it's with Ubuntu13:58
cfhowlettyou JUST said don't use linux ...13:59
skinuxNo, I said I'm using Windows right now, but my problem occurs trying to install LINUX13:59
cfhowlett!md5sum | skinux check your ubuntu .iso13:59
ubottuskinux check your ubuntu .iso: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM13:59
nicolemy local network is really slow only 100kb/s or less from this laptop that is using a 100mbps pmcia card, I think the drivers are not updated, how to install that non free stuff?14:00
kemiiiewhat does remember password util logout mean? can I see my password ?14:00
kemiiiewhy cant I make it forget the password?14:00
skinuxHow do I find the official checksum?14:05
pavlosArchaicLord: you can test your smb.conf with testparm, maybe there are some errors and samba wont start14:06
cfhowlettskinux, as per the link "Ubuntu distributes the MD5 hashes in a file called MD5SUMS near the bottom of the download page for your release http://releases.ubuntu.com. "14:07
MonkeyDustkemiiie  you mean in your browser?14:08
MonkeyDustkemiiie  you mean in firefox?14:08
skinuxOkay, the checksum is correct.14:11
skinuxSo why the hell is malloc magic failing? My memory has tested to be fine14:11
pavlosnicode, what do you mean, 'install non free stuff'?14:12
nicolehi pavlos14:13
pavlosnicode, look at software & updates, you can click on which repo you want14:13
nicolethere was a driver for my network card that was in the non free repository14:14
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bcxI'd like to pin an outdated package from ppa over more recent release, I edit /etc/apt/preferences.d/ppa-openjdk-8-jre to set Priority for * to 400 and 600 for my selected packages, miserly `apt policy openjdk-8-jre` does not show my numbers (500 for all), what could be wrong ?14:15
pavlosnicole, so go to software & updates, select the restricted and multiverse repos. Are you running 16.04?14:16
MonkeyDustbcx  is this useful https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto#Examples14:16
nicolepavlos: I'll check14:18
bcxMonkeyDust: also checked https://gist.github.com/JPvRiel/8ae81e21ce6397a0502fedddca06850714:19
sobersabrehi. I have noticed on machines with small memory size there is no transparent huge pages enabled. what would be a good threshold to estimate when they should be enabled automatically?14:21
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UmeaboyI see that I can authenticate to Gmail if I add my account to Evolution instead.14:24
UmeaboySo the problem is in the authentication process in Thunderbird.14:24
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UmeaboyI'm no expert on how to solve it thou.14:24
UmeaboyCould it be about encryption?14:25
sobersabreUmeaboy: can you exlpain why are you doing this ?14:25
Umeaboysobersabre: Well, authenticating thru Thunderbird isn't working.14:26
UmeaboyThe Next button does not respond.14:26
UmeaboyNeither does the More options button.14:26
nicolepavlos: yes 16.0414:27
UmeaboyYou know...... the window that asks you to type your Gmail password for Thunderbird to add the account.14:27
UmeaboyIt works just fine and dandy in Evolution.14:27
pavlosnicole, after selecting repos, run software updater to update your system14:27
nicolepavlos: I think this has to do with the bios of the nic are you sure this is right14:28
UmeaboyDoes Ubuntu have a terminal command to rebuild a package from source?14:29
UmeaboyI was thinking of trying that.14:29
sebsebsebUmeaboy: det ar han, det ar du :d14:29
Umeaboysebsebseb: Hej! Hur mår du? :)14:30
sebsebsebUmeaboy: det ar trokig (boring)14:30
pavlosnicole, 'bios of the nic'? probably you mean linux-firmware where the drivers are kept. By doing update, it will update any drivers it needs14:30
Umeaboysebsebseb: Samma här.14:31
nicolepavlos: ok14:31
sebsebsebUmeaboy: yeah sucks really thata14:32
Umeaboysebsebseb: Would you please consider reproducing an authentication issue with Thunderbird for me?14:35
UmeaboyTo see if you get the same result.14:35
sebsebsebUmeaboy: oh what kind of issue?14:35
UmeaboyWell, you know the window that pops up when you're adding a Gmail account to THunderbird?14:35
sebsebsebUmeaboy: sort of14:36
UmeaboyThe one that asks you to type in the password so that Thunderbird can add the account once you've been authenticated.14:36
UmeaboyTHAT'S the window I'm having trouble with, but only in Thunderbird.14:36
sebsebsebUmeaboy: uhmm mine doens't work properly actualy with ok its not a gmail but another type of address but still14:36
UmeaboyUbuntu 17.04.14:37
MenzadorUmeaboy: if it helps, it's better to use OAuth2, and I'm not sure Thunderbird implemens that.14:37
sebsebsebUmeaboy: can recieve emails, but not send14:37
UmeaboyMenzador: As I have to add the gmail account first to change to 0Auth2 I can't do that.14:41
UmeaboyIt is set to 0Auth2 apparently.14:42
UmeaboyAt least when I check what's written in the manual settings.14:42
UmeaboyChanging from 0auth2 to Password in the manual settings does the trick.14:44
MaplicantHello. I have a problem with my sound on my Dell XPS 15 9550. `aplay -l` says it can't find any sound cards, but with `lspci` I can see that my soundcard is there. Does anyone know how to solve this?14:44
nicoleis 4.4 the latest version of the ubuntu kernel? I thought it was 2.6! or something liek that it's only been a year since I stopped using ubuntu14:45
UmeaboySending and recieving works just fine.14:45
Umeaboysebsebseb: Have you tried that?14:45
LucretiaI thought that if a (cron job) script returns an error code >0, then cron is supposed to send an email saying it failed. It's not. Or am I misunderstanding something?14:46
UmeaboyChanging the manual settings for your account from 0auth2 into Password.14:46
EriC^^Lucretia: do you have postfix installed?14:48
Lucretiahave email configured14:48
EriC^^Lucretia: try typing "mail" as that user of the cron14:48
Lucretianow, mail isn't installed, is that why?14:49
pavlosUmeaboy: make this setting OFF ... https://myaccount.google.com/lesssecureapps14:49
Lucretiathought it would use sendmail14:49
EriC^^Lucretia: try /var/spool/mail/user14:49
Lucretiawhat do you mean "try /var/spool/mail/user?"14:50
EriC^^Lucretia: cat /var/spool/mail/<user>14:50
LucretiaEriC^^: again, mail works14:50
EriC^^no cron mail's there?14:50
Lucretianothing in mail.log14:50
Lucretiathe cron log shows the script running14:50
EriC^^ok, i had to install postfix and that allowed cron to send mail about jobs14:51
Lucretiait's literally a script that "exit 1"14:51
vans163hello. I am having an issue with autosuspending of the USB port which the live environment USB is plugged into. It results of a total messup of the file system.  I found autosuspend_delay_ms kernel param, but when using Live USB I do not have luxury to reboot. Any suggestions?14:51
Lucretiais there a difference between the standard (vixie) cron and others?14:51
LucretiaEriC^^: this is ubu 17.0414:52
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maxagazwhen I run dhclient, I just get this error : segmentation fault (core dumped)15:01
maxagazon a new install of Lubuntu15:01
cfhowlettstdin, spam is rude and unwelcome in this channel. stop please15:01
stdinnot spam joe.15:02
maxagazit worked for 2 or 3 sessions before I got this error, now no network at all15:02
stdinmaybe you should see a thing before shitting at it kiddo. [0;-)15:02
cfhowlettprofanity is likewise unwelcome.  perhaps you might review the guidelines, stdin15:03
stdinDude, this is a pirate den... also, it's a good place for linux advice.15:04
Jack_Sparrow__This is NOT a pirate ANYTHING15:05
stdinlinux is piracy.15:06
stdinDon't worry about it.15:06
stdinAlmost all tech is pirated rework.15:06
Gring0>gnu linux15:06
stdinso cfhowlett, are you gonna be the guy that gives them (clean turbuntu) or 216mb/s vwlan overlay for linux?15:07
stdinor anything really? like I did?15:08
Menzadorstdin: Excuse me?15:08
stdinor,.. just play play pig with these pigglets..?15:08
xormorhe is drunk or stoned.15:08
xormorstdin, GNU is not Unix, it is not pirated. The Linux kernel is not pirated, either.15:09
stdingive some linux/buntu advice or ask for some.. quit being an irc nazi ?  ..hehe..15:09
Jack_Sparrow__xormor, Just set his nick to /ignore15:09
xormorstdin, it is new code written by hackers all over the world. it is not copy-paste, except perhaps for some BSD legacy code. for certain the code in GNU and Linux do not come from Windows code, even though some Microsoft people might be writing it.15:09
stdinwow.. your somewhere between sdf and anapnea folk right now..15:09
Lucretiaoh, so you have "echo" an error message to stderr to get it to mail something. exit 1 isn't enough15:14
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cfhowlettubuntu support in this channel Guest51763.  ask your questions.15:15
hfpdreamcat4: This is what I got, not sure what to make of it: I ran the command `strace duplicity full /home/hfp file:///tmp/dup 2>&1 | grep -iE "fail|error"` and this is the output before it died https://i.imgur.com/onkRTEq.jpg. The right pane is a tail of /var/log/syslog15:19
hiruhello! I installed ubuntu in UEFI mode and I lost access to my BIOS. How can I revert these changes?15:28
PipeItToDevNullhiru, That isnt how it works. What is your issu15:28
blunderfulAnyone have any suggestions on how to fix this graphics issue? https://ibb.co/erjv5k Mobility Radeon HD 4670 with radeon drivers and Mint 18.15:28
PipeItToDevNullhiru, UEFI is your BIOS. Can you boot to Ubuntu15:28
hiruI installed Ubuntu in UEFI mode but now when I turn my pc on I only have a black screen and the pc directly boots into Ubuntu15:29
PipeItToDevNullhiru, Hit your F2 or whatever key to get access, it may just have a short timeout (1s)15:30
hiruright now I have access to Ubuntu and I tried converting my installation into Legacy mode but I still have that black screen15:30
Jack_Sparrow__hiru, left shift on boot15:30
hirumy motherboard button designed to access BIOS is DEL but If I start pressing it my pc starts a reboot cycle that stops only when I stop pressing the DEL button15:31
hiruI will try with the left shift method tho15:31
PipeItToDevNullhiru, Are you holding "Del"15:31
hirunot holding, I press it multiple times15:32
hiruI used this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI#Converting_Ubuntu_into_Legacy_mode to convert my installation in Legacy mode hoping for changes but it didn't work15:33
EriC^^hiru: ubuntu shouldn't affect your ability to access the bios15:34
hiruyeah, that's right but this is what's happening right now15:34
EriC^^it's impossible15:35
EriC^^hiru: which pc is it?15:35
ZeljkoTrf package not found.15:35
ZeljkoWhat to do ?15:35
Jack_Sparrow__EriC^^, https://askubuntu.com/questions/668049/grub-menu-at-boot-time-holding-shift-not-working15:35
hiruit's a desktop I built myself, the motherboard is a GIGABYTE Z170N WiFi Rev115:35
LjLit is not impossible, if the UEFI is stupid enough to only offer access to Setup by first entering the UEFI boot menu, and that menu causes a crash if the EFI GPT partition is gone15:36
EriC^^Jack_Sparrow__: is that for me or hiru ?15:36
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ZeljkoTrf package not found.15:36
Zeljkohow to install it ?15:36
EriC^^LjL: are you making science fiction stories or you've ever seen this uefi?15:37
hiruhere's a screenshot of my drive https://i.imgur.com/1ohRWkD.png15:37
LjLEriC^^, i just happen to know what the workflow of UEFI is,15:37
ioriaZeljko, trf , as the tcl runtime library or what ?15:38
Zeljkoioria im using rss-synd.tcl15:38
LjL"it's impossible" is what technicians typically say when they mean "i have no idea why that would happen".15:38
Zeljkoand i got that error15:38
ZeljkoRSS Error: Unable to decompress "http://www.kurir.rs/rss/najnovije-vesti/": Trf package not found.15:38
