mwhudson | oh good good the celery in artful is not compatible with the kombu in artful | 00:19 |
mwhudson | ah it's only in proposed, phew | 00:19 |
mwhudson | jamespage: i assume you're asleep/not here but why did you sync kombu from experimental? | 00:22 |
jbicha | mwhudson: could you sync pygobject from Debian experimental? | 01:09 |
mwhudson | jbicha: ah does that have the ftbfs fix as well? | 02:36 |
lotuspsychje | good morning guys | 02:40 |
jbicha | mwhudson: yes, that's sort of where you got it from, I believe :) | 02:40 |
mwhudson | jbicha: okidoke :) | 02:40 |
lotuspsychje | ive edited 3 duplicate bugs on a fresh 17.10 install, all fixxed with dnssec=off | 02:41 |
lotuspsychje | | 02:41 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1690605 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-resolved: no dns resolution after upgrade to Artful" [Undecided,New] | 02:41 |
lotuspsychje | | 02:41 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1682499 in systemd (Ubuntu Zesty) "duplicate for #1681597 disable dnssec" [High,Fix released] | 02:41 |
lotuspsychje | and | 02:41 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1682499 in systemd (Ubuntu Zesty) "disable dnssec" [High,Fix released] | 02:41 |
mwhudson | jbicha: synced | 02:41 |
lotuspsychje | just letting you guys know it wasnt fixxed on a yesterdays install | 02:42 |
jbicha | xnox: systemd-resolved problems in artful for some people ^ | 02:44 |
lotuspsychje | i enabled updates during setup | 02:44 |
mwhudson | what does launchpad's sbuild do with alternates in build-depends? i know debian's just takes the first entry | 03:26 |
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pitti | mwhudson: it uses apt to resolve them, so it does take alternatives into acconut | 07:41 |
pitti | mwhudson: so "B-D: some-nonexisting-package | libfoo-dev" will work in Ubuntu, and we do use that occasionally to avoid a delta to debian | 07:41 |
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mwhudson | pitti: but if all packages are available, it should use the first one? | 08:09 |
pitti | mwhudson: right, unless that's conflicted to by another build dep | 08:09 |
mwhudson | hm | 08:10 |
pitti | the first is the "preferred" alternative (in D and U), but if that's uninstallable, apt tries permutatinos | 08:10 |
mwhudson | pitti: what happened here then? | 08:13 |
mwhudson | pitti: the dep is "python3-all-dev | python3-dev | python3 | python3-all" but it installed python3 | 08:13 |
mwhudson | when i just deleted everything but the first dep it installed fine | 08:14 |
xnox | jbicha, re:u-u-t and dconf-qt i believe both are dead, but needs actual checking of reverse deps and filing bugs etc. | 08:26 |
xnox | jbicha, re systemd-resolved dnssec was re-enabled in the hope that it is better in latest new upstream release.... turns out it is not. | 08:27 |
pitti | mwhudson: did it actually install python3? it might already have been installed in your build env, so it was already satisfied that way | 08:27 |
pitti | mwhudson: but that doesn't make any sense as a build dep anyway -- either you need -dev or not, and either you want -all (for building a python module package) or not (for building a program that uses python, but doesn't export public libraries) | 08:28 |
mwhudson | pitti: no, it really installed python3 | 08:28 |
mwhudson | Get:12 http://ftpmaster.internal/ubuntu artful-proposed/main amd64 python3 amd64 3.5.3-1ubuntu3 [8710 B] | 08:28 |
mwhudson | pitti: i agree it's nonsensical | 08:29 |
pitti | hm, if none of them was installed, it should have installed python3-all-dev indeed | 08:29 |
mwhudson | so it's not a real problem, but i was a bit confused nonetheless | 08:29 |
mwhudson | this smells like a wgrant or infinity sort of problem | 08:29 |
xnox | we do building with resolve alternative depends, thus it can choose other things if something else listed python3 | python3-all-dev for example. | 08:30 |
xnox | but meh, indeed such a b-d doesn't make much sense. | 08:30 |
mirak | hi | 09:43 |
mirak | how ubiquty knows what packages it must install ? | 09:43 |
infinity | xnox: I'm not sure how the dnssec bits in systemd-resolved can get "better", given that they rely on the internet not being crap. | 10:05 |
xnox | infinity, touche | 10:06 |
xnox | infinity, they fixed bugs, but not enough of them =) | 10:06 |
infinity | xnox: Insert one DNS server that publishes zones that claim to require dnssec and aren't signed (or are incorrectly signed), and your world explodes. systemd can't fix that. | 10:06 |
