
elfgohHi i am trying todo a snap login01:23
elfgohget an error error: cannot get snap access permission from store: Post https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/api/acl/: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) (see "snap login --help")01:23
mupPR snapcraft#1318 opened: tests: refactor the travis jobs using stages <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1318>04:20
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
morphismvo: morning!05:47
morphismvo: can you have a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3308 and https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3307 ?05:47
mupPR snapd#3308: tests/lib: introduce pkgdb helper library <Created by morphis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3308>05:47
mupPR snapd#3307: tests: abstract common dirs which differ on distributions <Created by morphis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3307>05:47
mvohey morphis! good moring. sure, I have  alook now05:49
morphismvo: thanks!05:49
zygaAdamH_: specifically apparmor/profiles, seccomp/profiles05:51
zyga07:49 < zyga> AdamH_: intetesting, yes that does help05:51
zyga07:49 < zyga> AdamH_: can you use beta and collect all the security profiles? go to /var/lib/snapd/05:51
zyga07:49 < zyga> AdamH_: and in each directory look for a file named after the application05:51
zyga07:49 < zyga> AdamH_: intetesting, yes that does help05:51
zyga07:49 < zyga> AdamH_: can you use beta and collect all the security profiles? go to /var/lib/snapd/05:51
zyga07:49 < zyga> AdamH_: and in each directory look for a file named after the application05:51
zygaAdamH_: then go to edge and collect the same set of files05:51
morphiszyga: btw. we should add a page on snapcraft.io which explains how to collect necessary debug material05:52
morphiszyga: we do something similar for our stack documentation (e.g. https://docs.ubuntu.com/core/en/stacks/network/network-manager/docs/report-bug)05:52
zygamorphis: good idea, I will write something like that!05:55
zygamorphis: how is everything so far, any fires?05:57
morphiszyga: no fires I know of :-)05:57
zygagood :)05:58
morphiszyga: only fire is that my spread/qemu setup times out a lot today ..06:03
zygamorphis: on a specific test or on preparation?06:14
morphiszyga: it times out when running "dnf update"06:16
morphismust be my network or such a like06:17
zygamorphis: maybe setup a local proxy?06:19
Son_Gokumorphis, zyga: can you guys get robert ancell to properly tag releases on GitHub06:20
Son_Gokuit's very annoying that he's making releases that don't exist :/06:21
morphisSon_Goku: sure06:21
zygaSon_Goku: huh? in what way?06:21
morphisSon_Goku: can you just drop him a mail with zyga and me in CC?06:21
morphiszyga: snapd-glib06:21
Son_GokuI mean, he's making the tarballs on LP, but they don't have corresponding git tags06:21
morphisI guess he just releases into the lp/archive06:22
Son_Gokuit's just annoying because while I can "guess" where the tarball comes from06:22
Son_GokuI don't know it06:22
morphisSon_Goku: not very professional, I know06:23
morphisSon_Goku: if you don't want to write a mail, a forum topic would be good too06:23
Son_GokuI'll send an email later06:23
Son_Gokuas it is, I'm desperately trying to go back to sleep06:24
Son_Gokuit's 2:24am here :(06:24
morphisSon_Goku: do that!06:25
morphispedronis, mvo: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/gadget-snap-config-defaults-dont-work/409/5 should be added to https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/next-snapd-2-27/572 , shouldn't it?06:48
mvomorphis: ü106:49
mvomorphis: +106:49
morphismvo: actually is there a list of things planed for 2.27?06:49
morphismvo: ah sorry, it is already in the post :-)06:49
zygamvo: good morning :)06:52
mvohey zyga06:53
mvomorphis: :)06:53
morphismvo: too early :-)06:53
mvomorphis: no problem at all06:54
abeatomvo, quick question, is snapd 2.26.1 in the edge core snap already?06:57
mvoabeato: yes06:58
zygamvo: something is wrong with core06:58
mvoabeato: well, it should be, looks like there is a upload bug in our edge snap right now, let me double check what is going on06:58
mvozyga: with core uploads?06:58
zygamvo: amd64 core (edge) is still pre-version change06:58
abeatomvo, ahm, ok06:58
zygamvo: and in fact gets no updates06:58
mvozyga: I think its the new version string06:58
zygamvo: well, I wish I had the new version string, I think it didn't build since06:59
zygamvo: note that i386 did build06:59
mvozyga: but that should have got fixed last week, so maybe something less is broken06:59
mvozyga: oh?06:59
* mvo looks06:59
zygamvo: are you on edge?06:59
zygamvo: I'm on edge and I have 190906:59
zygarefreshed:   2017-05-12 06:20:00 +0200 CEST06:59
mvozyga: what does snap version tells you?06:59
zygasnap    2.26.1+201705112259.git.e719341~ubuntu16.04.106:59
mvozyga: ok, at least abeato gets a pretty recent snapd this way :) but yeah, edge-edge is 5 days old :/07:00
zygamvo: btw, update-ns landed07:00
abeatomvo, recent enough for us, thanks :)07:00
zygamvo: but I noticed we don't run any tools from core (discard-ns, update-ns)07:00
mvozyga: holly cow07:00
zygamvo: so it will be broken07:00
zygamvo: I'm fixing that now07:00
mvozyga: please describe it in the forum post for 2.27, thats a huge thing07:00
zygamvo: not in tests but in practice07:00
zygamvo: yes, I was planning to already :)07:01
mvozyga: ok07:01
mvozyga: thank you :)07:01
zygamvo: I'll be fixing the run-from-core aspect of discard/update ns as I watch the town hall07:01
mvozyga: TestLokcUnlockWorks fails in traivs07:02
mvozyga: meh :(07:02
zygamvo: oh? missing dependency or something else?07:03
zygamvo: do you have a log?07:03
mvozyga: it looks like its simply not working for whatever reason, not super important right now, I will just skip the test on travis for now, but slightly strange07:05
mupPR snapd#3324 opened: Androidboot <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3324>07:06
zygamvo: thanks, I see now07:06
zygamvo: weird, it passed tests before07:07
mvozyga: we did not run the unit tests for a while on travis07:07
mvozyga: only inside spread indirectly07:07
zygamvo: aaah07:08
zygamvo: I see07:08
zygahum hum hum, maybe weird filesystem07:08
zygamvo: interesting find07:08
mvozyga: anyway, just wanted to mention it, its not a big deal right now :)07:08
fgimenezhi mvo good morning :) during the 2.26.1 validation at beta i had two panics on pi2 http://paste.ubuntu.com/24581585/ and pi3 http://paste.ubuntu.com/24581419/, it would be great if you could take a look07:18
mvofgimenez: thanks, checking now07:22
zygamvo: ah, obvious bug :/07:24
zygamvo: we don't check for the length of l07:24
zygamvo: probably data corruption but could be something else07:24
mvozyga: obvious bug in the above pastebins or flock or something else :) ?07:25
fgimenezmvo: thank you, i also wanted to mention, i've been using the new --extra-snaps capability of prepare-image (to include assertions along with sideloaded snaps), it works fine but i have an issue, probably it is expected, if i download the kernel snap from stable and then create the image with --channel beta, then kernel tracks beta and is automatically refreshed to the latest version on that channel07:25
zygamvo: yes07:25
zygamvo: in the pastebins from fgimenez07:26
mvofgimenez: indeed, that is expected behaviour07:26
mvozyga: aha, ok07:26
zygamvo: do you want me to propose a PR?07:26
fgimenezmvo: ok thanks07:26
mvozyga: sure, if you have it all tracked down already +107:28
zygagreat :)07:29
mvozyga: I have not even looked yet properly :)07:29
zygamvo: interestingly we vendor an older version of your package07:31
zygamvo: but your package is also panicking in master07:31
zygamvo: is api brakage acceptable?07:31
mvozyga: hm, any chance we could avoid it :) ?07:32
zygamvo: yes, let me tweak things07:33
zygaah, it's just internal API, no worries07:33
zygaall good :)07:33
mvofgimenez: any idea why this crash is triggered now, did we just not test before?07:37
mvofgimenez: test for this before?07:37
mvofgimenez: the code in this area has not really changed recently afaict07:37
mupPR core#42 opened: fix version number length <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/42>07:37
fgimenezmvo: yes we executed the same tests before (there have been changes in the suite but not much disruptive), no idea why this is happening now07:38
fgimenezmvo: i created the image using the new prepare-image capability, is the only difference i think07:39
zygamvo: FYI the crash looks like data corruption on the card07:39
fgimenezzyga: aha thanks! but it happens on two different cards and boards (pi2 and pi3), is it possible that both are corrupted?07:40
zygafgimenez: maybe, though less likely07:41
zygafgimenez: can you do a dump of the uboot environment file please?07:41
fgimenezzyga: sure, i need to reproduce first, (now i'm running the tests after refreshing from stable) will ping you when i have it07:42
