lyn||ian | nearly meeting time | 01:55 |
* pleia2 nods | 01:55 | |
pleia2 | I wish this diff was less awful | 01:59 |
pleia2 | but I'm sure nhaines will give us the cliff notes and we can dig in from there :) | 02:00 |
nhaines | All diffs are awful. But that one is particularly pessimal. :) | 02:00 |
pleia2 | meeting time :) | 02:01 |
nhaines | Yup! :) | 02:01 |
nhaines | #startmeeting | 02:02 |
darthrobot` | Meeting started Mon May 15 02:02:02 2017 UTC. The chair is nhaines. Information about MeetBot at | 02:02 |
darthrobot` | Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired | 02:02 |
nhaines | #chair pleia2 lyn||ian | 02:02 |
darthrobot` | Current chairs: lyn||ian nhaines pleia2 | 02:02 |
nhaines | Welcome to the May 14th Ubuntu California LoCo meeting! | 02:02 |
nhaines | Tonight's agenda is available at | 02:02 |
darthrobot` | Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/17May14 - Ubuntu Wiki] | 02:02 |
nhaines | #topic Upcoming events | 02:03 |
nhaines | It's May, Ubuntu 17.04 has been released, and summer's coming up. What's going on? :) | 02:03 |
pleia2 | alas, nothing up here so far | 02:03 |
nhaines | Nor down here. | 02:04 |
nhaines | Although the Ubuntu Hours in Pasadena continue happily, as I understand it. | 02:04 |
pleia2 | our focus has mostly shifted to LTS for our releases parties | 02:04 |
dax | (I'm around but multitasking right now.) | 02:04 |
pleia2 | we haven't had an Ubuntu Hour in some time either, but there is someone interested in picking up where I left off | 02:04 |
nhaines | That's good to hear! | 02:05 |
nhaines | Ubuntu Hours are good ways to sort of keep up to date with that's going on in the Ubuntu world. | 02:05 |
nhaines | #topic Announcements | 02:06 |
nhaines | Are there any other announcements this week? | 02:06 |
* lyn||ian does not have any | 02:06 | |
pleia2 | nothing from me either | 02:07 |
nhaines | Okay then, moving on to agenda items. | 02:07 |
nhaines | #topic Final discussion of leadership document amendments before proceeding to a vote | 02:07 |
nhaines | So on February 19th, I proposed an amendment to our leadership document. | 02:08 |
nhaines | There's been no discussion on the mailing list and therefore I assume 100% unanimous assent from the LoCo. :P | 02:08 |
lyn||ian | nhaines, link now I do not remember any complaints to it | 02:09 |
pleia2 | hehe | 02:09 |
pleia2 | #link | 02:09 |
darthrobot` | Title: [Diff for "NathanHaines/CaliforniaLeadershipDocument" - Ubuntu Wiki] | 02:09 |
pleia2 | the diff of changes | 02:09 |
pleia2 | nhaines: care to summarize? | 02:09 |
nhaines | Our current document is here: | 02:10 |
darthrobot` | Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Leadership - Ubuntu Wiki] | 02:10 |
nhaines | And the proposed new document is here: | 02:10 |
darthrobot` | Title: [NathanHaines/CaliforniaLeadershipDocument - Ubuntu Wiki] | 02:10 |
pleia2 | #link | 02:10 |
darthrobot` | Title: [[Ubuntu-US-CA] Proposed amendment to the Ubuntu Californialeadership document.] | 02:10 |
pleia2 | ^ Original email about the proposed changes from February | 02:10 |
nhaines | The amendments basically just change references to "leadership council" to "leadership role." | 02:11 |
dax | and make that one person instead of a three person council, obviously | 02:11 |
nhaines | The intention is to allow a single elected leader rather than an elected triumvirate, but also to allow a group or two or three leaders in the future if needed. | 02:11 |
dax | i read the document back in February, am in favor of it | 02:12 |
pleia2 | I like increasing the flexibility here | 02:12 |
lyn||ian | yes increased flexibility sounds good | 02:12 |
pleia2 | I think the trio served its purpose for a time, but we don't want to be locked into something forever if it's not working for us | 02:12 |
nhaines | There's some other silliness in the document, but I haven't changed any of that. :) | 02:12 |
dax | If we had more activity I'd want more pondering of it, but until/unless that happens I think one caretaker/leader is fine. | 02:13 |
nhaines | pleia2: yes, and with the lack of leader nominations this last time around, I don't think the group is big enough to support three leaders. | 02:13 |
