
=== Fuchs is now known as fuchs
=== fuchs is now known as Fuchs
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (hermon.net is flooding us.  ip ban requested)13:25
Dreamanremuve my banns pleas16:41
ikoniahello Dreaman16:45
ikoniaDreaman: I've offered to remove the ban for you multiple times, and you've refused and been offensive and caused trouble each time, what has changed ?16:46
Dreamani not use this eny more16:46
ikoniasorry, I don't understand16:46
ikoniayou don't use what any more16:46
Dreamani stupid16:46
Dreamanto joint whit this16:47
ikoniaso if you get acess back to #ubuntu you'll not cause any problems, no pm's nothing like that16:47
ikoniaand you'll not make any silly unhelpful comments ?16:47
ikoniathats fine, give me a moment and I'll remove the ban for you16:48
ikoniaso the ban has been removed in ubuntu, if you have any problems please come back to this channel, rather than cause all the drama of previous issues16:49
ikoniado you want to test you can join #ubuntu as there was a lot of bans placed on you16:50
ikoniamake sure you can join ok16:50
ikoniagreat, I see you joining16:50
ikoniaDreaman: if you're ok and working now, could you please /part this channel19:36
federicoaguirreHi all.!22:10
daxhi federicoaguirre22:10
federicoaguirreI've 2 questions to the group.!22:10
federicoaguirrehow you protect against rnswr ?22:10
federicoaguirreon servers?22:11
federicoaguirrethe other.... Any experience on GlusterFS?22:11
daxI think you're looking for #ubuntu-server. #ubuntu-ops is the channel for handling issues with the Ubuntu core IRC channels, like channel bans and what not.22:11
federicoaguirresomeone who had to deal with GFS?22:11
daxthere's also #glusterfs for that topic specifically22:11
federicoaguirremy apologies.!22:11
daxerm, #gluster, not #glusterfs22:12
federicoaguirreyep, I saw...22:12
ubottunacc called the ops in #ubuntu (please kick amirite)23:30

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