
=== Xethron_ is now known as Xethron
inetprobushtech_: welcome back17:57
inetprohaven't seen you for a long time, how are you doing?17:57
inetprofp = first post17:58
inetprotypically posted right after midnight as the first posting for the day17:58
bushtech_ah ok understood17:59
inetproso quiet in here that fp is still valid at 17:4417:59
bushtech_doing great, got a bit more bandwidth which helps a lot18:00
bushtech_how you doing?18:00
inetproall good thanks18:00
bushtech_don't see kilos, does he still drop in?18:01
inetprohe was here yesterday18:08
inetprohe is struggling with connectivity though18:08
inetpro05/15 13:48:34 <Kilos> 3g bad in this area on a farm18:09
inetpro05/15 13:49:05 <Kilos> well, 2g actually18:09
inetpronot sure where he is now but I think still somewhere around Rustenburg area18:10
bushtech_Ah, I thought he was still on Oz18:12
inetpronope, poor dude he's been back a long time already now18:27

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