zygafgimenez: if it was random it may not happen again07:43
mvofgimenez: thank you. keen to see the dump07:43
zygamvo: https://github.com/mvo5/uboot-go/pull/207:44
mupPR mvo5/uboot-go#2: Detect and return errors from Open in case of malformed data <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/mvo5/uboot-go/pull/2>07:44
mvozyga: the api of uenv should not allow to write something without "=" but maybe something else is going on :/07:44
zygamvo: well, whatever you write, you may read smurfs back07:44
zygamvo: have a look at the PR07:44
mvozyga: yeah, your fix is great07:45
zygamvo: separately I think we want two more changes07:45
zygamvo: a change that lets open skip malformed data07:45
zyga(better than failing outright)07:45
zygamvo: and an update to snapd vendor commit07:45
zygamvo: shall I make those?07:45
mvozyga: yes, thank you!07:47
mvozyga: first branch is in07:47
mvozyga: quick review for https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/42 would be great07:48
mupPR core#42: fix version number length <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/42>07:48
zygamvo: looking07:50
zygamvo: done07:51
NicolinoCurallihi guys, what part of gpg bundle snapcraft register-key upload on the store?07:53
mupPR core#42 closed: fix version number length <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/42>07:54
pedronisNicolinoCuralli: only the public bits07:58
NicolinoCurallipedronis: thanks07:58
zygamvo: https://github.com/mvo5/uboot-go/pull/307:59
mupPR mvo5/uboot-go#3: Add OpenWithFlags and OpenBestEffort flag <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/mvo5/uboot-go/pull/3>07:59
* zyga thinks about breakfast08:00
mvozyga: very nice, thank you!08:01
zygamvo: I'll get the snapd copy updated now08:02
mvozyga: \o/08:06
Chipacamvo: spread has "residual artifacts"08:17
mvoChipaca: aha, interessting. you mean for the coverage results?08:18
Chipacayou then have to decide which of the 8 coverage files we get you want :-)08:18
mvoChipaca: I can look into that, however I also kind of like the run of the unit tests in an extra step mostly because if something is wrong there things fail early08:18
Chipacaour first codecov report came in :-D08:18
mvoChipaca: weeeee08:19
Chipaca77% :-/08:19
Chipacathat's dropped a lot since we looked at it last08:19
mvothis is why I want it :)08:19
Chipacamvo: thanks for doing this :-)08:19
ogra_oh, mondrian pictures!08:20
mvospamming the comments is maybe not that great, I wonder if that can be disabled08:20
Chipacamvo: the problem with doing it in a different step is that we eat up a travis slot08:20
mvoChipaca: its being done in the same travis run, it just takes a bit of extra time08:20
zygafgimenez, mvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/332508:20
mupPR snapd#3325: vendor,partition: fix panics from uenv <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3325>08:20
Chipacathat's alright then :-D08:20
mupPR snapd#3325 opened: vendor,partition: fix panics from uenv <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3325>08:20
mvoChipaca: I will look how much extra time exactly08:21
Chipacamvo: we could always have it in spread just after --static08:21
mvoChipaca: indeed, this is what I did now08:21
zygamvo: I'll focus on run-from-core for internal tools now08:22
mvozyga: thank you08:22
* Chipaca clicks 'view all'08:22
mvoChipaca: or was I just dreaming this ?08:22
zygaChipaca, mvo: FYI: travis has added "build stages", that may be of some help to you (perhaps)08:22
Chipacamvo: no, it's there08:22
Chipacamvo: it's early08:23
Chipacamvo: i thought i was looking at spread.yaml :-)08:23
* ogra_ sees the core uploads succeed and hugs mvo 08:24
mvo:) no worries08:24
mvoogra_: yay08:24
mvomore cores!08:24
* zyga looks at delta update for core08:26
zyganiiiiice :)08:26
zygamvo: hmm08:27
zygamvo: I broke edge08:27
zyga- Setup snap "core" (1934) security profiles (cannot setup mount for snap "core": cannot update mount namespace of snap "core": cannot update preserved namespace of snap "core": cannot update snap namespace: not implemented)08:27
zygamvo: (this is the thing I mentioned)08:27
zygamvo: we may want to revert edge to previous for a sec08:27
zygamvo: and land a change that fixes this first08:27
zygamvo: (update-ns runs from distro)08:27
zygamvo: not from core08:27
Chipacazyga: dude, you owe us so much cake08:28
mvozyga: ok08:28
* ogra_ guesses zyga was just distracted by the townhall :P08:28
* Chipaca forgot about the town hall, but slept 8 hours \o/08:28
zygaChipaca: it would be caught by the upgrade test but those don't run on each PR08:29
zyga(i think)08:29
ogra_it still running, IoT just up right now08:29
ogra_*it is08:29
fgimenezzyga: thanks for the branch! trying to get the dump in a bit, will let you and mvo know how it goes08:31
mvofgimenez: if you can not get the dump but just the binary uboot.env that is fine too08:34
fgimenezmvo: ok thanks08:36
Chipacazyga: could you finish your review of snapd#3321?08:37
mupPR snapd#3321: wrappers: service start/stop were inconsistent <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3321>08:37
Chipacathen i can land that and be happy08:37
* Chipaca penciled in 6 hours of being happy today08:37
zygaChipaca: yes, after the tools from core branch08:41
mvoChipaca: wdyt, a single coverage report that is kept being updated is ok? codecov will not spam, it will have one report per branch and keeps updating it. do you think this is acceptable?08:45
Chipacamvo: yes, i think that's fine (also i don't mind it posting the report as a comment on the pr)08:45
Chipacabecause only the author of the pr, and people who've already commented, will get that email08:46
mvoChipaca: ok, I will bring it up in the standup08:46
Chipacamvo: will you add the widget?08:46
mvoChipaca: I can :)08:47
mvoChipaca: the badge you mean?08:47
mvoChipaca: let me add it08:47
Chipacai'm a sucker for badges08:47
mvoChipaca: hahaha08:47
* mvo hugs Chipaca08:47
=== longsleep_ is now known as longsleep
mvoChipaca: badge added now09:02
Chipacamvo: yep! thanks :-)09:02
Chipacatried to add a <3 to the commit, but github won't let me09:03
mupPR snapd#3326 opened: cmd,interfaces/mount: run snap-update-ns and snap-discard-ns from core if possible <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3326>09:03
zygamvo: can you please look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/332609:04
mupPR snapd#3326: cmd,interfaces/mount: run snap-update-ns and snap-discard-ns from core if possible <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3326>09:04
zygamvo: the main/listing test needs update again09:05
zygamvo: and with lower priority, can you look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3308 - this will define how all our spread tests look like in wake of support of non-debian distributions;09:07
mupPR snapd#3308: tests/lib: introduce pkgdb helper library <Created by morphis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3308>09:07
zygamvo: I feel somewhat strongly about it but I will accept your call09:07
morphiszyga: asked mvo already this mornign to have a look :-)09:08
mvozyga, morphis it is on my list, unfortunately its a longish list but I will definitely get to it today09:08
morphismvo: no hurry09:09
morphismvo: don't need a full review yet, just your call on the discussion I had with zyga on it09:10
mvomorphis zyga: you are mostly interessted in the centralized vs non-centralized approach?09:10
morphismvo: yes09:10
zygamvo: thank you09:11
mvothanks, I will read the PR and scratch my head a little bit over it09:11
NicolinoCurallihi guys another question about signing : what ubuntu-image deposits on image of gpg bundle?09:12
zygais anyone handling the main/listing test?09:12
zygamvo, Chipaca, fgimenez: ^09:16
Chipacazyga: what's going on with main/listing?09:16
zygaChipaca: new edge version broke it09:17
zygaagain :)09:17
Chipaca16-2.26.1+201705151555.git.d15bf would do that, yes09:17
Chipacathat's a nasssty version number09:17
Chipaca(also, is that a unique hash, or has it been truncated?)09:17
zygatruncated :/09:17
Chipacahash snippet i mean09:17
zygamvo: I'd say we should drop the date09:17
zygaand just go with the hash09:18
ogra_we really need to drop the time from the timestamp09:18
ogra_date is totally enough if we keep the hash anyway09:18
zygawell, hash has the date if you git show it ;)09:18
mvozyga: I think there was a discussion with gustavo about that, he was keen to keep the timestamp but considered the git hash clutter09:18
Chipacaok, i'll fix the test09:18
mvoChipaca: truncated09:19
ChipacaI think the timestamp is more immediately useful09:19
mvoChipaca: so we can cut it out09:19
Chipacamvo: is this long version ever going to leave edge?09:19
Chipaca(should it?)09:19
mvoChipaca: no, only edge will have ugly versions09:19
mvoso yeah, I can push another PR to kill the git hash :)09:20