* pleia2 nods | 02:13 | |
lyn||ian | yes nhaines | 02:14 |
nhaines | Which is different from whether or not we *need* three leaders, but I don't think we do, either. :) | 02:14 |
nhaines | In any case, I wanted to give the group a last chance to comment before I called for a vote. | 02:14 |
nhaines | Once the vote on the changes is finished, we can make another call for nominations and do a leadership vote. | 02:15 |
pleia2 | thank you for your work on this, sorry it's taken so long to finally talk about it :) | 02:15 |
pleia2 | nothing else from me though | 02:15 |
nhaines | It's okay. SCALE and then other things were in the way. :) | 02:16 |
nhaines | Let's vote on whether we should vote. | 02:16 |
pleia2 | hehe | 02:16 |
nhaines | #vote Put proposed leadership document amendment to a LoCo-wide vote for ratification. | 02:16 |
darthrobot` | Please vote on: Put proposed leadership document amendment to a LoCo-wide vote for ratification. | 02:16 |
darthrobot` | Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me) | 02:16 |
nhaines | +1 | 02:16 |
darthrobot` | +1 received from nhaines | 02:16 |
pleia2 | +1 | 02:16 |
darthrobot` | +1 received from pleia2 | 02:16 |
dax | +1 | 02:16 |
darthrobot` | +1 received from dax | 02:16 |
lyn||ian | +1 | 02:17 |
darthrobot` | +1 received from lyn||ian | 02:17 |
nhaines | #endvote | 02:17 |
darthrobot` | Voting ended on: Put proposed leadership document amendment to a LoCo-wide vote for ratification. | 02:17 |
darthrobot` | Votes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 | 02:17 |
darthrobot` | Motion carried | 02:17 |
pleia2 | just going to toss a simple poll up in launchpad/ | 02:17 |
pleia2 | ? | 02:17 |
nhaines | That or we can send out a condor-seat ballot to the LoCo. | 02:17 |
pleia2 | collecting emails for that is D: | 02:18 |
nhaines | That's okay though, because I'm not the one who has to do it. | 02:18 |
pleia2 | and it's just a yes/no anyway, right? | 02:18 |
nhaines | Right. | 02:18 |
pleia2 | so condorcet is not so great for it :) | 02:19 |
dax | last/only previous amendment was just approved by IRC vote. If you want a non-IRC thing I'd just LP it | 02:19 |
pleia2 | well, I can set that up | 02:19 |
nhaines | dax: that's something I should've looked up then. | 02:19 |
nhaines | Do we want to LP it or should we just do an IRC vote next meeting? | 02:19 |
dax | pleia2: would LP be easy? | 02:20 |
pleia2 | lp is easy and open to more people, irc is hard and I'll be on a train during the next meeting | 02:20 |
dax | I vote LP then | 02:20 |
nhaines | Let's vote on how we should vote for the vote. | 02:20 |
nhaines | Nah. I think LP works. | 02:20 |
pleia2 | #action pleia2 to set up lp poll for leadership document amendment radification | 02:20 |
darthrobot` | ACTION: pleia2 to set up lp poll for leadership document amendment radification | 02:20 |
nhaines | I find that typo especially pleasing and fitting for a California LoCo vote. :) | 02:21 |
nhaines | pleia2: you'll be a California native yet! | 02:21 |
pleia2 | hahahah | 02:21 |
pleia2 | raaaad | 02:22 |
nhaines | Okay, I think everything's all set for that, then. | 02:22 |
nhaines | #topic Other business | 02:22 |
nhaines | Any other business this week? | 02:22 |
* lyn||ian has none | 02:22 | |
pleia2 | I don't think so | 02:23 |
nhaines | Okay, I think that's it for this meeting then. | 02:23 |
nhaines | Happy Mother's Day to any mothers and aunts and mentors out there! | 02:23 |
pleia2 | thanks for chairing \o/ | 02:23 |
nhaines | Our next meeting will be May 28th. | 02:24 |
nhaines | #endmeeting | 02:24 |
darthrobot` | Meeting ended Mon May 15 02:24:25 2017 UTC. | 02:24 |
darthrobot` | Minutes: | 02:24 |
nhaines | Now to squint at Jekyll some more. | 02:24 |
pleia2 | true story: I looked up the proper spelling of amendment and then went to town on radification | 02:24 |
nhaines | Haha! | 02:24 |
nhaines | I had to double check that "assent" meant what I thought it did. (It did.) | 02:25 |
pleia2 | English is tough | 02:25 |
pleia2 | especially the way we speak it | 02:25 |
nhaines | Relevant: | 02:26 |
darthrobot` | Title: [Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for Feb 11, 1993 | Read Comic Strips at] | 02:26 |