Jack_Sparrow__hiru, thats not a good layou on that dribe15:38
ioria!info runtime library. | Zeljko15:38
ubottuZeljko: 'library.' is not a valid distribution: artful, artful-backports, artful-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed, yakkety, yakkety-backp15:38
EriC^^LjL: um, the uefi menu is in the nvram it hasn't to do with the hdd itself at all, my frien15:38
EriC^^*my friend15:38
ioria!info tcl-trf | Zeljko15:38
ubottuZeljko: tcl-trf (source: tcltrf): Tcl data transformations - runtime library. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.4-dfsg3-2 (zesty), package size 67 kB, installed size 200 kB15:38
Zeljkohow to install it ?15:39
ioriaZeljko, sudo apt install  tcl-trf15:39
LjLhiru, the first website that comes up when i search your motherboard is https://www.computing.net/answers/hardware/cant-enter-motherboard-bios-gigabyte/80816.html so that might be a coincidence but it might also be your issue.15:39
Zeljkoioria: RSS Error: Unable to decompress "http://www.kurir.rs/rss/najnovije-vesti/": Trf package not found.15:40
LjLhiru, the short version of that is "remove the CMOS battery for a good while and try again" (of course that will reset all the UEFI settings to factory)15:40
ioriaZeljko, or you need the -dev package ...  tcl-trf-dev15:40
Zeljkoalso got error15:41
ioriaZeljko,  are you trying this ? https://github.com/eggtcl/rss-synd15:41
Jack_Sparrow__zwhat repo is that15:41
Zeljkoioria yes15:42
hiruok I'l try with left shift, with esc, and clearing cmos removing my ram sticks this time. hoping for changes.. thanks for the suggestions. see you in 10-15 minutes15:42
hosasioria: can I jump-upgrade from 14.04 to 17.04 or to any specified version, or do I have to go through 16.04?  If this is possible how do I go about it?15:42
cfhowletthosas, you can do LTS to LTS15:42
ioriahosas, yes , that ^15:42
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.15:42
hosascfhowlett: only LTS to LTS? ok15:43
ioriaZeljko,  tcllib is installed ?15:44
hosasioria: thanks15:44
ioriahosas, no problem15:44
Zeljkoioria yes15:44
hosascfhowlett: why does unity sometimes freezes when I minimize or close an app?15:46
cfhowletthosas, never have and never will use unity.  ask the channel in general15:47
xormoris this a good idea? --> "sudo apt install nvidia-375/zesty"15:47
hosascfhowlett: hahahaha okay15:47
xormorI have NVidia GeForce.15:47
azimutertl8723bs ubuntu 17.04 ?15:48
azimutenot work15:48
xormormy screen, mouse and keyboard lock up (freeze) under the current configuration.15:48
azimutehelp me15:48
n8w1ngdo u guys know what to do about this pulseaudio error: module-detect is deprecated: Please use module-udev-detect instead of module-detect!15:49
n8w1ngi cant get pulseaudio started...15:50
ioriaZeljko,  seems a broken pkg http://forum.egghelp.org/viewtopic.php?p=10581915:50
ioriaZeljko,  last update 6 years ago15:51
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xormorhello. can you help me?15:52
immuwhat happ xormor ?15:53
Guest96297que hacen?15:53
Guest96297yo estoy bien ¿y ustedes?15:55
xormorimmu, I installed Ubuntu 17.04 because openSUSE did not work with my USB Internet modem (USB modem stick) and I wanted to get rid of Debian, so I installed Ubuntu 17.04 and the screen freezes (locks up) while using Firefox, especially YouTube - also the mouse and the keyboard are frozen.15:56
Guest96297ubuntu mate esta chido15:57
hiruI'm back15:58
hiruLeft Shift and Esc didn't work. Tried resetting my CMOS another time but still black screen on boot. Tried pressing DEL but the pc enters in a reboot cycle15:59
hiruUbuntu kidnapped my motherboard's bios :O15:59
Perversohola, me pueden leer?16:01
posOK, I've got a fun one here: I'm upgrading/reinstalling a server from trusty to xenial and for some reason I was unable to open a LUKS volume (cryptsetup) using the keyfile I backed up.16:01
immuwhich graphics card you got?16:01
immuxormor, which graphics card you got?16:01
xormorimmu, NVidia GeForce16:02
Perversoi have ubuntu mate and work verynice16:02
posAt first I was afraid that the LUKS header had gotten fragged, but it turns out that neither my xenial install nor the xenial boot media is able to open the LUKS volume using either keyfile or passphrase. but both the backed up/old trusty install and trusty boot media is able to open the volume using either method16:02
immudid you xormor try updating your drivers?16:03
immudid you upgrade your system? xormor ?16:03
posjust... what the f can cause this?16:03
xormorimmu, I just updated them. I will try Firefox with YouTube again. Perhaps I should reboot first.16:03
xormorimmu, oh yeah. cannot reboot since I am downloading "sysinfo" and Linux Mint.16:06
Perversoi don't undertend inglish16:07
xormorimmu, perhaps I should leave my machine on for the night and go to sleep. it is 7PM here now. I took my evening meds a while back. They hinder my memory for the evening.16:07
DarkPsydeLorddont worry theres several support channels16:07
DarkPsydeLordPerverso, dejate de cosas claro que entiendes inglés16:07
FoeHammeredHowdy. Can somebody here recommend me a desktop clock which can show two or more timezones?16:07
Perversopero casi nada ok16:08
DarkPsydeLordthe default one can show different places FoeHammered16:08
FoeHammeredDarkPsydeLord, uh, let's assume for the sake of argument I'm not using stock Ubuntu but rather a stripped down variant, but wanted answers from a wider swath of folks, and thus don't have that clock installed. What would it be called?16:09
irgendwer47111hi, I have atrange problem, systemd does not resolve my local domain on a 17.04 notebook. desktop does.16:09
DarkPsydeLordFoeHammered, let us know then which one you have installed and what are you using or this is gonna fail16:10
hiruI don't know what to do with my pc @_@ I don't know if this is a ubuntu issue but after I installed it in UEFI mode I lost access to my BIOS. what should I do?16:10
DarkPsydeLordirgendwer47111, DNS problem?16:11
irgendwer47111DarkPsydeLord: yes16:11
FoeHammeredFair enough. Lubuntu, using lxde with tweaks whimsically as they become necessary or desirable; lemme check what the clock is...16:11
irgendwer47111DarkPsydeLord: systemd problem16:11
Perversotengo ubuntu mate 16.10 y actualise a 17.04 deteceta mi inalambrica y se conecta perdecto pero resulta que cuando intento usar el internet no me procesa los paquetes o no me da internet es raro puesto que si se conecta no puedo actualizar o navegar porque no se lo que pasa16:11
DarkPsydeLordirgendwer47111, i resolved my issue with connectivity in 17.04 adding googles resolve to my resolv.conf archive then upgrade the system and reboot16:12
Perversopodrian ayudarme16:12
irgendwer47111DarkPsydeLord: this is not working for me16:12
DarkPsydeLordPerverso, come to #ubuntu-es16:12
borisetoWhy does this happen: snap "ubuntu-make" requires classic or confinement override ?16:12
Perversosi pero tambien actualizar los repositorios no me deja16:13
ducasse!es | Perverso16:13
ubottuPerverso: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:13
pavlos!es | Perverso16:13
Perversohay algun error en la coneccion16:13
immuhow many oses are you downloading?16:13
immuxormor, ???16:13
nicolehello I'd like to know what is the way to add non-free and contrib to my sources.list16:14
DarkPsydeLordPerverso puedes entrar por favor al canal #ubuntu-es la gente se molesta aqui si hablas algún otro idioma16:14
nicoleI can't I get ign a lot and can't locate linux-firmware-nonfree16:14
AntonMcI still never got a reply from #ubuntu-mirrors16:14
irgendwer47111Ubuntu did a big misktake with systemd16:15
Umeaboynicole: https://repogen.simplylinux.ch/16:15
nicoleUmeaboy: would you do me a big favor I don't have a browser in this pc16:15
aliendude5300Hi, I can't get Ubuntu GNOME 17.04 to boot on my system from a live USB with both of my monitors attached16:15
Umeaboynicole, If I can...... What do you need?16:15
aliendude5300Anyone else running Dual 4Ks?16:15
FoeHammeredDarkPsydeLord, looks like this is destined for failure, since my google fu isn't sufficient to the task of figuring out what clock stock Lubuntu uses.16:15
presiden-nkrjhello, is there a way to disable/uninstall the Software Updater (the GUI Program) completely?16:16
aliendude5300I've got two LG 27ud68-p monitors plugged into a 980 Ti card. When the GUI should come up, both monitors go totally black and the system hangs.16:16
Umeaboypresiden-nkrj: In the Software Updates settings.16:16
Umeaboynicole: How may I help you?16:17
nicoleUmeaboy: ok went to that site selected usa and version but can't find non-free stuff16:17
presiden-nkrjUmeaboy: I've been fiddling with it, but there's no option for disabling it16:17
Umeaboynicole: It's called Restricted if I'm not misstaken.16:17
presiden-nkrjmy machine always crashing (or slowing down) when Software Updater launching itself16:18
nicoleUmeaboy: I know I have to append non-free and contrib to the end of the url16:18
Umeaboypresiden-nkrj: Which Ubuntu version?16:18
presiden-nkrjUbuntu 16.0416:18
Umeaboypresiden-nkrj: Can you do a screenshot of that window?16:18
nicoleUmeaboy: so append that to the restricted part of my sources.list?16:19
ducassenicole: which ubuntu version is this?16:19
nicoleducasse: 16.0416:19
presiden-nkrjUmeaboy: the Software Updater? yes16:19
ducassenicole: there is no linux-firmware-nonfree for 16.0416:19
Umeaboypresiden-nkrj: Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Have you reported this issue?16:20
nicoleducasse: ok my problem is that my nic is very slow and I think it needs its firmware16:20
Umeaboyubuntu-bug update-manager16:20
ducassenicole: what kind of nic?16:20
nicoleducasse: it's a fa510 100mbps16:20
UmeaboyYiiiikes! Netgear................. Not the most friendly company.....16:21
UmeaboyAt least when it comes to open source code.16:21
nicoleUmeaboy: my network is running in kb/s not even mb16:21
presiden-nkrjUmeaboy: this one, http://i.imgur.com/jI8LaZ7.png16:21
nicoleprobably at 1mbit16:21
FoeHammeredI guess I'll go find other means. Sorry to bother you, DarkPsydeLord.16:21
BluesKajpresiden-nkrj,  those are your unattended-upgrades, an app which you can remove if you update and upgrade your sources daily16:21
AntonMcHow can I remove an ubuntu cdimage mirror?16:22
Umeaboypresiden-nkrj: You COULD update thru the terminal instead. :)16:22
UmeaboyAntonMc: Check the Software Update settings.16:22
presiden-nkrjUmeaboy: yes, hence I want to disable the GUI16:22
presiden-nkrjBluesKaj: Actually, I don't think it's the Software Updater fault, it's just that I have crappy computer that whenever the disk led blinking, everything will slow down.16:24
Umeaboypresiden-nkrj: Run unity-control-center and change the tab to disable the check for Updates.16:24
presiden-nkrjand this Software Updater a main culprit that shows up unintended16:24
BluesKajpresiden-nkrj, when it happens again check in your system monitor for thje processes using up your cpu16:25
BluesKajunattended presiden-nkrj , they are definitely intended16:26
* Umeaboy agrees16:28
perry1What's the gnome shortcut for terminal only again?16:29
DarkPsydeLordFoeHammered, oh sorry im at work and sometimes i cant answer fast16:30
pokmoi'm trying to change my password as someone has just changed it without me noticing.16:33
perry1so ask them what they changed it to?16:33
pokmoi've tried sudo passwd and given it a new password. but if i were to use it as my 'current password' after 'passwd', i get an error16:33
hosasioria:  how do you paste-bin a screen-shot ?16:34
pokmodoes sudo passwd not effect the change16:34
perry1What error?16:34
perry1no sudo passwd is right16:34
pokmopasswd: Authentication token manipulation error16:34
pokmoi can ssh into the machine16:34
perry1Well, if you16:34
perry1're sshing in than what password do you use?16:34
perry1Unless you use keys?16:34
pokmoyes i am16:34
