
=== phil_ is now known as Guest20519
n00bie<- runs KDE neon00:46
n00biehows kubuntu doing?00:46
valorieI'm running the latest release, n00bie00:47
valorieand have been for almost 6 months00:48
valoriesoon will switch to artful, now in development00:48
atxllесть кто ?00:51
valorie!ru | atxll00:52
ubottuatxll: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.00:52
n00bienice might give kubuntu a try next time, but for now im all in on kde neon00:53
n00bieits like a plucked chicken in terms of software/extras but i think i have what i need up running now00:53
n00bieand its super stable and super fast00:53
n00biepure ubuntu with kde on top00:54
atxllне заходит на канал для русских (00:54
valoriemost of us have a neon install around somewhere to test stuff00:55
n00biewhy not as primary os?00:55
valorieI've not set up my VMs on this machine yet00:55
valorieI'm part of the Kubuntu team, and committed to that project00:55
valoriealso active in KDE in a couple of areas00:56
valoriethere is only so much time in a day00:56
valoriewe cooperate with them as well as Debian and sometimes Mint on packaging00:56
n00bieahh ... then i should add, i first tried ubuntu mate but for some reason the install "hanged" when i was about to wipe the SSD00:56
valoriewell, I'm not a gnome fan, and never have been00:57
valoriepeople are great, but I don't like the desktop or software00:57
atxll"/join #ubuntu-ru ----------   Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services ---------------  what it ?00:57
n00biehad the same on kde neon but after a while it started.. i waited longer on mate so i killed it (gave up)00:57
n00biei think its a ubuntu bug00:57
valorie!register | atxll00:57
ubottuatxll: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.00:57
n00biehowever, now it runs FAST!00:57
atxllubottu: thk00:58
n00bievalorie: i kind of agree, kde is the way to go00:58
valoriegood luck, atxll!00:58
n00biethis is faster than any other desktop i recall having installed before00:58
valorien00bie: could be, but partitioning is always slow00:58
atxllvalorie: thk )00:58
n00biemaybe its the disk.. dunno00:59
n00bieits an old ssd00:59
valoriethe system is very cautious about erasing anything before it's written and checked the new stuff00:59
n00bieah ok00:59
valorieand honestly, that's what you want00:59
valorieloss of user data is the worst00:59
valoriewe try to avoid that at all costs01:00
valorieeven speed01:00
n00bieok! well installing what i wanted on kde neon wasnt a big deal anyway ... im very happy with it as its set up now :)01:00
n00bienever had gimp start this fast, with a ton of brushes even01:00
n00bietakes like 2 sec01:00
valoriethis isn't religion, after all -- it's tools01:00
valorieand everyone should use what they like01:00
n00biei go with what works, and allways liked kde01:00
n00bieold kde was unstable though... the one im running now is LTS neon, 5.801:01
valorieI never try to talk anyone into anything beyond "try something new occasionally"01:01
valorieyou mean Plasma was unstable, or what?01:01
n00bieold KDE in general.. like 3-4 years ago01:01
n00biewhen plasma came there were big issues01:01
n00bieits a while ago so i dont recall01:01
n00biei tried opensuse01:01
n00bieit was a good distro but i had some issues01:02
valorienice talking with you, n00bie01:03
* valorie 's gotta go01:03
n00biesame ... im sad ubuntu main didnt go for kde though01:04
n00biehope they reconsider01:04
user|97311hello theres03:48
user|97311i have a problem03:48
user|97311please help me03:48
tepeshe yguys03:54
tepesso anyone here still awake03:55
user|97311help me please04:05
efloidis there a way to get pavucontrol into system tray?04:06
user|97311how can i do that?04:08
valorieefloid: you should be able to click on the "hamburger" ||| sideways -- and "add widgets"04:08
valoriesearch for pavu or pulseaudio and double-click04:08
user|97311help me please04:10
user|97311i'm sad, i don't want to go windows04:10
user|97311i want to use ubuntu, please help me04:10
geniiuser|97311: This only means when things need to be written to the disk, they are written immediately and not cached for later writing. It is not a problem as such.04:10
user|97311genii, how can i solve this problem?04:11
user|97311is problem on my hdd?04:11
geniiuser|97311: No. There is no problem with your hard drive.04:12
user|97311oh ok bu how can i solve this problem04:12
geniiuser|97311: It just does not support data caching, so anything that needs to be written will be immediately written.04:12
efloidvalorie - it's not available as a widget unfortunately.04:13
user|97311but i didn't have like this error before,04:14
geniiuser|97311: There is no problem to solve. Ubuntu sees that the disk does not support write cache, and then tells you about it.04:14
