lotuspsychje | good morning to all | 04:20 |
lordievader[m] | Good morning | 05:01 |
lotuspsychje | hey lordievader[m] xangua | 05:13 |
xangua | Good midnight | 05:13 |
lordievader[m] | Hey lotuspsychje, how are you? | 05:13 |
Bashing-om | Good deeds done this day - 4 stars - but I be backing out now . I feel good ! | 05:13 |
lotuspsychje | have a nice night Bashing-om | 05:17 |
lotuspsychje | great here lordievader[m] just wakeup | 05:18 |
Bashing-om | I shall, as I leave it in good hands . | 05:22 |
ducasse | good morning | 06:01 |
lordievader[m] | Hey ducasse | 06:10 |
lordievader[m] | How are you doing? | 06:11 |
ducasse | hi lordievader[m], good thanks. you also, i hope? | 06:17 |
lordievader[m] | Jup, sitting in the train. | 06:17 |
ducasse | ah, on way to work? | 06:18 |
lordievader[m] | Indeed | 06:18 |
lotuspsychje | oh no..crazytux in da house! | 06:24 |
lotuspsychje | he was banned ducasse ? | 06:26 |
ducasse | yes, he was. now he's pm'ing me... | 06:29 |
lotuspsychje | lol | 06:29 |
lotuspsychje | dont need this when waking up.. | 06:29 |
lotuspsychje | well well, that worked out fast :p | 06:30 |
lordievader[m] | Have fun :p | 06:31 |
lotuspsychje | tnx lordievader[m] | 06:32 |
ducasse | lotuspsychje: "this is not fair" he said... | 06:32 |
lotuspsychje | lol | 06:32 |
lotuspsychje | sometimes i think, do they really belief theirselfs? | 06:32 |
ducasse | i can understand him, but i've told him how to get the ban lifted. but just coming in and lying to us when asked if the ban is lifted is not the way to go. | 06:33 |
ducasse | and he _did_ lie about using ubuntu, why should we believe him now? | 06:34 |
lotuspsychje | yeah thats the whole point | 06:34 |
lotuspsychje | cant support on fake facts | 06:34 |
ducasse | well, well. let's hope the day gets better from here :) | 06:37 |
lotuspsychje | lol | 06:37 |
lotuspsychje | 25 degrees here today, we might get out ducasse | 06:37 |
ducasse | rain here, but it's kind of warm. tomorrow is our national holiday, if that's the right term. | 06:38 |
lotuspsychje | oh? | 06:38 |
lotuspsychje | 17 of may? | 06:38 |
lotuspsychje | we have it at 21 of july | 06:38 |
ducasse | yep, the day our constitution was signed. | 06:39 |
lotuspsychje | cool | 06:39 |
lotuspsychje | will that do anything special in norways streets? | 06:39 |
ducasse | parade etc. tons of people everywhere, no way in hell i'm going out ;) | 06:40 |
lotuspsychje | hahaha | 06:40 |
lotuspsychje | we dont like the masses either.. | 06:40 |
lotuspsychje | but in many cases, ppl have the same ideas..lets all go to the sea today | 06:40 |
ducasse | i can't stand crowds. my mother is bringing my sister's kids later in the week, going to some amusement rides etc. | 06:41 |
lotuspsychje | cool | 06:41 |
lotuspsychje | how old are they? | 06:41 |
ducasse | they'll be 3 and 8 this summer. | 06:42 |
lotuspsychje | http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/05/ubuntu-guest-sessions-login-disabled | 06:43 |
lotuspsychje | nice | 06:43 |
lotuspsychje | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/1663157 | 06:44 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1663157 in lightdm (Ubuntu Artful) "Guest session processes are not confined in 16.10 and newer releases" [High,Triaged] | 06:44 |
ducasse | will there be an easy way to reenable it? guest session is good for debugging. | 06:44 |
lotuspsychje | yeah | 06:45 |
lotuspsychje | fixxed my 17.10 bug the other day also | 06:46 |
lotuspsychje | DNSSEC=off did the trick | 06:46 |
lotuspsychje | linked 3 duplicates to each other, and added the solve on all | 06:46 |
ducasse | not sure if i'd call that a 'fix', but good work :) | 06:47 |
ducasse | the problem goes away, sure, but you no longer have dnssec :) | 06:47 |
lotuspsychje | reported in #ubuntu+1 and ubuntu-devel also | 06:48 |
ducasse | i think the move to resolved came a bit early | 06:48 |
lotuspsychje | this should have been solved already from previous existing bug | 06:48 |
lotuspsychje | not sure why stuff like that can keep showing up on new releases | 06:49 |
lotuspsychje | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1690605 | 06:51 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1690605 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-resolved: no dns resolution after upgrade to Artful" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 06:51 |
ducasse | resolved has worked well for me, but issues in main lead me to think it might be a piece of junk... | 06:52 |
ducasse | seems to break so easily | 06:52 |
lotuspsychje | yeah | 06:53 |
lotuspsychje | bbl | 06:54 |
lotuspsychje | have a nice1 guys | 07:44 |
lotuspsychje | going to the sea | 07:44 |
BluesKaj | 'Morning all | 10:18 |
ducasse | hi BluesKaj - has your cold gotten better? | 10:18 |
BluesKaj | hey ducasse, somewhat, it's still hanging on, quite virulent, but I'll survive :-) | 10:21 |
ducasse | good, hope you get well soon :) | 10:22 |
BluesKaj | thanks ducasse, I'm sure I will | 10:23 |
BluesKaj | wife is feeding me lots of vitamin C and lemon | 10:27 |
oerheks | lightdm/systemd security flaw .... "Canonical has already pushed out a update that temporarily disables Ubuntu guest session logins (so if you noticed it was missing, that’s why)." http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/05/ubuntu-guest-sessions-login-disabled | 11:01 |
=== brunch875_ is now known as brunch875 | ||
akik_ | oerheks: what does it mean for the guest session to be confined? | 12:21 |
oerheks | akik_, due to a systemd bug, guest account is disabled temporary | 12:22 |
oerheks | you *can* enable it again, if you need to, but it will be unsafe, well, unsafe if you know what to do | 12:23 |
akik_ | oerheks: i meant what does it mean that a guest session is confined or not? | 12:23 |
akik_ | is it something about seeing other resources of the system? | 12:24 |
oerheks | confined - limited, but in this case disabled | 12:24 |
oerheks | yes, access files and possibly other resources that they would not typically have access to | 12:25 |
oerheks | http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2017/CVE-2017-8900.html | 12:25 |
chatter29 | hey guys | 16:01 |
oerheks | nuts puzzle .... 800 mb is nice | 16:01 |
chatter29 | allah is doing | 16:01 |
chatter29 | sun is not doing allah is doing | 16:01 |
chatter29 | to accept Islam say that i bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad peace be upon him is his slave and messenger | 16:01 |
oerheks | chatter29, bye | 16:01 |
oerheks | we don't like slaves. | 16:02 |
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC |
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