perry1do sudo passwd again16:34
pokmoi have16:35
perry1and copy paste all output and put it here16:35
pokmohold on16:35
pokmoif i run 'sudo passwd' do i end up changing the password for 'root' rather?16:35
pokmoi'm trying to change the password for my user account16:35
perry1oh hold on16:36
pokmoi think it does16:36
pokmoare there ways to change the password for the user account without giving it a current password16:36
perry1do sudo passwd <your username>16:36
presiden-nkrjUmeaboy: I'm not using unity (using Gnome currently), but running unity-control-center just launch this window http://i.imgur.com/HnjrCec.png16:36
presiden-nkrjUmeaboy: and I don't see any Update related setting there16:37
pokmoperry1, oh!!16:37
pokmothat did it16:37
perry1Yea, next time do man <command you are having trouble with>16:38
pokmoperry1, how come this isn't an answer? https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/25779/logged-on-via-ssh-key-can-i-reset-my-account-password16:38
xco611good dumps shop https://perlbot.pl/p/97axi9 https://pastebin.com/ND0pX6W516:38
xco611good dumps shop https://perlbot.pl/p/97axi9 https://pastebin.com/ND0pX6W516:38
pokmoall the answers seem to suggest some physical reset16:38
perry1that's weird16:38
perry1Oh! Did the person who had your password use it recently?16:38
pokmoperry1, he has sudo rights. he can log in using keys16:38
pokmothat's like my scenario16:38
pokmoperry1, in what way?16:39
presiden-nkrjBluesKaj: well, I guess the intend is good, but when I'm in the middle of writing something, and then the software updater shows up, then my machine crash and restarted, it's... :'(16:39
perry1Well, I guess if it's fixed we shouldn't be complaing xD16:39
perry1I'm a bit confused though why that worked16:39
pokmoperry1, the fix you suggested?16:39
Umeaboypresiden-nkrj: software-properties-gtk is the proper window to open. Sorry.16:40
pokmoi wonder why it wasn't suggested in that post16:40
pokmomaybe you should post your fix16:40
BluesKajpresiden-nkrj,   then remove unattended upgrades, you can cover it's use by updating an upgrading with apt in the console every day16:40
Umeaboypresiden-nkrj: Click the Updates tab16:41
perry1I'm really not sure why that happened, so I prob won't16:41
pokmoperhaps passwd didn't take the LOGIN argument in 2011?16:41
Umeaboy"When there are updates".......16:41
xco611https://pastebin.com/ND0pX6W5 => good dumps shops, GET A LAID!16:41
UmeaboyAnd for security updates as well.16:41
pokmoperry1, according to the man page: "while the superuser may change the password for any account."16:42
pokmoso your fix seems to be quite legit16:42
mguyufw isn't enable by default on 17.04 desktop?16:42
UmeaboyI guess all dropdown menus should be changed.16:42
perry1Yea, so running sudo should put you in root which is the superuser.......... wait did you put in a password when you did sudo?16:42
akikpokmo: "sudo passwd" changes root's password16:42
Jack_Sparrow__ufw no spoken like a true Windows User..  Just kidding16:43
bonsaitreeIs there a fix for the network-manager dropping the connection almost 20 times a day, after the 17.04 upgrade? Is there a fix for the screen-tearing problem under 17.04? I've searched the internet, but was not able to find any fixes. Thanks in advance.16:43
perry1akik sudo passwd <username> changes username's password16:43
pokmoakik, yeah16:43
perry1see the man page16:43
mguyJack_Sparrow__: eh?16:43
akikperry1: thanks, i know16:43
pokmoperry1, no16:43
Jack_Sparrow__mguy, UFW is not enabled by default16:43
perry1MFW I realize WeeChat has tab completion16:43
Umeaboypresiden-nkrj: Hopefully that'll solve it.16:44
perry1Can I make weechat play a bell when my name is mentioned?16:44
perry1perry1: test16:45
perry1perry1: test16:45
Umeaboyperry1: Have you installed weechat-plugins?16:45
pokmoperry1, thanks16:45
perry1No Umeaboy, should I?16:45
Umeaboyperry1: Check.16:46
perry1NVM it's installed16:46
UmeaboyI guess you have to enable that in a submenu then.16:46
perry1Any ideas where? I know next to nothing about weechat16:46
Umeaboyperry1: Check the help for weechat.16:47
UmeaboyOr the website.16:47
perry1Will do16:47
zhuyue123 卡啊16:48
Umeaboy!en zhuyue12316:48
presiden-nkrjUmeaboy: this is my current setting, http://i.imgur.com/m5idDHj.png and sorry, I didn't get what you mean by "When there are updates" part.16:48
perry1that failed16:48
pokmoi have a problem with ssh. if i log into the LAN via VPN, i can't ssh into this machine. but if i ssh into another machine within the LAN first, i can then ssh into it16:49
pokmodoes anyone know why?16:49
pokmoi can ping the IP fine16:49
pokmoi get just Connection refused almost instantly16:49
Umeaboypresiden-nkrj: When there are security updates. Change that.16:49
presiden-nkrjBluesKaj: I didn't quite get it, do you mean to remove unattended upgrade, one way to do it is do apt update && apt upgrade daily?16:49
UmeaboyBecause now it's set to alert you instantly.16:49
perry1uhhh idk pokmo, is port 22 open?16:49
BluesKajpresiden-nkrj, ^16:49
Umeaboypokmo: Sounds like the firewall is stoping you from logging in.16:50
BluesKajpresiden-nkrj,  to be precise, the application name is unattended-upgrades16:50
aliendude5300I can't get my Ubuntu 17 live USB to boot with both of my monitors plugged in, anyone have experience with this?16:51
* perry1 is fancy16:51
perry1^Cc12^Cbhello ^Cb^Cc04^C_everybody^C_^Cc!16:52
cubby_pokmo have you tried port forwarding in the router16:52
perry1that failed16:52
mguypokmo: which machine can you connect to? I agree the firewall is probably only allowing ssh to certain IP's16:52
presiden-nkrjUmeaboy: ah, but the options is: "Display immediately", "Download automatically", and "Download and install automatically". Should I chose the second option then?16:52
perry1why isn't /help working in weechat....16:53
BluesKajpresiden-nkrj,  don't choose anything, leave them unchecked, apt upgrae and update will take care of that16:53
perry1brb, hopping to #weechat16:54
Umeaboypresiden-nkrj: Yes.16:54
UmeaboyBluesKaj: He doesn't want to be notified.16:54
pavlosthere may be a process, update-notifer16:55
bonsaitreeIs there a fix for the network-manager dropping the connection almost 20 times a day, after the 17.04 upgrade? Is there a fix for the screen-tearing problem under 17.04? I've searched the internet, but was not able to find any fixes. Thanks in advance.16:55
presiden-nkrjwell, to be precise, I don't want to have a sudden slow down when doing something important16:55
JackSparrow_bonsaitree, atheros wifi ?16:55
A1does anyone know if 17.04 is any good?16:56
A1graphicly that is16:56
Umeaboyperry1: https://weechat.org/files/doc/devel/weechat_quickstart.en.html16:56
bonsaitreeJackSparrow_, Intel PRO Wireless 6200-N, iwlwifi module16:56
UmeaboyA1: Try it and see. :)16:56
UmeaboyThat's the best way to know.16:56
MiguelFullercan someone answer my question on the forum https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=236125816:56
A1for some reason, I really like 14.0416:56
mguyA1: I get lots of glitches with it16:56
UmeaboyWhat happens to one person with one computer might not happen to you on your computer.16:56
mguyA1: especially with 2 monitors, running a video on one the other will blink etc16:57
pavlospresiden-nkrj: you may have an update-notifier checked in the startup applications16:57
BluesKaj!dpkg | presiden-nkrj16:57
ubottupresiden-nkrj: dpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.16:57
UmeaboyThe only problem I have with 17.04 is that the screen resolution is wacky.16:57
A1can't you adjust that in settings16:57
mguyUmeaboy: HOW WACKY IS IT16:57
mguyA1: there are settings for resolution and scaling16:59
Umeaboymguy: Well, if I decide to change to 1920x1080 like I've always used on previous Ubuntu versions it looks more to be 800x600.16:59
=== Fentanyl1 is now known as Fentanyl
UmeaboySo everything is enlarged.16:59
mguyUmeaboy: Very odd16:59
UmeaboyAnd my maximum resolution is above 4K.16:59
UmeaboyAnd that's set as standard, but also doesn't feel anyway near that.16:59
mguyLots of quirks to be had with 4k still. shame17:00
UmeaboyThe previous Ubuntu versions doesn't have these kind of problems.17:01
A1I think that anything over 4k is unreasonable17:01
UmeaboySo Wayland is a bit off.17:01
mguyA1: 4k/5k are nice are large screens (22-27")17:01
pavlosUmeaboy: maybe you dont have the correct video driver ... sudo lshw -c display17:02
A1mguy i still think that if you have a screen over 4k it's for bragging rights17:03
mguyOr you like really easy to read nicely rendered text17:03
SchrodingersScatneed to play my animus17:03
A1if the screen is 4 inches away from your face :P17:04
Umeaboypavlos: https://pastebin.ca/381285217:05
presiden-nkrjBluesKaj: hm... I think I'll be going with your suggestion, by doing apt update & upgrade manually via terminal. But is there a way to uninstall this "Software Updater" GUI program completely? I try uninstall unattended-upgrades package but this program still exist.17:05
UmeaboyAnd NO, I absolutely refuse to use anything proprietary.17:05
Umeaboynouveau has been working fine until 17.04 was installed.17:06
UmeaboyIf that's the driver that's causing this issue that is.17:06
presiden-nkrjpavlos: ah, also I didn't see any update-notifier in the list of "Startup Application". It's just bluetooth, ssh-gnome, and welcome something.17:07
A1what does removing "splash quiet" from line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT do in file /etc/default/grub17:09
A1at startup?17:10
JackSparrow_A1 lets you watch as it boots17:10
A1watch what?17:10
A1verbose output ?17:10
JackSparrow_The boot process, usually looking for errors,17:10
nolsenUm, how to diagnose why some of my snap apps show a black screen? Example: https://cloud.nolsen.xyz/s/vBw7LAgByemYVVG17:11
A1for debugging?17:11
pavlospresiden-nkrj: I think the Software Updater calls update-manager. Maybe you could remove update-manager17:11
presiden-nkrjpavlos: oh, okay.17:12
FentanylI have an encrypted Home-Folder. When I delete my Account, will it disappear forever?17:13
presiden-nkrjpavlos: it also removes ubuntu-gnome-desktop*, is this a bad thing?17:13
presiden-nkrjunless that's just the, uh, what's it called, meta package or something.17:14
pavlospresiden-nkrj: I think it is a meta package but hope someone else can confirm this17:15
JackSparrow_Thats a bad thing17:15
OneM_IndustriesSo. I have a couple old CDs that should have stuff on them, but for some reason, they are showing up as empty when I try to mount them. Any suggestions?17:15
JackSparrow_In mint I have updater icon in bottom right of screen, just called update manager, try running that17:15
presiden-nkrjthis is the only package that being removed: ubuntu-gnome-desktop* ubuntu-release-upgrader-gtk* update-manager* update-notifier*17:16
presiden-nkrjJackSparrow_: uh, I wanna uninstall update-manager actually, not run it17:17
JackSparrow_Run the updater and set it to Dont break .. that is actually an option in my updater17:17
Verevet_darkI'm testing the chat with one since (sorry for my english)17:17
Verevet_darkI'm looking were very well. Good Bye all17:17
pavlosUmeaboy: I assume you use the GTX850 video with nouveau ... that should work with hires17:18
Umeaboypavlos: Yeah, it does. In previous Ubuntu versions.17:19
=== AlanAuckland is now known as ArchaicLord
ArchaicLordHI, Was installing Ubuntu server 16.04 onto a usb drive.... then got exiting on error base-installer/failed-install17:20
A1does mint run on debian architecture?17:21
lotuspsychjeArchaicLord: perhaps the #ubuntu-server guys might know that one?17:21
ArchaicLordcool thanks17:21
lotuspsychjeA1: mint is not supported here mate17:21
A1is there a mint channel?17:22
A1pm freenode17:22
lotuspsychje!mint | A117:22
ubottuA1: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)17:22