user|97311i used Ubuntu 14.0 and 16.04 about six month ago04:14
user|97311ok! well thanks04:15
geniiuser|97311: It's not an error. It's an informative message.04:15
user|97311i don't want to see this message, is there a way for my situation?04:16
geniiuser|97311: Add line: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="loglevel=3"   to /etc/default/grub file, and then: sudo update-grub   ...if you don't want to see the message.04:18
user|97311ok thank! I will try it04:20
efloidgotta do homework...04:29
=== lordievader is now known as Guest95054
jubo2Hiya and Thanks Thanks Thanks for the awesomest desktop OS07:13
jubo2now the bad news07:13
jubo2something broke the codecs so that no media will play07:13
lordievader[m]Good morning07:13
jubo2no youtube (just the starting frame is shown but the file never plays), no webradio and no Fluidsynth07:14
jubo2To the right of me is another Kubuntu GNU/Linux machine with same 17.04 running07:14
jubo2that plays webradio, youtube etc. real nice07:15
valorieweird, jubo207:23
jubo2valorie: yea huh07:24
valorieI heard one other person say that sound was recently borked07:24
jubo2even if someone got my password by some method I shouldn't have any sshd open07:24
* valorie is running 17.04 and sound is working fine07:24
jubo2GNU/Linux should be continued to distributed with laptop editions with no sshd running and server instances with nearly only sshd running07:25
jubo2totally the way to do it07:25
lordievader[m]My laptop runs sshd...08:16
lordievader[m]Useful for automating things.08:16
=== dv__ is now known as dv_
selspertrying to trouble shoot issues with a laptop08:23
selsperi think, that the problem lies with graphics drivers, but i am stumpted as to where to begin08:24
selsperfor months,08:24
jubo2lordievader[m]: but you ran 'sudo apt install sshd' at some point08:31
lordievader[m]No, my laptop doesn't run (*)Ubuntu.08:32
lordievader[m]Besides, sshd is in the ssh package.08:32
jubo2lordievader[m]: but not turned on08:39
lordievader[m]jubo2: What? I just told you, I did turn it on.08:39
jubo2ooh. I didn't read that right08:42
lordievader[m]In Gentoo no service gets turned on by default, unlike Ubuntu...08:51
estanhi folks. a question about the http://kubuntu.org/news/plasma-bugfix-releases-frameworks-selected-app-updates-now-available-in-backports-ppa-for-zesty-and-xenial/ announcement. the instructions says "apt-get dist-upgrade". shouldn't that be just "upgrade"? why a distro upgrade?09:18
acheronukestan: there are some packages in the ppa where library versions, package names etc have changed, and old versions need to be removed. dist-upgrade handles that in a (hopefully) intelligent fashion09:23
acheronuk'upgrade' on it's own will not handle those transitions09:24
estanacheronuk: i right. it seems i've always sort of misunderstood the role of "dist-upgrade".09:26
estanbut i see now.09:27
acheronukestan: well the old fashioned way debian to do a upgrade to a new distribution version was to swap the sources.list and 'dist-upgrade'09:29
acheronukso naming of that command is a legacy hangover from that I imagine09:29
oerheksdist/full upgrade gives newer kernels too09:39
=== urbanfbi is now known as kubulo
kubulohello, I'm using kubuntu 17.4 and facing the problem, that the kde network manager doesn't recognize the docker network interface. Can anyone help me to fix that?09:51
BluesKajhowdy folks10:02
=== Szadek_ is now known as Szadek
EvilRoeyin hexchat, how do I get ctrl-u to cut from the cursor to the beginning of the line, and ctrl-k to cut from the cursor to the end of the line?  And also, why is it that across two installations of hexchat (work computer and home computer), I have it configured to the same font (bitstream vera sans mono 15) but when it renders Hebrew, one of the installations uses this very thin and harder to read font?13:15
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest98621
=== stephen is now known as OneShot17
=== yaiyan is now known as Ieuan
mgolden_Bischoop: Just ask a question. If someone here can help you, he or she will pipe up16:57
BischoopIt very kind of you, thank you17:27
=== Guest88998 is now known as Haudegen
=== fa is now known as vo1pbx
IrcsomeBot1CicliTrekk was added by: CicliTrekk19:42
therealredphantoCan anyone help me figure out why my I'm getting consistent network lag in Dota 2 even though my internet is fine23:35
therealredphantoI'm on Kubuntu 1723:36
therealredphantoNever had network issues on windows23:36
therealredphantoit's really hard to figure out what is wrong with the millions of dota 2 network problems23:41
=== Guest82950 is now known as claydoh

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