xnox | well, it has fallback mode, which is not falling back hard enough, imho | 10:06 |
infinity | xnox: That above situation is exactly where you shouldn't fall back, though. | 10:07 |
xnox | and a lot of it is downgrade attacks if one does fallback too much | 10:07 |
infinity | xnox: Because falling back is accepting a potential MITM. | 10:07 |
xnox | yeah | 10:07 |
xnox | but what we do now is disable dnssec completely in stable series | 10:07 |
infinity | So, I aplaud the effort to use systemd to debug the internet, but the result is pretty frustrating. | 10:07 |
xnox | i'd rather have "we tried dnssec and it did work, you are dnssec connection *this* time" instead of "we didn't even bother" | 10:07 |
infinity | If there was a UI for this, sure. :P | 10:08 |
xnox | that's what the fallback option was supposed to do.... | 10:08 |
infinity | But it's not like the user knows "hey, this lookup was dnsseccy". | 10:08 |
xnox | but doesn't | 10:08 |
infinity | They just know "the internet works" or "the internet is broken". | 10:08 |
xnox | google chrome shows that i think; but that i think also bypasses NSS to get that info. | 10:08 |
infinity | Yeah, there's no way one can get that info from gethostbyname. | 10:10 |
xnox | nah, plugin. | 10:10 |
xnox | (not builtin indicator into google chrome) | 10:10 |
infinity | I mean, if/when dnssec becomes the norm, I'm perfectly happy with a setup that drops badly-configured DNS zones on the floor. | 10:11 |
infinity | Just as I'm happy blackholing email from poorly-configured SMTP servers. | 10:11 |
infinity | But today probably isn't that day. | 10:11 |
xnox | yeah | 10:12 |
infinity | People are still learning how to use dnssec correctly, and it seems that a large number of them are learning slowly and poorly. :P | 10:12 |
maswan | I find that the problem isn't so much badly configured zones, as captive portals | 10:12 |
infinity | maswan: I've seen a lot of the former. But the latter definitely makes things even more "interesting", for sure. | 10:12 |
maswan | Which mess with DNS (and all other things too) | 10:12 |
* xnox loves how android rejects captive portals with expired SSL certificates, for example London Underground WiFi | 10:12 | |
infinity | The only reasonable solution to the captive portal mess is some collusion among OS and browser vendors to just test some well-known location. | 10:13 |
infinity | Cause "spoof DNS for the world" doesn't work in a dnssec world. | 10:13 |
maswan | yeah. been seeing more and more browser stuff of "this network appears to require a login" features testing towards a well-known page | 10:15 |
maswan | since it is already breaking for a mostly https world | 10:15 |
maswan | One more data point, a majority of swedish household ISPs do dnssec validation on the resolvers provided to the users | 10:17 |
maswan | So broken zones would be broken to them anyway | 10:17 |
infinity | maswan: Yeah, but who cares about Sweden? :) | 10:19 |
infinity | (Also, that's quite progressive... Next you're going to tell me that all Swedish ISPs give their customers v6 IPs and routing, too?) | 10:20 |
infinity | I wish the Canadian ISPs would wake up on that score. | 10:21 |
maswan | Nah, v6 they're horribly behind the curve on | 10:22 |
mapreri | jbicha: ok. BTW, for me this is a proof that keeping the old changelog entry is useful, until you said so I believe you were the person introducing the delta. | 10:22 |
mapreri | :) | 10:22 |
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hallyn | sarnold: bug 1690820 , fyi. I can create a package for a, but istr there's a special process for security regressions? | 14:22 |
ubottu | bug 1690820 in shadow (Ubuntu) "killing su does not kill subprocess (SIGTERM not propagated)" [Undecided,New] | 14:22 |
mdeslaur | hallyn: do you know what the issue is? | 15:19 |
mdeslaur | sarnold: FYI ^ | 15:19 |
hallyn | mdeslaur: yes, a security fix for unpriv users being able to kill other user's shells, introduced a regression which prevents sigterm sent to su fro mbeing forwarded to the job | 15:21 |
hallyn | (the git commit has the details) | 15:22 |
hallyn | yeah i assumed i was too early for sarnold, i know how he rolls :) he probably just got to bed 2 hrs ago :) | 15:22 |
mdeslaur | hallyn: if you have the commit or the debdiff, could you attach it to the bug for sarnold to release as a security regression fix? | 15:24 |