presiden-nkrjanyway, thanks for the helps JackSparrow_, Umeaboy, pavlos, and BluesKaj :)17:23
bonsaitreeIs there a fix for the network-manager dropping the connection almost 20 times a day, after the 17.04 upgrade? Is there a fix for the screen-tearing problem under 17.04? I've searched the internet, but was not able to find any fixes. Thanks in advance.17:23
presiden-nkrjI'll test if it's break something or not.17:23
presiden-nkrjthanks all o/ bye17:23
lotuspsychjebonsaitree: wifi chipset please?17:23
MiguelFullerbonsaitree, I had same problem with ubuntu 8 on a p3 laptop when I got 10.04 it worked17:23
bonsaitreelotuspsychje, Intel Advanced 6200-N17:25
ArchaicLordubuntu-server people seem to  all be asleep17:25
lotuspsychjebonsaitree: have you tested other ubuntu versions on same wifi/ graphics card?17:25
gogetawhere always asleep17:26
bonsaitreelotuspsychje, It used to work flawlessly under 16.10, but after the 17.04 update i am getting like 20-30 drops a day, which is *very* annoying.17:26
lotuspsychje!behelpful | gogeta17:27
ubottugogeta: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.17:27
lotuspsychjebonsaitree: you might wanna consider a !bug or test another kenel version?17:27
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:27
adamwsti've found a bug: ubuntu is available in Microsoft Store17:28
adamwstwhat can i do?17:28
lotuspsychjebonsaitree: is your system up to date to latest also?17:28
gogetaadamwst, lol17:28
lotuspsychje!joke | adamwst17:28
MiguelFullercan someone help me fix my nic adapter speed17:28
ubottuadamwst: You might think your joke is funny, but you may confuse new users who follow your advice or irritate people who attempt to answer your question.17:28
bonsaitreelotuspsychje, Yes, my system is up-to-date, i will test with previous kernel versions to see if it will be okay that way.17:28
adamwst^ not a right way of using pipe17:29
lotuspsychjebonsaitree: yes, that waould be a good test start17:29
lotuspsychjebonsaitree: uname -a ?17:29
bonsaitreelotuspsychje, 4.10.0-20-generic17:30
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic zesty17:30
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (zesty), package size 2 kB, installed size 13 kB17:30
lotuspsychjebonsaitree: ok, looks up to date17:31
gogetabonsaitree, what you got wifi droping?17:31
lotuspsychjebonsaitree: try previous kernel, to see what happens17:31
bonsaitreegogeta, I get sudden drops of the internet connection, while browsing for an example. But what i did notice now is that when it drops i am not logged out from IRC, so that may indicate that only some type of traffic is getting blocked or idk.17:33
lotuspsychjebonsaitree: while you play with wifi, do a tail -f /var/log/syslog to see errors live17:33
Umeaboybonsaitree: Maybe the signal is not strong.17:33
gogetabonsaitree, try this and restarting echo options iwlwifi bt_coex_active=0 swcrypto=1 11n_disable=8 | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf17:34
bonsaitreeUmeaboy:Nope, because other Windows machines on the network are doing pretty well.17:34
gogetabonsaitree, seems it is a ussie with 4.1017:34
UmeaboyI'm using iwlwifi myself, but I don't get that proble,17:35
bonsaitreeUmeaboy, Which kernel version, distro version?17:35
FentanylI have an encrypted Home-Folder. When I delete my Account, will it disappear forever?17:35
Umeaboybonsaitree: 4.10.0-20-generic17:36
gogetabonsaitree, should stop the random drops17:36
bonsaitreegogeta:Okay, i will try that first, if that does not work i will try with different kernels.17:37
blunderful:/ Ubuntu live CD's installer makes the screen go wonky.17:38
posAnyone feel like a l33t ZFS-user? can I pick your brain/ask you a few questions?17:38
ducassepos: you better just ask, or try #zfsonlinux if it's really complex17:39
lotuspsychjeblunderful: wich livedc, on wich graphics card?17:40
posducasse, thanks17:40
blunderfulboth 16.04 and 17.04, on R730 (HD 4670)17:40
ducasseblunderful: didn't we sort this yesterday?17:41
bonsaitreegogeta, Wow, after the .conf file edit that you suggested, i got 50 Mbit/s download speed on speedtest, something that i was not able to get for a long time.17:41
lotuspsychje!amd | blunderful17:41
ubottublunderful: Open driver for AMD cards: amdgpu (cards >= GCN1.2 aka GCN 3rd gen), radeon (older cards). Closed drivers: amdgpu-pro (>= GCN1.2) fglrx (older cards, unsupported by AMD in 16.04+). For info on GCN levels, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units . For fglrx info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD17:41
blunderfulyeah, but the nomodeset really slows down the computer :/17:41
lotuspsychjeblunderful: define 'wonky' please?17:41
blunderfultrying to find a way around it17:41
blunderful4.4 kernel didn't work either17:42
blunderfullotuspsychje: https://ibb.co/erjv5k17:42
bonsaitreegogeta, What is this option: bt_coex_active=0 for?17:42
lotuspsychjeblunderful: thats linux mint?17:42
blunderfulyes, but same thing with ubuntu installer17:43
ducasseblunderful: please use the ubuntu livecd to get support here, so we don't waste time on mint17:44
blunderfulducasse: currently using ubuntu live cd17:44
blunderfulthe photo was from yesterday, but if you want, I can take another of the current ubuntu screen?17:45
ducasseblunderful: ok. not necessary.17:45
ducasseblunderful: i'm curious if it would work on 14.04 with fglrx...17:47
ducasseblunderful: does fglrx even support 4670?17:47
RonWhoCaresI found the flock of Canadian Geese Grazing.  I just filmed them for 17 minutes.  I am going to make a 15 minute video with this.17:47
lotuspsychjeRonWhoCares: not here please17:47
RonWhoCareslotuspsychje: - this was background information17:48
RonWhoCaresThe file is saying 'Invalid Media Type".   Is there a away to repair the file17:48
blunderfulducasse: I think so, but I'd rather not go that route. I had another computer with HD 3450 with fglrx and I didn't like it too much. Would rather stick with open source drivers17:48
ducasseblunderful: just a suggestion, i don't really have any other ideas atm17:50
lotuspsychjeblunderful: can you try this as a test? https://cubethethird.wordpress.com/2016/06/14/eliminate-screen-tearing-with-amd-gpu-on-ubuntu/17:50
blunderfullotuspsychje: ok, trying...17:50
Makonduring dist-upgrade, i seemed to have mistakenly pressed something and i received W: Operation was interrupted before it could finish17:52
Makonwhat should i do now?17:52
lotuspsychjeMakon: what happens when you sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade ?17:53
Makonlotuspsychje, it simply shows 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.17:55
Makonno error pops up17:55
Makonbut how can i be sure nothing went wrong17:55
blunderfullotuspsychje: Same appearance.17:55
lotuspsychjeblunderful: did you reboot? another test might be installing amdgpu as test?17:56
blunderfullotuspsychje: Yes, rebooted. I could try that, but I don't thinnk amdgpu supports my card.17:56
bonsaitreegogeta, Wow, after the .conf file edit that you suggested, i got 50 Mbit/s download speed on speedtest, something that i was not able to get for a long time.17:56
bonsaitreeWhat is this option: bt_coex_active=0 for, located in the iwlwifi.conf file?17:57
blunderfulblunderful: Will the one from oibaf's ppa do?17:57
lucifermorningsthey guys i updated my ubuntu kernel 4.8.0-xxx bt i'm unable to login 'kernel panic' now im using my previous kernel any suggestions ?17:57
lotuspsychjelucifermorningst: wich ubuntu version?17:58
blunderfullotuspsychje: Will the one from oibaf's ppa do?17:58
lucifermorningstcurrent 4.8.0-49-generic update to 51 then kernel panic17:58
lotuspsychjeblunderful: you can test it on your system, tryout a few things before you !bug17:58
lotuspsychjeblunderful: if non-lts and lts you cant get it straight on different driver versions, i would consider a !bug17:59
blunderfullotuspsychje: Okay17:59
blunderfullotuspsychje: Oh also, it's an iMac, so that probably complicates things a bit.18:02
lotuspsychjeblunderful: alot of users got ubuntu working nicely on macs, depending wich mac of course18:03
blunderfullotuspsychje: http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/imac/specs/imac-core-2-duo-3.06-21-inch-aluminum-late-2009-specs.html18:04
lotuspsychjeblunderful: as a test i would try 14.04 also as ducasse suggested, just to see what it does18:04
blunderfullotuspsychje: with fglrx?18:04
lotuspsychjeblunderful: with whatever works18:05
Bashing-omblunderful: I come in here late, but on a 4x ATI card there is no FGLRX support anymore .18:06
blunderfullotuspsychje: Ah ok. Also, I had Ubuntu 16.04 working before, but then I installed Mac OS, then reinstalled Ubuntu, and now it doesn't work. So I'm guess I'm trying to figure out what changed...18:06
blunderfulBashing-om: ah thanks.18:06
lotuspsychjeblunderful: did you test 16.04.2 iso?18:06
blunderfullotuspsychje: yes, both times18:07
blunderfulI did install refind between the installs18:07
blunderfulwould that make a difference?18:07
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bonsaitreeWhat is this?18:09
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Threadsbonsaitree its called a netsplit18:10
bonsaitreeThreads, What is its purpose?18:11
blunderfultwo IRC servers lose connection to each other18:11
ubottuA netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit18:11
bonsaitreeblunderful, There is a good wiki article on that, will read there :), thanks18:11
Threadsthey would see the samething as us give it 10minutes or more and they will all come back18:12
MiguelFullerdoes anybody knows why firefox or opera are not running on my ubuntu 16.04 on a pentium318:14
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lotuspsychjeMiguelFuller: the technology isnt supported anymore i think, you getting an error?18:15
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bonsaitreeNope, connection still dropping after the iwlwifi.conf edit someone suggested, although link speed has increased, don't know why.18:16
MiguelFullerlotuspsychje, like a need a curl or something18:17
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SeveasMiguelFuller: no, a new computer. Preferably one from this milennium.18:17
MiguelFullerSeveas, it's from 200118:18
MiguelFullerlike my car haha18:18
Seveasoh well, this decade then...18:18
MiguelFullerI think I need libcurl18:18
lotuspsychjeMiguelFuller: you could install 16.04.2 lubuntu and install links2 as textbrowser18:19
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MiguelFullerthat'll be cool18:19
lotuspsychje!info links2 | MiguelFuller18:19
ubottuMiguelFuller: links2 (source: links2): Web browser running in both graphics and text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.14-2 (zesty), package size 2875 kB, installed size 4760 kB18:19
lotuspsychjeMiguelFuller: just keep in mind its for basic browsing18:20
MiguelFullerlotuspsychje, I want to run blender on this p318:20
lotuspsychjeMiguelFuller: bad idea18:20
SeveasMiguelFuller: you must like waiting :)18:21
MiguelFullerwow so what can I do I love this laptop18:21
MiguelFullerI want to use it for something18:21
lotuspsychjeMiguelFuller: i would suggest lubuntu and basic usage18:22
Seveastarget practice18:22
MiguelFullerI used lubuntu but is not supported18:22
lotuspsychjeMiguelFuller: howso?18:22
MiguelFullerso I switch to ubuntu18:22
MiguelFullerthe thing crashed I think I can't remember18:22
lotuspsychjeMiguelFuller: that doesnt make sense, lubuntu is more lightweight18:23
MiguelFullerI just checked I already have libcurl318:23
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MiguelFullerso I'm done gonna put a new xubuntu I don't like lubuntu18:24
MiguelFullerany other option18:24
lotuspsychje!flavors | MiguelFuller pick one18:24
ubottuMiguelFuller pick one: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours18:24
