
shakes808in my news feed this morning, this band was being talked about:13:17
shakes808interesting, metal / jap pop ? haha13:17
cmaloneyYeah, Babymetal is pretty awesome13:22
shakes808yeah, love the music.  reminds me of the theme songs for animes13:26
rick_hthe boy this weekend: https://youtu.be/2JHvIDDdE3I?t=31814:57
rick_hloud kids violin if you're in the office :)14:57
* rick_h is annoying proud dad of the boy's months of music lessons15:23
rick_h"Only cost me $XXX! for that!"15:24
cmaloneyThe two-camera setup is quite cool15:24
rick_hyea, was fun to try out the cameras on video setup15:24
rick_hgo to about 30min mark :)15:24
cmaloneyI love his expression after the first piece15:24
rick_hwhere I learn that cameras only record 30min chunks15:25
cmaloneyand in Papyrus no less15:26
cmaloneySo what's recording the audio?15:26
rick_hH4N I setup on a mini gorillapod under the first row benches15:27
rick_hhad three audio tracks, the H4N, a rode mini on the zoomed in camera, and then the native audio on the wide angle camera15:27
* cmaloney makes a mental note to hire rick_h for his sis-in-law's wedding15:27
rick_hlol, I need to get better at focus. The AF did a bit of hunting on and off15:28
rick_hI should do manual only15:28
cmaloneynext stop: PyOhio15:28
cmaloneyhi nlts15:35
NxnlaI'm considering wiping my Dell Alienware M17x R3 laptop and installing a distro of Linux.  Right now the laptop is running Windows 10 Pro 64bit, and the only issue I think it has is that the ethernet card is a qualcomm and is no longer supported with new drivers.  Should I be concerned that Linux won't install correctly, or have conflics with some of the internal hardware & configurations?15:42
cmaloneyyou can check it with a live "disc" to see if that works15:43
cmaloneyalso: can you point to where it says the qualcomm card will no longer be supported?15:44
NxnlaIs that like running linux from a usb thumbdrive?15:44
* cmaloney is still stuck on the idea of using a CDROM as a live "disc". ;)15:44
NxnlaI can't find it now...I had done some research on this a couple months ago and was seeing this "no longer supported" thing.  Still looking.15:48
=== nlts is now known as notlikethesoup
notlikethesoupman, i think the last literal live disc i made was... maybe ubuntu 11.04?15:53
notlikethesoupstarted using usb flash drives instead around then15:54
NxnlaOk, I take back the qualcomm thing.  Nevermind.  :)15:54
cmaloneyNo worries15:56
cmaloneyIt's usually odd to have hardware disappear unless the manufacturer is really moribund15:56
cmaloneyor no longer supplies drivers15:56
NxnlaI had it wrong too...it was an Atheros card...bought up by Qualcomm, but qualcomm doesn't offer drivers for it.  Said to contact the manufacturer of laptop...Dell.15:57
cmaloneyAh, Atheros15:57
cmaloneyso it's a laptop that no longer has drivers?15:58
NxnlaI was just looking to see if there was an updated driver.15:58
Nxnlalooks like I have it.  2013 date driver.  :|15:58
shakes808anyone play clash of clans that enjoys warring? :)18:04
rick_hheh, I had to uninstall and leave that far behind18:09
shakes808rick_h: haha gotcha.18:10
shakes808clan that I am in is a bunch of friends to minimalise the drama BS18:10
shakes808looking for a few more active people to give us a break, but we like to war non stop :)18:11
rick_hheh, I ended up spending $$ and realized it was a bit nuts18:12
* rick_h has a huge aversion to "in app purchases" ever since heh18:12
shakes808rick_h: with android phones  you can do survey's to get google money and work your way up to just using that :)18:18
cmaloneyyeah, that's how JoDee pays for Archer episodes18:20
shakes808Archer == AMAZING!!!!18:21
shakes808I need to catch up on those ( Netflix )18:21
shakes808... 818:22
shakes808... 818:22
shakes808... 818:22
shakes808... 8!!!!18:22
shakes808you are dropping the bass? HAHA18:23
shakes808disturb the peace :)18:24
shakes808this band is pretty good:19:06
jrwrenwell they can definitely play. this sounds great.19:07
shakes808all bassists and a drummer19:10
shakes808 :)19:10
* shakes808 misses playing bass19:10
jrwrendo you still have one?19:11
shakes808i think i have a bass left. it is at my buddy's house for the past 5 ish years haha :(19:12
shakes808i have two acoustic guitars19:12
shakes808looking to pick up the fretless dean acoustic - electric bass19:13

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