
floridagram4<AdamOutler> Technically WSL is Ubuntu02:20
floridagram4<KMyers> @AdamOutler, Nope. It is a chroot, it technically does not use a Ubuntu kernel. It is similar to OpenVZ in it's limitations02:23
floridagram4<AdamOutler> Just picked this up "for my kids"02:27
floridagram4<SivaMachina> Ok hen. apperantly the emoji/sticker sticker selection can be in a seperate pane now04:45
floridagram4<SivaMachina> then*13:19
floridagram4<SivaMachina> Finally got my first system update for this phone. After having 5 months...14:57
floridagram4<AdamOutler> Seriously, what is wrong with your taste in font?15:02
floridagram4<AdamOutler> There is a ton of research in how to make highly legible fonts and you go and screw it all up.15:02
floridagram4<AdamOutler> The Oatmeal has a better font than that.15:03
floridagram4<AdamOutler> I'd choose comic sans over that font.15:03
floridagram4<SivaMachina> Better?15:13
floridagram4<KMyers> Much15:13
floridagram4<AdamOutler> Yes!15:27
floridagram4<AdamOutler> What device is that?15:28
floridagram4<SivaMachina> LG x power15:35
floridagram4Daniel Patino was added by: Daniel Patino18:22
floridagram4<Panzer_III> Hello all!18:25
floridagram4<KMyers> He found me... HELP!!!18:27
floridagram4<KMyers> Are you implying something @SivaMachina18:33
floridagram4<SivaMachina> What I am implying is no.18:33
floridagram4<KMyers> There are officially too many Daniels here18:34
floridagram4<SivaMachina> Two many18:34
floridagram4<KMyers> @AdamOutler18:35
floridagram4<AdamOutler> Ok, now that's just overboard.   I want your cloud.19:22
floridagram4<KMyers> I know19:22
floridagram4<AdamOutler> Let me use your password?19:23
floridagram4<AdamOutler> Wtf?  Y u backing up the internet?20:08
floridagram4<ahoneybun> Need them in case people wants flash drives or DVDs burned20:27
floridagram4<AdamOutler> https://youtu.be/kk_kKSe0Iuw20:45
floridagram4<AdamOutler> It looks like my doorbell caught rain going upwards20:45

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