saulushi, my linux box often freezes (not even the numlock can be switched). Win runs stable. Any ideas how to debug?18:24
lotuspsychjesaulus: system specs? ubuntu version? what happens when?18:25
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Jack_Sparrow__MiguelFuller, They have a decent  Mate  version18:27
* commco is testing18:30
MiguelFullerJack_Sparrow__, I used to run mate on a phenom ii looks nice18:30
sauluslotuspsychje: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz, Ubuntu 17.04, happened during browsing. So nothing special18:31
Jack_Sparrow__The same dev that made Mint Mate is helping Ubuntu Mate18:32
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perryfHey (Used to be perry1)18:35
perryfUh, what's a good ubuntu music visualizer?18:35
perryfI've seen one a lot on r/UnixPorn18:35
ikoniawin 718:40
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Vuurdraak_hi everybody, I just symlinked my home/.cache folder to my HD and now rhythmbox doesnt want to run anymore, what should be the right user permissions for the .cache folder ?18:44
mateusHI GUYS18:45
Vuurdraak_i cant find it if i search for it online18:46
julianoalgum br?18:49
tonytanyone know of a linux gaming channel?18:49
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lotuspsychjetonyt: #gamingonlinux18:50
Vuurdraak_anybody who can check the file permisions for the .cache folder in the home dir ?18:50
tonytk thanks18:51
SeveasVuurdraak_: 070018:53
Bashing-omVuurdraak_: " drwx------ 14 sysop sysop 4096 May 14 11:56 .cache " .18:53
luciferthedevilll | grep "cache"18:54
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Zen101HI guys... Installed quake launcher via synaptic. Is there anyway to install and use bots with this version ??19:06
leftyfbZen101: that's not the sort of help you'll get here19:06
Vuurdraak_weird i dont get it what has been altered, as gstreamer keeps trowing permission errors o.O thought it might have been the .cache dir permissions i guess something else is now broken -looks confused-19:06
Zen101Ok thanks for the head up...19:07
Vuurdraak_libdc1394 error: Failed to create juju: opendir: Permission denied19:10
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Vuurdraak_okay sorry problem fixed, it was apparmor :') blocking rhythmbox from using the brand new .cache dir19:24
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IntelCoreello.  what does ms store give us for wsl ??19:28
ducasse!ubuwin | IntelCore19:29
ubottuIntelCore: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows.19:29
IntelCoreno one is available in the other chan19:30
ducasseIntelCore: then wait, it's offtopic here19:30
Vuurdraak_try discus it in #ubuntu-offtopic19:31
Vuurdraak_i didnt even know that ms was gona do that new to me :)19:32
Vuurdraak_anyway laters all thanks for all who tried to help out o/19:32
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IntelCoreif i upgrades to new lts, I dont need wsl in windows19:36
IntelCorei would to open an icon to run vm of ubunyu, mebe19:38
aliendude5300Is there a Linux live image with the Nvidia drivers installed? I can't boot to a desktop on 17.04 live on my system19:39
aliendude5300I wanted to try to see if the Nvidia driver would help19:39
hfpHi, I have a 180GB volume with full disk encryption. I'd like to clone it to a 128GB disk. There is far less than 100GB actually used on the source disk. WHat's the best way to clone the disk? Will Clonezilla do it or is the encryption an issue?19:40
IntelCoreis it dual-booted, alien?19:40
IntelCoreget a terminal ?19:40
ducassealiendude5300: have you tried nomodeset?19:41
kk6mrpHello! Somehow my keyring got messed up on ubuntu, using the Gnome desktop, and I cannot even log in to my default account in it through gnome now. I think maybe something happened to my .Xauthority file, but have no clue how to fix it. I created a different account to use for now, but the problem persisists. It began after I installed anbox, not sure what direction to head now.19:41
aliendude5300The graphics are totally non-functional after the system comes up. I think it's because I'm driving two monitors19:41
aliendude5300I have a 980 Ti card and two LG 27" monitors plugged into it19:41
IntelCoreit is the similar with dual bootin19:42
aliendude5300I haven't tried this nomodeset option19:42
ducasse!nomodeset | aliendude530019:42
ubottualiendude5300: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:42
IntelCorecas tha drivers are different19:43
kk6mrpAnyone have any ideas?19:44
anddamdoes ubuntu have wpa_supplicant systemd unit templates?19:44
IntelCoreubuntu ?  SysV  ?19:47
anddamwhere did you get the sysv reference from?19:48
anddamIntelCore: and?19:49
IntelCoresystemd looks for a SysV init script by        the same name (with the .service suffix removed) and dynamically        creates a service unit from that script. This is useful for        compatibility with SysV.19:50
anddamok, but I'm not using systemV init19:50
IntelCoredynamic creates unit template if none there19:50
akik_IntelCore: does it work so that if i have /etc/init.d/service, i can enable it with systemctl enable service.service ?19:50
TaoseGot a bit of a question. I think my printer has been deprecated ._.;;19:51
TaoseI have rebooted my HP F2280 (heh) and tried to get it to scan something but Ubuntu 16.10 isn't recognizing it19:52
IntelCorescan drivers vs printing?19:53
TaoseI've seen a few things around on the Ubuntu drivers list that it appears to have been...well effectively deprecated. HP aren't supplying any help for it either19:53
TaoseTried both19:53
TaoseI have hplip installed19:53
TaoseBut no joy there either19:53
Taose(I've also made sure it's connected and it is showing in the usb list)19:53
TaoseIt used to be plug-n-play up to about 16.0419:54
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IntelCorenear as possible, same printer family, one driver up beyond it, or, next new model that replaced that printer?19:54
TaoseSo you want me to try and install a driver for the next one up for it?19:55
IntelCoretried generic?19:55
Faisal12i need help19:55
TaoseI have all the generic stuff installed, but no joy19:55
Faisal12why ?19:56
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PCatineanHey guys!19:56
TaoseAlso whaddya need Faisal12?19:56
lvn_mateHi Faisal. What do you need help with?19:56
PCatineanMy android phone can connect to a wireless network but my ubuntu 16.04 laptop cannot19:56
Faisal12i need to learn aome tools for sql databease19:56
PCatineanHost says it might have to do with automatic ip assignation19:56
PCatineanCan anyone help me debug/fix this?19:57
Faisal12i need to learn aome tools for sql databease19:57
IntelCore14.8.0177.2 MBAug 22, 201419:57
Faisal12i need to learn some tools for sql databease19:57
IntelCorethis is on support19:57
TaoseApparently IntelCore, Hplip recommend just installing hplip, but I already have it19:58
anddamhow do I rfkill to unblock wifi at boot? I see /etc/init/rfkill-store has a reference to /lib/systemd/systemd-rfkill used with 'save <device>' syntax19:58
LeoTheNarwhalPCatinean, does it give any errors ?19:58
lvn_mateFaisal: Ahh. I'm afraid I don't have the knowledge to help with that. But I'm sure someone here does.19:58
IntelCorethere no printer driver for it apt-get?19:59
PCatineanLeoTheNarwhal not sure i got syslog on now19:59
anddambut unblocking wifi and trying to manually call 'systemd-rfkill save rfkill1' complains that systemd-rfkill doesn't accept arguments (unlike how it's used in rfkill-store system script)19:59
Faisal12how i can make channel and make ouner ?19:59
PCatineanIt connects to the network but nothing more happebs19:59
Jack_Sparrow__Faisal12, Please stop repeating..  and not even a good place tp ask19:59
TaoseNothing specific just hplip so far as I can tell19:59
Taose(damn this room is busy)19:59
PCatineanI have wlp3s019:59
lvn_mateTaose: This is an old thread but I thought downloading the drivers it mentions might help? https://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-905287.html19:59
ducasseFaisal12: ask in #freenode19:59
LeoTheNarwhalPCatinean, well you could check if you have got an IP adres from your DHCP server19:59
LeoTheNarwhalPCatinean, can you verify that you have obtained an IP adres ?20:00
TaoseJust tells me to download hplip which I already have20:00
IntelCoreit's a 2014 driver on HP support. may be Windows only20:00
PCatineanLeoTheNarwhal i have on the interface I mentioned earlier20:00
TaoseWhich tells me "deinstall ok config-files"20:01
PCatineanThat's about it, working on Android though20:01
Taose(which after some research means hplip has been deprecated somehow)20:01
LeoTheNarwhalPCatinean, do you know the address of your default gateway too?, try to ping your default gateway and see if it works20:01
IntelCoreunless linus installed at purchase,,,20:01
PCatineanI don't know it, tried with 1 in the end did not work20:01
TaoseNah, windows 8 was installed at purchase, never have I formatted a machine so hard and so fast before...20:02
LeoTheNarwhalPCatinean, well lets skip that and try to ping (its a google server just for testing)20:02
IntelCorei dunno why if hp would supply sets drivers for both or have a linux page20:03
Taosethat's what hplip is apparently20:03
PCatineanLeoTheNarwhal nop, everything I ping has dest hist unreachable20:03
PCatineanIncluding presumed gateways20:03
PCatineanI got those from.route -n20:03
lvn_mateI thought hplip was just an interface to use the printer, rather than using their own osftware (which doesn't work on Linux anyway)20:04
qwerkushi, i could use some help with apache password protection. I protected a <directory> in the virtualhost conf file of apache2, and it works well if I access the site over its domain name. Though accessing the site directly over its ip seems to circumvent the password protection. How do I fix this ?20:04
LeoTheNarwhalPCatinean, can you give a list with all network routes ?20:04
Taoseapparently not lvn_mate20:04
PCatineanKi da hard to type by phone20:05
IntelCoreTaose - OS is foor windows20:05
PCatineanIs the only gatewat, otherwise just 0.0?0.020:05
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IntelCoreselect full details20:06
LeoTheNarwhalPCatinean, does it list the right interface too, for those routes20:06
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IntelCorethey dont has one for linuxes20:06
PCatineanAnd some strange destinations20:07
PCatineanDifferent interfaces apparently20:07
PCatineanWhy does it work on my phone?20:07
TaoseThat's true intelcore, that's why they have HP Linux Imaging and Printing (hplip)20:07
LeoTheNarwhalPCatinean, yeah i guess its some configuration error, or your router blocking uknown mac address or something like that20:08
LeoTheNarwhalPCatinean, so you could check the config in your router20:08
LeoTheNarwhalPCatinean, well can others (friends or visitor or so) use your internet?20:09
TaoseThis says that in theory it's still supported (partially)20:09
IntelCoreI do see a 2210 driver hplip20:09
LeoTheNarwhalPCatinean, PCatinean or do they encouter problems too ?20:10
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PCatineanFiring.up tablet now20:11
PCatineanI just got here20:11
PCatineanTablet not working either20:13
PCatineanAs in it connects to the network but no internet20:13
LeoTheNarwhalPCatinean, wel it could be mac filtering in the router or it could be the router (or some other device) handing out wrong ip adresses20:15
Jack_Sparrow__Did you try is ipv420:15
Jack_Sparrow__and for alt20:15
Jack_Sparrow__set ipv6 to ignore etc20:16
LeoTheNarwhalPCatinean, you could try to log into the router and verify if mac filtering or something like that is enabled by browsing to the gateway ip on your android phone20:16
IntelCoreread far as I know.. hplip re-install, and that 2210 test it20:17