mdeslaur | it does need to be built as a security regression updates | 15:24 |
mdeslaur | *update | 15:24 |
hallyn | mdeslaur: sure. sorry i didn't even open the bug, assumed it would have a link to the commit. will add it. | 15:26 |
hallyn | (added) \o | 15:27 |
mdeslaur | hallyn: thanks! | 15:31 |
sil2100 | jdstrand_: hey! I was just looking at promoting snapd from -proposed to -updates and saw that LP: #1664638 has a comment from George - could you check if it's still good to go? I don't have enough context | 15:33 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1664638 in snapd (Ubuntu Zesty) "Need an interface for kubernetes" [Undecided,Fix committed] | 15:33 |
jdstrand_ | sil2100: hi! the comment doesn't change what I said about the interface and its suitability for SRU. it is a work in progress interface that jut needs to be iterated on and George gave comments so that could happen | 16:06 |
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sil2100 | jdstrand_: ACK, in that case I'll be releasing it to -updates | 16:07 |
jdstrand | sil2100: great :) | 16:07 |
sil2100 | jdstrand: hm, although I do see an autopkgtest failure for zesty | 16:08 |
sil2100 | jdstrand: for armhf | 16:08 |
sil2100 | jdstrand: <- from snapcraft | 16:09 |
* jdstrand looks | 16:09 | |
sil2100 | Argh | 16:09 |
sil2100 | Networkin error | 16:09 |
sil2100 | Let me quickly re-run | 16:09 |
jdstrand | sil2100: that's all unrelated, yeah | 16:09 |
sil2100 | Temporary failure resolving 'ftpmaster.internal' | 16:09 |
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sarnold | hallyn: thanks <3 :) you know me too well | 17:36 |
sil2100 | jamespage: hey! | 17:36 |
sarnold | hallyn: since A requires a merge from debian still I didn't actually fix shadow there | 17:36 |
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sil2100 | jamespage: I'm currently looking into releasing neutron-lbaas to -updates - the bug is verified for all releases but I just wanted to make sure it's tested both for neutron and neutron-lbaas, right? | 17:38 |
sil2100 | I mean, it's tested with both packages, right? | 17:38 |
hallyn | sarnold: oh, so sru only? | 18:01 |
sarnold | hallyn: well, the security fix is still needed there, of course; it's a bit strange not being able to upload for -devel :/ | 18:04 |
hallyn | so the security upgrade only exists in z, and that's bc it happened before a started? | 18:05 |
hallyn | noone should run z anyway, so ... :) (it'st lts and not the latest :) | 18:05 |
sarnold | hallyn: exactly! :) I managed to lose two races on that one -- both z was released and p closed before I got the update out. agrh. | 18:25 |
sarnold | hallyn: or maybe that's three races lost, z released, a opened, p closed. | 18:26 |
sarnold | hallyn: in any event I was finally happy to have moved on. sigh. :) | 18:26 |
hallyn | sorry :( | 18:48 |
hallyn | and hopefully the code is right this time. that's some fragile stuff | 18:49 |
sarnold | for as much time as I spent reading it i'm surprised to have missed it :( | 18:53 |
jamespage | sil2100: it is yes | 19:11 |
jamespage | thanks | 19:11 |
nacc | rbasak: dpb1_: fyi, automatic import restarted after the tooling change to `git ubuntu` | 19:59 |
nacc | meaning i think it works :) | 19:59 |
dpb1_ | nacc: this sounds like good news | 20:00 |
nacc | rbasak: working on fixups to my namespace branch, i'll push (probably over the top, maybe replace) the branch again once | 20:00 |
dpb1_ | :) | 20:00 |
nacc | dpb1_: yeah, `usd` is dead :) | 20:00 |
dpb1_ | woohoo | 20:00 |
dpb1_ | what git commit is that? | 20:00 |
nacc | slangasek: --^ as well. Still need to do the git delta for the automatic setup of lp:, but on my todo for this week | 20:01 |
nacc | dpb1_: master for the fully working replacement, but `usd` was killed in a separate branch (so the snap can redirect to git-ubuntu), sha of master right now is fa6e2ec5 | 20:01 |
nacc | dpb1_: shell completion is still not quite working in the snap, but i recall some discussion in #snappy about it, i'm going to go read the logs | 20:01 |
nacc | *after lunch | 20:01 |
* dpb1_ nods | 20:02 | |
mdeslaur | infinity: thanks for the mysql-5.7 sync | 21:21 |
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nacc | rbasak: around? | 22:00 |
rbasak | nacc: sorry, just about to disappear | 22:01 |
nacc | rbasak: np, will talk tmrw | 22:05 |
nacc | rbasak: well, i think the namespace branch i have locally is 'just working' :) | 23:19 |
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