zygamvo: so how will we do beta builds?09:20
zygamvo: separately from edge builds?09:20
Chipacamvo: let me know what it will look like, so i can fix the listing test to match09:21
mvozyga: right now all beta builds are syncronised with uploads of a snapd with a proper version number09:22
mvoChipaca: I think just 16-2.26.1+20170515155509:22
mvozyga: not sure if this reply makes sense, I can write more if its unclear :)09:23
ogra_zyga, well, athe actual plan was to do different chasnnels from different archives (beta/stable without PPA) ...09:24
ogra_but we're still far from that09:24
ogra_which is why mvo makes sure to have a stable snapd in the PPA before a beta snap gets rolled atm09:24
zygamvo: I think the git hash would be more useful09:25
zygamvo: than the date09:25
zygamvo: certainly to answer "is this commit in that build already"09:25
mvozyga: fair enough, we can discuss this in the standup. I would like to have both but there is no enough space on this margin for this wonderful version09:26
* ogra_ also thinks to remember that in the last discussioon we agreed to cutting the date shorter and leave the hash instead09:26
mvohm, maybe09:27
zygamvo: another idea, let the version be whatever but teach snap info to publish key-value meta-date like git-hash build-date and other nice stuff09:27
* mvo looks at it09:27
zygamvo: no need to cram it into version and also useful for other09:27
ogra_we want a clear distinction between stable and non stable builds in the snap version too though09:28
zygafine, I bet we can do that somehow too09:28
ogra_(so that you dont need to actually run an image to determine the version)09:29
mupPR snapd#3327 opened: tests/main/listing: tweak core version regexp <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3327>09:29
Chipacazyga, mvo: ^09:30
* zyga -> coffee break09:35
Chipacazyga: i'm going to need a timeframe on "this test needs to be different because this thing will change at some time when the stars align" :-)09:36
pedronismvo: hi, could you look at snapd#3323 again ?09:37
mupPR snapd#3323: overlord/snapstate: avoid creating command aliases for daemons  <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3323>09:37
mvoChipaca, zyga, ogra_: how about this as a compromise? http://paste.ubuntu.com/24586017/09:38
zygaChipaca: hmm?09:38
Chipacamvo: does it fit one more character?09:38
mvoChipaca: yes09:39
Chipacain fact does it fit five more :-(09:39
mvoChipaca: no09:39
mvoChipaca: ;)09:39
Chipacafigured as much09:39
zygamvo: do we really need the date?09:39
Chipacamvo: zyga says the 16-2 at the start will change to 16-2.24.109:39
Chipacaat which point this will not fit09:40
mvozyga: I thought we did but I may misremember09:40
morphiszyga: did you saw you're going to look into the problem with the unnecessary bind call snapctl issues and then gets killed by seccomp?09:41
mvozyga, Chipaca: we could shorten 2017 to 17 and get two chars09:41
mvoChipaca, zyga: but I think we should keep it as is for now (fix the test of course) and talk about it in the standup, I have the feeling in the discussion there it may change anyway (because high bandwidth discussion etc)09:42
zygamorphis: yes, I recall this but I need to fix update-ns run-from-core and unit tests first09:45
zygamvo: 17 will look confusing, how about just date and hash?09:45
morphiszyga: so something you're going to look into for 2.27?09:45
zygamvo: 16-2.24.1-20170516+git....09:45
zygamorphis: yes, certainly09:46
morphiszyga: ok, lets add that to https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/next-snapd-2-27/572/209:46
morphiswill see if there is a bug09:46
morphismvo: can you add https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1644573 to the 2.27 page?09:47
mupBug #1644573: snapctl causes hooks to attempt to open ip/ipv6 tcp connection <Snappy:Triaged by zyga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1644573>09:47
Chipacazyga: mvo: agreed to not change until discussed, seems there are lot of options09:47
Chipacazyga: mvo: and not sure at this point what questions we want to answer from that information :-)09:47
zygaChipaca: one option is to raise the limit :)09:48
Chipacaif we have just the timestamp, you need to check master to see what commit we were at at that timestamp, and then check if that contains whatever branch it is you're interested in09:48
Chipacawhereas if what you're wanting to answer is "is this edge from last night", you're done09:48
Chipacaif you have the commit, you need to check master to see if that commit contains whatever it is you're after09:48
mvomorphis: sure, will do. the page should be a wiki so you can also add it if you want09:49
Chipacaand if you're wanting to answer "is this edge from last night", you need to check what commit it was09:49
morphismvo: last time I checked, I couldn't09:49
Chipacaor rather, you need to check if that commit is one of the ones from last night09:49
Chipacawhich means looking for one random string in a collection of random strings, which is worse09:49
Chipacawhich is why i prefer the timestamp09:50
mvomorphis: that means I suck, let me fix it09:50
mvomorphis: maybe something else is funny, it is marked as a wiki09:50
mvomorphis: added it now09:52
morphismvo: maybe just for a few people?09:52
mvomorphis: good question09:52
mvofgimenez: any news on that uboot.env file? just curious because I'm slightly worried about this one09:53
fgimenez_mvo: not yet, still running the scenario in which we execute the suite after upgrading from stable, it'll finish soon though (91/116 pi3 and 57/116 pi2)09:56
* Chipaca takes a coffee break10:01
zygaChipaca: can you have a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3326 when you're back please10:05
mupPR snapd#3326: cmd,interfaces/mount: run snap-update-ns and snap-discard-ns from core if possible <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3326>10:05
Chipacazyga: i didn't get to leave yet10:05
zygaChipaca: I need to re-add some of the logging10:06
zygaChipaca: for tests to be happy10:06
zygaChipaca: but this (or similar) has to land to unbreak edge10:06
Chipacazyga: having a list of distros not to reexec in seems weird10:07
Chipaca(yes i know that's already there)10:07
zygaChipaca: yes but there's a good reason for that for now10:07
zygaChipaca: once we have CI I'd like to pop fedora from that list10:08
Chipacazyga: which is that reason?10:08
zygaChipaca: snap-confine still has some build-time choices10:08
Chipacazyga: it sounds to me like we should have a list of distros to reexec in, not the other way around10:08
zygaChipaca: and we must build snap-confine in a way to have more flexibility there (talk to snapd)10:08
ChipacaOTOH, infinite derivatives10:08
zygaChipaca: I think this list can be removed soon10:08
zygaChipaca: it's more like "do I ship with patches"10:09
zygaChipaca: and "is snap-confine from core useful to me"10:09
zygaChipaca: but those can be patched in the distro as well :)10:09
pedronisChipaca: so master is broken ?10:09
zygaChipaca: we also don't re-exec in places that are not tested, it makes it more likely that we get a working result10:09
Chipacapedronis: well, there's a failing test10:10
zygapedronis: master is broken wrt the new core version10:10
zygapedronis: and edge is broken wrt update-ns not running from core10:10
zygapedronis: (but not broken in any test)10:10
pedroniswell, I see this too:  subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command 'tail -n 10 /var/log/syslog' returned non-zero exit status 110:10
pedronisin interfaces-log-observe10:11
pedronisis that fixed somewhere10:11
pedroniszyga: we don't have CI for core ?10:11
pedronisor not enough of it10:12
pedronisI mena the project10:12
Chipacapedronis: as soon as snapd#3327 lands we're good again10:12
mupPR snapd#3327: tests/main/listing: tweak core version regexp <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3327>10:12
Chipacapedronis: ah. ouch.10:12
pedronisChipaca: is log-observe stuff already fixed?10:12
Chipacai'll fix that when i come back from my break10:12
Chipacabut now, i'm going to go take that break10:12
* Chipaca has been trying for a while now :-)10:12
zygapedronis: our upgrade tests are very basic and don't catch this issue10:13
pedroniszyga: sounds like core project CI should run all the spread tests too, before we break snapd own development (maybe base snaps will claritfy this)10:16
zygapedronis: all from that version, yes10:16
* zyga runs spread locally to fix some issues10:27
Chipacai'm going to piggyback the log-observe fix on the listing fix10:32
zygaChipaca: I'll merge master into my fix, hopefully this will unbreak everything10:37
zyga(when your branch lands)10:37
Chipacahere's hoping10:38
fgimenezmvo: zyga the crash happened again while executing the suite on a pi2 stable image with core refreshed to beta, this is uboot.env https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/8c4yfyfca5rldza/uboot.env?dl=0, the output of fw_printenv http://paste.ubuntu.com/24586332/ and syslog http://paste.ubuntu.com/24586332/  let me know if you need anything else10:42