ertocan anyone help me to detect CPU temp (with lm-sensors or something else) with ubuntu 16.04, mobo msi b350m mortar (Super I/O r6637) and CPU ryzen 5 1600? sensors-detect doesn't detect anything20:17
TaoseYeah I'm coming to the same conclusion intel after doing a check20:17
TaoseLooks like certain things were removed by a program being uninstalled somewhere20:18
IntelCoreTaose - win printer20:18
TaoseThough the last time anything was removed was during an update20:19
IntelCoremeans it no post script or advanced stuff on the printer20:19
IntelCoreall from driver and os20:19
IntelCoreposs update broke old driver20:20
TaosePrinter detected20:20
TaoseBut No scanners available20:20
TaoseI just installed hplip in its entirety XD20:21
TaoseI have plenty of room20:21
IntelCorefind software to use to scan with20:21
TaoseI use the inbuilt one usually20:21
Taose(as in the one that comes with ubuntu)20:21
Taoseno, simple scan20:21
Jack_Sparrow__Simple Scan here too20:22
anddamI'm able to manually connect with wpa_supplicant, I added the stanza into /etc/network/interfaces and I can connect via ifup, yet I have rfkill softblocking the wlan at boot and it's not storing the status like it should be from what I understand from systemd-rfkill man page20:22
IntelCoredetected, but it may run tha scan?20:22
TaoseProblem occurred while installing software "libperl5.22 5.22.2-3"20:23
TaoseWhich appears to be the main issue at the moment20:25
IntelCorechangelog - it tried overwrite fail. debian is not ubuntu20:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1574351 in perl (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1659487 package libperl5.22 5.22.1-9 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite shared '/usr/share/doc/libperl5.22/changelog.Debian.gz', which is different from other instances of package libperl5.22:i386" [High,Confirmed]20:26
TaoseYeah that's the one20:26
TaoseGoddam fu20:26
IntelCorewull fix?20:27
TaoseGotta go for now will be back in an hour. This is kinda an urgent thing for me >.<;20:27
IntelCoregood lux20:28
anddamI see the stored values in /var/lib/systemd/rfkill changing when I unblock wifi, and that's where the storage is supposed to be20:28
anddambut something in rfkill cycle is switching the unblocked status, that it shuold save on shutdown, to blocked20:28
IntelCoreTaose ? 2200-2224 try20:30
IntelCore Do you use/need iwlwifi for your card?  If not, perhaps blacklisting it would do - though if it's active, I'd guess you may need it.20:33
IntelCorethe reply said ..20:33
IntelCore using any power-saving scripts such as powerdown or laptop-mode-tools20:35
IntelCorethat can reset your stuff20:35
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IntelCorelook here.   systool -m iwlwifi -av issued as root20:37
IntelCoreAndam  any good?20:40
webphilhey all. For some reason, my ubuntu box is failing to boot. It's been working fine for months, if not years - so I'm not sure what's up with it. It just says select a boot device - and when I select the right one, it asks me to select boot device again (it doesnt even reboot before re-asking). I can get into the ubuntu OS via my mobo's UEFI interface & telling it to execute the EFI shell20:40
webphilanybody got any ideas of where to start debugging this?20:41
Jack_Sparrow__Is it dual win box?20:41
MiguelFullerwhat is a good way to install xubuntu on a pen drive from windows that is clean20:41
webphilJack_Sparrow__: No, just ubuntu20:42
IntelCoreit doesnt see20:43
Jordan_Uwebphil: Boot from an Ubuntu LiveUSB and pastebin the output of "sudo efibootmgr". My guess is that somehow the UEFI boot entry for Ubuntu was lost. If so, you can either restore it or configure things so that the drive can be booted without a UEFI boot entry.20:43
Jack_Sparrow__MiguelFuller, http://www.thewindowsclub.com/top-3-free-iso-burners-windows-720:43
webphilJordan_U: Is there a difference between booting via a liveusb and doing that vs booting into the installed ubuntu instance via EFI shell?20:44
IntelCore<< groceries20:45
Jordan_Uwebphil: Yes. It's much easier to fix grub from the installed system, so you should ignore what I said and just boot your installed Ubuntu :)20:45
webphilJordan_U, awesome, saves me download a live USB (: the output of efibootmgr -v is; Timeout 1 second. Boot Order: 0001. Boot001* UEFI: SanDisk PciRoot/...USB....GPT....BO (truncated but I hopefully have everything important because I'm reading it from a different screen)20:46
ChadTaljaardtcan anyone help me debug this issue :/20:47
ChadTaljaardtsorry wrong channel :)20:47
Jordan_UwepThere should be an entry titled "Ubuntu" there. Running "sudo grub-install" (with no other arguments) should add it back.20:47
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webphilJordan_U: ok, just ran that and now efibootmgr's output is; boot order: 0000,0001. Boot0000* ubuntu .... \shimx64.efi. Boot0001...same as before20:49
webphilI'll give it a reboot and see if that does the trick20:49
webphillooks like its booting! :D20:49
webphilThanks Jordon_U!20:50
webphilAny ideas why it decided to eat the ubuntu entry out of the blue?20:50
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YankDownUnderwebphil, Power outtage? BIOS/EFI reset?20:51
Jordan_Uwebphil: No. Maybe there was a boot firmware update that didn't preserve the entries. Windows also writes its bootlaoder to \EFI\boot\bootx64.efi on the EFI System Partition, so that it will boot even with no UEFI entry. Most distros consider writing to that path to be unfriendly to other OSs that might have their own bootloader there.20:52
webphilAFAIK, there wasn't a power outage - it's not like any clocks in my house got reset or anything on the day the server died. BIOS/EFI reset - maybe - but nothing directly triggered by me I dont think20:52
webphilI don't have windows or an other OS on the server20:53
Jordan_Uwebphil: If a problem doesn't effect Windows then boot firmware manufacturers tend not to notice it or put a high priority on fixing it.20:53
webphilso I guess best guess is some UEFI update nuked the settings or something20:53
YankDownUnderwebphil, On my Ubuntu server, I had the same - and it WAS after a "firmware update" - but luckily I wasn't in panic mode and just updated grub...(luckily)20:53
webphilYankDownUnder: I'm just happy this is my home test server and not a production box in a remote DC somewhere . Glad it was just a grub-install and nothing too crazy to fix it (:20:54
TaoseIntelCore, hplip installs them all.20:55
TaoseBut the problem isn't that at the moment. It's perl20:55
IntelCoreyes bug20:55
YankDownUnderwebphil, Oh yeah...oh yeah...I'm always paranoid about the remotes I have...distance can be both a blessing and a curse...20:55
IntelCoreget the one for ubuntu, after remove what is now there20:56
IntelCoremay get off usb/dvd install20:57
IntelCoremove tha file20:57
TaoseWell I got a slightly different issue now21:00
TaoseI followed Reuben's work around21:00
Taoseand that went through fine21:00
TaoseSo I went to simple scan21:01
Taoseand it told me no scanners were found21:01
Taoseclick close21:01
TaoseTells me to fix error by downloading drivers21:01
Taosethat goes through successfully21:01
Taoserestart simple scan21:01
IntelCorek.. tha orig versins on install disk . not debian21:01
Taoseand back to telling me no were found21:01
TaoseI don't have an install disk21:01
TaoseAll I have is what's in the ubuntu repository21:02
IntelCorewhen you iso 16.0421:02
TaoseThat just grabs the necessary files from the repository21:02
Taoseand it appears that the error has been present for quite a while in 16.04 too21:03
IntelCorethe iso on my drive is all the files to put on disk to install with21:03
TaosePoint is: The file on iso won't fix it, because it has the same error21:04
IntelCoreit should not be the debian?21:04
Taoseit is.21:04
TaoseFeel free to check21:04
TaoseUbuntu is pretty much a reskinned debian at any rate.21:05
Taoseso all debian stuff works on ubuntu21:05
IntelCore2200 to 2224 was that one driver21:05
TaoseThat's included in hplip21:05
TaoseI already have them21:05
TaoseAll of them21:05
IntelCoredang scanner21:05
CatyCHECK OUT A NEW AWESOME TOR IRC SERVER.....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: rizonz ToBeFree head|cat parity_ ghostcube_ thatgraemegu test222 jonsson_ ProtocolNetworks sipior_ afox twisted` PeterReid theShirbiny rymate1234 typ LostSoul Linlz Krenair ujjain wgrant CodeBlue1776 shiznix lucnx chl__ rotzbub_ josephz ktosiek bray90820 Tekster wiiguy Goyo JackH chatcat_ digitalfiz steenman georgeowell_ sudoer deanman Cyph0n Willis br34l yinye yokel barnito ejat LambdaCom21:06
CatyCHECK OUT A NEW AWESOME TOR IRC SERVER.....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: Andorin WizardGed Stinky-Feet Zerant Sauvin cwre_ ToeSnacks MasterNayru esteem_ Zesty_ mgor KnownSyntax cellardoor_ physpi gluytium Moscherkobold_ tonyt Messenger_bird dave0x6d pepijndevos_ bcx _KaszpiR_ test222 Guest29970 yeats klaas StaticAmbience destrudo Orphis trobotham Gnurdux Southern_Gentlem AdamH_ _Habib smokeyj wagle jaythelinuxguy ren0v0 Church kristbaum_ Kazuto saintromuald ujj21:06
CatyCHECK OUT A NEW AWESOME TOR IRC SERVER.....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: Gring0 blSnoopy karstensrage philopotamus ph3dx Modeuse PennStater blueLime Conder DaGoaty neechan ReScO ledeni aupo boshhead fauen Frickelpit yanope Asandari vok` blipz violock Acilim_A staplezebra Ozymandias__ leonarth SuperLag konrados memorynoise jurrap cores ServerSage piglit s0lar1s Olufunmilayo shah PaulW2U esteem_ keonkim Mr_Pan TheOrangeOne YankDownUnder pelle2 bindi apekatten Aqx21:06
CatyCHECK OUT A NEW AWESOME TOR IRC SERVER.....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: Spydar007 Jikai Mathisen hggdh linuxdaemon sydney_untangle bluez_ karlthane dimisdas ledeni chatcat_ StaticAmbience geert_ pepijndevos_ revolve latz JanC nhandler Cmaj6 pedrovian Taose drale2k anderson kraut ihavoc yeti f1nch_ dust paalgyula SwedeMike Guest36740 jk0ne bcx CrystalMare ribasushi junke1991 daveomcd Spark_ cellardoor_ ujjain tolecnal bsmith093 Squarism ksk Funeral geoffb Toris21:06
CatyCHECK OUT A NEW AWESOME TOR IRC SERVER.....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: kerozene Nik05 yeeve minimec warpx pacbard guntbert tomreyn V7 rrichardsr3 trobotham dave0x6d timvisher Cu5tosLimen meLon mww113_ josephz nemesit|znc musalbas ViciousLooRoll sim642 Klumben Threads OpenSorce Guest46646 syntaks matt8109 xMopxShell karstensrage sinthetek idef1xje ejuan percY- kh4| ColdKeyboard typ mgor redrabbit staplezebra jugo Gring0 davisten_ floown_ rhonabwy y_sekino Anti21:06
CatyCHECK OUT A NEW AWESOME TOR IRC SERVER.....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: krizoek Stinky-Feet Fuchs Karunamon Spark_ Telendri2h NegativeFlare TheEvolutionary LeoTheNarwhal y0sh seednode Spr1ng rpi fauen above SuperLag AntumDeluge Rondom matti bladernr` rory ejat Olufunmilayo matt8109 Ionic ddstreet Random832 rdegges DonVitoCorleone gringaoo Nik05 nwe Neo rager NoCode yangm97 markus-k Eventsy jackmcbarn BuildTheRobots beasty__ acetakwas zenix` shuduo sergey_ silv21:06
ReaCHECK OUT A NEW AWESOME TOR IRC SERVER.....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: utfans05 DarkDevil WizBright mnemonic dwar_ nrushton_ IntelCore poz2k4444 Telendri2h rogue glitch_hat Trefex irv link0802[m] wadie SQL derf- geoffb kostkon chiluk kunwon1 aloril_ Tm_T BaW vp0 pokalyis josephz mhoney vcavallo thekingofbandit dimisdas ayan Dan_au Pelle` mailman105 ikanobori frankspank dragonrider23 Cu5tosLimen stub lord4163 menschan[m] avantgardist mpking shuduo RtMFaerie Lky21:06