pleia2 | hehe | 02:26 |
nhaines | I was worried about needing to learn SASS/SCSS to convert my existing hand-made stylesheet to the Jekyll engine. | 02:28 |
nhaines | But then I learned that SASS is basically just the way I *think* CSS should work. | 02:28 |
nhaines | Also my modus operandus of "I don't have a good justification but I'm going to start writing all my blog posts in Markdown" last year turned out to be totally justified. | 02:30 |
nhaines | (Well, the real reason is that I thought I might move to Mezzanine but still had to post to LiveJournal in the meantime. But in any case, it all worked out.) | 02:31 |
pleia2 | would be nice if launchpad told me the date/time format it wants in the poll *shakesfist* and googles | 02:32 |
pleia2 | heh | 02:33 |
darthrobot` | Title: [Bug #262205 (polls) “Dates in Launchpad polls should be easy to ...” : Bugs : Launchpad itself] | 02:33 |
pleia2 | Won't Fix, sad | 02:33 |
* pleia2 metoos anyway | 02:34 | |
pleia2 | why would I every say something with lp is easy? | 02:35 |
pleia2 | A poll cannot open less than 12 hours after it's created. | 02:37 |
pleia2 | fml | 02:37 |
nhaines | Can't *open*? | 02:37 |
nhaines | I'm totally not going to be around for the June 11th meeting. | 02:38 |
dax | lol Launchpad | 02:39 |
pleia2 | btw, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S | 02:40 |
dax | so, correct :P? | 02:40 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-ca to: Website: (has links to mailing list, forum, and more!) | Next Meeting: Sunday, May 28th, at 7:00pm PDT (UTC -7:00) This channel is logged at | We have an unlogged channel at #ubuntu-us-ca-offtopic | ||
pleia2 | ok, hopefully this works 12 hours when it opens :P | 02:42 |
darthrobot` | Title: [Ratification of the 2017 leadership document amendment : “Ubuntu California” team] | 02:42 |
pleia2 | I'll send out an email in the AM if it looks sane | 02:42 |
nhaines | \o/ | 02:45 |
nhaines | i tried to vote but I can't vote. | 02:45 |
nhaines | Although apparently I can sabotage the voting options, so there's that. | 02:45 |
nhaines | pleia2: How do you feel about GNOME Shell? | 02:46 |
pleia2 | xfce4ever | 02:47 |
nhaines | I'm considering downgrading to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and reevaluating whether or not to run Ubuntu in 2020. | 02:47 |
nhaines | Although I do sort of like MATE. | 02:48 |
dax | at the risk of being annoying, MATE works fine on Debian :) | 02:48 |
pleia2 | I've never really used any form of GNOME, and I continue to lack interest in trying it out | 02:49 |
dax | i have gnome shell on a laptop right now. it's okay | 02:49 |
dax | don't really feel strongly about it one way or another | 02:49 |
nhaines | The non-core GNOME apps are great. The GNOME Project is toxic and the worst thing to happen to Free Software. | 02:49 |
nhaines | Maybe that's changed in the past couple of years but I lack time or motivation to find out. | 02:50 |
nhaines | Although having spent hours using GNOME Software for the second edition of my book, I can honestly say it's terrible compared to Ubuntu Software Center. | 02:51 |
nhaines | When GNOME Software even worked, anyway. Because it broke a couple times and I had to revert back to a clean-install snapshot to get any listings. | 02:51 |
nhaines | But GNOME's position seems to be "People should never install fonts." | 02:53 |
nhaines | Or command line apps, unless it's Nethack, in which case only allow the console version to be installed and do not offer the GTK version. | 02:53 |
dax | The only software GUI that doesn't annoy me greatly is synaptic | 02:54 |
dax | All the "friendlier" ones are not for me. | 02:54 |
nhaines | I didn't use Ubuntu Software Center a lot, but at least it worked. | 02:54 |
pleia2 | alright, email is prepped so I just need to check the poll and hit send before airport in the AM | 03:08 |
nhaines | yay! | 03:11 |
lyn||ian | I think lubuntu-software-center was better than gnome-software | 03:11 |
nhaines | Thanks for doing all that. :) | 03:11 |
lyn||ian | but not maintained anymore | 03:11 |
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