zygafgimenez: ! thank you10:42
zygafgimenez: I think the sylong link is incorrect10:43
zygaincrementing URL by one yields some homework10:43
fgimenezzyga: mvo yep sorry, this one http://paste.ubuntu.com/24586341/10:44
fgimenezthere's also this failure in the execution of tests/main/ubuntu-core-classic http://paste.ubuntu.com/24586382/ it happens before the crash and seems unrelated10:48
zygafgimenez: interesting, that doesn't fail with master (I can load the file)10:51
zygafgimenez: (master uboot-go)10:51
zygafgimenez: I'm checking what the problem might be10:52
zygastill, the panic is in parseData as before10:52
zygaMay 16 08:46:18 localhost snapd[1174]: github.com/snapcore/snapd/vendor/github.com/mvo5/uboot-go/uenv.parseData(0x34e68005, 0x1fffb, 0x3fdfb, 0x5d18aa1)10:52
zygaChipaca: rewrote your branch description a little10:56
zygafgimenez, mvo: this is actually fixed by an earlier commit that we didn't simply use in snapd10:57
zygafgimenez: 69978a3e4b05cca9d7cfee489b3453dfed45e72c fix incorrect handling of \0\0 EOF in a uboot.env fil10:57
zygafgimenez: so simply syncing vendor.json will fix it10:57
zygafgimenez: we should add a periodic task to sync vendor.json on each new dev cycle10:58
zygamvo: ^^10:58
zyga(and review the changes)10:58
* zyga vents mind 11:05
fgimenezzyga: sounds very good, i'll prepare a spread-cron branch for it, do you think that proposing a PR to snapcore/snapd should be ok?11:10
mvozyga: yeah11:11
mvozyga: thanks for investigating11:11
mvozyga, fgimenez: we just need to make sure we carefully review those dependency updates, but +1 otherwise11:11
zygafgimenez: yes, I think this is even better as long as we review it carefully each time11:14
Chipacazyga: go go go11:19
zygaChipaca: thanks!11:19
mupPR snapd#3327 closed: tests: fix failing tests (snap core version, syslog changes) <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3327>11:19
zygaChipaca: 2nd review on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3289 will make us have just 20 PRs open :)11:21
mupPR snapd#3289: daemon: do not allow to install ubuntu-core anymore <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3289>11:22
mupPR snapd#3321 closed: wrappers: service start/stop were inconsistent <Created by chipaca> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3321>11:22
zygamvo: can you please do the 2nd review on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/332611:26
mupPR snapd#3326: cmd,interfaces/mount: run snap-update-ns and snap-discard-ns from core if possible <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3326>11:26
zygamvo: this will unbreak edge builds11:26
zygamvo: and once it lands we should try to build another core snap11:26
mupPR snapd#3289 closed: daemon: do not allow to install ubuntu-core anymore <Created by mvo5> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3289>11:26
NicolinoCurallihi guys another question about signing : what ubuntu-image deposits on image of gpg bundle?11:28
zygaNicolinoCuralli: what is "gpg bundle"?11:29
zygaNicolinoCuralli: ubuntu-image drops assertions into the image11:30
zygaNicolinoCuralli: and assertions are signed with various keys11:30
NicolinoCurallizyga: thank, you mean "sudo ubuntu-image -c beta -o pi3-test.img pi3.model" drops assertion pi3.model into the image pi3-test.img11:33
zygaNicolinoCuralli: yes, it drops a feed of assertions that snapd imports on first boot11:36
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
NicolinoCurallizyga: the previous question is preparatory to another about serial-assertion , serial-vault configuration and Store11:39
NicolinoCurallihow  store check that serial assertion is signed from the same key which signed model assertion? it seem a feature of brand store11:41
zygaNicolinoCuralli: I think this is a pedronis question11:42
pedronisNicolinoCuralli: that's not exactly what the store checks,  what the store can check is that the brand store brand matches the authority-id of the serial11:42
pedronisand that the serial embedded key is the key of the device11:44
NicolinoCurallihow the device key is generated?11:44
pedronisat the moment is a software key, but we do plan to support hardware keys at some point11:45
NicolinoCuralliis this device key unique for device ?11:45
pedronisof course the store also checks that the signature of the serial itself was done with one of the authority-id == brand keys11:46
Chipacalooks like we'll be supporting the android bootloader soon \o/11:47
pedronisNicolinoCuralli: there are 3 flows involved here,  device registration  that produces the serial,  then exchanging a serial + device key proof with a device session, and then using of the device session11:47
* zyga lunch11:48
Chipacalunch! what a good idea11:48
* Chipaca is feeling lazy today though11:49
NicolinoCurallipedronis: is it a good idea open a thread about this on forum ?11:49
pedronisNicolinoCuralli: it's all in the code11:49
NicolinoCuralliyes, i see but it is more accessible explain the flow with a sequence diagram ( i can make it)11:51
pedronisNicolinoCuralli: ah, I misunderstood your question11:52
NicolinoCurallii wiould like open a thread on forum with answer from you about my previous question and describe the process with a sequence diagram11:53
pedronisNicolinoCuralli: yes, you can open a forum topic11:53
NicolinoCurallianother question: in Serial Vault what is the paramenter for pointing the private part of gpg key11:54
pedronisNicolinoCuralli: that's configured  afair11:55
pedronismodel -> private key11:55
draglyHi. Is there a way to get the real home path of the user inside a snap?11:57
draglyFile dialogs are currently broken because the Home-button doesn't take the user to the real $HOME directory, but the shadowed one that points to $HOME/snap/appname/version.11:58
NicolinoCurallipedronis: it means here serial-vault:8080/models/keypairs/new?11:59
ogra_there is an interface for accessing home, yes11:59
ogra_but not sure that influences the default path of the file manager11:59
pedronisNicolinoCuralli: yes, somewhere there12:00
zygadragly: hey, not yet12:05
zygadragly: I was thinking about this actually and I'll add something12:05
zygaogra_: it doesn't12:05
ogra_yeah, thought so12:06
zygadragly: I think home cannot change back and forth (environment cannot be changed in existing processes)12:06
zygadragly: but we should expose the old value of HOME12:06
draglyzyga: Great! In the meantime we will just `export HOME=/home/$USER`12:06
draglyor does that break everything? :-)12:07
zygadragly: well, that will break everyrthing12:08
zygadragly: and that will never be the proper fix12:08
draglyyes, I figured something was wrong when it ended up exposing all the hidden files in $HOME as well12:08
draglyapp config files are also loaded non-sandboxed12:09
zygadragly: I think that the long-term proper fix is to use xdg portals12:09
zygadragly: but we can teach specific software, during a transition phase, to load say $SNAP_OLD_HOME12:09
zygadragly: but this is very very specific to special cases12:09
zygadragly: and won't work as a generic solution12:09
zygadragly: for that morphis is looking at portal code12:10
draglyzyga: seems like a security issue though. snap developers can give their apps access to hidden files by setting $HOME in their launcher scripts.12:11
draglyzyga: yes, seems like Qt, Gtk and alike also would need to use a different env variable for the home button in their dialogs.12:12
zygadragly: no12:15
zygadragly: security is totally not dependant on HOME12:16
zygadragly: for qt and gtk they are already being made to use portals12:16
pedronismvo: hi, would appreciate a review of #3322  , do you some PRs that neeed my review ?12:24
mupPR snapd#3322: overlord: make config defaults from gadget work also at first boot <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3322>12:25
mupPR core#43 opened: remove generated logs, cleaner lsb-release removal <Created by ogra1> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/43>12:35
mupPR snapd#3328 opened: Snapctl outside hooks v2 <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3328>12:35
morphismvo, ogra_: do we support cloud-init today on our ubuntu-core iamges?12:38
mupPR snapcraft#1311 closed: add missing VCS dependencies to HACKING.md <Created by felicianotech> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1311>12:38
mupPR snapcraft#1312 closed: state: fix the name of the source details <Created by elopio> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1312>12:38
ogra_morphis, kind of (if we dont yet, it is definitely in the works)12:38
morphisogra_: kind of means I can sideload a cloud-script and it gets executed on boot?12:39
ogra_morphis, we recently landed a bunch of changes from rharper that are supposed to make clud-init fully work12:39
