
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
alan_ganpok_: I just looked at lp:mir-android-platform - it doesn't seem to be picking up Mir package configs, linking against gtest, etc. Is there a branch I should checkout? Or am I looking too soon?09:23
anpok_I tested that with install lp:mir into an alternative destination directory..09:25
anpok_then setting the pkg config path to pull from there09:25
anpok_or $there/lib/pkgconfig/09:25
anpok_I had no problems with gtest09:25
alan_gWeird. I have Mir in /usr/local. The first thing I hit was gtest:09:29
alan_g$ git diff09:29
alan_gdiff --git a/tests/unit-tests/platforms/android/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit-tests/platforms/android/CMakeLists.txt09:29
alan_gindex 78ef6e6..a8cabda 10064409:29
alan_g--- a/tests/unit-tests/platforms/android/CMakeLists.txt09:29
alan_g+++ b/tests/unit-tests/platforms/android/CMakeLists.txt09:29
alan_g@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ target_link_libraries(09:29
alan_g 09:29
alan_g   client_platform_common09:29
alan_g   server_platform_common09:29
alan_g+  ${GTEST_BOTH_LIBRARIES}09:29
alan_g+  ${GMOCK_LIBRARY}09:29
alan_g+  ${GMOCK_MAIN_LIBRARY}09:29
alan_g   dl09:29
alan_g )09:29
alan_gThen I found that it was picking up the wrong libmirserver.so09:29
alan_gso I asked09:30
alan_gBut I see things like "mirserver" mentioned, not ${MIRSERVER_LDFLAGS} which is what I'd expect09:31
anpok_ok there is something wrong09:35
anpok_I just cleared by cmake cache09:35
anpok_and it fails to find gmock09:36
anpok_and gtest09:36
alan_gYour cmake cache came from a copy of lp:mir?09:44
anpok_alan_g: I dont think that would have been possible - but I did iterate untill it worked, and did not make a clear run after that.10:14
anpok_Can you try again?10:14
anpok_should be fine now..10:14
alan_ganpok_: better but still seeing it pick the wrong libmirserver.so:10:17
alan_g/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/libmirserver.so: undefined reference to `mir::protobuf::RaiseRequest::RaiseRequest()@MIR_PROTOBUF_3'10:17
alan_gI can investigate a bit later, just needed to know if it's worthwhile10:18
alan_gActually, why would it be linking to libmirserver.so at all?!10:20
anpok_there are diagnostic utils that would.. but those are disabled at the moment10:22
anpok_test assist?10:23
alan_gThat would be it10:24
anpok_ah and the wrapper need to changed10:25
anpok_or actually I should not need that..10:27
=== popey_ is now known as popey
anpok_alan_g: ok I think I found something..10:45
alan_gThere are a number of things: MIRSERVER_LDFLAGS, MIRCOMMON_LDFLAGS etc are used but never set10:47
alan_gMIRSERVER_LDFLAGS in particular shouldn't ever be needed10:48
alan_gSomething somewhere is searching for libmirserver.so without going through a Mir .pc file.10:57
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
alan_ganpok_: Here's a fix - https://paste.ubuntu.com/24581832/16:29
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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