PetronillaCHECK OUT A NEW AWESOME TOR IRC SERVER.....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: Dan_au Triffid_Hunter Pelle` ayan Younder dimisdas hosified mgorbach marnikow BLZbubba Mr_0 Tzunamii ddellav HeN jamesbee Dark_Arc Zren dinet EncryptedCurse ianychoi sobersabre violock rkantos Goyo elisa87 tinoco Anja_ Pi3rrot[m] IntelCore wook_ renn0xtk9 hfp SD_Ecliptica wonderworld w9qbj ycheng paulmey AntumDeluge Necy SuperLag datajerk pinnen javi404 Len dannyLopez aupo TheSilentLin21:06
PetronillaCHECK OUT A NEW AWESOME TOR IRC SERVER.....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: brainy th_ insomagent kirkland Linkandzelda Sigyn PlasmaStar jiffe ronalddenby Tabmow axisys dimisdas ReScO bekks chindy Toris usil Karasu ejbs_ krphop cassien[m] Jonii Sonderblade L0cust[m] pokalyis Br|aN jonne lqid nchambers SupaYoshi Fudster yofel Rochvellon mcs_ topi` Miron eelstrebor rideh theoceaniscool Mithian Jillian cjk N- scain RestingSmile shakalaka synthetiq RiPer y_sekino 21:06
PetronillaCHECK OUT A NEW AWESOME TOR IRC SERVER.....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: shah TheEvolutionary blinky42 M-JLuc fractal_ tonyyarusso Valfor cjonesy cassien[m] arno_ brainy dman[m] fbaca Arab_Aspie Conder MrGeneral Linkandzelda silver Mouaad saschpe DavesTestingAcco mguy RtMFaerie _ADN_ cnewcomer Myrtti_ theoceaniscool mnemonic elisa87 marlo_ foo chiluk xMopxShell konrados earLife[m] ludocode netsnail ric999 bildz ktosiek zhanx SCollins bradjones MrCoder rainu21:06
PetronillaCHECK OUT A NEW AWESOME TOR IRC SERVER.....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: Zren ikanobori SupaYoshi Croepha Miron Rob235 schahermacher huff3r jk0ne blSnoopy SchrodingersScat vayan Ancer L3gacy varazir captainfixerpc14 mz` den628 neechan Ekho zzzgeoffb aloril_ IonutVan_ LeoTheNarwhal Diamondcite mmxx_th z0px shazzr holdsworth insomagent steelista cylon512 nikow mooshoe[m] Linlz spinza ahi2 scde[m] nitesh watersoul_ pa kbrosnan riidom desti ash_workz Orphis MrC21:06
NoCodewhat the heck21:06
ViciousLooRollHoly crap21:06
ViciousLooRollMy phone is now melting.21:06
TaoseBut yeah...it's just the scanner that's being the issue21:07
TaoseI'm gonna see if smurfen's work around works...21:07
Taosenope same issue21:09
Taose.... totall didn't install linux...21:17
Taose"The following packages have been kept back:21:17
Taose  linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic linux-signed-generic21:17
Taose  linux-signed-image-generic21:17
TaoseNot something you wanna ever see21:17
wadiespaaaam :(21:18
TaoseIs there any way to double check that linux is actually still installed -_-21:20
ChaiTRexTaose: A simple way is to boot it.21:21
TaoseOh I'm inside it.21:21
ChaiTRexTaose: You can also look in /boot for kernel stuff.21:21
TaoseIt's just the last time something removed the headers etcetera, I ended up having to use a faulty laptop to try and get it to boot again...21:21
Taosefun times21:21
TaoseOoh thanks21:21
ChaiTRexTaose: You can prepare a live USB drive/DVD.21:22
TaoseWell it looks okay for now21:23
TaoseWho knew getting a scanner to work could cause so many problems...21:23
oerheksdepends on the brand, most scanners are plug&play21:25
Taosehp f2280...21:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1574351 in perl (Ubuntu) "package libperl5.22 5.22.1-9 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite shared '/usr/share/doc/libperl5.22/changelog.Debian.gz', which is different from other instances of package libperl5.22:i386" [High,Confirmed]21:26
DalekSecIntelCore: Sorry mate, but due to the spam unregistered users can't be seen here.21:30
solidfoxis this a good place to ask a question about chromium?21:30
solidfoxon ubuntu21:31
solidfoxI choose to log-in automatically since my hard drive is encrypted (I don't want to type two passwords when booting up)21:31
solidfoxnow chromium browser always wants me to type my password anyway (but I don't even use it to save passwords)21:31
solidfoxcan I tell chromium to stop asking me for my password?21:32
ChaiTRexsolidfox: Does it ask you specifically for the password to your keyring?21:33
solidfoxChaiTRex, yes21:33
solidfoxI can hit cancel 4 times and it goes away, but if I don't have to it'd be nice.21:34
ChaiTRexsolidfox: Some possible solutions are at https://askubuntu.com/questions/31786/chrome-asks-for-password-to-unlock-keyring-on-startup21:34
oerheksTaose, seen such messages before, from other packages, this tread gives 2 solutions with apt-get and dpkg > https://askubuntu.com/questions/176121/dpkg-error-trying-to-overwrite-file-which-is-also-in21:36
oerhekssudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" install <package-name>21:36
oerheksugly, but works21:37
IntelCoreoerherks !  }}21:38
TaoseWell not sure about that oerheks, I seem to have got it working21:41
Taoseafter reinstalling the linux headers and perl21:41
Taosebut only if I use sudo21:41
* Taose will figure out how to add permissions for myself later21:41
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solidfoxChaiTRex, thanks, but it seems chromium does not offer that option anymore21:45
solidfoxI will just accept it...21:45
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blackwarewhat os you`re using?21:46
blackwarealexandre9099 br?21:46
IntelCoreello baz21:49
daxIntelCore: let's not poke specific people, thanks21:54
IntelCorebut he helped me bef421:55
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UmeaboyI just noticed another issue in 17.04.22:04
blackwaremr. robot? anyone?22:04
UmeaboyVirtualbox works neither with 1.1.18 or
Umeaboyblackware: Hi! I'm Kristoffer. How may I be of assistance?22:05
ChaiTRexUmeaboy: VirtualBox 1.1.18?22:05
TaoseAnother issue Umeaboy ;)22:05
UmeaboyChaiTRex: Yes.22:05
DalekSec!info virtualbox zesty22:05
ubottuvirtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 5.1.18-dfsg-1build1 (zesty), package size 15090 kB, installed size 68421 kB22:06
ChaiTRexUmeaboy: You should be seeing VirtualBox 5 something.22:06
TaoseThanks for the assist IntelCore et al and g'night22:06
Umeaboy5.1.22 won't complete the installation.22:06
UmeaboyI even did apt-get purge virtualbox after uninstalling the latest stable.22:07
UmeaboyI was just about to install the ext pack and ran virtualbox. That created a crash.22:08
UmeaboyYes, I did send the information.22:08
ChaiTRexUmeaboy: Were there any error messages when installing or was it just a crash when starting it up?22:08
UmeaboyThe second.22:08
UmeaboyNo errors.22:08
IntelCore.. not into 16.10 yet22:08
ChaiTRexUmeaboy: Does rebooting your actual computer let VirtualBox start up?22:09
UmeaboyLet me check.22:10
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UmeaboyChaiTRex: That seemed to fix it. Weird.22:34
bjrohanHi all. I have a brand new laptop with a 1TB drive, my old system has a 350GB drive running Mint. What is the best way to mirror that old drive to the new including all partitions that the new system will "work"22:36
bjrohanwould dd do this?22:36
bjrohanI don't want to save anything on the new system ie the preinstalled windoze, recovery etc.22:37
UmeaboyDid you do perform a backup on the older harddrive?22:39
Umeaboybjrohan: ^^22:39
bjrohanUmeaboy, I have not, however I can, as I have another 1TB that I can back it up to22:39
UmeaboyOtherwize..... I personally prefer to just install fresh.22:41
leftyfbbjrohan: dd will work fine. As will clonezilla22:43
crozIs there a slim and portable (lightweight) laptop designed for Ubuntu that runs DOTA 2 (video game)? I'm looking at the System76 Oryx, but that thing weighs 5.5 lbs and has a 2 hour battery life.22:44
bjrohanUmeaboy, leftyfb When I said "my" computer it's my fathers, and I don;t know what programs he has, so I would prefer NOT to do a new install and then have to listen to him calling me up because he can't find a program he used to have22:46
leftyfboh, you want to keep what's on the old one22:47
leftyfbyeah, that's not going to be worth your time22:47
leftyfbsorry, new one22:47
leftyfbbjrohan: actually, i'm a bit confused...22:48
bjrohanleftyfb, I simply would like to copy everything (bit by bit) from old drive (hooked up via usb adapter) the the new internal 1TB so that the laptop boots just like it was his old comp22:48
Umeaboycroz: Check out this one: https://www.crowdsupply.com/purism/librem-1522:48
crozTheir ship time is like a month or longer.22:49
leftyfbbjrohan: use dd22:49
crozI checked them out.22:49
bcxUsing Gnome 3.20, it seems that processes launched by keybindings (uses gnome-settings-daemon) do not get env variables set by xinit. Can someone confirm ? Know a wrokaround ? Thanks22:49
leftyfbbjrohan: what version of ubuntu is he running now?22:49
bjrohanIt's mint, I don't know the version22:49
bjrohanI put that on vs ubuntu, as it looks more like Windows that he's used all his life22:50
leftyfbbjrohan: you know this is #ubuntu and not #linuxmint-help right?22:50
bjrohanyes, but I know at the very base, for something like cloning, all debian based work the same :-)22:50
leftyfbbjrohan: either way, as I said originally, use dd or clonezilla22:50
LachezarHey all. Trying to upgrade 16.10 to 17.04, but I see +114 packages, noticeably 'build-essentials', 'dpkg-dev', 'g++, 'g++-6' and 'pkg-config', which strikes me as a set that is wrong for a common-use desktop.22:53
LachezarIs there a way to find out what pulls all these new packages?22:53
leftyfbLachezar: not really. Also, I would recommend sticking with LTS versions of ubuntu which are supported for 5 years as opposed to 18 months for non-LTS.22:54
Lachezarleftyfb: I'm not using LTS anyway, but upgrading pulls  114 new packages, which seem to be developer-oriented.22:54
\9yeah those are developer packages22:55
leftyfbnot really22:55
leftyfbthey're required if you want to install anything from source22:55
LachezarSo how come a distro upgrade pulls in those?22:55
UmeaboyLachezar: I think that depends on if you have Backports enabled or not.22:58
LachezarQ2: After migrating, will there be any log that I can check to see what was added, so that I can try and remove them (and see what actually pulled them in)?22:58
newlinuxHi what ubuntu verison is stable?22:59
LachezarUmeaboy: I do have backports enabled, but I do not have build-essentials installed.22:59
UmeaboyLachezar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxLogFiles22:59
Umeaboynewlinux: Depends on your computer.22:59
leftyfbbuild-essentials is not part of backports23:00
Lachezarnewlinux: Any.23:00
UmeaboyBut I'd say 16.04 LTS is.23:00
newlinuxthank you23:00
LachezarHm. Wasn't there an 'apt-get why package-name' command?23:01
UmeaboyJust set Ubuntu to only offer upgrades with LTS support and you'll be fine.23:01
UmeaboyLachezar: Nope.23:01
yeetfimtHello, I was looking for a suggestion for buying a low priced, sleek looking, ultra portable, good battery life and performance GNU+Linux compatible laptop (https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/6b6qmw/suggestion_for_a_low_priced_sleek_case_design/)23:01
UmeaboyIt's not working here.23:01
ikonianewlinux: the ones on ubuntu.com are23:01
leftyfbyeetfimt: you're asking for a lot23:01
Aginoryeetfimt: spamming all linux related channels might not be the best way to get suggestions :)23:01
Umeaboyyeetfimt: Check at pricegrabber.com or pricespy.co.uk.23:02
LachezarUgh. It was 'aptitude why ...' but aptitude has been lost (pun intended).23:02
UmeaboyPreferably the latter.23:02
Umeaboyyeetfimt: Check out Librem 15. :)23:03
UmeaboyNext computer I'll buy is going to be that one.23:03
UmeaboyA kernel free from proprietary blobs...... Yaaaaaaaay!23:04
IchimusaiWouldn't that be nice...23:04
* Lachezar wonders which lazy dev put a dependency on 'build-essentials'…23:06
LachezarI guess I'll find out after upgrading. Hope it's not one of those Pidgin stupidities (pulling Unity into Xubuntu).23:06
yeetfimtthanks, leftyfb, Aginor, Umeaboy for your advice and being nice.:)23:08
yeetfimt* :)23:08
UmeaboyYW. :)23:08