ogra_iirc your gadget needs to ship the initial config ... not sure about sideloading12:40
ogra_morphis, talk to rharper12:40
morphisogra_: so not possible to put one into the writable partition?12:40
morphisrharper: ping :-)12:40
ogra_(i assume you could just put it there, after all the gadget does the same ... but i dont know if ubuntu-image does anything additionally)12:41
mupPR snapcraft#1309 closed: meta: read and write the desktop file with utf-8 encoding <Created by elopio> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1309>12:47
mupPR snapcraft#1308 closed: allow capital Y to accept the dev agreement <Created by felicianotech> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1308>12:53
draglyzyga: that is strange, because when we override $HOME, we were able to access hidden folders. The only difference was that it was installed with dangerous AFAIK.12:55
draglyI can see if I'm able to reproduce it with a minimal example12:55
pedronisdragly: it was probably devmode?  (dangerous doesn't control confinement)12:55
draglyNo, it was strict12:56
draglyHaven't tested devmode in weeks12:56
zygadragly: that means that confinement is off12:56
zygadragly: no need to reproduce12:56
zygadragly: --dangerous installs your snap with confinement set to non-enforcing mode12:57
zygadragly: --dangerous implies --devmode AFAIR12:57
* zyga looks12:57
zygaah, the reverse12:57
zygawhat does snap info that-snap-name tells you12:58
draglyOh... But how do you test confinement? I can't installinstal local snaps without dangerous because of signing.12:58
draglyI'll check when I'm at my machine12:58
zygadragly: I was wrong,12:59
zygadragly: it should be confined12:59
zyga--devmode implies --dangerous, not the other way around12:59
Facuelopio, sergiusens, may I get feedback on https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/in-progress-snapcraft-2-30/347/13 ? I'm interested into knowing if that work would be relased into 2.30 or not13:19
Facuroadmr, ↑13:19
mupPR snapcraft#1304 closed: cleanbuild: set the container language to C.UTF-8 <Created by elopio> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1304>13:26
zygamvo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24586959/13:30
zygamvo: this is the diff if we sync all vendorized bits13:30
zygapedronis: it also includes golang.org/x/crypto13:30
mupPR snapd#3292 opened: wrappers: make StartSnapServices cleanup any services that were added if a later one fails <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3292>13:31
pedroniszyga: if we are doing this there's a couple we can remove13:32
pedronisI think13:32
zygapedronis: yes, I think we can drop a few13:32
zygalet me see if govendor helps with this13:32
zyga(websocket I think)13:32
zyga vu github.com/gorilla/websocket13:32
zyga vu github.com/testing-cabal/subunit-go13:32
zygawe can drop those13:32
zygamvo: do you want a PR that removes those?13:33
mvozyga: yes please13:33
AdamH_zyga: Apologies been away from the desktop. If providing those files is still useful let me know and will sort out13:34
mupPR snapd#3329 opened: vendor: remove unused pacakges <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3329>13:35
zygaAdamH_: yes, it might be useful though if you don't want to just report a bug about this with enough details13:36
pedroniszyga: Chipaca: main change seems we get some assembler opt for sha3 on amd64, hopefully the code is correct13:42
zygapedronis: amd64 or arm64?13:43
zygapedronis: ok, if you want I can propose a isolated patch for that13:43
zygapedronis: for that part of vendor.json13:44
rharpermorphis: here, what's up ?13:47
pedroniszyga: that change is from Dec 2016, so it's been out a bit13:49
pedronisas you prefer13:49
mvofgimenez: what revision is the pi2 gadget snap of the failing image?13:51
fgimenezmvo: let me check 1sec13:51
pedroniseven earlier actually13:51
fgimenezmvo: in pi3 it is rev6 http://paste.ubuntu.com/24587045/ i'm currently using the pi2 for double checking 2.25, i can reflash it later with 2.26 if needed13:55
mvofgimenez: is the https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/8c4yfyfca5rldza/uboot.env?dl=0, from the pi2 or the pi3?13:58
mvofgimenez: pardon my ignorance here13:58
rharpermorphis: reading backscroll,  there are a few things to be resolved before it's all blessed;  Testing the edge image last week, ran into this issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/1689944, will need to get that fixed in cloud-init or workaround it by creating one of the two files/dirs checked already by cloud-init;  Next is for now, when building images, snap prepare will disable cloud-init unless13:58
rharperyou provide a config in the gadget;  I've a branch which would remove that given that current cloud-init won't automatically run anymore unless you provide it configuration;  (https://github.com/raharper/snapd/commit/3e83b3aa281f02bce9a230a812ad4f02d0d66c22) ;  both can be worked around with some massaging of the image in the short term;  I'm happy to help out there;  After that, it's a matter of supplying cloud-config via13:58
mupBug #1689944: util.system_is_snappy needs additional checks <cloud-init (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1689944>13:58
rharpera ConfigDrive or some other DataSource that cloud-init understands (http://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/datasources.html)13:58
fgimenezmvo: pi2, it is the last one that failed13:58
mvofgimenez: thank you, then lets wait for the results of pi2 with 2.2513:59
mvofgimenez: still a bit of a mystery :)13:59
* pedronis break13:59
fgimenezmvo: yep :) let's see, will let you know how it goes14:00
Chipacarharper: when you say "cloud-init won't automatically run anymore unless you provide it configuration", does that really mean it doesn't run, or does that mean it starts up, sees it has no configuration, and exits?14:04
rharperat systemd-generator time it checks for known cloud signatures and files which indicate there is data to consume;  this is non-python code which determins if we actually invoke /usr/bin/cloud-init later on in start-up14:05
rharperthis avoids invoking the python binary and library load unless you actually need to (ie, you have cloud configuration or user-data you want to apply)14:05
morphisrharper: ok, good to know, was using an image build from stable and did remove the flag prepare-image put in to disable cloud-init14:15
rharperstable requires more work14:15
rharperas it does not yet have an updated cloud-init14:15
zygaspread is sad14:16
zygatravis is sad14:16
zygaare we using all test slots?14:16
* Chipaca hugs zyga 14:16
Chipacadon't you be sad as well14:16
zygaI see just two yellow boxes on PRs14:16
zygabut travis is not starting14:16
mupPR snapd#3330 opened: fail if unused dependencies are found <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3330>14:17
=== rye is now known as ryebot
morphisrharper: I see, but with edge I should get a cloud-config I supply with ubuntu-image working?14:20
mupPR snapcraft#1319 opened: kernel plugin: config check: remove DMIID option <Created by piso77> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1319>14:20
verterokHi, getting a weird (*new*) error while installing prometheus snap (using juju charm)14:36
verterokbasically the promtool binary is failing with: cannot perform readlinkat() on the mount namespace file descriptor of the init process: Permission denied14:37
verterokit gets "fixed" after rebooting the instance/machine14:38
zygaverterok: hey14:38
verterokzyga: hola!14:38
zygaverterok: can you tell me more about your system, what does 'snap version' say?14:38
verterokzyga: Chipaca told me you would be interested in that ^ :)14:38
zygaverterok: hola :)14:38
verterokzyga: it's trusty, let me get the version14:39
zygausing 14.04 kernel/14:39
zygaor LTS enablement kernel?14:39
verterokzyga: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24587234/14:39
zygaI see14:39
zygawell that is interesting14:40
zygacan you get me dmesg | grep DENIED14:40
verterokzyga: this is prodstack4.514:40
zygaand is that the latest kernel you can get (from the 4.4 series)14:40
zygaI want to eliminate known issues that may be lurking14:40
verterokzyga: it's a freshly booted instance, let me apt update and see what is available14:41
zygaverterok: please!14:41
zygaverterok: and if you can also check dmesg14:41
zygaverterok: I think it is most interesting here14:41
verterokzyga: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24587246/14:41
zygaverterok: and if you see a kernel upgrade available, take it and reboot14:41
verterokdmesg ^14:41
verterokzyga: it worked after rebooting14:41
zyga[   16.794142] audit: type=1400 audit(1494943609.127:13): apparmor="DENIED" operation="change_onexec" info="label not found" error=-2 profile="unconfined" name="snap.prometheus.prometheus" pid=1020 comm="snap-confine"14:41
