
=== daubers_ is now known as daubers
xnoxi almost typed up "good morning! there is a lot of sunshite this morning!"08:05
xnoxcoffee first, then irc.08:05
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:55
MooDoomorning brobostigon hope you're well09:00
brobostigonyes, not bad, and you?09:00
MooDoobrobostigon: i'm ok thanks09:01
diploHey guys, anyone know of a way to stop tar from creating an archive if the dir you are wanting to tar up doesn't exist10:31
diplotar cvfz system.Tue.tbz2 system for example and the system folder is called system110:31
diploThe tbz2 file is still created even though tar complains it cannot stat it10:32
diploand of course is empty10:32
ali1234test -d directory && tar ...10:55
diployeah only thing I can think of10:56
diddledanthat's a scary lxc name: snapcraft-slowly-alive-wahoo16:43
popeydiddledan: i love the names it comes up with17:25
popeybetter than that time we created a hostname of nexus7-mo****f*****17:25
foobarryjust watched a film called Lucy. load of cobblers!19:07
daubersShe turned into a USB stick in the end19:12
daubersweirdest ending ever19:12
foobarrythat film had so much potential19:22
webpigeon... turned into a USB stick... damn it, that is why we have type checking20:27
* zmoylan-pi picks up usb stick on desk and puts it were it can't see me...20:33
* diddledan tries plugging lucy into the PC. damn, wrong way around.20:34
zmoylan-pi3rd time lucky... same motto as german army...20:39
zmoylan-pihow are you supposed to have it turn inside out in high winds and get mad at it?!21:55
diddledanno idea21:56
diddledandid they get the title wrong or are they being hilariously funny? "Level1 News May 16 2017: Neutral Nets Catch Spam, Not Fish" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqUa0Ryu24s)21:57
zmoylan-pisomeone typing on their phone methinks21:58
diddledanomg: https://twitter.com/shanselman/status/86462294904249958423:26
diddledanhmm. midnight:30. is it a good time to put the oven on to cook something for dinner?23:32
zmoylan-pipopcorn to annoy the neighbours...23:34
zmoylan-piremember to use your tinniest metal pan for maximum pinging23:34
zmoylan-pior coffee and fry some bacon to wake them up thinking it's brekkie time... :-P23:36

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