floridagram4 | <AdamOutler> Oh, yeah sure.. I don't need windows anyway. | 16:39 |
floridagram4 | <KMyers> @AdamOutler | 18:13 |
floridagram4 | <SivaMachina> If I need Windows. It may require a Wine bottle or 2 | 19:03 |
floridagram4 | <KMyers> A bottle within a bottle | 19:04 |
floridagram4 | <KMyers> Wine generally does a good job but there are some things it does not do too well | 19:04 |
floridagram4 | <SivaMachina> I have run into that | 19:05 |
floridagram4 | <SivaMachina> Luckily not something I really wanted anyways | 19:05 |
floridagram4 | <AdamOutler> how did you vnc from owncloud? | 19:06 |
floridagram4 | <KMyers> Just installed Guacamole and proxied the Tomcat connection to localhost:8085. I then wrote a quick application to display "localhost:8085" | 19:09 |
floridagram4 | <KMyers> The VNC viewer connects to all of my boxes over a VPN. The server is not setup to listen on any interface except the VPN | 19:10 |
floridagram4 | <AdamOutler> what do you use to write nextcloud apps? | 19:10 |
floridagram4 | <KMyers> I dont need to be on my VPN to access the VNC Viewer. I did take extra caution to ensure everything goes over SSL and 2FA is in place | 19:11 |
floridagram4 | <KMyers> https://apps.nextcloud.com/developer/apps/generate to generate the skeleton app, the rest is PHP | 19:12 |
floridagram4 | <KMyers> In fact it is ALL php | 19:12 |
floridagram4 | <AdamOutler> wow, I like it | 19:14 |
floridagram4 | <KMyers> SELF Schedule is up - http://www.southeastlinuxfest.org/pdfs/SELF-2017-Schedule.pdf | 20:39 |
floridagram4 | <ahoneybun> https://www.meetup.com/Microsoft-Store-Aventura-Mall/?gj=ej1b | 21:34 |
floridagram4 | <ahoneybun> should we have a Ubuntu Hour in a Windows Store lol | 21:34 |
floridagram4 | <ahoneybun> XD | 21:34 |
floridagram4 | <Ivoriesablaze> @KMyers, 😞 | 21:40 |
floridagram4 | <AdamOutler> @ahoneybun, 😞 | 21:42 |
floridagram4 | <KMyers> @ahoneybun, I got that email as well | 21:47 |
floridagram4 | <KMyers> WSL is a thing so I don't see a problem | 21:47 |
floridagram4 | <Ivoriesablaze> Windows store Linux? | 21:50 |
floridagram4 | <ahoneybun> I think it would be new | 21:51 |
floridagram4 | <KMyers> Windows Subsystem for Linux | 21:52 |
floridagram4 | <ahoneybun> I know | 21:52 |
floridagram4 | <Ivoriesablaze> Oh, the bash shell | 21:52 |
floridagram4 | <ahoneybun> sent a message | 21:54 |
floridagram4 | <Ivoriesablaze> To the store? | 21:54 |
floridagram4 | <ahoneybun> well yea tho the meetup site | 21:54 |
floridagram4 | <Ivoriesablaze> Ok | 21:54 |
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