zygadoes prometheus (I don't know what it is) tries to run other snap commands?14:42
Chipacazyga: the son of iapetus14:42
zygaChipaca: well that fixes it ;)14:43
Chipacaalso of clymene14:43
Chipacagot his liver eaten by a vulture14:43
verterokzyga: prometheus is a timeseries DB + scrapper to collect metrics14:43
zygaverterok: ok, is it a strictly confined snap?14:43
verterokzyga: no idea, how can I check?14:44
zygaverterok: snap list | grep prometheus14:44
ogra_Chipaca, with apples and onions ?14:44
verterokzyga: snap list | grep prometheus14:44
verterokprometheus  1.5.2    11    jacek      -14:44
Chipacaogra_: also the guy that stole fire from olympus and gave it to mankind14:44
zygaverterok: so this seems to be a strictly confined snap14:44
rharpermorphis: not yet, we need to fix the cloud-init bug I mentioned earlier ;  ogra_ do you know when or why the /etc/system-image/config.d directory got removed?  looking at the previous core snaps it had been present but empty;  was it just pruned?14:44
* Chipaca shuts up about the greeks14:44
zygaverterok: but it seems to want to run apps from other snaps14:44
zygaverterok: do you have any idea why?14:45
Chipacazyga: “snap list <snap name>” works :-)14:45
zygaChipaca: oh, thanks14:45
Chipacazyga: “snap list [snap...]14:45
verterokzyga: it's failing to run an utility command provided by the prometheus snap itself14:45
ogra_rharper, well, we havent used system-image since 15.04 ...14:45
ogra_so that dir is a dead thing since quite a while14:46
zygaverterok: looks like a bug in the snap14:46
verterokzyga: worth noting it was working last week (I made a couple deploys of it)14:46
ogra_writable-paths will soon move one level up and it will be gone completely14:46
zygaverterok: that utility should be invoked using internal name14:46
zygaverterok: not using the name exposed to the outside world14:46
naccChipaca: i am looking at the new completion functionality. If I use python3-argcomplete, is there a trivial way to hook into it? Do I basically take what python3-argcomplete's global enable and make that may app's completer? Note that I have to have two completers, actually, because 'git-ubuntu' and 'git ubuntu' go through different executables. Is that supported?14:46
verterokzyga: the juju charm fails while trying to tun: /snap/bin/prometheus.promtool version14:47
Chipacanacc: there's no support for aliases yet14:47
zygaverterok: too many facts, I don't know all those snaps14:47
ogra_rharper, do you mean between two stable versions ? i think /etc/system-image/config.d is gone since a lot longer already14:47
zygaverterok: snaps cannot run commands from other snaps14:47
verterokzyga: no idea what promtool is doing, but I think it's just a compiled go thing, no way to look inside easily14:47
zygaverterok: or even from their own snap14:47
zygaverterok: nothing from /snap/bin14:47
naccChipaca: aliases in what sense? you mean that `git-ubuntu` and `git ubuntu` both work?14:47
Chipacanacc: but other than that, the completer is just the snippet you'd drop in /usr/share/bash-completion/completions14:47
naccChipaca: that's default git behavior14:48
zygaverterok: they can only run stuff they find locally (e.g. via $SNAP/bin/stuff)14:48
rharperogra_: interesting, so maybe it was always gone in edge for quite some time then ?14:48
zygaverterok: default PATH should make that happen14:48
rharperI had typically built with stable or beta14:48
Chipacanacc: sorry, maybe i misunderstood14:48
ogra_did you use it for anything ?14:48
zygaverterok: that is, for snap application /snap is not on path14:48
naccChipaca: i already have (in my snap) `git-ubuntu` and `git ubuntu`.14:48
rharpercloud-init used to determine if the system was ubuntu-core or not14:48
morphisrharper: does cloud-init touch /etc/netplan?14:48
Chipacanacc: are you snapping "git-ubuntu"?14:48
ogra_rharper, uuuh14:48
rharpermorphis: cloud-init support rendering netplan14:48
zygaverterok: I'm wondering  why it sometimes "works" for you14:48
morphisrharper: more concrete, /etc/netplan/00-snapd-config.yaml?14:49
zygaverterok: can you tell me more about it14:49
naccChipaca: yeah, and both commands become available via the same snap14:49
naccChipaca: becuase of how `git` itself works (in a classic world where git is already installed, say)14:49
Chipacanacc: right, but not via an alias but because git does that magic?14:49
naccChipaca: yeah14:49
verterokzyga: not sometimes, let me explain :)14:49
Chipacanacc: and how does git plug into completion of its subcommands?14:49
rharpermorphis: , yes, http://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/network-config-format-v2.html14:49
verterokzyga: I'm using juju to deploy a prometheus "service" juju deploy cs:~prometheus-charmers/prometheus14:49
naccChipaca: right, it looks for me to add a shell snippet that defines _git_ubuntu into the .bashrc (or i think it if was in the completion directory that would work too)14:49
verterokzyga: that boot a openstack instance (trusty)14:50
morphisrharper: I enabled cloud-init in my image build with edge now and get an error in console-conf that the netplan file is invalid14:50
naccChipaca: but `git-ubuntu`'s completion is different14:50
rharperogra_: at the time we added support it was the 15.04 image, (a/b partitions), then the new snaps came and os-release still had Xenial information;14:50
naccChipaca: so can i hve two completers for the same 'app'?14:50
verterokzyga: and run the prometheus charm, all that is classic stuff apt based14:50
morphisrharper: ala "set-name requires match properties"14:50
ogra_rharper, yeah, for 15.04 that was okayish ..14:50
verterokzyga: then it install the prometheus snap14:50
morphisrharper:  but could be console-conf too14:50
verterokzyga: and tries to use it, which is when it fails14:50
rharpermorphis: that's a known issue with console-conf and cloud-init;  cloud-init recognizes the baked in snap config, and should remove it;  I've not yet determined why it failed to remove it, so you'll find two files in /etc/netplan/14:51
verterokzyga: if I reboot the instance/machine, it works ok after14:51
rharperthe 00-snapd one, as well as one that cloud-init rendered14:51
morphisrharper: ah I see14:51
verterokzyga: but until the instance is reboot, it keeps failing14:51
zygaverterok: wait, what is "it" in the sentence: < verterok> zyga: and tries to use it, which is when it fails14:51
Chipacanacc: to answer your last question, no14:51
verterokzyga: the charm, think of it as a set of scripts to setup a service in a machine/instance14:51
naccChipaca: ok :( I guess I could write one that sources my two? :)14:52
zygaverterok: is any of this running inside containers?14:52
verterokzyga: nope14:52
verterokzyga: is all running in "real" VMs14:52
Chipacanacc: there is no way to define _git_ubuntu in the user's shell from inside the snap14:52
Chipacanacc: so that is not going to work, even if you did it14:52
zygaverterok: hmm hmm hmm14:53
rharperogra_: I've a bug against cloud-init to add additional methods to detect cloud-init is on ubuntu-core (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/1689944) ;14:53
mupBug #1689944: util.system_is_snappy needs additional checks <cloud-init (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1689944>14:53
fgimenezmvo: it looks that https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/commit/08f60b88c28416dc627308b619b6ffdbbb2cd593 somehow made it to the release/2.25 branch and is making tests/main/snap-connect fail (no --last option in 2.25's snap tasks), other than that the tests on pi2 are good so far (28/115)14:53
zygaverterok: I need to play with this more, can you tell me how to reproduce this? I have 14.04 around14:53
zygaverterok: just a few basic commands, maybe just the snap part14:53
zygaverterok: the charm/juju side feels like not a factor14:53
verterokzyga: indeed14:54
verterokzyga: let me extract the commands run by the charm14:54
rharperogra_: would it be terrible in the core-build config to re-create the config.d dir (would something eles break if it were present but empty) ?14:54
Chipacanacc: OTOH, git-ubuntu is a classic snap, so it can do anything14:54
ogra_rharper, it would be very ugly14:54
naccChipaca: in classic there is, just not automatically14:54
rharperogra_: ok14:54
naccChipaca: right :)14:54
ogra_rharper, it shouldnt have been used in the first place really ... use os-release ... thats reliable ... or if you need the info earlier, use the cmdline14:55
Chipacanacc: if it's going to remain classic, I don't think the confined completion support really buys you anything14:55
rharperogra_: the os-release at the time it was added didn't yet differ from Xenial14:55
zygaverterok: thanks!14:55
Chipacanacc: and it can do things automaticall by, for example, dropping a file in /usr/share/bash-completion/completions from the configure script14:56
ogra_rharper, yes, but that was fixed :)14:56