leftyfbLachezar was getting all flustered over a 20k package which does nothing unless you want to install an application from source23:09
Jack_Sparrow__newlinux, Get all the Buntus and run them in live usb for a test, very easy23:10
crozanyone have ubuntu running on 4k display (preferably laptop)? any issues with font display?23:11
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Jack_Sparrow__yeeve, $250 for quad core asus on amazon.23:11
Jack_Sparrow__no fiddling install ordriver issues23:12
crozIs there any security advantage to using Ubuntu over MacOS? I see a lot of threads on Reddit for Ubuntu over Windows AND Mac where they conflate things, but are there any advantages with Ubuntu over Mac only?23:16
PlasmaStarcroz: God yes. Ubuntu is free.23:17
crozNot talking about price. Talking about security.23:18
Umeaboycroz: Not really font size.23:18
UmeaboyWindows in general.23:18
crozBut I do appreciate that difference of course, but at this point I'm already an Apple whore looking to learn more about security advantages.23:18
crozUmeaboy what issues do you have with ur 4k and ubuntu?23:18
UmeaboyUnity itself is fine, but the windows I open looks to have a higher resolution.23:18
crozI have the newest Macbook Pro with touchbar and maxed out specs, but Linux and the new MBP don't play nice.23:19
crozUmeaboy damn i had issues with that on my other macbook pro. thought it was a hardware issue.23:19
Umeaboycroz: Sorry...... MBP?23:19
crozMacbook Pro23:19
UmeaboyNope. It isn't.23:20
UmeaboyAt least for me it isn't.23:20
Umeaboy16.10 works just fine when it comes to resolution.23:20
UmeaboyAnd now I'm runnin 17.04.23:20
Umeaboyxrandr -s 0 will reset your graphics settings. It didn't change anything for me.23:21
UmeaboyI'm thinking about deleting the Xorg.conf so that a new one will be generated.23:22
crozI'm thinking about buying a System76 Oryx which has nice hardware and comes shipped with Ubuntu (16.04LTS or 17.04), but I'm not nuts about the 5.5lb weigh. Being able to play DOTA 2 is a must. Any ideas Umeaboy?23:22
YankDownUndercroz, Linux (nearly any version) can be so locked down the locks can have locks with locks. On macOS, you can do the same, but it takes a bit of savvy...but bear in mind that macOS *is* a *nix flavour...but for ease and software? Linux...23:22
kittykittyim writing a C++ program and it crashes with sigsegv on ubuntu 16.04 but not on 16.10. Works on arch too. Ive tried updating the graphics lib used, gcc to the same as on 16.10 too. What else could be causing this strange behaviour? Maybe libc++? Theyre the same on both...23:22
Umeaboycroz: Ask the developers of DOTA to realease full source code to you so that you can make a customized build. :)23:24
crozhaha that's WAY over my head23:24
UmeaboyNot really. You can always learn. :)23:24
UmeaboyUnless you're lazy.23:24
crozim just looking to jump into ubuntu but want a sleek and light design like my macbook pros, but i want it to be able to run DOTA 2 maxed out.23:24
crozprice isn't an issue23:25
kittykittyim using libprocps and the dev package is a version behind on 16.04 is all i can think os23:25
UmeaboyWhat's the maximum weight you be OK with?23:25
YankDownUnderWhat is DOTA?23:25
UmeaboyYankDownUnder: A game 1 person plays.23:25
crozwell this mbp weighs 3lbs. so hopefully around there and has great portablility focused dimensions23:25
YankDownUnderUmeaboy, Ah. Right. So it's not HL2 or Black Mesa Source...(not a game, then) :)23:26
crozYankDownUnder here's some gameplay. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Doc_vYSZc9c23:26
crozit's a great game.23:26
croz5v5 online game23:26
UmeaboyI prefer 0.a.d :)23:27
UmeaboyI even helped translate it into Swedish.23:27
croznever heard of that one. but at this point its safe to say DOTA 2 is my game of choice. got me off madden, bf, cod, and other games.23:28
YankDownUnderCoolbeans...not my style, but looks nice...looks "heavy"...23:28
UmeaboyAnyway..... Gotta go.23:28
YankDownUndercroz, "Heavy" meaning there more to it than just "shoot kill shoot kill!"23:28
crozoh hell yes teamwork is vital to winning23:29
YankDownUndercroz, Does this work on an MBP at all?23:29
crozdota? yes i can run it maxed out23:30
crozi have a Radeon Pro 460 with 4GB on here23:31
YankDownUndercroz, Running macOS or linux?23:31
crozmacos, linux isn't compatible on here yet. i'd be stuck without sound, crappy wifi, no bluetooth, and other issues.23:31
crozthats why im looking to buy a laptop that is sleek, portable, has fully supported hardware, but can run dota 2 with maxed out specs or close to it23:32
YankDownUndercroz, Fair enough...23:33
IntelCore14.04 going to grab 15.10, then get the 16.04 lts ???23:33
YankDownUnderIntelCore, Why not upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04?23:34
IntelCoreye i wanna. it does?23:34
YankDownUnderIntelCore, 14.04 is an LTS release (long term support) - and 16.04 is an LTS release...so, um, yeah...there exists no requirement to add an extra step...23:36
crozYankDownUnder any ideas what laptops fit my requirements23:36
YankDownUnderIntelCore, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes23:37
IntelCorewe was back when 15.10 was required first, and i was waiting for 16.04.123:37
YankDownUndercroz, PERSONALLY - and if I had the dosh (money), I'd be sussing out the Alienware stuff...but that's me... :)23:37
crozi have an alienware23:40
IntelCorewill boot ubuntu and install.23:40
croz17" too big23:40
Jakethepython1hello guys i have a Dell  5520 and the video is artifacting badly when chrome is open23:41
YankDownUndercroz, ENVIOUS...you running Ubu on it? (17" is perfect for doing digital photo/art)23:41
IntelCoreI want to install 16.04.2 and it will allow that?23:41
crozno windows and it's sitting in a cabinet. and i have an MSIGT72, another 17" with 8GB graphics on it23:41
crozalso sitting in a drawer XD23:41
YankDownUnderIntelCore, It will follow with what is CURRENT - so yes, you'll end up with 16.04.2, mate.23:41
crozi dont do digital photo/art. i just work and game23:41
ikoniacroz: wasn't this just covered in ##linu23:42
crozyeah just getting more input and we're discussing my other laptops now23:42
ikoniayou where told what to do though23:43
crozseeing if anyone has any other suggestions.23:43
ikoniajust find one with compatible chipsets23:43
ikoniaand that meets your spec23:43
YankDownUnderJakethepython1, Only Chrome? Do you have the proper graphics drivers? As well, have you considered turning off "compositiing" in your DE/WM ?23:43
IntelCorefriend got locked out of alien machine cas lost password for domain23:43
crozexactly. im asking for suggestions. i dont know about chipsets, etc.23:43
DocMAXwho cares?: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/157295023:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1572950 in samba (Ubuntu) "snapper.so not included into samba-vfs-modules" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:43
ikoniacroz: so check the ubuntu supported ones (intel will see you right) and just by one with as much intel as possible23:43
Jakethepython1what is compositing23:43
ikoniaDocMAX: ask a question / for help - not just spam a link with a smart response23:44
IntelCorei7 about 539usd23:44
DocMAXthe question is, why is the issue still open?23:44
crozthing is ive been so into apple for years except for my gaming laptops and pc that i dont know who makes any good, quality, lightweight stuff. :(23:44
ikoniaDocMAX: what does the bug report say on it's status23:44
crozive been that guy that buys every new mac as they come out. they got me by the balls man23:44
YankDownUnderJakethepython1, What "Desktop Environment" are you running right now?23:45
ikoniacroz: just keep to the main big names and buy intel - investigate your video cards/wifi cards and you'll be gine23:45
* YankDownUnder looks at his pitiful 2011 MBP and 2010 27" iMac and sobs23:45
DocMAXikonia, confirmed Undecided unassigned23:45
ikoniaDocMAX: ok, so thats why it's still open then23:46
LachezarFound it. 'gstreamer1.0-tools' -> 'pkg-config' -> 'dpkg-dev' (suggests) -> 'build-essential'23:46
DocMAXsince 1 year?23:46
newlinuxIs using multiple passes for wiping a disk really necessary?23:46
ikoniaDocMAX: if it's unassigned - it can't get fix23:46
IntelCoreJake --- putting image over an image ( 3 D) ?23:46
DocMAXikonia, of course it can, it's just a module that needs compiling23:46
ikoniaDocMAX: if it's not assigned to anyone....it can't get a fix released23:47
DocMAXikonia, in arch its allready in23:47
Jakethepython1how do i disable that23:47
ikoniaDocMAX: so ?23:47
IntelCoreu want it. eh23:47
DocMAXikonia, so nobody cares?23:47
ikoniaDocMAX: you've just admitted to the arch channel you are new to arch and don't really know what to do on compiling a module23:47
IntelCoreJake -- Compz?23:47
ikoniaDocMAX: so don't try to be smart referencing it as if you know what's going on and the implications of the release process23:47
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coppzhello is someone here for a bit of help?23:48
ikoniaDocMAX: you're welcome to work on the bug and submit the patch / fix for inclusion23:48
ikoniaDocMAX: if it's that simple just submit the fix23:48
coppzim trying to create a bootable USB of Windows on Ubuntu 16.04 but unetbootin wont do it...23:48
YankDownUnderJakethepython1, You can use "gnome-tweak-tool" to disable animations - see if that resolves the issue firstly...then take it to the next steps if that doesn't work...23:48
IntelCoreit will get very flat23:48
coppzim trying to create a bootable USB of Windows on Ubuntu 16.04 but unetbootin wont do it.23:49
ikoniacoppz: you don't need to keep asking 18 seconds apart23:49
ikoniaDocMAX: got it fixed yet ?23:49
ikoniaDocMAX: do you not care ?23:50
IntelCorewindows have a usb burner to install windows by usb23:50
DocMAXikonia, i do care... just downloaded the samba sources to compile23:50
DocMAXthen i will upload the deb package23:50
coppzi thought no one had seen it. On Ubuntu?23:50
ikoniaDocMAX: fantastic, I look forward to seeing the fix go through the release cycle23:50
ikoniaDocMAX: thank you very much23:50
ikoniaI'll put a watch on the bug23:50
DocMAXikonia, you r welcome23:51
IntelCorerun win 10 in vm on ubuntu23:51
coppztried that, sat on the windows logo for literally about 35mins.23:51
crozikonia what do you think about this one? http://www.dell.com/us/business/p/precision-15-5520-laptop/pd?oc=xctop5520hwus23:52
coppzas in the Windows boot image. never even got a chance to install.23:52
ikoniacroz: it's what you think that matters23:52
IntelCorei never see winblows under linux/ on linux..23:53
ikoniait's called "windows"23:53
ikoniaif you can't disguss something with out silly stupid names - don't bother23:54
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ikoniadiscuss even23:54
coppzbasically my gf has to run Windows for things like Auto CAD and a few other things but I had to replace her HD and I put an SSD in it. I only run ubuntu and I never thought it'd be such a pain in the ass to get Windows on a USB within Ubuntu23:54
IntelCoreright, well vm ware was only i seen23:54
coppzhm, I only tried virtualbox. You mean create a VM, install windows, and in that VM mount the ISO?23:55
akik_coppz: you can do it in ubuntu. i'll link you to a doc. which windows version?23:55
coppz10 mate sound23:55
DocMAXikonia, allmost done23:56
akik_coppz: https://atkdinosaurus.wordpress.com/2016/11/07/how-to-create-a-bootable-uefi-gpt-windows-10-usb-stick-in-ubuntu/23:56
coppzthis looks complicated but sure I gotta do what I gotta do! thanks a mill mate!23:57
DocMAXakik_, i created a dualboot (UEFI AND BIOS) arch/ubuntu stick23:57
DocMAXi'm very proud of it23:57
IntelCoreor down the windows usb stick burner, and stuff 16.04.2 on it23:57
DocMAXused syslinux and gummiboot for this23:58
IntelCoreu run both from usb23:59

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