ogra_(actually in 15.04 already IIRC)14:56
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naccChipaca: are there explicit post-install steps? Or do you mean, I can just organize my snap to write there?14:57
Chipacanacc: (note we don't yet have an "uninstall" hook, so make it resilient to your snap not being there...)14:57
ogra_/etc/os-release is definitely not dropping the ID=ubuntu-core14:57
NicolinoCurallipedronis:  i have some problem to understand where SerialVualt take the authority-id for build the serial assertion for a device14:57
rharperogra_: ok;  I'd appreciate a comment on that cloud-init bug w.r.t which you feel are the most stable moving forward, and we'll fix up the detection and likely include as many that are stable14:58
* rharper eyes another cloud-init sru to xenial 14:58
Chipacanacc: post-install steps, no. There's a configure hook.14:59
Chipacanacc: which is called on install14:59
naccChipaca: ah i see it now15:00
naccChipaca: sorry, wasn't there before (when i was using snaps earlier, i mean). Will read.15:00
Chipacanacc: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/wiki/hooks#configure15:00
naccChipaca: thanks!15:00
Chipacanacc: and AIUI there will be more hooks, better suited for what you want, but I might be wrong (haven't been paying attention), and no idea what timeframe15:01
verterokzyga: it's basically this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24587337/15:02
verterokzyga: let me try to repro manually15:03
zygaverterok: Thank you15:03
zygabooting 14.04 now15:03
zygaverterok: I have a theory but let me try it first :)15:03
pedronisNicolinoCuralli: in which sense?  it's the brand-id in the serial-request15:05
pedronisthat comes from the model assertion of the device15:06
NicolinoCurallipedronis: brand-id is always equal to authority-id? what is the sense of duplicate use on serial assertion response?15:13
pedronisNicolinoCuralli: all assertions have an authority-id (the authority emitting them, and right now also the signer)15:14
verterokzyga: damn, I can't reproduce it manually (without juju and the charm) :(15:14
verterokjacekn: ^ FYI15:14
naccChipaca: thanks!15:14
morphisPharaoh_Atem: did my log help you to update the snap-mgmt script?15:14
zygaverterok: aha,15:14
* zyga found the charger for his VM host laptop15:14
pedronisNicolinoCuralli: we decided it was more consistent to repeat the info (than to have different fields for that per assertion in some cases)15:14
zygaverterok: hmm hmm15:14
zygaverterok: I can install a server image and do more if that helps15:15
Pharaoh_Atemmorphis: yeah, I'm going to prepare the 2.26.1 update during my lunch hour with the changes15:15
morphisPharaoh_Atem: nice!15:15
pedronisNicolinoCuralli: also we are planning to support some cases where authority-id != brand-id (though atm they must be == )  for serial15:15
zygaverterok: but please give me instructions on how to reproduce15:15
verterokzyga: thanks, these are the full logs of my manual test: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24587397/15:15
ogra_mvo, lloking at our images ... there is still init=/lib/systemd/systemd --- shouldnt we be able to finally drop that ?15:15
zygaverterok: after installing manually you can add /snap/bin to path manually15:16
zygaverterok: ah but this then works OK15:16
zygahmm hmm15:17
verterokzyga: yup, now trying to reproduce with juju and charm. doing a capture of the full logs (at least what the charm logs)15:17
zygaverterok: thank you!15:17
ogra_mvo, testing with it dropped seems to work fine ...15:18
zygamvo: merged and iterating15:19
zygamvo: but edge should no longer be broken (just need a build)15:19
mupPR snapd#3326 closed: cmd,interfaces/mount: run snap-update-ns and snap-discard-ns from core if possible <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3326>15:19
verterokzyga: ok, I'm not crazy...it seems :) reproduced, collecting full logs now15:21
zygaverterok: good!15:21
ogra_mvo, oh ! ... seems i spoke to early15:23
mvozyga: thanks for unbreaking master. will you do a followup to 3326 with the review comments?15:23
ogra_ogra@pi3:~$ snap list15:23
ogra_error: cannot list snaps: cannot communicate with server: Get http://localhost/v2/snaps: dial unix /run/snapd.socket: connect: connection refused15:23
mvoogra_: yeah, its still 16.04 so init itself is still upstart15:23
* zyga goes to build core again15:23
draglyzyga and pedronis: I am unable to reproduce the case where I had access to hidden files in $HOME now.15:24
zygadragly: good :)15:24
zygadragly: though it might be better if we did15:24
draglyWe were trying out --classic earlier, so it might just have been because of that.15:25
draglyThat we somehow had a version with --classic installed while testing.15:25
NicolinoCurallipedronis : a question: on SerialVault i can upload a different gpg bundle different from Store?15:26
pedronisNicolinoCuralli: in which sense?15:27
pedronisthe store needs to check the signature of serials, so any key used to sign serials need to be registered with the store15:27
NicolinoCurallipedronis: it means the i need to upload one of the key uploaded to Brand store?15:30
pedronisone of the keys registered (In snapcraft register-key) sense, yes15:30
NicolinoCurallii mean upload a Brand Store key to Serial Vault by Admin UI?15:30
pedronisa brand key, registered with the store, yes15:31
pedronis(public) keys are not per store15:32
NicolinoCurallipedronis : i mean one of gpg key registrered on the Brand Store15:34
pedronisNicolinoCuralli: we are probably talking about the same thing, but keys are registered with the store, not a specific substore15:35
NicolinoCurallipedronis: ok we are talking about the same thing15:35
zygaChipaca, verterok: so FYI, this issue is caused by running on top of 3.13 before a reboot applies a new kernel15:42
verterokjacekn: ^  this will surely affect new deploys using trusty. xenial is cool15:42
zygamvo: we need to do something smarter in snapd/snap; I'd suggest that we bail out if on Ubuntu 14.04 and we're not on a 4.x kernel15:42
zygawith a simple message15:42
zygathis would be unique to "snap run"15:42
zygawhich should catch "my snaps don't work at all"15:43
zygabut I worry about installing and running hooks15:43
zygaperhaps snapd should also refuse to do anything15:43
zyga(which may mean it cannot update itself either)15:43
zygaactually, it should not do anything at all (snapd)15:43
Chipacazyga: what is 3.13?15:43
zygamvo: ^^ I'll open a forum thread about this15:43
zygaChipaca: 3.13 kernel that 14.04 systems start with15:43
zygaChipaca: they only pull the LTS enablement kernel by installing snapd15:43
Chipacazyga: uh, so the "snap version" verterok posted was post-reboot?15:43
zygawe got to the bottom of this in a private chat where we exchanged more logs15:44
Chipacaverterok: so, yeah, installing a new kernel requires a reboot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ :-)15:44
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zyga(we didn't want to leak any magic passwords or anything by accident)15:44
zygaChipaca: sure but snapd packaging make this unobviou15:44
Chipacazyga: that's fine15:44
zygaChipaca: and the effects will worsen with time15:44
verterokChipaca: I live in a world of ksplice and livepatch...never reboot! ;-)15:44
Chipacazyga: anything that gives me a reason to make fun of verterok is good15:45
Chipacazyga: (those chances are rare)15:45
ogra_verterok, until the next systemd update indeed :P15:45
ogra_(or upstart in case of 14.04)15:45
Chipacaverterok: well, if it were something newer than 14.04, you could've kexec'ed :-p15:45
verterokChipaca: the problem is not snapd, but the charm that tries to use it right away and allow deploying on trusty :)15:46
Chipaca14.04, or as we called it back then, MCD.IV15:46
zygahmm launchpad times out for me...15:46
Chipaca+ su -c 'SNAPPY_USE_STAGING_STORE=0 snap prepare-image --channel edge --extra-snaps snapweb /tmp/root/model.assertion /tmp/root' test15:48
Chipacaerror: Please buy pi2 before installing it.15:48
ChipacaI thought we'd gotten rid of the bug where it thinks it needs to buy something?15:48
verterokzyga: something changed recently? this same deploy worked last week15:48
zygaverterok: no15:48
zygaverterok: well15:48
zygaverterok: maybe15:48
verterokmaybe a bug fix? :)15:48
zygaverterok: but "work" is exaggerated15:49
zygaverterok: it's just it was never ever intended to work :-)15:49
verterokzyga: quite probably :)15:49
zygaverterok: as 3.13 is definitely too old to have working apparmor15:49
verterokso, we "just" need a could image with 4.x cooked in15:50
zygaverterok: for snaps, definitely15:50
zygaverterok: in fact, this is some feedback for clould team15:50
zygaverterok: for those that want 14.04 and snaps they need to start producing an image that works ootb15:50
zygaverterok: (good kernel at least, but maybe snapd preinstalled too)15:50
morphismvo, niemeyer: shouldn't https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/in-progress-snapd-2-25/414 be marked as done?15:52
morphismvo, niemeyer: or does the "In progress" just confuse me?15:52
morphisah 2.25 isn't yet in stable15:53
rharperogra_: thanks for the comments15:54
pedronisChipaca: no, discussion was that it needs to be fixed on the store side15:55
zygapstolowski: feedback on 332816:05
mvomorphis: correct, not quite in stable yet16:05
pstolowskizyga, thanks16:05
morphismvo: just got a bit confused by the forum, sorry for the noise :-)16:08
mvomorphis: no worries16:08
zygapstolowski: tomorrow I'll find my work on regexp-free validation16:10
pstolowskizyga, great, thanks!16:10
mupPR snapd#3325 closed: vendor,partition: fix panics from uenv <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3325>16:24
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zygamvo: +1 to merge coverage report?16:34
zygamvo: I'd love to see it16:34
mvozyga: +116:35
mupPR snapd#3313 closed: send things to codecov.io <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3313>16:36
zygamvo: do you have the time to voice your preference on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/330816:37
mupPR snapd#3308: tests/lib: introduce pkgdb helper library <Created by morphis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3308>16:37
mvozyga: sorry :( looking now16:39
mvozyga: after I uploaded 2.26.216:40
mupPR snapd#3331 opened: tests: remove unit tests task <Created by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3331>16:48
zygamvo: thank you for getting 2.26.2 out16:49
* zyga hugs mvo16:49
zygamvo: is 2.26.2 a .1 + cherry pick or master snapshot?16:53
zygamvo: I want to build snapd master and rebuild the core snap but I don't want to mess up your work16:55
* zyga wonders if this abbreviates to "I should EOD"16:55
Chipacazyga: you could review snapd#3292 if not16:56
mupPR snapd#3292: wrappers: make StartSnapServices cleanup any services that were added if a later one fails <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3292>16:56
Chipacaalso could use one other review16:56
Chipacaso feel free, other reviewers :-)16:56
zygaor that :)16:59
* zyga does that now16:59
fgimenezmvo: no crashes on the 2.25 execution http://paste.ubuntu.com/24587949/ the ubuntu-core-classic error also happened on 2.26.1, maybe something has changed in the classic snap17:00
pedronismvo: somebody was mentioning problems with classic snap the other day17:08
pedronismvo: <AdamH_> Any body else get the following when trying to install classic snap? Failed to fetch http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/xenial/InRelease  Could not resolve 'ports.ubuntu.com'17:10
Chipacaimma gonna eod17:11
zygaChipaca: hey17:15
zygaChipaca: have a look17:15
zygaI think there's a bug in your PR17:15
zygapedronis: it's a bug that people mention17:16
zygapedronis: but I don't know the cause yet17:16
zygapedronis: do you see any errors in journalctl?17:16
pedroniszyga: where?17:17
zygapedronis: maybe we got hit by something like DNSSEC?17:17
zygapedronis: just run journalctl -f while this rusn17:17
pedronisthat's not me reporting that17:17
pedronisit's a user17:17
zygapedronis: aaah17:17
* zyga misread that17:17
zygasorry ;)17:17
pedroniswell I misread  "a clasisic snap" vs "the classic snap" when he reported it17:18
pedronisso fun17:18
mupPR snapd#3329 closed: vendor: remove unused packages <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3329>17:21
pedroniszyga: mvo: fun, just disovered timeutil.Next takes 1s+  when last is 017:23
pedronisbecause we have unittest now trying to schedule/running refreshes :/17:23
mupPR snapd#3332 opened: interfaces/seccomp: document Backend.NewSpecification <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3332>17:27
mupPR snapd#3333 opened: vendor: refresh everything <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3333>17:35
Chipacazyga: responded (with code!)17:43
Chipacazyga: basically, you're wrong, neener neener neener17:43
kenvandineIssues while validating snapcraft.yaml: snapcraft validation file is missing from installation path17:56
kenvandinesnapcraft validation file is missing from installation path17:56
kenvandineanyone know how to fix that?17:56
kenvandinei can't build anything anymore17:57
kyrofakenvandine, are you running from source?18:03
kenvandinekyrofa, no18:04
kenvandinei'm on artful18:04
kenvandineusing the package18:04
kenvandineit was fine a few minutes ago...18:04
kenvandinemade a little change to my snapcraft.yaml and hit this18:04
kenvandinenow i can't build anything18:04
mvopedronis: meh :/ not cool. thanks for finding this!18:05
pedronismvo: it seems we haven't really decided explicitly what to do when last-refresh is 018:05
zygaChipaca: I'm glad to be shown wrong, thanks :)18:07
kenvandinekyrofa, any insight?18:09
kyrofakenvandine, it should be looking in /usr/share/snapcraft/schema . Do you see anything in there?18:10
mvopedronis: indeed18:10
kyrofakenvandine, try running with `-d` to turn on debugging mode. You'll see where that exception is thrown. Do you see what file it's trying to open?18:11
* zyga really EODs18:12
zygatake care!18:12
kenvandineFileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/snap/gedit/x16/share/snapcraft/schema/snapcraft.yaml'18:12
kenvandineit thinks it should still be installed18:13
cachioniemeyer, hey, here I have some results using the xunit branch https://platform-qa-jenkins.ubuntu.com/view/snapd/job/snapd-spread-full-execution/lastCompletedBuild/testReport/18:13
* kenvandine is in a snap run --shell :)18:13
kenvandinekyrofa, thx!18:13
kyrofakenvandine, hahahahahahaha18:13
cachioniemeyer, of spread to run the snapd test suite on jenkins18:13
kyrofakenvandine, I NEVER would have guessed that18:13
mupPR snapd#3334 opened: Release snapd 2.26.2 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3334>18:59
mupPR snapd#3330 closed: fail if unused dependencies are found <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3330>19:00
mupPR snapd#3323 closed: overlord/snapstate: avoid creating command aliases for daemons  <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3323>19:07
pedronismvo: is there some problem with autopkgtests? except off ppc64el they seem to be running forever19:07
kyrofanoise][1, I'm getting 504's when trying to view stats in dashboard.snapcraft.io19:19
noise][1kyrofa: which snap?19:21
kyrofanoise][1, nextcloud19:21
noise][1i know we have perf. issues there still w/snaps with a lot of revisions19:21
noise][1but i'll take a look19:21
kyrofanoise][1, slow is okay. Perhaps timeouts simply need to be upped a bit19:22
kyrofaAnd indeed, I can see stats on other snaps19:22
mupBug #1689301 changed: Can't set program_usb_boot_mode pi-config option <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1689301>19:46
mupPR snapd#3335 opened: daemon: teach the daemon to wait on active connections when shutting down <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3335>19:56
pedronismvo https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snapd-2-26-fails-to-start-in-lxd/65120:00
kyrofaNow I'm getting proxy errors when trying to upload snaps. And status.snapcraft.io is all green20:26
kyrofaGotta be honest... I largely don't even look there anymore20:27
kyrofapedronis, is there currently a way for brand stores to be restricted to specific models?20:33
pedroniskyrofa: yes, you need to ask for that to be turned on20:33
pedronisand those models will need proper serials20:33
kyrofapedronis, a store-side assertion, then? How is it associated with the model in question?20:34
pedroniskyrofa: not a store side assertion, store config that you need to ask for20:34
kyrofapedronis, ah, okay. How does that work? What information do they need?20:35
pedroniskyrofa: store, brand,  model names as specified in the model assertions for those20:35
kyrofapedronis, alright, thank you :)20:36
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jorianHello, I was wondering if snappy sounds like the right tool for this job.  I am trying to build some code that requires the boost library at a newer version than what is available in my distro's repository.  Since this code requires many libraries, it occurred to me that maybe it might be easier to build a snap with just the newer library and then build the full app normally.  Is it possible to have a snap23:45
jorianthat just exposes a library?  Or does it need to expose a binary? (like in the example's hello)23:45
naccjorian: snaps are confined and aren't (by default) visible to each other (there is some feature work here that maybe i'm not fully aware of)23:46
naccjorian: a libary is more like a 'part' in snap parlance than an app23:46
jorianthat was kind of the vibe i got23:46
jorianthanks for clarifying23:46
naccjorian: snaps are more designed around packaging the application23:46

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